The Summit County Beacon from Akron, Ohio (2024)

2 THE SUMMIT COUNTY BEACON, AKRON, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1882. WHEN IN TOWN! out this letter in his own behalf when IT IS NO COMPROMISE. BEACOiN" LETTERS. its in every wav. He was a nuief.

ur- Yon should ov.d.i 1:1 oi.i.-iwioo". 1 ii the star route trial lias condemned him in the eyes of the people, he need not kllOM- leitire inul. tJ a.mi uiiu no fioii'o iicviuiti 111 lie 1110.01 desirable condition of things could and would be brought about, if the parties directly interested would make any reasonable concessions. The plan of operation was also some made it a point to sav something gooo. complain if the public judge him by it, ALWAYS KSMEMBF.H TO or nothing, of his feliowmen.

What a because he is bright and sparkling 'and vivacious. invigorate, build up. strengthen him in his physical system JUDGE TIBBALS' REASONS FOR pity that such men are so exceptional in this world! what explained and is a feasible one, and will be niade public in due time, if Monday morning, at the time of the first scrimmage, was given $8 and costs by 'Squire Brown. John J. Everson, charged with carrying concealed weapons, waived an examination and was bound over to Court.

Monday, when the Hydraulic Company went upon Mr. Smith's property to cut a new channel, several rods of fence were torn down, and other depredations of minor character committed. Mr. Smith was interviewed by a Beacon wiin ijcinig iviait lvxiract, anil lie will be all the better prepared for mental me project is success! ul. as everything; and with all the severity that it requires.

His effort to use it to smirch Guriield's fame, to save himself by digging at Garfield's grave, will fail, for this letter only makes more conspicu ictivity and stimulation at the proper GET THE LATEST NEWS in the matter is to be done openly and DECLINING TO VACATE JUDGE BARBER'S INJUNCTION. GOOD APPOINTMENTS. time. There is nothing like the Liebig Malt Extract for children. been visiting relatives here since hist Saturday.

Mr. It. E. Lucas and "Ike" Turner returned Saturday from a trip up the lakes, reporting a pleasant time. Mr.

Jacob Stottler returned recently from Peoria, 111., where he has been spending the last three months. Miss Caroline Shaffer, of Indiana, is visiting friends here, the guest of her uncle, Mr. John Snyder. Mrs. Myers, nee "Miss Anna De Nisc, antl her husband, of Akron, tire visiting Mr.

Frank De Nise, of this place. Mr. Palmer, of Henderson, is the guest of Mr. times Hile and other relatives in this vicinity. Miss Wooster, is the guest of V.

'McElliennie. Miss Ella Bradley, of Kent, is visiting Mr. Ephraim Huffman's this week. ous the bitterness of the opposition Garfield met in recogtrzing in the com A 1W Ol'SCF IS TH. BY BUYING THE wilii nearty aecoru on live part ol everybody concerned, both citizens and property owners.

Again, Mr. J. F. Seiberling, in conversation with a Beacon reporter today, said that he was well pleased with the articles in The Beacon on the subject of compromise and thought TRUSTEES OF CI1 1 LDKEN'S HOM Advrtitrmentt under thit head wilt bi but SI position ot his Cabinet the reform for bulk Oail'j and Weekly vntit tin (Jomittj SELECTED. COVENTRY.

Aug. 14. Mr. Tom Hewes has rented a farm near Thomastown and gone into the milk business. Mr.

Charles Allvn returned to his home in O'Conuer. last Thursday somewhat improved in health. Will Jeffreys went along with him. Considerable wheat was out in last week's rain storms, sprawling and sprouting. Basswood.

MUNROK FALLS. Aug. 9. The masons are at work laying a solid stone foundation for the new machine room adjoining the Paper Mill. The building will be lOOxfl feet, built of brick, and will contain two machines; one 42 inches, the other (52 inches.

Frank Davidson was unable to sing reporter lo-uay, and in the course ol the conversation said that "all he asked of the Hydraulic Company is to come down and fix up his fences, as they agreed to." He denied that he hail had any offer from the Hydraulic Co. to sell part of his land. The hearing before Judge Tibbals Tuesday was occupied with presenting 2 O'CLOCK BEACON them in the interests of all concerned pO'S COUNTV 'K AIIKAlt-lli iz -d to am. 011 Kiel aid Walker, a and said that for one he would like until i' i own 1 11-011 oin, County ss pl'e- lueu 'v il lied fi.r all the mi'u-s. thor to see the suggestions held out in these Fr 111 Mond -y's Daily Ilccon.

