Niles National Register from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

mar A AN 186 NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER- NOVEMBER 22, 1845- THE MORMONS. Jolin Smith 7 do do Frederick co Winchester 7 do Richard Dorsey 7 do do Baltimore Jno Sprigg Belt 7 do do Pr Georg's co Perry Benson. do do Talbot co Edward Prall do do Harford co A Hoops do Philadelphia George Handy do Somerset co Gass. Watkins 7 do do A Arundel co Thomas Mason do do Caroline co Geo Hamilton do do Cecil co Fran. Revelly 6 10 do Culpepper Va Paul Bentaloe, com'r of late Reformed 1781 Baltimore Pulaski's legn Joseph Smith 5 6 In do 6 Alex Furnival 3 7 In do 1779 Baltimore co Hamilton 6 years do 1783 Benj Price 7 do do 1783 Washing'n co A Tannehill 5 do do 1781 Michael Boyer 5 do do 1781 Frederick t'n Jonathan Morris 7 do do 1782 Wm Lamar 6 do 1783 Pr Georg's co Williams 7 do do 1783 Ed Spurrier 7 do do 1783 A Arundel co John Kilty 6 8 do 1783 Ed Dyer 6 years do 1783 Frederick co Phillip Reed 6" do 1783 Kent co Jas Lingan 4 6 do 1781 Montgo'ry co David Lynn 6 6 1783 Rezin Davis 4 6 nI do Hagerstown James Ewing 6 years do Somerset co James Gray do Dorchester co Alex Truman 4 do do Annapolis Sam McPherson 6 10 do Charles co Jas Somerville 7 years do Calvert co James Bruff 6 do do Q.

Anne's co Richard Waters 6 do Deranged 4 Somerset co Mount Bailey 3 do Resign'd 1778 Frederick co A MeAlister 4 do 3 do 1781 Baltimore John Hughes 6 do do Harford co James Peale 3 6 do 64 Q. Anne's co 3 Lieutenants. John Lowe 3 10 Dissolu'n 1783 Pr Georg's co Thomas Rousel 6 years do Philip 4 do do Thomas Bowie 7 do do Thomas Boyd 4 do do Joseph 2 do Isaac Rawlins 4 years do Charles co Samuel Hanson 6 do 4 do Edm. Compton 5 6 do Thos A Dyson 2 3 do McPherson 3 10 do Henry Clements 3 10 u1 do Thomas Beatty 2 2 do Frederick co Nath Borrham 2 1 do Benjamin Fickle 3 10 do Jolin Cary 2 2 do Joshua Rutledge 4 years do Baltimore Clem Kennet 5 du do McFadden 1 9 do Sami Cdmeston 6 10 do Jacques Baginer 6 years do Annapolis Henry Gassaway 3 do do Wil'endergrast 4 do do Henry Baldwin 5 5 do A Arundel co Basil Burgess 2 3 13 do Isaac Hanson years do Zedekiah Fourd 6 2 mi do Cecil county John Sears 3 10 in do Brevitt 3 5 do Baltimore co Nathan Wright 7 years do Dorchester co Ricketts 6 do do Montgom'y co Isaac Rawling 5 do do Caroline co Goldsborough 2 do do Talbot co Anthony Harris 4 do do Calvert co Luckeit 5 do do 1785 Charles co Win Smoots 3 10 Reform'd 1783 HI I Chapman 1 10 do Thomas Price 6 11 do Frederick co Geo Winchester 6 9 do Rob' Denny 7 years do Baltimore Adam Jamieson 6 do do Sam'l Beall 1 6 131 do Montgo'ry co John Truman 5 years do Annapolis John. Lynne 4 do do 1784 Washing'n co Hall, jr.

4 do Resign'd 1781 Cecil co James Heron 3 8 do 1780 John. Jacob 4 3 mr do 1781 Washing'n co James Brano 3 4 in do 1781 Talbot co Osborn: Williams 3 1 do 1780 Pr Georg's co 4 Surgeons wand 5. Physicians, 34: Jas Craik, phys'n 6 years Reform'd 1783 Charles co Jenifer, phys'n and surgeon 10 gen'! hospital 6 6 do 1782 William, Kiliz 5 years do, 1783 A Arundel co Richard Pindell do Dissolution Elk Ridge Ezekiel 4 do do Somerset co Levin Denwoou 6 do do Walter Warfield 6 do do Frederick co Marshall 3 6 Resigned 1783 Pr Georg'a co James Mann 3 years do 1782 Baltimore. Surgcon's mates. 1 Sam'l Keene 2 5 Dissolution Q.

