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November 21, 2002

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LAFAYETTE-NICOLLET LEDGERNovember 21, 2002, Page 2Wa ilitinNotes from the editor's desk by Ruth Klossncr Now it's on to'the Prep Bowl for the Nicollet Raiders! A convincing 38-16 win over Stephen-Argyle last week Thursday propels the undefeat- ed Raiders into Saturday's state championship game. There it will be a battle of the unbeatens with the Raiders facing the Vemdale Pirates, now 12-0 on the season. Like the Raiders, Verndale whipped its opponents pretty solidly all season and had a few closer games in the playoffs. No matter how you slice it, it should be a great game. The Raiders had a fantastic following at the Dome for last Thursday's game and the crowd this week likely will be even bigger; with the game being on a Saturday. Let's all support the team as it tries to capture it's first state championship. This is a team that's already done something that's almost unheard of in football...winning 40 games in four years. With only an eight-game regular season schedule, that means making the playoffs regularly---and getting some wins at that level to even have a crack at that number. While some of this year's players had set 40 as their goal four years ago, they'd like to up that now. How about 41??? That would be sweet. Good luck, Raiders, we'll be there for you. rwr As they've done so often in recent years, the Raiders altered my vaca- tion plans again. I like to slip away for a few days in Branson each fall, between the fall and winter sports seasons. Since there is no in between seasons this year, I had to adjust my vacation to in between games. After last Thursday's game, I hurriedly fnished up the game report and photos and the salute on the back page, then took off Friday. I should be back before you even read this. And, no, I don't mind rescheduling my vaca- tion when it's for a good cause like a potential state championship! rwr With the football season extended for nearly a month, winter sports isa bit late getting started. When football is all done, I11 turn my thoughtsto basketball and wrestling and find out just what the coaches are doingabout those seasons. I'll try to report that next week. Kimbedy Ruth Wendlnger of "rural Gibbon has accepted member- ship in Golden Key International Honour Society and was individually honored during a campus ceremony November 10. Golden Key International HonourSociety is a non-profit, academichonors organization that provides,academic recognition, leadershipopportunities, community service,career networking, and scholarships. Jon Olson of New Ulm is amember of Bemidji State Universi-ty's First Year Residential Program(FYRE). Olson is a freshman inmusic education. FYRE is a volun-tary program providing traditional-aged new students with specializedlearning, advising and social oppor-tunities, helping make the transitionto college a little easier. The goal ofFYRE is to increase student learningand retention. FYRE students live in, The society has more than 300 one residence hall on campus and:chapters in the U.S., Puerto Rico, the have access to additional staff livingVirgin Islands, Australia, Canada, on FYRE floors to assist in resourceMalaysia, South Africa, and New .referral, support andtutoring. !'*,Z~, Meaubership into the soei, : ....... • • .;~ is ~ irwhation only to ~ ~'15 Four Nicor~t High Sehoolgradu- percent of juniors and seniors in all fields of study. Kimberly is the daughter of Don-ald and Karen Wendinger. She is ajunior at Minnesota State University,Mankato, majoring in athletic training. ates are among the 140,000 students included in the 25th annual edition ofThe National Dean's List, 2001-2002. They are Jacob Gappa, Dako-ta State university; Amy Hardel,Minnesota State University, Manka-to; Matthew VanThuyne, Universi-ty of Montana; and Marta Peters,College of Saint Scholastica. The listis the largest recognition programand publication in the nation honor-ing high achieving college