The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

10 TMI NAJHVILLI TINNISSIAN. Ss.ur.iy Morning, Nov. 22. 1 947 New York' Stock Market By AataetaUt Tru City To Present Elmore Tops Dempster Hogs-Register Advance Here Following are total galea closing bxleaa and aet chimin aa tha Waw TrV atnak Kxcnanso tiaies in Hundreds): Stocks Sales CI. Chi.

Stocks Sales CI. Chi Sales CI. Chi. Stocks Do pf 4 Many Stock Leaders Register Declines BusCaseMonday For Knoxville Mayor .80 103 3 98 Do Pt 4.30 Do 4 Df 4 .60 Steel. 21V.

3114- Vi 47 24 lit Vi Mead Corp Do 2d pf 2. Melville Shoe iMemel Co la 73 Vi Federal-8tate Departments of Agriculture All hogs advanced 25c on the By ESCAR THOMPSON So pi Cuba pf. Cb-A 8 2i Presentation of the city's case 19V- Vi Mercant strs 1 1 closing session of the week yester against Southern Coach lines' petl 18 Va- Vi 15 ni uetro Sdls pf .50 103i KNOXVILLE UP) Judge James W. Elmore was elected mayor of Knoxville in cudany Cuneo Press la Cm Vi Miami copper a 17 Mia-cont Pet 10V Vi 82V4-nt tion for a fare increase will begin before the otty utilities commission day at tne local market while light supplies of most other classes of livestock sold at steady levels. 3 2 .70 43 4 44V V4 57 Vi 41 uo pr pt 3a Crts-Wriht Vi Do A 2 Ctlr-Hmr 1.20a 20 V.

Midi stl Prodi Mlnn-HoneyR2 Do pf 3.20 Mlnn-Mollne NEW YORK UP) While individual stocks continued to exhibit strength in yesterday's market, selling opposition was sufficient to put numerous leaders in the losing division. Tax offerings were plentiful from the start with low-quoted issues coming out in big blocks. Resistance to the bulge was more pronounced Thursday's run-off election, defeating George R. Dempster by more than 100O votes in a race which The Nashville livestock market 9 will be closed both Thursday and 38 23H l. Vi as the hearing resumes Monday morning at 9 o'clock.

The hearing recessed two weeks Do pt 8Vik .40 12214- Friday of next week in observance 14', Dana uorp y4 Davg Btrs la. Dav Chm 1 Dytn PdtL 1.80 Dayton 1.30 I. M'nStPdtSSMA ay. of Thanksgiving. in the final hour and early advances running to 2 gr more points were ii nrA nnnirSHtsl (nrn A b1 I AM MawaawaaavHaaawaaataaaaaawaw' Mission Corp 13Va ago to give city attorneys time ln which to prepare their case.

The 501,41 4'4 16T. 37 4 Decca Reds 1. Dp 1.70a. had more than local significance. The 41-year-old former University of Tennessee footbal star polled 11,914 votes to Dempster's 10,825 In the unofficial tabulation of ballots casts in the city's 42 precincts.

In a mid-morning statement the 46 37 25 hearing has been in progress for Drs Si Co 2g. Do pt 1.40 Dl Lk Sc Wst. more than two months. vame: i. ine cattle market was about steady on the limited supply offered.

Canner and cutter cows predominated to sell at 8.00 to 11.50 with a very few beef cows at 12.00 to 15.00. Odd head of cutter to medium steers and heifers sold, from 14.00 to 20.00. Individual sausage bulls cashed at 12.00 to 15.60 with hardly enough of other kinds available to test the trade. Weekly Summary: Cattle receipts for the week continued the seasonal decline. The market was rather uneven from day Vice Mayor Ben West, chairman 60-year-old Dempster conceded El more election, declaring of the utilities commission, said yesterday he hoped to conclude the Mo-Kan-Texas Do pf MohawkCarpet Mojud Hos .80 MonsamoCh 2 Mont Ward 2a Moore-McCLin Do pf 2Vi MotorProdl'ag MotorWhl 1.20 Motorola lg Mueller Brass.

Mulllns Mfg Munslngwr Ino MurphyOClVia Do pf 44 Murray Corp 1 Do pf 2 1014- V. 58 -1 55 '4- Va 333,4 66 25 Va 31 1. V. 19 24i- 14'a- 37 V. 11', 40 4l 444 7VJ- Vi 14 Vi 221 V.

12 52 Vi 39 Vi 42Vi V. 43 Vi- Vi 8Vi- vi 24 Vi 34V4 Abbott Lab 2a 1 73Vf ACF-BrlllMot. T- V. Acme Stl4a 2 51 Adams Kxp Vtt 17tt, Vi Addressog-Mult 3 36'- Vi Admiral Corp 10 Air Reduction IS 28 Vi Alaska Juneau 4V Mi Aldens InclVia 3 18 Allei Corp 11 3'1 Do pf 7 40Vt- V4 Alleg Lud Btl IS 33 Al chem If Dye 14 198, t3 Allied Mills3g 1 34J, Allied Sirs 3. 7 32'- Allls-Ch Mfg 11 39t Do Pf 3'4 5 5 Alpha PCem2g 1 V'i Amal Leath t5g 5 flij- Amerada Pet 1 2 86 Vi Am Airlines 64 Vi Do pf 3Vi 8 61 Vi AmBankNotl.60 1 21s4- Am Bosch'Ag 6 12 Vat- 3, Am BrakeMOg 2 41 V4 Do pf 6 109 Vs- Am 18 5 Vi Am Can 3 12 85 Va Do pf 7 1.30 181Vi3 44- Vi Do pf 7 1 lOBVif V.

4 23'i Vi Do pf I .20 a. Am Chicle 3a. 7 49Vi- Vi Am Crystl Spf 1.10 90 -1 AmCyanamidla 13 42H- Do Pf 10 107Vi-l Am Distill 2a 1 33V, AmEncausTiling 12 5.f Am European. 3 15Ta Am ExporlL2 3 18'- Vi 54 2Vf Va Do 7 pf 1 98' 4- v. Do 2 pf 8 Am-HawaiiSS3 1 37' Vi Am 2 8 Do Pf 3 I 53 Vi Am HomePrd 21 253 Va Am Ice Vig 2 8V.V Vi AmLocomotlve 11 19 AmM.fcFdy.80 8 22V4- 1 Va Am Metal Vtt 11 Vt Do pf 6 50 132 43'i Am News Co.

2 31 Vi "The people have spoken in the mayor's race in favor of my op hearing not later than Wednesday. Dn 61 ROW Do pf 6g Det Edsn 1.20b Dt-M Stv Dt Stl Cr la. Dr 8c A 2a Dm Mt lVaa Do pf lVia Ds Cp-Sc Dlvco Cr 1.20 Dixie Cup Dr Pepper 1.. Friday's Markets in Brief NEW YORK VP) Stocks mixed; selected Issues advance. Bonds steady; some rails Improve.

Cotton higher: trade and outside buying. CHICAGO Wheat firm; freeae predicted for parts of Kansas. Corn strong; light marketing of cash grain. Oats firm in line with com strength. Hogs fairly active and steady to 60 cents higher: Practical top 25 25.

Cattle choice kinds absent; others steady to 25 cents lower. He said the commission will hold ponent, Mr. Elmore, and I respect out in general tne steers and heifers sold fairly actively with a tendency all-day sessions in an effort to fully bow to the will of the majority 2 finish the ease as quickly as pos to sirengmen some on Monday, some sales were aa much as 50o higher than as expressed ln the municipal 1 HO'a- I4 sible. 28 15 wee must sirengin was louno on the fat yearling tyne nfferlnir Hnin The final decision in the case Is Dhlr-Jry lVia. Dm Mns 1.02s 20 1.74- the late trade was only moderately active Nash-Kelv Elmore, quarterback on Tennessee's 1925-26 football teams, will iJ-'J)' ch' StL Dgls A iYit Dow Cm Vih.

not expected for several days following completion of evidence. Nat Airlines aim umc more man sieaoy. Most weignty steers and common kind were oniy steady to SDOtS Strone Rtlllx vpm npnr il.arii Do pi 4 Do 2d of 3 33 394 2 104V4 Vi 5 103Vi i 17 30. V4 1 throughout the week but the cow market take office Jan. 1 for a four-year term at $15,000 a year.

The county judgeship to which he was elected Nat Auto Fib Nat Aviation Nat Battery Nat Biscuit Drsr Indust was very uneven. Medium and good cows sold strong but the canner to common cows moved largely at weak to 50c lower 19 188 Nat Can V. 18 22Vjf "2 10 11 13V4 32 32- V. 10 41 '4- i V. 14- 28 V- 17 21 Vi 20i V.

0T4 V4 8V4 Vi 0 Vi 8 Vi 15i 2 120 the close. Transfers of 980,000 hares compared with 960,000 the day before. Professional contingents were dlsoosed to cash In on the recent rally which (ol- lowed lour successive downward weeks. The Associated Press 80-stoclc composite off .1 of a nolnt at 65.6. It's first dto In seven successive sessions.