The hitch between the County Com ough Inn publican. TAXPAYERS. articles acted upon. Mr. Seiber From Wednesday's Daily Dacnt.

Ill the Hydraulic-Strawboard case b'fore Judge N. D. Tibbals, in tho City Council Chamber, yesterday afternoon, Judge Tibbals said that was a common practice where tin injunction is allowed without hearing to permit parties to be heard on motion to vacate. The Judge then proceeded to deliver his opinion on the motion for an application to dissolve the injunction granted by Judge Barber in favor ling further said that he I INCH tilt. AMU.

II PI KA ANNl lirew.sttr. of tho firm of I he heat ol mid-Summer is driving our citizens to various Summer resorts revvster The most important development of the past week in connection with the war in Egypt is the order issued by the Sultan yesterday (Tuesday) peremptorily ordering Arabi Pasha to lay down his arms. If he refuses, he is to be left to lie dealt with by tho British. There has been very little lighting, the most serious being a skirmish in which 20 of the rebels were killed. Mean missioners ami Mr.

Allison, in regard to the purchase of tlie farm for the Children's Home, was to-day adjusted nasi wn. a cand'daP I. the ofllco of affidavits on both sides. Arguments began Wednesday and were in progress when the AVeekly Beacon forms closed at noon. Com ly I ler so1 je I to the del i iou of the and excursions are becoming numerous.

Hid the deed executed this afternoon. 1 1 11 County 01 v. 1 Hon. 'lilt! Lutheran Sunday School picniccd MAN FRIENDS.

the Commissioners agreed to pay $110 at Cuyahoga rails last Saturday. The Full Associate! Tress Day Dispatches dow to hour or gain? to press. Completcst Local ws. The Most for the Money. ItlK Mil a In ii U'ACtlN." per acre and as the conlanieu will go to Wheeling on the.

MISCELLANEOUS TELEGRA MS. V'l I ou an: tl. a voters of 1 1 i.S:2 acres, the purchase price is of 1 crd. Schumacher vs. the Akron Strawboard and spoke substantial loth.

1 tie Presbyterians tire making 1 'in ly. In 1. iitl ioMvil tninieilv of Jtr.l.S). Tuesday evening on account a "severe colli." J. C.

Castle being called upon, delivered his lecture on "Eyes and Nose." Mr. Davidson will, however, arrangement. to go to Cleve St -w I. now a rei ei 1 ut on w.ll bn nrc- 'the County Commissioners, at land 111 the near future ami ly as loiiows: It would be rather oppressive to say 111 lo Tie i snCi unly Convention as cinilid te forth olliee 1:, i.ntv Treasurer. their session this afternoon, appoint Detroit, Aug.

12. The only remaining transfer boat of the Great while the Moslems of India have taken a hand in the affair, and have officially asked the Turkish Consul at Bombay to give an entertainment ot sacred song was willing to enter into a compromise under circ*mstances substantially us follows: That the canal bed be so lowered that the water shall have a steady flow from the river to the mills and shall not be interrupted by dams. He lurther suggested that the matter be left to the business men of the citv and they to dispose of it its they might deem proper, provided they considered the interests of the Mills, the S' raw-board Middlebury Coal Co. and the Main street property holders. All these, Mr.

Seiberling thought, were directly interested anil should be regarded in the adjustment, and with these interests harmonized he was willing to enter into a compromise and to abide sn et Pi 111 a CeC-Sloll of said ed Trustees ot the Children's Home as follows: George W. Crouse, Western Railroad was seized last night recitation next Sunday evening, to low rates on the railroads make hake-side, Lorain and Vermillion of easy access. The Doylestown Village Council, a that the Middlebury Coal Co. and the Swede should not come into court anil be heard. But the question is raised whether they are not xi.liw 1 .1 -VMtCi llN'rV TKKAfliltt K-THK NAM I of Mi-.

I'Vai Ic W. M- eis, 01 Mogdore. will be explain why the Porte permitted by the Car Loan Co. Hail they delayed Akron, tor one year; George Sackett, ol Cuyahoga Falls, for two years; E. S.

tu-i'M-nteai to the i-a'Wi I call count couveulloti remarkable complication of Teutonic Turkish troops to co-operate with the British in Egypt. The events in 1-111 of a ip b'e Hint suci esslul UuMitess iimu iiud ihorou-hly cat nest Kei ub'iean. dx-w so identified with the other that that covers them. But this mav be pre stupidity and egotistical obstinacv, litis recently been relit with internal strife, Gregory, of Hudson, for three years. Mr.