Anne's co Elisha Harrison 1 6.10 do A Arundel co John Elbert 2 8 do Talbot cO Gerard Wood 1 6 Reform'd 1783 Charles co THE MORMONS. find. The following is an extract from Col. Warner's account to head quarters: The Mormons- The general conference of "the Latter Day Saints" assembled at Nauvoo on the 6th, and remained in session the 7th and 8th of October. The Neighbor, says "it was well attended and that perfect harmony and unanimity manifested itself in every move.

After having perilled her way up through persecution and death for nearly one sixth of a century, among the boasting friends of freedom, and having the dagger of extermination suspended over her head, (hung by a single hair) hourly, by convention upon convention, the church resolved unanimously to remove in the spring "where the wicked cease from troubling." The burst of joy, when the vote was taken, was like the acclamation of a mighty people when a king comelh from victory. "A day of virtuous liberty is worth a whole eternity of bondage!" The Warsaw Signal, quotes, in proof of the popular opinion, an article from the Lee County Democrat, under the caption of "WILL THEY GO?" which treats the pretension of leaving Illinois, as a ruse On the part of the Mormons. They are still, it says, at work on the temple, and making no disposition to leave, except in words. The house of Mr. Crawford, near Warsaw, was recently entered, during the family's absence, and every thing of a portable nature stolen from Gen.

Hardin, immediately on hearing the news, sent out Col. Warner, one of his aids, with a detachment, to search for the stolen property, part of which they found at the house of one of the Mormons by the name of Smith, and the remainder at the' house of one Gardner, in Nauvoo. When questioned concerning the articles found in his possession, Smith al. leged that he had purchased them from another person--whom, however, they were of course unable to "By this time there were assembled at the temple, under arms, not less than 1,000 or 1,600 men. moved my men on to a third house, were we found many more of the stolen goods, with six head Thomas Crawford's cattle, a seventh having been slaughtered in the morning; two men broke out and ran, but the boys promptly leaped their horses over the fence and caught one; the other escaped.

I rode into the crowd assembled at the temple and ordered them to disperse, or I should be compelled to make them do so. They professed a perfect willingness to do so, and their assembling was owing to the fact that they did not know me. They treated me with much respect and proffered me any assistance, that or any other time, that I should be pleased to call on them. It was now 4 o'clock, and with the two prisoners and the stolen property, I moved on to this place. The prisoners, I have promised to take to Warsaw to-morrow, for examination; which place the witnesses have been ordered to attend.

Of their guilt I can have no doubt, and if committed and not bailed, I shall send them to Quincy, unless you order About the same time, two splendid horses, the property of L. Chandler, and several head of cattle, were stolen from the neighborhood. Other robberies of similar character were also committed. A man who was driving a heard of cattle towards Nauvoo, and a noted Mormon, was encountered by General Hardin, who, finding that he was unable account for them in a satisfactory 2 manner as he could have desired, sent him as a prisoner to Quincy. Wilcox, whose disappearance while on a visit to friend in Nauvoo, created so much excitement, has not yet been heard from.

A German named Dabenheyer had also disappeared, and his body was found in a ditch near the house of a Mormon named Rice. On examination a ball was found to have entered the brain. Travellers; it is said, are now in the habit of crossing the country via Burlington; (Inda.) preferring to go -MT. miles out of their way, rather than endanger their safety by passing through the neighborhood of these disasters. "One day last week, six Saints; werendetected the act of hauling away cornibelonging to Mr.

B. Clark of Carthage. The corn had been transferred to Mr. C. by.

Mormon named? Stears, to secure debt due from the latter to the former. Notwith: standing this transfer, Stears: sent seven teams take away the corn. "The teamsters, who were all, Mormons, were arrested and brought back 10, Carthage; when, examination, it was found that one them had a pair of drawers, a cap and a pair of boots, which were the property "of Mr. Connelly, and had been stolen from him' some months since. The fellow who had them on was held to bail to answer to the 4 charge of larceny.