It was another fcroad market. Of 1009 Issues registering. fell and 312 rose. International Business Machines, the widest climber of the week, tumbled 14 trolnts at 232 on only .100 shares. The "blue chin" N.

y. Si Harlem railroad drooped 15 points to a 1947 low at 230 on gt single 10-share transaction, first since "Jew highs for the year were recorded at one time by Union Pacific which ished up 2 at 1574. in further reflection of the snlitUD plan and dividend, and Allied Chemical, uo 2 at 198 on solituo talk. Advances of I to 2 points or so were retained by Santa Pe at 85. Mission 60.

Pacific Western Oil 65. Texas Paclflo Coal fc Oil 431a. Houston Oil 2SV. Skeliy Oil 98. Eaton Mfg.

54 ion a dividend) and Consolidate Groceries 18. Ahead were International Teleohone. International Nickel. Du Pont, Western Maryland. Peonies Drug.

Pennsylvania Coal Ac co*ke and Ronson Art Metal, the last three on good disbursem*nts. Douglas Aircraft yielded 2 at 49V, and Coca-Cola 3 at 1)6. On the offside were U. 8. Steel.

Bethlehem Steel. Chrys- 1st. General Motors. Qoodvear. U.

8. Rubber, Montgomery Ward. Caterpillar Tractor. American Water Works. Electrlo Pow- er At Light.

Kennecott. Texas Cerro de Pasco. Johns-ManvlUe. J. C.

Penney. -Southern Pacific Great Northern railway and Baltimore Sc Ohio. In the curb Patch-Mue-Plymouth added 12 points on restricted trades following a cheering divl-. dend. Improved were Singer Allied Products.

Dominion Steel and U. 8. Radiator. Stumblers were Catalln. American Gas.

Plshman Pittsburgh Sc Lake Erie. Technicolor and Westmoreland, Coal. Turnover here was 220.000 shares versus 250.000 Thursday. in 1942 paid $5,000 annually. Setback for Machine upm Corp DuPt deM 8g.

Do pf 4Vi Do 3V4 Dq Lt pt 5 DWQ Ci 93k WHAT STOCKS DID Fri. Advances 312 Declines 459 Unchanged 238 Total Issues 1009 Nat Cash Reg Nat City L. 4 98 Thurs. 426 345 232 1003 .30 113Vi Nat contain James W. Elmore Jr.

Nat Cyllnd Eagle-Pc 1.20a. The election of Elmore, a Republican, represented a distinct setback to the local Democratic Mac ualry The coach company has peti-j tioned the commission for a fare increase from the present 5 and 10-cent zone fares to 10 cents straight or three tokens for a quarter. The coach, company has-rndicated it will accept a smaller fare on an emergency basis and has introduced into the record figures showing bow much estimated revenue the company would derive from one, two, three, and four cent increases and amounts lt would realize from transfer charges. Estrn A Est Stl Estmn Nat Dept Strs Nat Distillers Nat Gypsum Nat Lead faction of the state Administration Do pt 6 mitteeman; Charles J. Brown and Clarence Blackburn, chairman and secretary, respectively, of the county election commission; Stat Rep.

George Nelson and others. which had plumped solidly for 3SVt Eaton Mf 3a DO PI 6 2.80 14: prices, mostly weak to 25c lower, with most of the loss for the week on the cutter cows. A few lots of the top medium to good 800 to 1000 lb. steers were taken at 22 60 to 26 00 and odd head of baby beeves brought 23.00 to 25.00. For the most part the bulk ot the steers and heifers this week were, common and medium lightweights to sell at 16.00 to 23.00 with cutter heifers ranging down to 12.00.

Canner and cutter cows sold between 8.00 and 11.00. Common and medium beef cows cashed at 12.00 to 15.00 with a few good cows ranging on up to 16.50. Good weighty beef bulls were scarce with a few selling at 17 00 to 17.25. Medium and good sausage bulls brought 15.00 to 17.00 and the cutter and common boning bulls were taken at 11.00 to 14 00. Stockers and Late Flurry Brings Cotton Price Rise 1 I6V4 4 2 23Vi V.

11 17Vi V. 5 18 i 19 45 Vi- .10 174ValVi 14 54V4fl4 2 20 16i- 4 .10 106 -1 3 6 4 55 2 13 1 3'4 4 17 Vi- 2 157 -1 Ed Br St l'aa Ekco Prd 1.20. Dempster, a Democrat. Among the local Democratic stal wat Linen sv 3 Nat MAS 3 Do of 4'2 7 13 Vi 1 93lV. 43 '4 Dempster also was supoorted warts who openly suported Dempster were Lester Denton, state com- a sprinkling of local Republican Elst Stp El Aut-Lt El Boat El In 09g El Pw Lt 27 1 22'4- Vr 96 leaders, including Attorney Ray Jenkins and State Rep.

Eugene R. 5 8 49 .60 21 8 99 Vi- Va 4 8'i- 32 157. .50 178 Va 22 33V4- Vi .80 lOOVat V4 10 lOVi 2 .90 39 12 68 'a- Vi Do 17 pr 7k Do S6 Pf 6k. 1 144 Vi New York Bond Market Associates Frets) 3 55 El Str Bat 3 11- Va 19 Va 26 Mynatt. Elmore and Dempster were nominated in the Nov.

6 primary la which incumbent City Manager 16 feeders in moderate supply sold largely between 15.00 and 20.00 with a very few to 20 50. Am Do 6 pf DO $6 pf Do pf 7 Am Roll Mill Do pf 4Vi Am SafetyRas Am Seating lg Am Ship Bldg Am Do pf 7 Am Snuff 2 Am Stl Fdrs Am Storesl.40a Am Sug pf7 Am SumatTob Am Tel Tel Am Tob 3a 59 "4 NEW YORK UP) Cotton futures yesterday closed $2.25 a bale higher to SO cents lower. Nearby deliveries were firm on mill buying and covering, with a late flurry of orders carrying the market up sharply. The March 1048 delivery reached a. new season high of 34 85 cents a pound.

Dis 24- Following are total gales, elount prloea and net changes on the New Tort Bond 2 13 4 Nat Pow ii Lt Natl Steel 4 Nat Sug Ret Nat Supply Do put 4'i Nat Vul Fib Natomas Co Nehl Corp Newmont Newport Ind Newpt NShlp NY Air Br. NY Cen RR. NY StL Do pf NY Harlem NYNH AHart NY 8hlpbldg Noblltt-Sp Nopco Chem Norf A Wei No Am Aviat Eli Wt II Ps NG 2.40 Emr E1M .80.. Em iz 1. Emp El 1.12 Eault Ot Bldg Market (sale.

In thousands): 40 V4 13- Calves: 163. Veal calves continued to seH steady with the high point of the Robert Mprris-QCU-JkacKecL by the I .70 153 -14 3 34'4t Vi 31 34 Sales CI. Chg. Bonds WORLD BANK BONDS J8 i 4 29 5 15V4 19V4 12 2Vi Vi 9 V. 484- 10 20Va 2 123 4- Gt Nor 2s201O 3 Erie RR 10 81 911, wees.

Tne gooa and choice veaiers cashed at 25 00 to 32.00 with the common and medium at 13.00 to 24.00. Culls ranged downward from 12.00. Do 2s 61 (Dollars Thirty-seconds) 3s72 25 98.23 4 CORPORATION BONDS Do pf A 10 230 -15 19 16- 1 5 2 1 3s 69. 1 129Vi-2 7 19H 36 153V. tant deliveries lagged due to further 95 69 Vi If 1 Do 2015 A Sales CI.

Chg. Bonds pressure of hedging and profit taking. Tightness in the December position Eur Wms Evns Pr Via Evrshrp 1.20a. Ex-Cell-O 60 63 r5s 57 12V4 i Poultry Markets 1 S9'- i 4 69 -l'4 2 2 4 Do inc5s 57 144 46 Do 3a more aggressiveness of mill buying of 20 98 III Bell 2s 81 7 53 Vi- V. 1.10 143 Vi Do pf 6 Falroks Mor 5s2030 20 106V, 35 95 Do 2s57 616 108 Do 2s61 344 104- Oooa (jovernmcnt group and the News-Sentinel, ran third.

The News-SentincJ switched Its support ln the run-off to Elmore, who had the backing of the Knoxville Journal in both elections. Papers Support Elmore In their support of Elmore, both newspapers contended editorially that the 1947 legislative act which signaled the death of city manager poverninpnt hnr nftp.r 23 vpnrs ni1 spot cotton, and good textile sales, accounted lor rallying tendencies. IC 4S 53.. 93 V. 30.

Am Viscose (2) 3 57V4fc V4 li Paia Sugar North Am Co Do r4s 55 Do 4s 66 Do pf 5 2.50 119 Am Wat Wks 22 17i- 8V. 19 10 94 Do 2s75 Weekly summary: Receipts of calves showed some further decline this week along with the reduced volume of cattle and the better grade offerings met considerable advance In price. Most top medium to choice veaiers closed the week 100 higher than late last week with the extreme top up 2 00 for the period. Lower erade calveas were generally unchanged. The top reached 32.00 this week to equal the all time high established on veaiers at this market on February 13 of this 97 78l 88- Fans Fed Mogul Feder Strs Producers in the Atlanta territory were reported holding cotton for higher prices.