Crouse, as Secretary and Treasurer of Aultman, Miller Egypt, greatly influencing Mus judging them. I am inclined to hear caused ny a so-caiieu Judas 111 their those matters unless Gen. Voris shall County Auditor, County Commission six ipoejss. ranks, betraying their tender munici TrOK COUNTY THEASUltUR. TiJK NAME Ge-v S.

Our ins, of Noil! Ilelal Township, lie In ill Republican bounty iisoaatof a 1 ersou for tho office ..1 Gundy 3rtuMir-r. d.vw MANY REPUBLICANS. V'iss Flela Shakespcre entertained a birthday surprise party recently. Nearly 50 relatives and friends were present, and assisted in making the event one long to be remembered. Miss Fleta received a lounge and mirror as evidence of their regard.

Topsy. OAK HILL. Aug. 14. The Sunday Sdiool here which was organized July 9 at the second attempt at organization, is doing er, ixc, is too well known to furnish such authorities as shall show that they stand clearly in the shoes of the Mrawboard Co.

I shall lust dis need introduction. Mr. Sackett is a successful fanner anil has been a member of the Board of pal uetigimgs to tne gaze ol: an unsympathetic public. 'The Clerk and Street Commissioner have had the greatest censure, receiving this week several wordy casligations by the big mogul sulmen in Syria, and only a spark is needed to start the popular feeling against England into a blaze. Gladstone's Government seems to apprehend the danger of the situation and is hurrying forward all the troops possible, with a view to an early advance upon Arabi's camp.

CNTY Tlt'CtSUKKK JAMES II. IA'K I1 IsUYla and of the M'U'lt. Frit, I'Kacon fleai-e an- SUPPL Equalization County Commissioners State Board of Mr. Gregory is vard graduate and ti liar- and duel manipulator of that body. Praeco.

"WADS WORTH. was wide WIIOLU NO. ly known as Principal of the Preparatory Department of Western Reserve College, and of the Rayen High School, Aug. 12. Long Frank, and Short John, took our town in during POLITICAL.

well, and we hope doing good, although not till the neighbors care enough about the refinement and education of their children to either send or to go them- selves. Miss Amy Mackey litis returned from I the West, where she has been visiting i relatives, bringing with lier a cousin from Cleveland to spend some SUBSCRIPTION RATES STKICTLY IS ADVANCK. the last several da vs. Will Manning, formerly a Wadswoi th law they 1 ouiigstown. Their respective terms date by from the 1st of March, 1883, but will serve ad interim, meeting Saturday for organization.

f.iiiiiii, was looking up old hind marks notit-ce the ni'iuta ot bones H. Seymour, of Hudson, e- ndid Me for for the olt(ee of Canny TifciiMin Uieouiiug Itei'iihlieaa Mr taeyniour is too widely known to the Summit County lo need any Intro-auction to 1 Item. I-' has been, for years, one of 'he most etTe--tte w. his party's cause." ii. tiie 1 o'-tlierti part ol lli county, and those who are i-est.

ueipiainlcd hun can vout-h for his capability. Hum ugh nesty and kimtlv cur-tsv. KEl'UBLICAN. 1 ClCN-IY TH'iVSCRKIt. DR.

A. M. COI.E. nl IViiiOMiia. Ed.

ItKACON, please announce that the 11 tnte. o' Dr. A M. Cole, of P. ula.

will lie presi ided to the Republican County as a candidate for nrmtna-oon lor tiie ttllc of County Treasurer. Dr Cole is an aet'vo 1 ciutbiicau, a Miceessful buMuess man. a thorrugti and his many Itieuds can vouch for his al'i'i y. sterling inint'l-1 le." and genial manner. next here tins week.

Thb Wkkkly Beacon, 51 columns, is 50 cents for three months, Sl for six months, for a year, but subscribers living outs'de of the county have to pay 10 cents extra (Sl.60 per annum) for postage. Tin Daily Beacon, 32 is 50 Andy Bolich is home-again after a uy it. From Friday' Dally Beacon. Another Specimen of "Doctored'' Interviews. To the Editor of The Beacon In a publication of what purports to have been an interview with me, in the Herns of last reporter makes me say: "As I -ai i before, I hope the comprom'sa miy effected is long as one whP i- ur a for both of the in eie-ite 1 patties is made, nnd we will agree to shut the le ut the when we draw a 11 cur leluse, so th ne of it will fl the tity, but do i the river, where it will do no harm.

