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September 19, 2002

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LAFAYE'I'rE-NICOLLET LEDGERSeptember 19, 2002, Page 2amNotes from the editor's desk by Ruth Klossncr To say that last Thursday was not a good day at the Ledger officewould be a gross understatement. From the first message on the answeringmachine, before I even got to work, to the last call before I evacuated theoffice in mid-afternoon, things were on the downslide. As virtually all ofi you know, in my haste to get the paper Off to press first thing Wednesday• morning, I made a huge error in reporting the results of the sheriffs race,i reversing the names of two candidates. I had first intended to tab the names: in, listing the first and second place f'mishers on the top line, and the thirdand fourth on the second line. After typing the names, I changed my mind,deciding instead to put the top two in the left "column." I copied the votetotals correctly, but failed to change the names to go with the numbers. Iknow that's no excuse, but that's what happened. We, at the Ledger, take pride in putting out an accurate newspaper and we failed to do that last week. That doesn't sit well with us. Making that kind of a mistake made me very disgusted with myself and had me in a bad mood the rest of the week. All I can do is apologize for the mistake and try harder not to let anything like it happen again. And "when it rains, it pours." For good measure, we goofed up on a i couple of other things, too. Again, our apologies. One of our readers also questioned why we didn't have photos of the winning sheriff's candidates in the paper last week, noting that "other ,papers did." Considering that we had just published photos of all candi- dates the week before, we didn't feel it was necessary. It's also something i that the Ledger has not done in the past.We go to press by 9:00 a.m. Wednesday morning. Consequently, Deband I try to have the entire paper finished before we go home Tuesdayi afternoon (or evening, if need be). There's not enough time between 8:00iand 9:00 a.m. to do much more than check the email and fax, add a fewlast minute details, check for last minute obituaries, and get the paper senti off. Surely not enough time to do much changing on the front page.: And, just for the record, I checked five area weekly newspapers thati come out Thursday. Yes, two pictured successful sheriff candidates in thei coverage. One listed results only, but the other two didn't even mention mary election at all. Evidently they'll include it this week. Hymns for the over 50 crowd l."Just A 'Slower' Walk With Thee" 2. "It Is Well With My Soul", But My Knees Hurt 3. "Nobody Knows The Trouble I 'Have Seeing'"4. "Precious Lord, Take My Hand," And Help Me"Count Your Many 'Birthdays', Count Them One By One" 6. "Go Tell It On A Mountain", But Speak Up 7. "Give Me The Old Timers' Religion" 8. "Blessed 'Insurance'" 9. "Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah", I've Forgotten Where I've Parked The Car Nicollet Public e • Monday, Sept. 2,3~ausage pizza, rice pilaf, carrots, !/2 ~Dple, bread and milk. , Tuesday, Sept. 24l]h'eaded fish nuggets, mac-n-cheese,~le slaw, peaches, bread and milk. b Wednesday, Sept. 25l~alian dunkers cheese bread/meat sauce,I~tuce salad w/dressings, ice cream treat,and milk. "nmrsday, Sept. 26" ~ub sandwich---ham/turkey/cheese/let- tuce/pickles/onion, macaroni salad, chocolate chip cookie, bread and milk. Friday, Sept. 27~[~maburger gravy over mashed potatoes,en bean casserole, vanilla pudding,and milk. Lafayette Charter Monday, Sept. 23(~eese ptzza, veg., fruit, and bread. Tuesday, Sept. 24~hicken nuggets, tater tots, fruit, and ~" Wednesday, Sept. 25~rkey and ham sub, and veg., gogert Thursday, Sept. 26 shell taco, veg., fi'ait, and bread. Friday, Sept. 27 ~blet sandwich, potato wedge, and fruit. ¢ MVL Hugh Monday, SepL 23 ~or soft shell tacos, Spanish rice, let-tiice salad w/dressings, peach chunks, and~dlk choices. Tuesday, SepL 24~thaved turkey on a kaiser bun, greenI~ns, pineapple tidbits, jello mix, and• ~ilk choices. Wednesday, Sept. 25I~asagna, garlic bread stick, cookede~trrots, chilled pear chunks, and milk~oices.