Part of the trade covering In futures 35 2 6 29 1 15 ICCSL 5s 63 A 23 Vi- Nor Nat Gas Northern Pac Northwest A Do pf 1.1S 3 6 2 Am Woolen 10g 51 14 V. 23 35 i 88V4- 8 "4- V4 25 28 19- 1314- V. '4 37t V. 13 32 'j- Vi V. 10 DO 4'iS 63 21 V.

Mfg. was associated with extort sales. 82 21 68 57 V. Do pf 7 1 IOIV4 Vi Do pr pf 4 4 97 Vi- Vi AmZInc 2 7 Int GN 6s 53 Int HE 8S44 1.40 Open Hisrp Low Last Northwest 13 50 Fid Fir Ins. Pirest TicR Do of 4'V.

68c 23c 15c 30c 20c 25c 15c 10c 20c regular 74c. lets Colored bens Roosters Spring chickens under 3 lbs. Spring chickens over 3 lbs. Leghorn chickens Leghorn hens Guineas each Stags Butter fat: Premium 79c; Norwich Ph 2 3s 61 1 102 1 105 10 931', 16 93 22 89- 18 102 25 101 23 1 102 22 lOOVi1 3 98 6 68 19 88 1 Dec. March May UP 45 UP 29 UP 12 Ohio Edit 55 07 a- 34.50 34.83 34.44 34.85 34.65 34 85 34.53 34.85 34 38 34.43 34.16 34.40 33.04 33 15 32.93 33.12 1 17 KC Sou 4s75 Laut Nine 75 3 911, Anaconda Cop 60 36Vi- Vi Anacon 1.50 69i- Anchor HckOl 4 35V4 Vi Do pf 4 .10 102 Anderson Clayt 1 53Vif Vi July up 161 Ohio Oil Via Oliver Corp Omnibus Crp LEHVHT 4S 54 First Nat Str.

Plintkote Florence Stove Florida Pow Follans Stl 4 3 Hogs: 477. The hog market was generally 25 cents higher on all weights. off 101 Oct. 30.22 30.29 29.91 30.00 LVNY 41is 50 LehV 5s 2003 Dec 29.82 29 88 29 53 29.55N off 10 .10 101 The top was moved up to 25.00 and was 4 19 4 10 1 10 11 4 61 Va 64 Vt 40- 34 32 72 And-Prich Oil Middling snot 45.37N up 37 Nominal. 18 59 APW Prod Do 4 'as 2003 Do 4s 2003 paia lor tne gooa and choice barrows and gilts of 190 to 270 lbs.

The 160 to 185 lb 3 5 2 37 '4 '-4 Food Fair str. Foster Wheel Francis Sug 7 MaCen 4 lis 60 59 59l 45- 5 31 .30 150 Vi 3 73 .20 6714-1 .10 39 -1 12 36 Zl 13'- Vi 3 110 1 Freeoort Sulo. 5 107 Do 2s80 Do 2s2 Do 2s86 AmTob 3s62 Do 3S69 ATSF 4s95 ACl, Ist4s52 Do 4V264 AtlRef 2s66 6S95J Do lstm48st Do 5S95G Do 5s96 Do 5s2000 Do 4s2010 Do 4s48 BellPa 5S60C BethS 2s70 Do 2s7 BosMe 4is7 Do 4s60 BrkUQ 2s78 BufNE 2s75 BufRftP 57st 5s34 CanP 4sperp Celan 365 CenQ 5s59C Do cn5s45 10 New Orleans Cotton averages brought the next highest price of 24.50. Heavyweight hogs of 275 lbs. and over cashed at 24.00 with the 120 to 155 lb.

weights at 21.75. Sows brought 23.25 Bonds SalesCl.Chg Do 4 95 Do 3s52 13 96 PereM 3 80 10 100- PhllCo 4 61 4 107 PhilES 2s 67 8 99 li PhilPet 2s 64 27 100 PltCCoal3s65 1 102 '4 4 34 24 591 8tLSF4s3022 145 51' Do 4S97 31 82- StLSW rf 5s90 3 92- StPKCSL44l 4 46 14 10 64 Do 4s96 2 100 ShellU 2'is 71 24 93- RkellvO 2 65 4 99 Soc-Vac 2 76 25 93 2 85 5 94- SoPac 4S81 26 92 Do 4s69 10 93- Va Do 4 or 77 18 100 Dn 2s96 3 81 SouRy cn5s94 22 116 Do g4s56 16 92'a 'i ISwBell 2s 85 10 96 -1 StdOCal 266 1 102 StdONJ 2 71 15 93- Tex Corp 3 105 Th Ave 5s60 133 641 Un Oil Cal 4 98 li Cn Pac 2s76 6 98 1 Do 2s91 32 89 4 Rub 7 93 1 98'i- Va Ry 6 97 14 iWab 4s 91. 10 79 Do 4s 81 2 8114 Walw 3s76. 2 60 Mid 4s52 3 98 WPac 6 101 West TJn 5s60 7 89 West Un 4s50 11 Wilson 3s58 4 10214- WIsCen 4s49 24 71 "4 WisC4sD36 5 19 Vi FOREIGN BONDS Australia 5s55 15 102 Do 3s66 32 89- Do 3s 67 1 90 "4 Froedt MichCG3s69 MSPSSM4S91 M-K-T 0562 A. 36 4714 20 86il Frueh Tra 2 484- Vi 10 97 1 14Vi- Vi 4 122 NEW ORLEANS iff- Near months 1n 4 55 Do Df 4 12 97 and stags 19.75.

Weekly summary: Desnite rather heavv Gair (Robert). Do aj 5s67 Do 4s 78 Do 1st 4590 cotton futures continued to advance here yesterday with March and May making seasonal highs while the distant positions 13 15 Vi 1 29 4 60 Va 11 37 Vi- V. 2 36 9 144- 'i 9 33 i 7 12i- V. 17 28 3 7 40 "4- i 3 HVi-1 10 21 .10 79 7 10 V. 1 144 1 205i- 10 6i 2 33V1'.

,8 22. Vi 11 154 2 56 1 lOVi 14 12 2.50 79 A 1 26 Va 51 35 46 364-l''4 1 48i- Gamew Co hog receipts at many of the major mar 1 "a 4 50- 13 81 6 96- Arch-D-M Armour Co Do pr pf Arm Cork Do of Artloom Coro Assd Dry Gds Associates Inv Atch Do pf ATP Inc Atl Line Atl Ind Atl Refining Do pf Atlas Corp 26 85V.1V. Mo 5'is49. Gardn-Denv Oar Wood Ind registered losses. Closing- prices were Kets mis week, hog prices at most centers held to at least steady prices with 3 1004 2 16'- steady.

1.05 a bale higher to 50 cents .10 145 -1 33 55 -i3Vi 153 4 V. 23 9- Va 6 7 4 77 li .10 105 69 22- 4 S8- Do di 79 4 51 Va- 70 12 72 1 22 72 72 Vi 72 72 34 V4- 64 55Va lower. 47 Vi- some advance found at many markets. Locally the hogs scaling 190 lbs. and up Gavlord Con Gen Am Invest The principal reasons for the buying Do Is 65A Do 5s 77F Do 5S78G Do 5s80F Do 5S81I Do 4s7S Do pt 8 Otis Elevator Do pf 6 Owens-Ill Gl Pac Coast 1 Do 2 pf Pac El Pac Lighting Pao Tel Pac West Oil Packard Mot Pan Am Airw Pahand EPL Panh Paraffine Do pf 4..

Param Pict Park ConM Parke Davis Parker -Pr Parmlee Tr Patlno Mines Penick Penney JC Penn-C Airl Penn co*ke Penn Dlx Penn Pw Penn RR Vig 30Vi Gen Am Trans closed tne week 25 cents higher than a week earlier. Lighter weight hogs and were smaller ginning return to Nov. 14 than expected, evidence of considerable export movement ahead and continud reports of a heavy spot demand. 35J4-97 233it Gen Baking Gen Cable 1 2 V. sows moved up even more.

The 160 to 185 MoriE Do I 01 4... 11 60J4 3 37 12 97- 5 10014-1 27 8 4 45 5 102 2 102V. 2 32 10 102 -1 20 102 10 34 2 1 Open Hlrh Low Clos id. nogs and also most sows and stags closed the week a full 1.00 higher, while the 120 to 155 lb. hois advanced 2 on CenNYP 3s74 renP Isl4s49 19V- 164- Vi 5- .34.53 Dec.

March Gen Cigar Gen Elec Gen Foods Gen Mills during tne week. 34.39 34 52 34.08 32.90 34.65 34.85 34.46 33.16 30.32 1 103 5 105 5 1011'- 59 102 34 65 up 21 34 85 up 20 34 05 up 16 33 13 up 13 30.07 off 81 DO 2000 Nat Dai 2s70 Nat Stl 3s65 5s52 NOTerm 4s53 NOTM 5s54 Do 5s 54 NYC 5S2013 Sheep: 46. Sheep and lamb prices con 34.70 34.35 33.10 30.32 40J, 14, 15. 17 1 5 3 5 11 1 9 3 17 69 Do pi May July Oct. 1.20 126 31 35Vi 29 V.

