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February 6, 1997

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Social NewsDancing for your pleasureStudents in the Nicollet Commt, nity Educationdance classes performed between games and at half-time of the Nicollet girts' I}asketball game last weekTuesday. I)ancing were the four and five year olds,tile first and second graders (shown here), thefourth and fifth graders, and the .junior highdancers. The classes are instructed by MindyO I1 m a n. Photo by Ruth KlossnerLedgerStudents to 'Jump Rope for Heart' For the second year, elemen-tary students at the Nicollet PublicSchool will take part in "JumpRope for Heart" Friday, February14. Students are currently collect-ing pledges for the event. Classes are forming teams offour students. Tim noon to 2:00p.m. program on February 14 willinclude an opening ceremony,timed jumping, demonstrations,prizes and a group jump.Church Announcements ThursdayFebruary 6, 1997Respect for you and respect for We in America are so blessedto live in a free country based onthe respect and dignity of all ourpeople. Yes, you and I live in acountry where we are free people FIRST LUTHERAN Lal'ayette Rev. Dan Cosson Thurs., Feb. 6:8:00 a.m. Women's Bible Study. Sat., Feb. 8:6:57 a.m. Men's Bible study. Sun., Feb. 9: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School; 10:45 a.m. Worship Service. ~cd., Feb. 10:6:00 p.m. 8th_ graile~6~firmat]on; 7:00 p.m. 9th grade C~nfirmation; 8:00 p.m. Choir. Thurs., Feb. 13" 8:00 a.m. Women's Bible Study. SWAN LAKE LUTHERAN Lal'ayette Rev. I)an Cosson Sun., Feb. 9:8:00 a.m. Wor-ship service. ST. GREGORY THE GREAT CATHOLIC CHURCH Lat'ayette Father James Moran Wed., Feb. 5:7:15 p.m. CCDclasses; 8:15 p.m. Choir. (LAF) Sat., Feb. 8:5:00 p.m. Mass(LAF) Sun., Feb. 9:9:00 a.m. Mass(STG); 10:30 a.m. Mass; 11:00 -1:00 p.m. CCW Circle 1 ValentineBrunch (LAF). Tues., Feb. ll: 8:00 p.m.Parish Pastorat Cot, nell in ParishCm}ter (STG) %Ved., Feb. 12:9:00 a.m. Massall{I Distribution of Ashes((;SAM); 5:30 p.m. Mass aFldDistribution of Ashes (LAF); 7:30pan. Mass and Distribution ofAshes (LAF)NO 7:15 p.m. CCDclasscs(LAF) NORSI'21.ANI) F,V. LUTlt. Rev. Craig A. Ferkenstad Thurs., Feb. 6:10:30 a.m.Bible study; 1:30 p.m. Ladies Aid. Sun., Feb. 9: 9:00 a.m.Sunday school; 10:30 a.m.Worshil}; 2:00 p.m. LYA. Wed., Feb. 12:4:30 p.m.Confirmation; 7:30 p.m. Lentenservices; 8:3(I p.m. Choir. NORWEGIAN GROVE LUTHERANRe,,. Craig A. FerkenstadSun., Feb. 9: 9:00 a.m.Worship services; 10:00 a.m.Sunday school; 2:00 p.m. LYA. Men., Feb. 10:7:30 BibleStudy. Wed., Feb. 12:4:30 p.m con-finnation; 6:30 Lenten services. Thurs., Feb. 13' 2:00 p.m.Ladies Aid. CHURCH OF ST. PAUL Nicollet Father William Bowles Sat., Feb. 8: 4:15 p.m.Reconciliation; 5:00 p.m. Mass. Sun., Feb. 9:8:30 a.m. Mass;10:00 a.m. Mass. Tues., Feb. 11:6:30 p.m. CubScouts; 7:30 p.m. Choir. Wed., Feb. 12:1:40 p.m.Religious Education K-4; 7:00p.m. Religious Education 5-11;7:10 p.m. Ash Wednesday Mass. APOSTOLIC CHRISTIAN Services at 10:30 a.m. andI:00 p.m. FAITH LUTHERAN NicolletGregory Jackson, PastorSun., Feb. 9:9:00 a.m.Worship; 10:00 a.m. SundaySchool. TRINITY EV. LUTH. Nicollet Rev. R. J. PolzinRev. J. F. UnnaschThurs., Feb. 6:2:00 p.m.Ladies Guild; 7:00 p.m. SundaySchool teachers meet. Fri., Feb. 7: 8:00 a.m.Children's Chapel. Sat., Feb. 8: 8:00 a.m.Confirmation; 7:00 p.m. WorshipService. Sun., Feb. 9:8:00 a.m. and10:30 a.m. Worship services;9:15 a.m. Sunday School. Men., Feb. 10:7:30 p.m. TLSSelf Study; 8:00 p.m. Dartballa wa y. Tues., Feb. 11:6:30 p.m.Pioneers. Wed., Feb. 12:7:00 p.m. AshWednesday service; 8:00 p.m.Choir. ,IUDSON BETHANY LUTHERAN (ELCA) Dr. Clair Jolmsoh Sunday: 9:45 a.m. Worship;Sunday school follows service.COURTLAND LUTII. (WELS) Pastor R.N. Baur Sun., Feb. 9:10:30 a.m.Worship Service. Wed., Feb. 12:7:00 p.m. AshWednesday service. ZION LUTH. (WELS) Brighton "township Pastor R.N. Baur Sun., Feb. 9:9:00 a.m. Wor-ship Service. Wed., Feb. 12:7:00 p.m. AshWednesday service at