"I shall not listen to my ob "cti ns to a fair and prop -r compromise, for as you know, it is to their in erest to pro-one this tight ut it is not to ther of us. and I should be glad to see the mills get water agaiu, if they need It" I did not make use of this language. What 1 did say was this: "I am always glad to compromise any controversy." "I am willing to compromise this controversy if it can bo made satisfactory to all parties interested." "I will not listen to an objection to a compromise of tiiis kind from six months experience ol lite in New Prohibition Grove AIeetino. A grand mass temperance meeting will he held at ruble's grove, one-fourth mile south of Greensburg, on Sunday next the 20th at o'clock 1 to be addressed bv 'Rev. A.

B. Williams, Rev. E. Matthews, L. B.Logan and others.

All tire cordially invited to attend. STATE FAIR FACTS. Mexico. He is lull of rough reminiscences and says a fellow must have lots cents a month or $6 a year. De livered bv carrier tn Akron, 12 centa per week.

Supplement every of sand to pull through there. He rf Saturday gratis. pons tvi. wiieox 111 lair health again Some -of the Attractions vov Ohio's Coming Exposition. alter his long sickness or lever ana THK IVKKKI.V BKAVOV, smallpox.

for Treasurer. B. "WALKER The, 33d Annual Ohio State Fair will he held tit Columbus Monday, Tuesday. Our School Board have employed Arthur Powell, of Worthingtou, to superintend our schools during the Our subscribers would do ns a gretit by modioli names of such parties ai not sull-H-n ers to Thk Summit i'ottnty liKACON ard who would be likely to subscribe, if specimen Wednesday, 'Jhursday and rndav rpllri I.KIIAI, I VOIKKS OK 1 oventry Township will meet in csn io at t' list al place on Friday, An -nut IK. ar o'ct el; tor (he pnip se ot a 1 ing fiva tie -enates 1 1 ta nd the inuiy Convention held at Akron, S.itu Aug I is 2 itinfl Committeeman.

Ali. 1'-, tssi. a August 28, 29, 30, 31, antl Sep coming year. Hon. Aaron Pardee exhibits the tember 1.

Tho list of premiums has been thoroughly revised, the offerings giant cortistaltv ot town 12 feet inches. including goul anil silver meilals, ag gregating nearly and being so A iKKS'SAIiKM. John A. Chirk made a good score to pose of the application made to vacate the injunction of Judge Barber on the cross-petition made by Schumacher vs. The Akron Strawboard Co.

1 feel somewhat hampered by reason of the complications in the case but I have fully determined in my own mind what course I should pursue and it is only necessary to announce what it is. The original case was heard at the last term of Court, and was heard upon the petition of this plaintiff vs. all the defendants. That case was presented for an injunction on behalf of the plaintiff based on the ground that plaintiff owned the property in dispute, was in possession and had the right to hold it. Tho defendants, Commins Allen, had filed their answer at that time, maintaining that they were entitled to reconstruct the dam, that they had had it for a long time and claimed it by various modes by way of an easem*nt.

The case was fully tried before me. 1 was forced to the conclusion as 1 then announced, in favor of the plaintiff. It was my clear judgment, with the proofs then before me, and I have been unable to find any reason why I was not right at that time. The conclusion 1 reached would have warranted an injunction, but for reasons I then gave, it seemed to nie that none was necessary at that time. 1 thought it due to both parties that this journal entry should show such finding, the case being an exceptional one in its character, and I so ordered the entry made.

So far as granting the injunction was concerned, 1 thought that would remain until a final hearing of the case. 1 supposed counsel would be content. I did not contemplate any such trouble. Did not dream of it or the result might have been otherwise. But counsel were not satisfied with the finding of the Court.

They need not be satisfied. They had a perfect rig! it to take exceptions. The matter was presented before another Judge. Expecting to be absent I left a note for tho benefit of parties to the effect that any application by either of them that could properly be made to mo I de distributed as to create the greatest warily the Clerkship by getting A I -lib SADLKK. Au- numbers sent tnem.

We are making a special ffort and do not save any pains or expeuse to liiakn Thk summit County Beacon one of the very best rap- rs in the State and indispensable to every family in Summit It Rives the most for the money of any aper published in the county. It gives the cream of all the fre -riet genera news, aud more local news than A da others. We will be very thankful to our friend fcrany aid they mav lend us in ex-e tiding the. circulation of The Beacon, ami will be pleased to Msmt specimen copies to any our friends may tlrr.k best, and have them judge for themselves. possible interest in each 01 the various tne intsuoriti tioiegauon at the can of the warm weather in our country shade.