7f V. 9t 38 V. 43 -1 6- 14 '4 18 Va- Va 19- Va 16- V. Gen Motors 29.93 lli- 59 98lVi 6 79 1 125V, tlnued at steady levels with only odd head available. The good and choice lambs were valued at 19.00 to 21.00 with the common and medium at 9.50 to 14.00 Aged slaughter ewes again solri downward Do 5 of Do 34 of 40 71 1 19 99 14 1 8 .30 1 .20 12 4 24 1 4 24 16 7 5 .10 10 14 1 2 1 2 .20 5 .60 10 3 5 2 77 53 Va 19.

Spot Cotton 75 68 63 82 1 28- 3 2 102 65 61 24i- NEW ORLEANS m-r-Svnt cotton closed Do 28 Do cn 4s98 18 18 NYNHHinc4. 159 Do 4s57 2 3 Penn Salt irom e.DU. Weekly summary: Sheep and lamb re 32J4- 'it 16 14 134 234 44 Do or 1 116Va 1 55V, ceipts were rather light during the week steady yesterdav 1.75 a bale higher. Sales 1.863, low middling 30.05. middling 34.30, good middling 34.80, receipts 3,636.

stock 107 88 "11 98 24V4- Vi New York Produce NEW YORK UP) Butter 348,451: easy yesterday. Wholesale prices on Sbulk cartons, creamery, higher than" 92core and premium marks (AA) 82 cents: 92 score (A) 79: 90 score Bi I3: 89 score (Ci (New tubs usually command cent a pound over the bulk carton price Cheese 224.146: steady, prices unchanged. All grades of wholesale eggs were firm with receipts lower than on Thursday. Eggs 14.853, firm. Spot quotations follow: (Based on whole sales by receivers to Jobbers and large retailers.) Mixed colors: Extra fancy heavyweights i 82-84: extras 1 and 2 large 59-61: extra 3 large 56-57: extras 1 and 2 medium 48-50: dirties 46-48: checks 44-46.

Whites: Extra fancy heavyweights, mid-western. 69-70. nearby 70 plus premium of 3-5 cents: extras 1 and 2 large 67-69. unquoted: extra 3 large 62-64. unquoted: extra 4 large 55-59, unquoted: extras 1 and 2 medium.

53-54. 54-55: extras 1 and a pullets 46-47. 49-50: extras 1 and 2 pee-wees. unquoted. 44-45.

Browns: Extra fancy heavyweights 61-64. 17: extras 1 and 2-larae 59-61. unquoted: extra 3 large 56-57, rmquoted: extras 1 and 2 medium 60-51, extras 1 and 2 pullets extras 1 and 2 pee-wees unquoted, 43-44. Live poultry steady. By freight: turkeys, hens 50: young toms 38: old toms 35.

express: chickens, crosses 42. Broilers, crosses 40. Turkeys, young hens 50-52; young toms, under 20 best 40. ordi-, nary 36-38. 20 lbs.

and over 38. low as 38-37. Fowls, leghorns, ordinary 20-22. fullets. crosses lbs.

42. Dressed poultry firm: western, boxes, fresh. 40-44. Turkeys, northwestern, dry packed, fresh, young hens, 8-14 lbs. and over 52-56: young toms.

14-24 lbs. and over 42'3-47; old toms 39: Pennsylvania. Iced, young hens. 8-14 lbs. and over 55-58: young toms.

14-22 lbs. and over 44-49: New York state, fresh, young hens, 10-14 lbs. 57; young toms. 16-22 lbs. and over 44-48: Vermont, dr packed, lresh.

young toms. 16-22 lbs "and over 44-48: Vermont, dry packed, fresh, young lens. 10-14 lbs. 56-58: young toms. 16-24 bs.

and over 43-48: Virginia and Mary-, land. iced, young toms, 16-22 lbs. 43-47: southwestern, dry packed, fresh, old toms 38: western, dry packed, fresh, young toms. 20 lbs. and over 42-43.

Do 4S2007 17 284 V. ana prices were unchanged throughout 64 8 was "tailor-made" for Dempster. The act was sponsored by the Democratic-controlled Knox delegation, and antbng other things, provided that the mayor did not have to be a resident of the city. Dempster, thrice former city manager and head of a manufacturing company here, is a resident of adjoining Blount county. 'Likewise, Elmore lives six miles outside the city.

He is a native of Knoxville and the son of a former mayor. The youthful mayor-elect taught school and coached football for several years after graduating from the university. Later, he practiced law before running for the county judgeship in 1942. The race was the third political campaign for Dempster and his third defeat. The three times he has served as city manager were by appointment of city council.

He also served as state finance and taxation commissioner during Gov. Henry Horton's administration In the early 30s. Opposed Cooper In '40 Dempster's first political race was for mayor-manager In 1937 in which ho was defeated by W. W. (Judd) Mynatt.

In 1940 he opposea Prentice Cooper for the Democratio nomination for governor, but was overwhelmingly defeated. Taking office Jan. 1 along with Elmore will be seven new council-men, two city school board members and a city judge. Councilmen elected were Milton Roberts, U. G.

Turner, Cas Walker, Max Friedman, Lowell Blanchard, R. C. Smith and John E. Rose. Wallace Frazier and E.

F. Smith were elected, to the school board, unseating Chairman Forrest Andrews and Ralph Frost City 4 103 Nvnw T4.SM tne period. 11. zue. Peo Drug Peo Peoria East Pepsi-Cola Pet Milk Do 3 "48 56 Do 3s 57.

Brazil 8s41 Do 6s 26-57 13 Do K4s55 4 Oen Port Ce. Gen Pub Serv Gen Pub TJtll Gen Ry Signal Gen Real Ut Gen Refract Oen Tel Gen Glllet Saf Gimbel Bros Glidden Co Gobel Brew Goodall Sanf Goodrl IBF) Goody 244- '-i 29 23 '4- Vi 26 69 2s75 97 -1 13 91-1 6514-2 1 64 -1 11 105 5 104- 20V.4- Vi 98 8 30 -2 34 'it Vi 1 Louisville 1 103 S82 NYTel 2 Canada 4sR0. Do 2nd or Middling Cotton NEW ORLEANS (tP) The average nrlre 1 8T4 1 10', 45 25- 1 32- ,10 105 2 1014 50 50 1 29 47- 1 Va 8 23 Va CRRNJ 5s87 3S96D. Do CGW 4s88 CMSPP inc Do Do 4s94 CRIP Do 4s88 Do 4s34 4s52 2s, CCCRL 4s77 C1E1I11 CI UT 5s73 ColS ComEd' 3s77 ConEd 2s82 ConsP 2s75. CubaN 5s42.

DayPL 234S75. 4s83 Del LAW 4s 3s4s Dow Ch Erie 4'is Erie 3s 2000G FirestTR 3s61 FlaEC 5 74 GenRU 4s69 Gdrich 2s 65 Do 34Sfil Cattle: Ralnhl Ftno rntiv nn 8 25T. 6 6V4 Petrol Corp Prizer 5 16, classes represented. Cow trade more ac EhlleMB 6s62a. Chile 6s60asd of middling 15lS-inch cotton' at 10 South 6 24'4- V.

21- V. 3 100 11 5114 14 103 5 96 -1 11 100- 5 4314 Phelps Dodge tive ana on strong side. Forty head lot 9 59 V. Phlla Co pf Do 6sFeb61a Do 6s63asd NYWB 4Vas46 Norf 5S2014 Norf 4s96 Do 5S2047D Do 4s2047 Do 4s 97 Do 3s 2047 Do 2s 75. 6 45'a- "a 95 9 Va 45 9 22 5214 2 127 111 5 90 14 7 102 2 5 6514 "4 10 97 -Hi 3 12 31 101 Vi 2 Do pf 5 Copenh 5s52 .20 112 -2 top gooa and low choice 1107 lb.

steers 29.50. little else on offer in slauttiter steers and heifers. Pew small lots common to low grade heifers 16.50-22.00. Common and meriitim hoof nnnr, IT 1 a Crt. Vi 234- 32 24 24V.4- Vi 267iit 30 'a- '4 19 Goth Hosiery Denmk 6s42 103 Grah-Paig Mot 59 ern spot marKets yesterday was $1.70 a bale higher 34.53 cents a pound: average for the past 30 market days 32.75.

Middlings -lnch average 32.76 cents a Grain Prices Spurt Do 4s62 Phlla Elec Do Df Do 3 8 pf Do SI pref Phil Philco Coro Do pf 3 Grant (WT) Norway 4s63 Oood heifer type kinds sparingly to I8.00! 54- 264 99 11 99- 89- Va 54 80 63 84 Do of 34 21 'i 21 i 84 li 98 84- Vi 89 89 i 99 16 16 V. 11 -1 33 V. 96 Do 3S57 O.LCh 4s48 3s74 PacTT 2s 86 1 140V4 "a Grays Robin Pan 9 96 60 Va 27'i- V. 14 15 1 90 1 27 96', 93 -3V4 55 "4 32 Do di 3 95 Philip Morris V.peru Ist6s60 .20 3 1 3 14 10 miners ana cutters mostly 8.50-12:50 Most bulls 13.00-18 00. Calves: Salable 500.

Choice veal ralves steady top 31.00. Good and lower grades L9, tower. Good and choice 27.00- 31.00. Bulk nnrt enmmon anrf V. PenCAir 360 42 42-l 11 102- 1534 37' 22V- 1 Do 4 pf Do Df 1JO O.SOl Poland 8s50.