% Thursday, SepL 2,6 ~eatball pr cold meat sub, tater tots, freshfn~t, hon~ad¢ cake, and milk choices. FridlJy, SepL 2'7 French toast sticks w/syrup, hash~wns, applesauce, and milk choices. lSD #88 ,left. & Wash. Monday, SepL 23Chicken patty on a bun or BBQ on abun, seasoned green beans, fruit juice, and milk choices. ~y, Sept. 24 ~on abun or pigs in a blma- ket, tri-taters, bananas, and milk choices. Wednesday, Sept. 25 Beef tacos or burrito, lettuceJcheese fix- ings, white rice, applesauce, and milk choices. Thursday, Sept. 26 Cheese pizza or tater tot hotdish, gold- en corn, diced pears, bread, and milk choices. Friday, SepL 27 Footlong on a bun or lasagna w/soft bread.sack, sauerkraut/campfire beans,- mandarin oranges, chocolate chip cook- ie, and milk choices. ISD #a0 Secondary Monday, Sept. 23 Pigs in a blanket or hamburger on a bun, crispy french fries, diced peaches, and milk choices. Tuesday, Sept. 24 Chicken Parmesan on'a Iron or salad bar, seasoned corn, chilled pears, and milk choices. Wednesday, Sept. 25 Beef or chicken tacos or beef-n-bumto. lettuce/cheese fixings, white dee, fresh orange, and milk choices. Thursday, SepL 26Turkey in gravy or Caesar salad, whipped potatoes, fruit salad, dinner roll, and milk choiees. Friday, Sept. 27. Cheese bread dunkers or shaved ham on a bun, Italian sauce, cauliflower/twtxx~i mix, applesauce, peanut butter bar. and milk choices. Congratulations to Astyn Bjork- 100 Years Ago Both of the cars were banged up became the bride of Floyd Doncet of lund, homecoming queen candidate, September20, 1902 quiteabit. Nicollet, son of Mrs. Catharine and her sister, Holly Bjorklund, aMr. and Mrs. And. Koehler are Fire completely destroyed five Doucet of SL Peter. sophom*ore class attendant at Sibleyhappy over a baby girl which arrived buildings on the A.M Olson farm in Miss Mabel Frey, daughter of East High School. They are daugh-Friday evening. New Sweden Township early Friday Mr. and Mrs. MJ. Frey of St. Paul, ter's of Wayne and Theresa Bjork-Jack Frost has damaged the corn morning with a loss of several thou- former residents of Nicollet, has luud. Also to Sam Eckberg who is aconsiderably in this vicinity, sand dollars. The buildings lost were joined the faculty of the school of junior class attendant. Sam is theMiss Louise Anderson is quite a barn, machine shed, corn crib, and dramatic arts and speech at the son of Paul and Connie Eckberg.sick with typhoid fever, two granaries. All the machinery, College of St. Catherine in St. Paul They are all from the New SwedenThe Nicollet Bank is expected to 1500 bushels of grain, 700 bushels of this month, opened for business by October 1. corn and the barn full of hay were Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Menk of Get well wishes to LaVonneWord reached here Monday that also lost. Granby Township are now full- Olsen who had knee surgery thisMrs. H.A. Blank of Springfield has Sunday afternoon at the Nicollet fledged Nicolletites, having moved past week.died at the home of her mother at St. Lutheran Church occurred the mar- in and taken possession of the place Lloyd and Elaine ZimmermanPaul. Cause of her death was con- riage of Miss Anna Dallmann,which they purchased of Carl Netzke attended their all-school reunion atsumption, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert on Fifth Street. LeCenter Saturday night.Quite a number of families have Dallmann of Nicollet Township and RJ. Dauffenbach, manager of the An addendum to the 50th wed-changed residences lately. Val. Herman HolzofMomsonCounty. Nicollet opera house, has had the ding anniversary of Carl and LoisKarpen with his family occupy the Harold Gerth became suddenly ill dance hall completely remodeled Annexstad. A buffet at GustavusHackerott house, James Stickney and Wednesday night and was rushed to and it will be in first class shape for College was attended by 50. Amongfamily the McPhail house, Christ the Union Hospital at New UIm the opening dance which will be them were a few of their atten-Krohn and family the Zins house, where he was operated upon imme- September 22. dants--Sally Taylor, Joy Struck,J.W. Reynolds and family the diately upon his arrival for a severe Miss Elfrieda Engel has complet- Ruth Berg, Glenn Annexstad, andHoeper house, and Prof. and Mrs. case of appendicitis, ed a secretarial course at the Willis Anthony. A program of remi-Kellogg