students.Those listed are selected by their col-lege deans, registrars or honor soci-ety advisors and must be in the upper10 percent of their class, on thedean's list, or have earned a compara-ble honor. Katherine Gleason of Nicoilet has been accepted for admission at Bethany Lutheran College in Manka- to. Katherine is the daughter of Merl and Sally Gleason of Nicollet and a senior at Nicollet High School. Riverblenders tohost guest night The Mankato Riverblenders Bar- bershop Chorus will host a special guest night Tuesday, November 26, at their regular rehearsal in the band room at Loyola High School, 145 Good Counsel Drive, Mankato. All men interested in learning more about the Chorus and its program are invited to attend. The invitation is extended to all former and prospective members from high school to retirement in the Greater Mankato area--from Pem- berton to Gibbon, from Montgomery to Madelia, from Waseca to NewUlm. Guests will haven an opportu-nity to sing with the Chores and be apart of a great acapella singing com-munity organization. The rehearsal begin~ at 7:17 p.m. (yes, 7:17) and will end by 9:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served.Lafayette Study Clubto meet November 26 The Lafayette Study Club willmeet Tuesday, November 26 at7:30 p.m. Hostess will be DianneKuester. Book report is DeniseHarting and magazine article is byMarie Carlson. Roll call to bring acranberry recipe for Thanksgiving. 85 Years Ago November 17, 1917 Curtis Eckstrom of St. Peter was killed while working on the county ditch in New Sweden Township Sat- urday. Julius Johnson, son of Mrs. A. P. Abraham of New Sweden, was killed in an auto accident Friday. John Clobes of Bernadette has sold his 240 acre farm for $128 per acre. He will move to New Uhn. A daughter was born to Mr. andMrs. Joe Volz November 14. Emil Abrahamson has bought a Ford Roadster. John Skatt went to Minneapolisto attend the funeral of the 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JohnAnderson. The fu'st program given under the auspices of "Everybody's Club" was held at the hall Friday.65 Years AgoNovember 19, 1937The Methodist Men held theirannual "Gub Fest" on the evening ofThanksgiving Day. A pump house and garage was destroyed by fu'e Wednesday on the Walter Karstad farm. Robert Youngquist and daughter Mrs. Hilda Martin left for Waco,Texas. Andrew Bonderson, 92, of Wal- nut Grove passed away. Stanley Jutz of near Klossner isrecovering at a St. Peter Hospital fol-lowing an auto accident a couple ofweeks ago. Kenton Malmberg returned lastweek from a five weeks trip to Ponti-ac, Michigan and Rockford, Illinois,where he went in quest of employ-ment.50 Years AgoNovember 21, 1952Four local deer hunters returnedhome Monday evening with threedeer, two bucks and one doe. Thehunters were Levem Carlson, Ker- mit Sjogren and Lester and Richard Vanderwerf. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Neidecker are the new parents of a son born November 15. Mr. and Mrs: Narve Nelson werehonored guests at a posmuptialshower given by the members of theSwan Lake Lutheran Church held inthe church parlors Friday.40 Years AgoNovember 23, 1962Reinhold Gieseke was the win-ner of a steak dinner awarded by Pop& Pete's Bowl & Eat for the firstman league bowler to roll a 600 ormore three-game series at the bowl-ing center. Gieseke scored 610 in theSaturday night couples league. A barn, lean-to, two sows, somelittle pigs, 3000 bales of alfalfa and1500 bales of straw were destroyedby fire on the Orville Swenson farmearly Wednesday. Lafayette andWinthrop fu-emen could not save thestructure but prevented other build-ings from catching fire. Dan Penkert of Lafayette, presi- dent of the Winthrop Student Coun- cil, will be one of three student speakers at the coming Minnesota School Board Convention in Janu- ary. Penkert will be on a panel that will discuss the effectiveness of stu- dent councils. Wallace L. Larson of Nicollet recently enlisted in the regular Army and has been selected for a three year enlistment in the Amay Security Agency. 