16Vs- Gt Nor lr Orct Gt North of Gt Wes Sua Gree Green (HLl Rio de 6'aS51 Atlas Powd Autocar Co Auto Canteen Avco Mfg Do pf Babbitt Bald Loco Bait 81 Ohio Do pf Bangor fc Ar Do of Barker Bros Barnsdall OH Bath Ir Wks Bayuk Cigars Beat Foods 2a Beaunit Mills Beck Shoe pf Beech Air Beech Creek Beech-N Pack Beld-Hem Bell Aire Bell How Bendlx Aviat Bend An Ben Ind Ln Best Co 2a Best Foods Beth Steel Do pf Bigelow-Sanf Blrm El Bl Deck Blaw-Knox Bliss Laugh Bliss Boeing Airp Bohn Al Br Bon Ami A Bond Strs Borden Co Borg-Warner Bost Me Braniff Airw Bdgpt Brass Briggs Mfg Briggs Str Bristol-Myers Do pf Bklyn Un Gas Br Shoe pf Bucy-Erle Budd Co Do Df Bullard Co Bulova Wat Burl Mills la Do cv pf Burr A Mch Bush Term Bush Bldgpf Butler Bros Do pf Butte Byers A Do pf 'Byron Jftcksori-Calif Pack Callahi Z-Lead On Light Demand Phillips Pet 3s75 16 100 PenRR g5s68 19 105 Do 47 101 154- Vi! 30 53 5 84 '4- 7 98'a 20 18 341- 'Urug aj 4'4s78 .50 101- Hills Mills DI 2 2 180 Hoes: Salflhle 1500 norma' onj 31 '4 114 Pitt Ch. 7 16 V. Grevh Coro ti w.h oir. tnrlv. SS.250.000: previous day, ween 20Vi- 'i 31 Pitt Coal un nr 4V luo 1 Pit Forg CHICAGO (IP) Light but Per t5.446.000: year ago.

two years ago, January Grum Aire En 4 95'a- 'a 27. Pitt PI Gl Guant sugar sistent demand, encountering lim Pitt Scr 434 Gulf Mob 27 1 to date, year ago, two years ago, AUftv 824,110. 1 Do of 524- i 34- Pitt Steel Do of Plttston Co God and 'choice l'80-270 lbs. Tk2500 f.r lt averaging Is Other weights scarce. Few over 300 lbs.

ranging down to 24.00. Sows steady to 50 cents higher. Advance on 300 lb5i Most Bood and choice 350 lbs. down 21.50-22.50. Odd head butcher type under 300 lbs.

to 23.00. Sheep: Salable 600. Steady. Good and choice lambs 23.00-24.00. top 24.00 sparingly for dredominantly choice grade nn'H, 22 Medium sorts 20 Common and cull kinds fmm Gulf Oil ited selling pressure, sent all grains higher yesterday on the board of trade.

Several contracts set new a Also extrs ot eTtras Plus Gulf Sta Plymouth Oil dcash or stock. e-Declared or paid de3 d.m Pavnhln ln Canadian Funds Accumuiarea aiviaeno Hark Water 20 8 7 23 4 1 1 8 2 4 6 3 16 1 6 5 45 '4 71 ''4- 14 Va 35 15 26 "bl- '4 8'4 V. V2 31- V. 26', 38'4- Va 10 V. 13 Vi- "4 92 34 34- Va 15', 10 10 36 9'i "4 33- 21 V.

3 344-3 31V. Pond Cr Poc Poor Co 7 16 1 2 11 3 13 2 seasonal peaks as corn again scored widest gains. oaid or declared this vear. ur-Dnder rule ww-Wlth warrants. xw-Witnout war-warrants, war Warrants, pt pd Part paid 4 32, IV, Potomac El Chicago Produce Hall (WF) Pr Harb-Walker Hayes Indust.

IHayes Mfg Hazel-Atlas Gl Hecht Co Heinz Do pf Pressed Stl Do of 18 00 down to 10.00 or below lin.h. CHICAGO (PI (USDAi Butter weaker Wheat closed 1-2V, higher. December 3 com was up 2V to 5 cents higher, December 2 Oats were higher. December 1.33-T23. mil .60 IUIV4-1 6 17 Vi .10 100 -2 10 20'i- 11 ll'4- ter ewes scarce, few 9.00 down.

yesterday; prices unchanged to 2 '4 cents Judge Charles G. Kelly was re 3 2 39V4 i Procter St New York Curb Market a pound lower; aa 93 score 81; 92 79 9075.S-76' 8968.5. soybeans were 6 to 7 centsTiigher. March .80 Do nr Pub Svc Col. Pub Svc Do Df 8 7 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO ifPl (TIKnA flataKlo 1 Eggs firm: Prices unchanged to one cent Helme (G W) 1 135 Open High 20 'a 33 Va 20 '4- Vi Do pf Do 7 pf 7 10 120 Wheat Following trtal sales, closing pncea and net changes of leading stock and a dozen higher: large No.

1 extras 65-66: No. 259-63: medium No. 1 extras 48-49: No. 247-47 standards 47-48: current Do- 6fi pf 6 1.10 111 .20 102 Vi 3 Sl'HH .10 143''4- li 10 18', 8 5334- .10 122 4 121i 2 25 ponds on the Curb Exchange 1 sales vn nunoreasi: Here Motors Here Powder. Hersh Ch 9000, total 19.000 yesterday; fairly active and fully 25 cents higher on butchers oyer 180 only steady on small sup- Do S5 Df 2 103 -1 Dec.

May July 8ales CI. Chg Curb recint, dirties 37.5-38; checks Sales CI. Chg. elected in primary to a iour-year term. Roberts, Turner, Walker and Friedman were chosen for four-year terms on council, while the other three will serve two years.

The election of Walker marked a political comeback for the chain store otjerator who was ousted from 3 07'; 2.96'i 2.617s 2.55 Curb 2 16 3 13 3 20 4 ,10 9 Sales CI. Chg. Curb .3 04 2.93 .2.59 .2.53 .2 48 3 04' i 2.93 2.59 2.52 2.48 uuuu loo sows oS-au cents hieh- 15 ft 814 85 2'a 92 2 38.5-37. Potatoes: Total U. S.

shiDments 867: Hilton. Hotels Holland Furn Eaultv Coro 3 1 Sept bulk good and rhnirp lao-oao ik. 1- Vi 59 Corn: 24 '4- 24 27 V. 10 11 V. 1 17 Vi Hollander 8 Publicker Ind Pullman Pure Oil Purity Bak Radio Corp Radio-K-Oroh RRSecIlICS 2 l'it 2 21 supplies moderate: demand slow; very llt- tie early trading; market dull: Colorado 20 17 1 490 25 .20 2 V.

Piper Aire Prod Corp RKO opt war Raytheon Mfg. Root Pet Ryan Cons Pet Alreon Mfg Alum Co Am Am Bant Car Am Cit Am Gas El Holly Sugar 3 34 6 9 24 15 6 Falrchild 25 Fansteel Met 4 14 Fedder Cuie 6 11 Garrett Com 4 10 V. rn Rnllri 10 4 butchers 25.10-25.25: practical top 225: 25 23: E00d and Ch' 160-180 lb. lights 24 most good and rhniro mnnn n. 4..

e. 2 40 2.52 2 45 2.34 6 20 1 14 411-2- 2 32 red McClures 4.15-4.25: Idaho russets bur 2 50'- Homestake Dec May July Sent. 2 40 2 29V Close 3.05 2 94 2 60 2.53 2.52 2.44 2.34'., 2.20 1.23 1 13 .97 3.88 3.85 7 Vi 35 banks 4.75-5.00: Montana russet Burbanks 23 9J4- 2.20.1ir, 18- Am Lght 4 40 2. -35-, rodd head 24.75: good clearance. Geu.PlswoOd 1 lS'i- i 10- 10- jSaltDome Oil.

11... Oats: the office of mayor and his seat on I council In recall .20 "4Household Fin -3 Pr 4 32 V' IHOUSton Oir 2., V.iHudson 6c M. Do Pf Raybnier- Ino" 16 -Am, 3rr.i si 13 5 fOlen-AM COI Dec '19 oaiauie cattle 1500. total 2000: salable calvesaOO- total- 600; -choice steers and Do of Am 1 -Republics 36 .1.12 1 22 1.12 Goidfleid .3 May 1.24 1.13 .97 Segal 3 Selected Indus 1 2 December. Reading Co ll'H 'i; Argus Inc 3 8- 17 i 44 July Can Ale 8 151.

Hudson MAS Gray Mfg Hartford Ray Hecla Min Shat-Denn 1 41 '4- Do 1 pf Reeves Bros Soybeans: Can Dry Simplicity Pat 2 81i- 7 4- V. 7 10- 1, 10 7' 26-l Canad Pacific 13 8 la 11 17 3 22 March May .50 118 tl 46 V. 6 3334- V4 3 124- Va Holl Gold Ill Pow 2 Cannon Mills Hospital Inmate I 3 1 1 1 13 2 10 4 2 36 10 v. 23 14' i- V2 48'4l Lard: Capital Ad A Reliance Mfg Rand Reo Motors Repub Aviat Renub Pict Imp Oil Ltd 3 87ri 3.85 27,95 27 90 27.65 27.70 27.75 13 Vi- 12 14 32'i- V. 7 V.