the Nelson house. Mrs. Wm. Engel was operated Minneapolis Business College and is niscing was held with daughterA woman (not far from here)upon Thursday morning at the New now employed at Redwood Falls. Heidi Peterson as emcee. Visitorscured her husband of staying out late Ulm hospital for gall Madder trouble from Canada and area relatives andnights by going to the door when he that had made inroads upon her 50 years Ago friends were guests.came home and whispered through health. September 20, 1952 A birthday dinner was held atthe keyhole, "Is it you, Willie?" Her Miss Irma McCargar, daughter of Mrs. Fred Kastens observed her the home of Maurice and Margarethusbands name is John, and now he Mrs. George McCargar, was the 70th birthday anniversary Thurs- Noreli August 21 for Margaret'sstays home every night and sleeps recipient of a delightful shower one day, September 11. birthday. Helping her celebrate werewith one eye open and a revolver evening last week, when a party of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mettler of Carol Tostenson, Don and Laurieunder his pillow, friends pleasantly surprised her. North Mankato are the parents of aMany old citizens in St. Peterand Fred Lippmann, Nicollet son, born September 11. Mrs.Nicollet County will be pained to County's winner in the Pig Club Mettler was formerly Elaine Dorn oflearn of the death of Benjamin Contest, showed his pig at the State Nicollet.Rogers, probate judge of this county, Fair last week. His pig was awarded Mrs. Robert Heidemann is thewhich occurred at his home in St. fifth place at the Poland China class substitute clerk at the Nicollet PostPeter Tuesday. and he also had the honor of having Office since Monday. Marlin Bode the eighth best pig. is still the regular clerk. 80 Years Ago The eight-month-old child of Mr. A number of ladies helped Lorna September 18, 1922 and Mrs. A.H. Meyer was severely Dallman celebrate her birthdayA bad accident occurred on the Ixa'ned with hot coffee while visiting Saturday.Hebron-Mankato road corner yester- at the Rud. Meyer home Tuesday. A daughter was born to Mr. andday morning when a Ford driven by Mrs. Fred J. Bruns Wednesday,Mrs. Ge . Stevens and a car driven 65 Years Ago September 17 at the Union Hospitalby George Peterson met in aSeptember 18, 1937 in New Ulm.collision while rounding the corner. A pretty autumn wedding tookMrs. James Stevenson, Mrs.Mr. Peterson and J.L. Hendley, an place at St. Peter's Catholic Church Elmer Gleason, Mrs. Willard Glen-occupant of the Stevens car, were in St. Peter September 14, when son, and Mrs. Edward Mogensonboth quite badly bruised about the Miss Beulah Bartlett, daughter of were hostesses at a bridal shower forhead and possibly injured internally. Mr. and Mrs. Linden Bartlett, Miss Rosalie Johnson. 8S Ymrs lS, r J.r'r ' Funeral services for Mrs. LarsBode took place at Bernadette Sun-day afternoon. Mrs. John Sandberg's residence, near the New Sweden Store, was completely burned Monday. ° The Bernadette Band won first honors at a band tournament at the Sibley County Fair last week. 65 Years Ago September 18, 1937 Bids will be opened September24 for the grading and paving oftrunk highway 14 from Command toNew Ulm. When this seven-milestretch is completed, there will be less than 25 miles of unpaved roads between New Ulm and New York by the most direct route. The Minnesota Valley Burial Association of New Ulm has pur- chased the modem brick home and two lots owned by Dr. J.H. Vogel across from the New Ulm Armory. The large residence will be remod- eled for use as a funeral home. Virtually the entire back page of the Ledger was devoted to a story and photographs about the Harkin Store at West Newton, closed 40 years earlier with stock still on the shelves. Rudolph Massopust dosed the store on the day that his father- in-law, Alexander Harkin---then owner of the store----died. Masso- pust intends that the store shall remain untouched as a silent, but effective, memorial to his pioneer father-in-law. 50 Years Ago September 19, 1952 Mr. Edward Lund and Mr. Wal- fred J. Lund have verbally declared to Lafayette approximately 10 acresof land for the purpose of the villageto establish and maintain a recre-ation park and baseball diamond. Several little playmates helped Duan¢ l~tterson, son of