25 Years Ago November 17, 1977 Suzanne Compart has won theCentury III Leaders Scholarshipcompetition at Nicollet High Schooland is now eligible to compete withother high school seniors from Min-nesota for one of two $1,000 schol-arships. Brian Martens of Lafayette was one of 801 FFA members to receive100 Years Ago east of Nicollet Village Tuesday,November22,,1902 November 28. A.S. Dorn ofM.W. Burg had a shingling-beeMankato will cry the sale and C. M.Wednesday. The building for storing Hanscome will clerk.away his threshing machines is near- Through the efforts of Bernardly completed. Swenson, son of RepresentativeDeputy Sheriff Aug. Olson wasOscar A. Swenson, 1 5 Nicolletin town Wednesday subpoenaingCounty farmers were fortunate injurors for the November term of dis- getting their cattle tested for tubercu-trict court, losis this week by a representative ofMr. and Mrs. Wm. Witty are the the Minnesota Livestock Sanitaryhappy parents of a baby girl born Board. Veterinarians on the staff ofSunday. the Sanitary Board are booked aheadMr. and Mrs. Louis Wills are for a year and are unable to answerhappy over the arrival of a baby boy requests from farmers tbr cattle test-Saturday. ing at this time. Mr. Swenson got aFred. Block of LeSueur Countyman into the county, Dr. Johnhas taken possesion of the Anderson Pooley, to do the work and will befarm, which he bought a couple of finished next v~eek.months ago. Earl Seide and Jerome Ritz ofMiss Emma Poncin, who wasthe Nicollet and Earl Hanson ofguest of Mrs. M.W. Burg for some Belgrade Township with their "babytime, returned home Monday. beef" prize winners left Tuesday forMiss Grace Doty of Courtland South St. Paul, where they will rep-was here Tuesday visiting friends, resent Nicoilet County in the fifthM, Frey of St. Peter came up annual Junior Live Stock show.Wednesday to remain with his son's The following from this vicinityfamily for some time. Mr. Frey is attended the wedding of Miss Sophiequite sick with bronchitis and asth- Friedrich, daughter of Mr. and Carl Friedrich and George Arends atQuite a large number of people Morgan Thursday of last week: Mr.were present last evening at the and Mrs. A.F. Blank, Mr. and Mrs.donation social, given in honor of F.L. Oslund, Paul Dallmann andRev. and M~. Allen at the home of family, William Wels, Arthur,Mr. andMrs. C.R. Wei|er. Robert, Walter and ReinhartJohn Erickson of Bernadette had Schroexler.the misfortune Tuesday to have his Mrs. Herman Grams of this vii-right hand badly crushed in a corn lage was stricken with partial paraly-shredder, sis at her home Sunday. Her daugh-On Friday morning of last week ters Mrs. P.M. Honeywell ofoccurred the death of Mrs. H.C. Minneapolis and Mrs. Frank PortnerMueller of Courtland Township. She of New Ulm were called to her bed-leaves a husband and seven children mourn her loss. Mrs. Wegner, wife of Prof. R.C. Wegner at Old Nicollet, became sud-80Years Ago denly ill last Wednesday and wasNovember 19, 1922 rushed to the Union Hospital at NewKranz Bros. will hold an auction UIm the same night where she wassale of a large list of personal proper- operated upon for a severe case ofty at the old Brown farm, 3-1/2 miles appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Comparts Magnesson', and thethe American Farmer Degree during became great-grandparents again Jackie Rodning, andthe 50th National Convention of the November 9 when their grandson Pearl Magnesson. SueFuture Farmers of American. Nick Zuelhke and Stacy Evenson the emcee. Heidi Rodning 1Nicollet volleyball players Lois had a son. Troy David. Compart's ten a story about "MyRengstorf and Deb Mettler were other grandson, Keith Zuelhke, staff Patrick." Hostessesnamed to the Valley All-conference Sgt. in the Air Force is now serving Schott, MarjorieTeam. in the far cast. Please keep them in Rodning, Louis Rodning,Glenys Gieseke become the bride your prayers. Rodning, Corrineof William Zins in a ceremony at the What a great day Sunday for Earl Rodning. Heather andhome of the bride's parents at rural and Lola Freundl. They had compa- ning are planning aNew UIm. ny for tea (not Earl) twice. Connie wedding at Mount Olive in Schueur had tea in the afternoon neapolis. 