4- 11 27- Dec Singer Mlg .1.10 zyr Ai Solar Aire 2 10 So Penn Oil 1 38 Stand Brew 2 1- 1 Std Cap 8 20 11 1 St Oil Ky 7 39- Ins CNAm 21ia 2.50 3.88 ...3 87 .27. 95 .27.95 .27.70 27.80 28 10 3 89 3.87 28.45 28 20 27.90 28.00 28 10 'Hudson Mot iHupp Corp Illinois Cent Ill Term R. Indpls Ind Bl de tndust Rayon Inger-Rand Inland Stl Insp Con Cop Jan Caro Caro Carrier Corp Int Petrol 3 3 DO Dt 28 40 28 20 27.75 27.85 27.85 .50 103 -IV4 21 30'i 4 18'. V. 1 4234- '4 9 45' 4- Vt March May July Reoub Steel Int Prod 3g.

Invest Roy .04 Jeannette Gla 12 93 10 14- Vi 11 2 15- 4- Va Do pf 2 Do pf A 4 119 St arret Corp. 1 5 ITechnicolor 6 13-" Case I Co 1 Vi 25 40 3 164- Va 4 634 5 20 Jim Brown Str Do pf 7 .80 138'4 Texon 3 12 Textron Inc 31 15', Asked 4.40 4.17 21.45 18.45 19 04 5.10 30.50 15.02 1.59 25.85 26.31 5 82 15.17 45 68 5.77 6.84 5.44 9.36 1 12 Caterpil Trac 4 seVi-l'iilnsuransh Ctf Ceianese mm 2s 25 Corn. Revere Rexall Drug Reyn Metal Reyn Spgs Reyn Tob 1 46 ') V- Cash Grain CHICAOO () Cah wheat was called Kisr-Fraz Kngstn Pr .20 Kobkr Strs .80 Lk Shr .72 TObSec Ltd 8 1- Do 7C4 Df 2.10 136 -2VU vo Bl .10 iu Celotex Coro 3 28 V. Jntercon Rubb 2 3 neners absent: lower grades slow, barely steady at week decline: medium and good beef cows weak to fully 25 cents lower: canners. cutters and cpmmon cows steady; bulls weak at recent sharp decline: sizeable supply medium and good steers and heifers taken off market earlier In week not hjflng shown: part-load good fed heifers 27 00: common and medium light grassy and warmed-up steers and heifers 15.00-21 00; medium and good beef cows 15 00-19 00; canners and cutters 10.00-13.00: medium and good sausage bulls 16.00-17 50; only odd head to 18.50; veaiers weak at 27 00 down.

Salable sheep 1500. total 2500: early sales slaughter classes steady: most good and choice native wooled lambs 23 00; some held higher: numerous lots medium and good lambs unsold; deck medium and good yearlings 17.00; two-year-olds out at 15.00; slaughter ewes scarce at 9.00 down. Piper Cub Fliers Favored by Winds uuiiiuicui? niKuer witn me iutures yes- Interlake Iron 30 8 1 13 3 4 13 1 5 2 Trans Lux 1 3T Trl Cont war 11 2 Tung 8 Lo 8 7'-, Unexcld Che 6 7- Unit Air Pr -2 3- Leon Oil Dev Lone Str Gs 1. Do pt 1 7 25 10 22 V. 16 V.

20 23 69- 19 21 20I4 Kneem Mfg Richfield Oil RonsonArtMW Royal Tyrie 1 3 4 iriuay. uasis uncnangea: receipts 34 cars Corn was higher with the futures also: basis on both old and new steady to firm: Lou V4 la Int Bus Mch Int Harvester Do pf Unit Gas 5 17 16 21- McCrd 1 ng Mnasco Mfg Mrt-C 1 60 1 8 .50 Int Hydro-EIA Ruberold Ruppert Safeway Strs Unit ShM2'A 3 50 61 "4- Dookings 120 000 bushels: shipping sales 45.000 bushels: receipts 250 cars. "Oats were higher: basis steady: shipping sales 25.000 bushels: receipts 14 cars. Soybeans 1 5 2 5- Vi 8 5 7 14- 7 4 11 54- 6 55 3 31- 15 5- 23 1 44 3 2 16 3 5 2 19 Va 4 3 1 3 68 6 34 8-l 41 9'a- Vi 4 1 65 39 6 w2 V. 2 8 7- 7 5- 6 36 19 9 6 14', I 1 13Vi- 19 6 V.

34 37 4 1- 4 V. 1 3 9 21- 1 11- 7 2 5 8- II 3- 47 15 3 3 31 12- 2 20 Ark Nat Gas Do A Ashlan OUR Atlantic Fis Atlas Corp Babco*ck Atlas Ply Barium Stl Berk GayF Blue Ridge Bras Tr LP. Brewst Aero. Brown Dist Burry Biscuit Calite Tung Carr Con Bisc Catalin Am Cen SW Corp Chief Cons Cities Service Claude Neon. Colon Develop Colonial Airl.

Col wa Colt Mfg Cons Gas TJt. Cons Textll Cont Cosden Petro Creole Pet Croft Brew Crown Pet Crown Drue Cuban At 8u Dennis Mfg A Det Gray Diana Strs Domest Credit Doml East Gas El Bond Sh 3 82 3 Int ch Int Mining US "DilB 1 .50 41- Cent Agulrre. Cent Foundry Cen Hd Cen 111 Lt pf Cn Pwpf Cerro de Pas Cer teed Prod Chain Belt Ches Cor Va. Checker Cab. DO Df 20 Int Nick Can 15 14 3 232 -14 27 87 Vi .60 17214 6 Vi 64 5HVi .10 134 51 56 13 12 .10 IIOV4- 1 42V, 59 4- 36 us 1 ''a Unit 8trs 8 2V.J- Michigan Sug.

Mid StPB vtc MidWs Crp Md-Wst Ref Min Crp Can Jo Lead Do pf tJtBh-IdahoS 2 334 Investing Companies Bid NEW' YORK 1.4) Affiliated Inc 4.02 Am Bus Shrs 3.81 Boston Fund Inc 19 84 Broad St Inv 17 07 Bullock Fund 17.38 Can Inv Fund 4.00 Century Shrs Tr 28.36 Chemical Fund 13.89 Dividend Shrs 1.45 Eat Sc How Bal Fund 24.18 Fidelity Fund Inc 24.37 First Mutual Tr Pd 5.22 Fund Investors Inc 13 84 Gen Capital Corp 42.48 Gen Investors Tr 5.38 Group Sec Auto 6 30 Group Sec Aviation 5.01 Group Sec Building 8 63 rGroup Seo Chemical 6.56 Group Sec Low Priced 6.41 Sec M'chandlslng 7.61 Group Sec Petroleum 7.19 Group Seo RR Equip 4.32 Group Sec RR Stock 4.10 Incorp Investors 22 39 Kanhat Bond Fund 7.28 ass Invest Tr 25 50 Mass Invest 2d Fd Inc 11.50 Nat'l Investors 9.89 England Fund 14 76 H.Y. Stocks Aarlcul 10 13 N.Y. Stocks Automobile 6 63 N.Y. 8tocks Aviation 7 27 N.Y. Stocks Bldg.

Supply 9 32 N.Y. Stocks Chemical 10 36 N.Y. Stocks Dlversif Inv 10.74 Stocks Elec. Equip 8 07 Stocks Merchand 9 56 N.Y. Stocks Metals 8 04 Stocks Oils 14 33 N.Y.

Stocks Railroad 5 00 N.Y. Stocks RR Equip 6 99 N.Y. Stocks Steel 8 41 Putnam (O) Fund 14 94 Selected Am Sh 1127 Wellington Fund 17.27 DO Df 6 96 8 25 7 80 4 70 4 46 Int Paper Int Ry CenAm 12 IVi 21 Va 17V, 25 1- V. 18 V. 2V.

51i y. 2 7 7 2- y. V4 3 12 4 59- 9'4 12 15. V. 7 7- Utah 1.40 1 23 Valspar CP Vig 4 Venez .20 105 .60 111 17 44- V.

20 8 16 30- 34 10 .20 90- Vi 3 9 36 35', 2 44 -I 20 96 V. Do pf 25-l 18- 1. 29 29- 12 90 9 4 8 V. ictciyu were iu cars rjigner. Local Securities Nemlnil euetatlont representing ninlon ane more local mem-be" of the National Association of Security Dealer aa of alew of market teiterday 'Int Shoe Mlybdenum Mor Ln A .20.