Mr. andlet, anmmnc~ her enga~ment to Mrs. P"~n, celebrate hisMike Masessa, son of Jane Masessasixth birthday, of Proctor and Mike Masessa of Duluth. An October 17 wedding is 40 Years Ago planned. September 21, 1962 Richard LeGare, 64, of NewA 21-year-old rural New UlmUlm, formerly of rural Lafayette,youth, Andrew Beranek, was killed was run over by a tractor he wasin a one car accident five miles repairing on his son's farm Sepema-south of Gibbon Saturday afternoon, ber 10. LeGare was injured whenBernadette Township farmer the re, wheel of the tractor ran overRaymond C. Johnson, Sr., was his lower torso and extremities. Heinjured when he fell from the barn was taken by Lafayette Ambulancehe was shingling on his farm Men- to Sioux Valley Hospital and wasday. later transferred to Hennepin CountyJ. Edwin Youngblom Medical Center.they are drilling a new well on his A fire on the Myron Becketfarm. When they were over 200 feet property, just off Highway 111 anddown they stuck wood. Cotmty Road 5 destroyed a hog barnCaravans of buses from all cot- and 32 sows and pigs, causing anhers of Minnesota will converge at estimated $50,000 in damage.the Minnesota State Fairgrounds inSt. Paul October 6 to welcome Pres- 5 Years Agoident John F. Kennedy in his first September 18, 1997appearance as president in Minneso- Leo Maidi of Lafayette is ata. Kennedy will address the 1962 recipient of the Century FarmDFL's Rally for Victory and Bean Award. His grandpa, Matthias, pur-Feed in the fairgrounds grandstand, chased the land for $9.00-$10.00 an25 Yem, s AgoSepteml 15, 1977The Western Mounted Paraders,all-Palomino saddle club, tookchampionships in both the precisiondrill team and square dance compe-titions at the state fair. Stan Hanson and Dick Pengilly, both of Lafa- yette, are drillmaster and square dance callers, ~tively, for the club. About 20 former neighbors of George Lind gathered at his home in Lafayette for a housewarming Friday evening. Whist was played with prizes going to Viola Flygare,• Delores Petterson, Carl Malmberg, and Dan Johnson. 10 Years Ago • Septeml r 17, 1992 Becky Freitag, daughter ofSonny and Sharon Freitag of Nicol-acre and now the same land goesfor $1,800-$2,450.00 an acre.Ewald Brey has been the hired manon the Maidl farm for the past 34 years. Amy Hagberg and Troy Martin were united in marriage May 24 at First Lutheran Church in Lafayette. Michael and Bonnie Webster are proud to announce the birth of their son, Lee Michael, horn September9, 1997 at .the New Lqm MedicalCenter. Jessica Beckendorf, a student atNicoUet Public School, was select-ed as one of the 13 winners in theannual energy safety calendar con-test sponsored by Northern StatesPower Company (NSP). Jessicareceived one share of NSP stock,tickets to Camp Snoopy and Under-water Word, plus a variety of gifts. Get well wishes go to AlvinHavemeier of New Ulm and former-ly of Courtland. He fell at his homeFriday and fractured his hip. He is atthe New Ulm Medical Center Hos-pital. Elton Bode has moved into the assisted living center at Oak Hills in New Ulm. Dennis and Oradell Bruns of St. Peter will celebrate their 50th anniversary September 22. They are having an open house reception from 2:00-5:00 p.m., at Johnson Hall at the Nicollet County Fair- grounds. The couple is very well known in the Courdand area. Get well wishes go to George Studunann. He is still doctoring for his heart problems. Get well soon George. We all miss you. This week's birthday wishes go Laf. Study Club to meet September 24 The Lafayette-Study Club willmeet Tuesday, September 24 at7:30 p.m. Hostess will be DarleneLokensgard. Harvest moon festival at Fort Ridgely Satm'daY The Friends of Fort Ridgely will sponsor a night of fun events to coincide with the full moon Saturday (September 21). Activi- ties at the park are planned for all members of the family--moon- light horse drawn wagon ride, bon fire, sing-a-long, the story of the park told by lantern light, "Nite Lite" golf, and refresh- ments. All activities begin at 7:30. Bring your own lawn chair or blanket to enjoy the natural light of the Harvest moon. There is no charge but dona-tions will be accepted. A statepark vehicle permit is required toenter the park.Tenant/landlordinformation available First Call For Helps through-out Minnesota maintains