CourthmdLutheran. IMMANUEL EV. LUTH. Courtland Rev. Wayne Bernau Dial-A-Devotion 354-8391 Thurs., Feb. 6:8:45 a.m.Confirmation. Sun., Feb. 9:8:30 FamilyBible class; 9:30 a.m. WorshipService; 10:45 a.m. SundaySchool and Adult Bible Class Men., Feb. 10: 7:30 p.m.Ladies choir. Tues., Feb. 11: 8:45Confirmation; 7:00 p.m. Board ofEvangelism. Wed., Feb. 12:8:45 Chapel;9:30 a.m. Tiny tots; 6:00 p.m.Confirmation; 7:30 p.m. AshWednesday services. BERNADOT~rE LUTHERANGarry Grunzke, pastorSat., Feb. 8:7:00 p.m. Gamenight - WELCA-LCM and alter-native worship event, ldds wel-come. Sun., Feb. 9:9:30 a.m.Sunday School; 9:45 a.m. AdultEducation; 10:45 a.m. Worshipservice. Wed., Feb. 12:5:00 and 6:00p.m. Confirmation; 7:30 p.m. AshWednesday{1 we deserve as part of our her-itage the respect of all otherAmericans. Everyone includes thelittlest people all the way to thebiggest--from unborn/newbornall the way to the Justice of theSupreme Court up to the Presidentof the United States of America. Now I am not getting political,even my good friend GeneWenner can't figure who I votedfor in the l,'lst election. But itoffends me deeply when thenational media press/televisiontake so many pot shots at ourPresident who is a democrat oragainst our Slxaaker of the House,who is republican, over matterswhere they have not been provenguilty. It really bothers me when ourleaders get raked over the coalsfor something they did not do, orfor matters that ,'Ire not significanthut merely items of juicy gossipto fill news/air space for reader-ship/audienceship/advertising dol-lars. For, I myself, want our lead-ers to be given respect. Once weReaching teens workshop plannedinclude strategies for communicat-ing with teens, young people'smusic and solutions to music prej-udices; peer-pressure, and rebuild-ing healthy families. For more information or to reg-ister, contact the local Catholicparish or the Diocese of New Ulm,Office of Youth and Young AdultMinistry, 507-359-2966.B. KURTHUniversity for a short period oftime before entering the U.S. AirForce in 1971, serving in WichilaFalls, Texas. On Jan. 29, 1972, hemarried Katherine Scheurer atHoly Rosary Catholic Church inNorth Mankato.,Tl~'cy lived first inTexas, then moved to St. Peter in1974 where hc was employed as asecurity guard at St. Peter StateHospital. He was later employedas a mail carrier by the St. PeterPost Office until medical problemsforced him to retire. He was an EMT with St. PeterAmbulance for 10 years, taughtreligious classes to local Catholicyouth, played Santa Claus to manygroups, held leadership roles inCub Scout pack 58 mad Boy Scouttroop 58. He was a past member ofthe Knights of Columbus, receivedthe Distinguished Service Awardfrom St. Peter Kiwanis, andreceived the Outstanding Meritori-ous Service Award from the U.S.Air Force. He enjoyed camping,playing cards, telling stories andjokes, the over-thirty softballleague, bowling, Monday Nightfootball, traveling, charter fishing,cooking, Neff Diamond music, andmost of all, spending time with hisfamily. The Caiholic Diocese of NewUlm will host a "Reach YourTeens" workshop for parents andadults who work with youth. Itwill take place Saturday, February8 at St. Catherine, Redwood Falls. The program will be presentedby Don Kimball, founder and pres-ident of Cornerstone Media, Inc. ofSanta Rosa, California. Topics willObituaries GERARD Former St. Peter mail carrierGerard B. Kurth, 45, died Friday,Jantlai'y 31, 1997, at Immanuel St.Joseph Hospilal in Mankato. Services were held Tuesday atSt. Peter's Catholic Church in St.Peter with burial in CalvaryCemetery. He is survived by his wife,Katherine, the school nurse atNicollet Public School; three sons,\Vallcr 11 and his wife Stacy of St.Pclcr. Chrislophcr and Iris fianceeHeather Myers of Kasola, andPhillip at home: two daughters,Kassandra and Rebecca, both alhome; two grandchildren; Ihrcebrolhcrs :.llld their wives, Da\'idand N1:nlclw of Byron, Thomas:rod ,,\nil;l ot P, ango:/, Maine, aiR]I'clcr ',ln{I ,Itl{l.y el Sioux Falls,S.