Another of the trespassers was recognised for stealing lumber." The deplorable effects resulting from such a condiare tion of illustrated society as exists in the from vicinity the of Nauvoo, by the following, St. Louis Republican of the 28th ult. We were yesterday informed, by the clerk of the steamer Boreas, that lieut. Charles Everett, of the Quincy Riflemen, was badly wounded, by being shot through mistake, last Wednesday evening. The circ*mstances which led to it are these.

A Mormon, living back of Pontosuc, in Illinois, which is a short distance above the LoWer Rapids, hearing of threats having been made, by persons in the neighborhood, and fearing for his safety, sent information to General Warren, at Carthage, and desired him to send a party of men to protect him. General War. ren thereupon detached Lieutenant Everett and three men for that purpose, who upon their arrival at the house of the Mormon, about nine o'clock in the evening knocked at the door but received no answer. Lieutenant E. then opened the door, and was in the act of entering when he was shot by a pistol, the ball taking effect in his breast, and lodging against his ribs; and immediately after, and be.

fore his men could come to his assistance, the tents of a gun struck him in the side just at the upper extremity of the hip. His wounds, though very severe, eight balls having been extracted from his side and breast, are not considered dangerous. He was carried down to Keokuk, and from thence to Quincy, on the Boreas. It is evident that he was shot in mistake, the inmates of the house taking him for their enemy, though the Mormon was arrested to undergo an examination. The Qnincy Whig states that the Mormons in Nauvoo have actually defied the power of the state, and declared that no more arrests shall be made in Nauvoo.

"Col. It says: Warren, Judge Purple, and Mr. Brayman, attorney for the state, visited Nauvoo. Near the environs of the city they saw assembled a force of about two hundred armed Mormons. This being contrary to the order of Gen.

Hardin, in relation to armed men assembling in the county, Col. Warren felt it his duty as an officer to inquire into the matof ter. For that purpose, he invited Brigham Young and others of the leading authorities of the conference. He informed them that the armed men on the prairie was contrary to orders, and wanted know what it meant. To this Young gave no salisfactory reply; he stated, however, that it was their intention to submit to no more arrests, and ridiculed the court, the judge, the attorney of the state, who were present, and, in substance, defied the power the state.

Alter him, Elder Taylor, another of the at twelve, got up and abused the governor, state off. cers, Brigham Young again got up, and said he was not very good at an apology, but they must not mind what Elder Taylor said -that he was al. ways making trouble, Col. Warren told them at in a plain talk what he thought of their conduct, and that, as an officer, he should do his duty and carry out the law. While this was going on, a deputy of the United States marshal arrived, with detachment of the Quincy Rifles, with a writ for Brigham Young, charged with counterfeiting the coin of the United States.

This becoming known in the city, the excitement was tremendous; the Mormons assembled in large crowds, and a disposition was manifested by them to resist all attempts to arrest any person in Nauvoo. After a consultation to with the officer, by Judge Purple and olliers, was deemed advisable to postpone the execution the writ at the time, for the personal safety of all Mi. a Col. Warren, with the force under his command, was to' have marched into Nauvoo on the 25th ultimo, for the purpose of executing the, writs agains. Redding, Brighun Young, and others, but we ar' not advised of the result 'of this attempt to enforc 'the law.

The Mormons appear to be highly incensed at the proceeding against. Backenstos, and think it will be another affair similar 'to the murder of Joe and 'Hiram Smith. "His trial has been removed to Peoria in county: 21 The Mormons, however profess" to be and apparently are making "every preparation to remove.a Amongst the proofs' of" lifts We find the following; 'List of commillees. Appointed al the general CODto ference, for the sale of lands in Hanco*ck 1 Winslow Farr, Edward Hunter, Rufus all geach, A. W.

Babbit, Joseph L. Hey wood, John on Benhow, and Daniel Russell. A on Latharpe-Lyman Corey, John Clark, and John Bartolph. G. Perkins, Isaac Clark, and Andrew H.

Perkins. A 8 Camp Creek -L. A. Bingham. to of a it of L..

Niles National Register from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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