astatewide database of helpingservices including health, humanservice, government and localcommunity services. Around24,000 different "helping" ser-vices are at the fingertips oftrained information and referralspecialists who can be reached 24Webster, and Gilbert and[ Stuedemann. Our sincere s: family of Eugene Con]o.. Sunday was Paigee Girl of Winthrop Hendrycks see grandparents Earl undl. Don and Laurie Web ted Laurie's 50th classCannon Falls last weekend- Carl and Lois last weekend in St. attending Carl's Navy Frank Evans reunion. Don and laurie ed the art show of Stone House Coffee Shop ber 6. There was a wine reception Friday afwxn_o ,,,. Part of Margaret was home for her birthday August 25. They were Jill Norell and family, Joan Wolf and family Noreli. The remainder came later. Don and ed the 70th birthday (Bud) Chrest recently. Don and Laurie labor Day weekend Judy Blaha in Siren, to Dave Drill, Debra Voges, Jessi Woller, moen, Jeanne Pettis,lister, JamesPaula Harder,Ricky Folsom, Taylorda VerCauteren,Shawn Ostermann, and special George Voges Anniversary and Mrs. David Mrs. Don Schroeder, Gary Zimanski, las Harris, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Jt and Mrs. Steve L¢¢, Mark Voges, Mr. Arndt, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. wishes to Mr. and Bode. Best wishes W hours day at One of the resources First Call For is Hotline. Anywho has a questiona tenant can call3546 for informationAnother resource forlandlords is theLine sponsoredand Tenant612-341-9003. otherexist for landlcone who has questionsdaily life issues such grou , fina d rag, transportation, counseling, and To find out more Call For Help at 1 Arts High Schoolopen house The Parpichcation--Am High an informational September 21 atsession will allowdents andmeet with schoollearn more about theSchool which is a publ delivering anfree, education 11th and 12th statewide andacceptnd rote thewide variety of artislic,cultural • For more informatilcall the Admission:(763) 591-4710, Ior www.pcae.k 12.ran.US.LAFAYETTENICOLLET)Ledger Publishing Company 631 Main, P.O. Box 212, Lafayette, MN 56054 Phone: 507-228-8985 • Fax: 507-228-8779 • Cell: 507-240-0048 Office Hours: 9:00 to 5:00, Monday & Tuesday; 9:00 to noon, Thursday---Fdday (Other timesby chance)POSTMASTER: Send ~ changes t~: Leager, P.O. Box 212, L~. MN 56064Douglas W. Hanson, PublisherRuth Klossner, Managing Editor Deb Maidl ........................................................ Receptionist, CompositionHeather Hotovec ..................... • ......................................................... WriterDarlene Bode ................................................. Advertising RepresentativeMadene Marti ............................................................................ DarkroomJerome Weisensel ........................................................................... DriverfSUBSCRIPTION RATES(Yeady)In Minnesota ....... $29.00Out-of-State ........ $34.00Single Copy .............. 75¢Published every .Tl~u. rsday in Lafayette, icoilet Cbunty, Minnesota. Periodical postage paid in Lafayette, Minnesota.Deadline for Lafayette.NicolletLedger display advertising, 10:00a.m. Tuesday; for classified adver-tising, noon Friday. Deadline fornews copy, 10:00 a.m. Tuesday.Mary BRrs, 507-359-2526, ~C(T~Martyn Oknanso~ 507-246.5015 Norsebrd-New Swsden NewsMinnesota Newspaper Association Awards Recognizing excellence in the field of joumalism 2002 1st Place Advertising E.xcel~ence 1999 Hen. Mention,a.~l ~:L'~p,~ 2002 2rid Ptace General Excellence 1998 1 St Place 2002 2rid Place Sports Reporting 1997 2rid Place 2002 2rid Place News Photo 1997 2rid Place 2002 2rid Ptace Sports Photo 1997 2ncl Place 2001 I st Place Sports Reporlmg 1997 I-kin. ~'~0~ 2001 2rid Place Portreit a ~ ~ 1996 1st Place 2000 1 st Place ~1 Repor~ng 1995 1 st • 1867 2000 1st Place News Photography 1995 1st Place 2000 1st Place Loc~ News Story 1994 1st Place Active 2ooo 2nd Place Human Interest Feature 1994 1st place 2000 2nd Place News Photo 1993 2nd Place Member 1999 1st Place News Photography 1992 1st Place 1999 1st Place Sports Photography 1992 ~d Place 1999 2nd Place Adverlising Excellence 1991 1st Place Best Ger. 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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.