[).; {2oc sislcr, Denise Kurth ofNoIIh Nltlnk:llo: ~nlt] Flicccs andTlcphcws. tic was prccctlcd ind,,':~th by his pHIellIs ;lll{l (1no broth-CF. M r. Ktlrl h B.qlS boln Novcnlber3{}, 1951, Io \Vtlhcr and Lorraine(Johns{m) Kurlh in Mankato. Heattended Holy Rosary ElementarySchool, Monroe .Iunior tlighSchool, and graduated from Man-kate West High School in 1970.Hc attended Mankato StateDOROTItY A. NELSON Dorothy A. Nelson, 76, ofLake. Crystal, died Monday,January 27, 1997, at MethodistHospital, Roe)rest'or. ' Services were held Friday,January 31, at Zion LutheranChurch in Lake Cryslal with burialin Woodland Hills Memorial Park,Mankalo. She is survived by'her hus-band, Glee; daughter and son-in,law Donna and Dale Voges 0fCourlland; s(}ns and daughlers,in-law, Richard :'Dick" and PeggyNelson of Arnboy, Dean andNorma Nelson of Point Roberts,Wash., David and Lynn Nelson ofWest Concord, and Doug andDebra Nelson of Andover; 16grandchildren; ll great-grandchil-dren; brothers and sisters-in-law,Jack and Pat Connelly of MadisonLake and Jerry and NedraConnelly of Phoenix, Ariz.; sisters,Lorraine Stolt of Mankato,Marguerite Burns and husband,Robert of Mankato, AdelineHansen of Kasota, JeanneMathcstad of Sioux City, Iowa,and several nieces, nephews andcousins. She was preceded in death byher parents, one sister and onebrother. She was born January 10,1921, in Lake Andes, S.D., toMichael and Fern (Cleveland)Connelly. She married CleoNelson May 10, 1941, in Mankato.She was employed by the ThroCorp for 25 years as a, dieticiansupervisor. She was a member ofZion Lutheran Church, LakeCrystal.CLARA FIN(,ER Clara L. Finger, N9, of NorthNlzmkam tlic{I I:riday, ,lanuary 31,1{){)7, al Immanuel-St. Josel}h's[Iospital in M.:lnk:llO. Services were held M{}n{l:ly,I:cbrtmry 3, at SI. Paul's Ev:mgcli-c:~l l,ulhcrzln Church in NorthNl:lllk;llO wilh burial in GrccnhillCClllclcr}, St. I'clcr. She is survivctl by sisler-in-l:~w, Cora Sjoslrom (}t ruralNicollet; nephews, Duane and wileJailCl Schultz of St. Peter, audDouglas and wife Jtldy Schultz ofNic{}llet; nieces, Marlcne and hus-band Davi{l Lind of St. Peter,Suzanne Hcrberg of LeSueur,Melody and husban{l RobertLun{lberg of Bakersfield, Calif'.,and Carolyn anti husban{I AndrewMiller of Deming, Wash. She was preceded in death byher husband Sylvester in 1985. She was born May 22, 1907, inKasota Township, LeSueur County,to Herman and Meta (Fahning)Schultz. She married SylvesterFinger in July 1930 in KasotaTownship. She was a longtimeemployee of Salets DepartmentStore. She was a nlember of St.Paul's Ev. Lutheran Church andSociety of the Blind--RiverbendChapter.Lightfor the Wayby Father William BowlesSt. Paul's Catholic Churchelect them into office they shouldcontinue to receive respect fromthe people just like they had itbefore they became leaders. Themc{lia should cut out all the rankgossip and the terrible specula-tion. People are only guilty whenpr{}vcn guilty in a court of law. Now it] the case of lhc 1-1(ltlseSpeaker and President of theUnited SlaleS, the first, a republi-can, lhe second, a democrat, I ameqtmlly offcn{le(l by the mediaregardless of my parly affiliaLion.Most of the people of the nationalmedia have no outwartl respectfor religion (most do not atlcndchurch each week) and most havelitllc respect for the basic {lignityof all American cilizens if exem-plified by an tilter disregard forour lca(lcrs--it it called yellow,jounmlism--it stinks! Freedom ofthe press puts a high standardupon the media--it is calledresponsibility. Yes, they have aresponsibility never to misusetheir right to communicate to theAmerican people in such a waythat they should never {lisrespectany American. Certainly, once a person isfound guilty, such as in the case ofPresident Richard Nixon, it is thenthe lnedia's duty to report thecrime and declare the wrong andreview the standard and acknowl-edge all the parties who are hurt.But, in America, before a personis found guilty, they ,are innocentand deserve respect until provenotherwise The stream of pre-trialnews ought to be