10YearsAgo and their granddaughter, VanaCongratulation to November 20, 1992 Hendrycks of Minneapolis in the Karen CurrierGary Hulke was named Co-op early evening, of their son Monday,Oil AssistantManagerattheNicollet On Monday, Buck Reies a Get well wishes toCo-op. friend from St. Peter and a long ago Bauer who had appendixWeber Mug 'n' Jug celebrated its neighbor, came to visit Earl and November10th anniversary of business in Lola Freundl for a talk and coffee. Gladys Anderson, DuaneNicollet. A happy belated birthday to son, Veronica Battig,Lafayette Firemen's Dance will Marjean Hendrycks. gler, Loren Erickson, Jamesbe held November 21 at Gibbon Congratulations to Judy Hanson Fran Braunger, ClemBallroom. and Howard Swenson in the elec- Helen Pettis, Marian Pyan,Michele Wels was named Stu- tion. Warning, Karl Klein,dent of the Month at Nicollet High A bridal shower was held for land, Edna Swenson,School. Heather Magnesson November 9 at Joseph Dobie, LloydBernadette Lutheran Church the Scandian Grove Lutheran garet Galles, Ellen Marso,gives the harvest away. The 20-plus Church. Honored guest were the Hayer Jr., Louise Rodning,tillable acres are put aside for the bride-to-be, brides mother Jane Shirley of seminary education thisyear. 5 Years Ago November 20, 1997At a special meeting Tuesday,the Lafayette City Council acceptedthe resignation of city clerk DonnaWieland and agreed to settle a law- Our sympathy to the family ofhappy Thanksgiving.suit from councilwoman Dorelle Michael Drill of Belle Plaine. eling--have a safeMalmberg. Michael passed away at his home extra time for bad weather.Bob Webster, board president of November 14 from cancer. He is sur- time of year again.United Farmers Cooperative,rived by his wife, two daughters and This week's birthdayannounced that the Cooperative's parents Richard and Pearl Drill of Katie Neigebauer, ErniBoard of Directors has named Amy Courtland. Gloria Fitzner, JacobHempstead as the new General Man- Congratulations go to the Nicol- Kelsey Neigebauer, Johllager of the Cooperative. Amy will let Raiders football team on their win Kathy Gregg,succeed long time General Manager, over Stephen-Argyle at the Metro- Kim Berg, DiannaArnie Berdan. dome Thursday. They play again Hulke, Mark Krueger,Melissa Michelle Haase and Saturday, November 23 at 8:00 a.m. Johnson.Brian Dean Steffensmeier were Good luck players. We know you Anniversary wishes gomarried October 11, 1997 at Trinity can do it! and Mrs. Todd Hulke,/dr.Lutheran Church in Blue Earth by Get well wishes go to Margo Bill Arthur, Mr. andPastor Clark Cary. Bode who had back surgery Monday son, Mr. and Mrs in the Cities. Get well soon Margo. and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foh°m" ~ We hope you all have a very wishes to all of you.65 Years AgoNovember 20, 1937The sad passing of ClarenceSpiess has cast a pall of sorrow overthis community and is a hard blow tohis wife and children. His deathoccurred at the Nicollet HospitalFriday. A pretty wedding was solem- nized at Trinity Lutheran Church in Nicollet November 14 when Miss Ardella Krohn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krohn, became the bride of Herbert Engel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Engel of Nicollet Township. Lois Berger of Klossner has been awarded a handsome gold medal for the record she submitted in the national 4-H canning contest. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Campaigning was worth it St. Peter, MN resort, not the first thing t Letter to the Editor; comes to mind.The election results are a week Every minute ofold and I believe that we are going was worth it to know thatto see some of the changes in gov- will come about. I truly elernment I wished from my cam-meeting you at the fairs,paign. We didn't win, but it was a and on your doorsteps""cliff-hanger," giving a strong thanks! One of mymessage. We want Woman's Right Mankato said, "Thisto Know, we want to repeal.the back our country's souProfile of Learning, we want to bless America! Julieban partial birth abortion and wewant tax raises only as the last State SHenry at the local hospital Friday.Miss Hazel Stolz of Nicollet, edi- Nicollet Publictor of the high school page in the Monday, Nov. 25Leader last year and class valedicto- Brunch for lunch--french toast sticks,rian, is a freshman at Macalester sausage links, carroffcelery sticks, peachCollege, St. Paul, this year. cups, bread and milk. Tuesday, Nov. 26years Ago Sub sandwiches=-harn/turkey/cheese/November 19, 1952 lettuce/picklesJoniqn/tomatoes, chips,Mrs. Minnie Wilking, 98, one of chocolate chip cookie, bread and milk.the oldest residents in Nicollet Wed, Nov.27-Fri, Nov.29County, died at the Nicollet NoSchool. Hospital Tuesday. She had been illfor several years. Lafayette CharterMichael Peters. infant son of Mr. Monday, Nov. 25and Mrs. Peter Swenson, was bap- Pepperoni pizza, veg., fruit, and bread.tized November 9 by the Reverend Tuesday, Nov. 26Father Neudeckcr at Swan Lake Spaghetti w/meat sauce, veg., fruit, andChurch. bread. Wed., Nov. 27-FrL, Nov. 29Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sering and No School.Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Prosch wereguests Monday at the Albert Prosch MVL Highhome where they helped GustavProsch celebrate his birthday. Monday, Nov. 25Irvin Wills was honored on his Hamburger on a bun w/fixings, cheese slice, tater tots, peach chunks, and milk15th birthday Sunday when a large choices.number of relatives and friends Tuesday, Nov. 26came to help him celebrate the Mexican bumto or beefy cheese nachos,occasion, tortilla chips w/salsa, lettuce saladw/dressing~, pineapple tidbits,choic~,'ed,, Nov. 27.Fri., Nov. ~No School.ISD #88 dell. & W h"Chicke~ nt~ sandwich, macaromapplesauce, ,NovPeppemni pizza orwich, seasoned greenpeaches, 'Fruit by thech°ic ed., Nov. Z'/.I~rL, N~" :29No School. ISD#88 Mmlday, Nov.;French toast wl~ ~' on a bun, fruit juice, sauce, and milk choices- Tuesday, Nov. Deli sandwich or hot ham bun, scanop potato--,ch° ed., Nov. Z'/.Fr No .No School.LAFAYETTENICOLLETtLedger Publishing Company 631 Main, P.O. Box 212, Lafayette, MN 56054 Phone: 507-228-8985 • Fax: 507-228-8779 • Cell 507-240-0048 Office Hours: 9:00 to 5:00, Monday & Tuesday; 9:00 to noon, Thursday--Friday (Other times by chance)POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Ledger, P.O. Box 212, Lafayette, MN 56054Douglas W. Hanson, PublisherRuth Klossner, Managing Editor Deb Maidl. ...................................................... Receptionist, CompositionHeather Hotovec .............................................................................. WriterDadene Bode ................................................. Advertising RepresentativeMadene Marti ............................................................................ DarkroomJerome Weisensel ........................................................................... DriverSUBSCRIPTION RATES(Yearly)In Minnesota ....... $29.00Out-of-State ........ $34.00Single Copy .............. 75¢Published every Thursday in Lafayette,NicoUet County, Minnesota. Periodicalpostage paid in Lafayette, Minnesota.Deadline for Lafayette-NicolletLedger display advertising, 10:00a.m. Tuesday; for classified adver-tising, noon Friday. Deadline fornews copy, 10:00 a.m. Tuesday.j CORRESPOta:)ENTS:Mary Brans, 507-3S9-2S2S, CopyMadtyn Oltrmnson, 507-246-5015 Sweden New Minnesota Newspaper Association AwardsRecognizing excellence in the fieM of journalism20O21867 2000 20OOActive 2000 2OO0Member 1999199919991 st Place Advertising Excellence 1999 Hen. Mention2nd Place General Excellence 1998 I st Place2nd Place Sports Reporting 1997 2nd Place2nd Place News Photo 1997 2nd Place2nd Place Sports Photo 1997 2nd Place1 st Place Sports Reporting 1997 Hen. 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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.