Mt City Cop NtBls Hs St Regis Pap Do pf Savage Arms Schenley Dis Scott Paper Venez syn lag .1, 24 41 34g 5 1 7 98 27.57 Nt Fuel .80 DOMESTIC BONDS Int Silver 1 Do pf 2 Int Tel St 143 Do for ct 19 Int Dent Str. 1 1 2 12 43 Nat unRad J0 1 DO PI Scran SAL RR 9 Zinc 3g AsEl 4s53 AsTA-T5s55A Boa Kl 23.s70A "let Aed 10.69 15.83 11.10 7 27 DO Dl 5g Island Crk C. 1 13'4 14- 47tl'a 34 38- 19 5 1 6 19 1 25 7 1 2 1 1 11 10 38 10 31 1 25 18 5 19 10 8V1 11 3 3 29 NMX Sc Ar Ld Ng Hd Pow NlS-Bm-P Noma Elc Vab Seabd Oil la Sears Roe Jacobs IF LI 14 Jaeger Mach 1 8 7 97 10 21 11- V. Jer Cen 1.30 2 100 1 lonli-46 97 -il 62 95', 4 114 3 100 4 71 41 2 ')-1 103 11 10 3''- aeeger KI Selberl Rub Servel Inc 30e 13', i 1 22', 6l 10- 20- 44- 43- i 28 35 92 -1 39 17 Nr Am Nrth Aire Jewel Tea 14- 34-l 13 12 4. murrit-an national Zl'j 23 Commerce Union 36 38 Life and Casualty 19'i 20's National Llle 30 Third National tiank 475 500 Union Planters 40'4 CORPORATION STOCKS Ala Power 4.2 971, 99'; Birmingham Elec Pfd 02 94 Brown Radio Prod'n 8' S3' Do 5s 48 Cit Serv 5s58 Int Pow 6s52 Do 5 57 CalEd 3s5 Russ "-sl919 Ruks 5sl921 Johns-Manv 10- Pantepec Oil.

11 35 11.77 8 84 1.20 47 33 Sharon Stl 2 10 Pennroad Pharls 6 6 3 10 48 4- 62- EDMONTON, Alta. (LP) Clifford Evans and George Truman, who are circling the globe in piper clubs and taking their time doing it, landed here this afternoon. In the flight from Fort St. John B. they were one hour ahead of their flight schedule because of favorable winds.

They left Teterboro, N. Aug. 9. Huckster Arrested On Narcotics Charge 8.81 29 1,4 34- Va 78' 17 30 7- Pioneer Gold Elliott Co 24 2 2 1 11 3 Tntal ator-k snips todav. 220.000 shares: year apro, 374,380 shares.

Denied Release, Petition Claims A petition charging that Central State hospital authorities are holding a Montgomery county citizen long after he has recovered from his mental disease was filed yesterday in state supreme court. The petition seeks the release of D. G. Edwards, an inventor and machinist, who was sent to the hospital for the criminally insane 13 years ago on a second-degree murder charge. The petition alleges that Br.

O. S. Hauk, Central State superintendent, has "unjustly and illegally restrained Edwards of his liberty." The petition contains an affidavit of another Central State inmate charging that he too was kept in the hospital long after he was cured of his malady. This affidavit by P. A.

Huddleston, at present an employe of the hospital, in the electrical and maintenance department, charges that he was hired the day after his discharge to do the same job he had done for years as an inmate. Edwards' petition claims that he was placed in full operation of the hospital's criminal division store and allowed to handle large sums of monpy and purchase supplies. Dr. Hauk said yesterday that "practically all patients in the hospital feel that they are beihg illegally restrained. I am of the opinion that Mr.

Edwards is of unsound mind. However, I am perfectly willing; if the courts order his release, to release him. I have no feeling against him at all." Dr. Hauk said that Edwards is -permitted to fish and trap in a stream near the institution's grounds and to work in his machine shop on his Inventions. 15.70 5.48 23- Ai Fl Ir 123 Alabama Mills ExD 12' 41.

Total bond sales today, year ago, $295,000. 7 narp Do 3 Shatt FG la Shell UOIlg Sheraton Corp Silver KC Sinclair Oil 1 Skelly Oil 2g Sloss-Sh 1.20g 1 Carter Shoe 3414 10 Ches Ohio. Do pf 3'-, Chicago Cor Chle Sc III Do A Chi Grt West Do pf Chi Ch SP Pa Do pf 7g Chi NW Do Pf Chi Pneu Too Chllds Co Chrysler Corp Cin Cin Mill Mch CIT Finan Clark Equip Clev El Ilium Do pf 4 'a Clev tt Pitt a Cllmak Moly Cluett Peabod Do pf 7 Coca Cola Colg Pal Colonial Mills Col Fuel Ir. Do pf 1 Do 2 Pf Colum Breast Do Colum Colum Pict Do pt 4'4 Colum Carb Col Sc So Oh 12 Johnson Do pf Joy Mlg Kalam Kan Kan City Sou Kelsey-H Wh. Kennecott Keystone Kimberly-Clk Kinney pf Koppers Co Kresge S) Kroger Co 38 'a- 10 100 1 22 1 24', 91 v48- 8 45- 4 V.

16 98 1 20 Vi wdWtth declaration JCTN-Ex-mterest Vfr.wC'.112.Cmi mum nr default of nrlneloal nr Interest or both Selling flat. for reasons omer 9.22 16 08 12.19 .30 109 Vi than detail" 'Matured bonds NoMablUt 'mnalred maturiiT 25- 3 23J4- 10 4 '16- 3' 7 16 5 18 18 37 .20 141 1 186 -3 7 45 "1 24 7 1 1 .30 63- 1 4 5 5 5 17 76 a. 34- 37'4- 1, 48 New York Stock Market 42 vac So So SoP RiSug 4g So Cal Ed IV, So Gasl'ab So Pac A Nashville huckster yesterday was arrested by federal agents on charges of unlawfully selling five 2 Officers Leave To Return Prisoner Insp. Ed Burgess and Patrol Stocks Sales CI Chg. Laclede Gas La Consolld Stocks Sales CI.

Chg. Stocks 144 14 11 8 'a 28 14'4 18'i 114 34 31 93 11 "a IOV4 43 lO'i lOOVa 51 39 2 "a 25 10 i'4, 8I4 32 514 16-, Webster Tob 1 6 6 54 Dobbs Houses Inc Federal Comp ExD Federal Screw Georgia Hardwood Ga Power 6 General Box General Shoe Com General Shoe Pf Gray fc Dudley Kellh-Slmmons Com Ky-Tenn Clay Moore, Com. Moore, Handley Pref. Nash UR Phillips Butt Mfg Tenn Cen Com Tenn Cen Pfd Tenn Odin Insur Co. renn Prod 8 Pref Tenn Prod Com United Transit Pfd United Transit Com 74 26 13 174 .111 3 30 91 10 'i 9 41 10 99 47 37 IV, 15 9', fi 8 30 4i, i-amoert Co Lane Brvant 18 Va So Ry 3 Wesson 8 52 23- 26 .50 IOT4 Tri-Ct Cp Do pf Trx-Tr new Bales CI.

Chg. 24 44-lVa 4 128- 1 46 1 69- 71 76- 7 141 Do Df 5 grains ot morphine. U. S. Commissioner J.

Washing- Do pf 4 10 85- Lees Sons 23-l 2 15 Tnri R112 6 26 6 2 1 6 1 14 3 17 2 2 8 1 35 15 1 2 7 Tw C-Fox 37 man Fred Lassiter left for more, this morning to claim Snldg la Soarkj With SoencerK 1.60a 29 i 23 45 35- 58 -2 17 '4- V. 5 22- 10 75 18 West Penn El .10 111 10 V. 38 13 13 13 11 12', ljenigh rszN 1 Lehigh Port LehlghValCoal Do 1 Df 1 tun ivioore listed tne man as Johnnie William Been of 612 Joseph Do 7 pf 7 .90 115 Soerry Co J4g 8 Rubber Do 1 pf Do pf 8 Steel Do Pf 8 Tobae Do nt Unit Stk Unit Sts 2pf Un Wallpaper Do pf 1 18 SDlegel Inc i 19- 5 5 25 Va- 36 8 30', 54 12 34 V. ave. iseen waived preliminary hear a prisoner wanted here for and assault with intent to com-Jnit murder.

Vi 76 36- 39 -1 Do pf 1 Tw City RapT 4 Do prpf 3.30 Twin Coach 3 Underwd 3 Un 6 Un 8 DO Df 4Va 1.10 Leh Val RR Lehman Corp. 1.10 1 4 la West Auto Sup West Do 2 Df So Co 17 47 Va ing- and was released on $3,000 bond, the commissioner said. The man 43 4 6 10- 6V4 Vi 40 -1 kenn Fink. aao sons 1 11', 43 DO DI 4 19V4- Lerner Stores. Llb-O-F Glass The prisoner, John G.

Sage, was captured by the Federal Bureau of 3 1 1 West Pac 3 II 105 Va Coml Oredit 8 Do pf 50 Coml Solvents 3 Gomwlth Edis 25 23- V. Un Carbide 56V, 2 Do S4 pf 5- Unlv Lab 20 110 "1- Vi Un El M4pt gave his occupation as a huckster, it was added. U. S. Narcotics Agent Nat Wil Do I 8 West Un Tel 50 100 4- .45 2514 11 25 2 105 22 50 -1 25 39 1 Unlv Lf Tob 4a 1.20 102 -Investigation in Baltimore earlier 9 36 Do 3 pf .40 92 26 3 uomwun (K ao J8l Naval Stores Unlv Pict 2 7 16 West Air Br.