balanced andproperly nuanced to respect thepotential long term innocence ofall American citizens. In the case of the. HouseSpeaker, it is possible he made amistake and was not tuing to doanything illegal or ethicallywrong! Heck, anyone can make amistake and should be forgiven,not vilified. The way they arethrowing bricks back and forth inWashington, it is hard for an aver-age citizen to understanthere is a wrong and 2)degree the party hasuse a religions definiti{venial (little) sin or a (bisin? Did the personthe sin and did they willtahead and do it anyway. If it is a little sin andnot do it willfully,be forgiven by the pressrest of us? Possibly evenbig sin and they did itthere are circ*mstancesstill shoul{l all forgive The point here in thission is that everything hin:each of us--on how weone another--and howrespect us. All of usrespect and the national\'ice has no freedom ofI)roviso to misuse this l}Crilhis responsibility, thisthis \i, onderful gift all A!writers of the press enjoy. "Htcrcforc and once ashould respect o]lethat same spirit; we wantto also respect ourselves.ObituaryCATHERINE "KAY" PENGILLY,1 £ O I'rl 1T~llnt 0|'!,t 2,7!H Catherine "Kay" (Mrs. Richard"Dick") Pcngilly, 77, of Route 1,Lafayette died Monday, January27, 1997, at St. Mary's Hospital inRochester. Memorial services were heldFriday, January 31 at the FirstUnited Methodist Church in NewUlm. Minnesota Valley FuneralHome of New Ulm handledarrailgements. She is sur%vcd by her husbandRichard "Dick" Pengilly of ruralLafayette; a daughter and son-in-law Marie and Duane Gran of ruralSt. Peter; son and daughter-in-lawRobert Richard and MarcyPcngil l y of St. Pclcr; grandclfildrenTamara and David Stein, David(;ran, Victor and Juice Pcngilly,.Icffrcy and Heidi Pengilly, andHcalher Pcngilly; great-grand{~hil-{lrcn Scott and Matthraw Stein andSamantha Pengilly; sisters ReginaI),oPsu o[" Sli!lwatcr altd LucillcVilalis of St. Croix Falls,\Visconsin; and many nieces,nephews and cousins. She was preceded in death byher parents; a grandson RobertScott Pcngilly; a brother JamesDoran; and a sister Florence Erlitz. She was bent March 20, 1919,in Stilhvater to Richard and Ruby(Smith) Doran. She attended gradeschool at Lake Ehno ConsolidatedSchool, junior high at St.Michael's Catholic School inStilhvater, and high school classesat the School of Agriculture on theSt. Paul campus of the Universityof Minnesota. She graduated in1937 and went back to school forone year of post graduate study.Aflcr gra{tuating, she worked as a4-H agent anti then as a socialworkcr in Anoka County. In heryoulh, she was a member of 4-Hand was awarded many local, stateand national awards, includingtrips to national 4-H Camp inWashinglon, D.C.; the ChicagoWorld's Fair; and StateConservation Camp. She married Richard "Dick"Pengilly February 27, 1942 inBrooklyn Center. After marriagethey lived in New Ulm. WhenDick went into the Navy, sheopened and~managed ttre firstScars Catalog sales slore in NewUlm. She later moved to Oxford,Ohio, where Dick was stationedand worked in the Navy bookslore.When Ihey returned to New Ulmshe worke{t with Dick as book-keeper, in parts and repair salesand loved to sell used machineryin the John Deem Implement busi-ness. She later worked for DickIkand Darlene Siem's salv~hess in Lafayette until She was a memberMethodist Churches inand in Lafayette and ofNews ,Clu.b, She wasScout Advisor and aleader. She also judgedand 4-H events. Shemember of the WesternParaders Saddle Club for!),cars and was instrumentaling money for Multiplethrough organized bikeSt. Gregory's atenttn Chili & SandwichllLunchSunday, February 9, 1997 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.St. Gregory's Social HallPaulA Lafayette The Catholic Order 0 Foresters has life insurancensuralBURIALTRUSTS fou,0Shelterfor future use.Call forAppointmentsMinnesota Valley Funeral Homes New Ulm (507) 354-2312Gibbon (507) 354-2312 Nicollet (507)

Lafayette Nicollet Ledger February 6 Page 4 (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.