Un Oil Cal this week. 90, 74 17 1573 Va Do Pf 4... .40 67 2 108 li 2 11 40 175 West Elec la. Do pf A 3 Do of 3 80 3 100 -V4, Van 2 16 10 4 32-', 35 Do 7 pr of Std OCal3.20g StdOCalla Do NJ 4g Do Ohlol'4 DoOhioof3 StdStlSpg Starr LS 3 Sterchl Br la Sterl Drug 2 Libby Life Savers Ligg Myera Do pf 7 LimaHamlltoh Link-Belt 3 Lion Oil 2a Llould Carb 1 1 Do pf 3Va Lockheed Aire Loew'slnc lUir liams aesenpea the man aa "a medical case," and said he was arrested in 4 downtown parking lot immediately after completing sale Weston El Inst 19 iWestvaco Ch 1 31', 13 5-i 50 21- V. 3 104- 59 33 31- 69 1 13- 5 Sage was indicted for forgery and assault and battery by the Davidson -county grand jury last January and his trial in criminal court I been reset several times by Judge Chester K.

Hart. SAVANNAH. Ga W' Turpentine. 65: offerings and sales. 160: receipts, 234; shipments.

49; stocks. 10.717. Rosin: Offerings and sales. 100: receipts. 1237; shipments, 1186; stocks, 9225.

Quote: fl, 6 50: D. 7 75: E. 8 00- F. 8 75; O. H.

I. K. and N. 9.06; WG, WW and X. 9.36.

Van Raalte 1 J7 -'a Vanad Corp 15- Va Vertient-C Bug 1 15 Vkk Ch 1.20a. 5 30'a Vic Ch Wks 10 6OV4 Do of .50 98 Do of 3 29 32 1 3 1 2 5 1 6 Un Pacitlc Do pf Un Tk Unit Air Do pf United Air Unit Blsct Unit Carb Unlt-Crr Fat Un Clg-WhSts United Cp Do pf Wheel Stl 2g. Do or Df 5. 33 lB'jlv, stev JP 2 a v. Va-Caro Ch 4 10- Vi White Dent White Mot la Lone Star Cem a Do pf 12k.

Conde Nast Congol Nairn Consol Cigar. Cons Copperm Cons Edison. Do pt 5 Cons Grocers Cons RR Cub Cons Nat Gas Cons Ret Str Cons Vultee Consum Pow. Do pf 4 Container Cor Do pf 4 Cont Bak Do pf 514 Cont Can ot tne morphine. Tillman Property Sold for Subdivision 23 lb 3 22- 1 52 1 15 27 11- V.

Va El Sc i Dn Df 5 2.30 117 1 White Bcw Mrh 32 3 43- 7 43 -1 38 7 25 27', 4 2l 1 72 6 23 6 35 "4- 25 28'i- V. .80 95 1 99 1 32 10 35 .70 88 3 50 Vi .10 97 3 27- 4 24 5 13 6 10- 20 9 2 61 1 23 15- 3 18- 2 18 7 18 2 60 li- 1.40 80-2 4 64 '4 2 9- 2 37 3 13- 24 "a 18 4 20 1 6 .7 StoneAW lg lcox 2U. a4 Lm tn River Table Va Ir pf .10 127 4 23 V. 21- 31- 33 1V, 4 2- Vi 44 6V- Vi 70 -7 18 4- 40 55- 22- V. J6- 4 Lorillard la Do pf 7 Loulsv A Louisv Nash Unit 2 33 fiA 37 Va Ry 2 .20 157141 sun Chem .80 1 12 24 Sun Oil lb 3 CS1V All observations mad at 7:30 a m.

Do pf 4... Do Df 1. DOW-JONES AVERAGES 4 41 Sunray Oil'ab 32 VulcanDet 754-. 28- 98 13- 42 15- Va 37- 30- 15 21 15 20- 11 55- 10 VfcA 21- V. 16- 58 433 28- V.

47V4 14 14- 10 9- 23 in 10 50 IOSV4- 1 42 40 97 4 13- Wilson Co. WllsonJones IWIsc El Pow. 1 The old Lewis Tillman property Lowenstelnl a LukensStl 3 32- 14 1 33 4 15 4 32- .10 103 1 Do wd 1 NEW YORK! (ID Friday Dow-Jones closing averages: Waldorf Sys la Walgreen Co Do pf 4 Wilier 1. 1 96141V4 Woodward Ir on JLastiana.ave., Including an old 17-room house and 18 acres of land, has been purchased for a considera Stocks Opan High Low Mack Trucks Me 2a. Magma Cod 1.

8 19 9 10 37 20 Clot Wnnlwnrtr 8 20 34 iiYt-A 1 100 STATION 1HV4 26'a- Vi sunsh Bis 3 22- Sunsh .40 40 Superheater la 56 4- Vi Tex Gulf Sul. 34 Oulf Sill 19 Tex 12 Tex PcL Tr S. 574 iTh Gl Mfg 1 3 a a 6 3 2 I53 Walworth 1 10 riWorth 2a 21 va 1 11- Va I 4V a 0. Magnavox lb. 2 105 Vi Ward Bak 45 Do pi Unit El Unit Unit Fruit Unit Oas Imp Unit Unit Pap US Sc For See Gypsum 8 Boffm Do pf 8 Ind 8 Leath Lines 8 8 Play 8 Plywd 13, tion of approximately $32,000.

The firm of E. P. Wilson Son, ..183.46 48.97 33.93 64.74 Va 183.97 49.28 34.10 64.97 Wrigley Jr. 182.23 48.54 33.80 64.29 Manati Sugar 3 17 uo pi Cnt Cn pf J'. Ct Dm Fib 1 Cnt Ins 2 Cont Motors Cnt Ol Dl 2i Cont Steel 1 Cpr-Ba l4g WT.nd Wor JO 77 -Warner Br Pic ji 36 Yale Towne .114 V.

ItlETED fllTKr 20V. The Fair 1 7i- V. Warren Pet 23 50 York Corn A 53- 8- 48- V. 16 V. 26', 53 V.

13- 55 home builders, American National bank building, purchased the property and will subdivide it into 65 7 V. 182.61 48.72 33.92 64.46 Close 98.67 103.86 87.15 102.99 1 SO Industrials 20 Rails 15 Utilities 65 Stocks Bonds 40 Bonds 10 1st Rails 10 2nd Rails 10 Utilities 10. Industrials Cumberland 00 or 3 Maracaibo Oil Marathon Cpl Marine Midlnd MarshField 2a Martin GL Masonite Corp MasterEl 2.40a Mathieson Alk i 1 iiierma to Ave Tr 55 Thorn Stl 13 32- Do Pf 3 ..6.50 124loungst 5 'Wash Gas Lt 2 21 V.iYoungstatlDr 3 50 -1 Wayne Knit 1 24 Radio 6 31 'Wayne Pump 2 3 33 'Zonlte Prod NetChg. off 0.56 off 0.04 up 0.02 off 0.13 Net Chg. up 0.16 up 0.06 up 0.67 off 0.01 off 0.08 22,800 ...135,600 Cellna Carthage lots, according to John U.

WilsdnjcSfn Ech 2 so .60 Cprwld Stl 80 Nashville I I ...1401 8 81 0 31 ...141 9 81 21 9 ..146,15 81 0 21 0 I I I I I Corn Prd 2g 9 67 Do Pf 7 2.60 1791 1 941'. II1UNIM dl i ,1," Thomp Pr 1 lg'- Th-Star 2 42- n. 1 58 .20 1 4 2 3 3 30 1.80 5 7 1 Total stock sales today, previous day, week May Dot Stors Cornl-Db 71 80 3 14- Tennessee year ago, two years ago, January 1 to date, 100.66 WAO- Dn pf 3 1.60 Maytag Co la. 3 6 10 SI oTsTl 7. DO If Chattanooga Florence.

Ala. ana 1. Lr. MOaOb, owners of the company. Work on the subdivision will begin immediately with 65 brick veneer houses to be erected on the property in 1948, including duplexes and five and six-room houses.

Transactions in Stocks Used in Averages Friday 50-l 4 29 1 23 99 V4 19 52V4- 13 4- Vi 16 191H 39-l ..11611 9 4 OUR Utilities 77,100 Industrials 22- 5- 36- 12 33- corning Coty Inc Crane Co 160 Crm Am 1.40 Cr Ck 1.80 Dopf Cra Zlt 1.70g. NAVIGABLE DEPTH: Cumberland river. 28 26 Tlmk-Dt Timk RBr Trahsam Tr year ago, two years ago, 333,933,613. XD Ki -dividend. JCR-tx-rights.

a -Also extra or extras. d-Cah er stock. (-Declared or paid to far this year. f-Payable ln stock. g-Pald last year.

h-Payable In Canadian fund. k-Accuraalated dividend paid er declared this year. nr-Under ruls, ww-Witi warrant xr Without warrant. war-Warrant. McCallCorp 3a 2 McCror Stors 4 McOraJ Bill 1 5 Mclntyre Pore 2 McXess Si Sob 3 Totals 35,700 Ralli 52 mouth to Nashville; 8 8 feet; Nashville to 6 4 feet.

Tenoesse river, 8- feet; Uurnlahed by V. S. Engineer.) 33- HlTr to 4.

The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.