Miss Ellen B. Scobie, who was com pelled to quit her school at Canfieldlast Spring on account of sickness, has re-c rud her health in a sufficient measure to resume her work this Fall, hhe returns next: Wednesday as lady principal iii the school. Ego. FAIR VIEW. Aug.

15. Our Fall term of school com menced yesterday. Our Sunday School picniccd at Silver Lake last Thursday. Farmers in this vicinity have their oats harvested, ad threshing is now the order of the day. A little stranger came to take up his abode with Mr.

and Mrs. D. C. Long last Tuesday. Miss Kitfie Thompson, of Canton, and Miss Ettie Treash, of Springfield Center, have, been visiting at their uncle's, Mr.

J. W. Franks. 'There has been souks selling of real estate in our neighborhood in the past few weeks. Mr.

Enos Hawkins sold his farm to Mr. Sheldon, of Brighton, consideration 84,500. Mr. Wm. McFar-lin sold his farm to Mr.

Staver, of Greensburgh price SlO.fMK). Mr. Staver also bought ti farm of Mr. A. A.

Tink-ham considerat ion $7,500. departments. Tlie Ohio State cus Ihursday evening, but to-day he failed to get tiie nomination; which is Fair has been permanently located at Columbus. The grounds upon which it is to be a source 01 regret lo his friends hen until midnight the boat would have passed into the hands of the consolidated Grand Trunk Co. Silver City.N.

Aug. 12. Elijah Franklin was hanged here yesterday for the murder of Deputy Sheriff Johnson. Strong efforts were made to obtain a respite, as Franklin was dying from consumption, but the Governor declined to interfere. St.

Louis, Aug. 12. Five cars of new corn, well matured and in good condition, arrived hereto-day and were sold tit auction on 'Change for per bushel. It was raised near Waco, Texas. Ottawa, Aug.

5. A pri vate dispatch from I'lorula announces fiat W. D. Nelf and wife, who had started an orange grove 140 miles from k-sonville, were murdered and their bodies burned. Xenia, 0., Aug.

8. The Shawnee Agricultural Co. has made an assignment for the benefit of its creditors to John Sankeng. The liabilities are supposed to be not less than assets somewhat less. LaCross, Aug.

8. Under the laws of Minnesota, suit will be entered in behalf of the widow of tho late Gov. C. C. Washburn to secure to her her legal one-third of his estate.

This will greatly reduce the residuary bequests. Athens, Aug. 9. A commission has been appointed to proceed to England and contract for the construction of powerful war vessels, costing 10,000,000 of drachmas. Milwaukee, Aug.

9. The Milwaukee St. Paul Company has sold to an English syndicate, represented by Chase Brothers, 105,000 acres of land in the Pipestone district tit 4.50 per acre. London, Aug 9. Thomas Walsh, arrested at the time of the seizure of arms at Clerkenwell and convicted on the charge of treason and felony, was sentenced to seven years pena' servitude.

Calcutta, Aug. 10. Nepaul and many other feudatory states of India a ve" ol teered to rn i sh con i gen ts for tho British army in Egypt. Chatham. Aug.

4. Walter Hamilton Yeates was hanged to-day for the murder af Presley E. Adkerson, in February last. The execution was private. New York, Aug.

14. Jesse Hoyt, one ol" the most prominent business men of this city died to-day, He has been largely interested in the. grain and railway business of the west, and was at the time of his death a director of the Chesapeake Ohio Railroad. Laredo, Aug. 15.

In 24 hours ending at 8 P. M. on the 14th, Brownsville had 12 new cases aud one death. At Matamoras the fever is spreading in suburbs; six deaths. London, Aug.

15. The Prince of Wales will go to the German bath to drink the waters. The fact of tho Times devoting its lirst leading article to tho health of the Prince of Wales creates a certain sensation. Jacksonville, Aug. 4.

Harrison -Carter, colored, who murdered Lewis Adams, colored, in January, 1882, was executed in the jail yard to All the recent aspirants from Wads-worth for con iily positions have shared held are located within the corporate tlie saint! late deleat. Those who limits of the city, and are accessible by-three lines of street railway running make a move 111 that direction from our little corner will require a little hardi directly to the gates. These grounds, now the nufst beautiful in the Stale, hood with this result staring them in tire being thoroughly renovated and re the race. Rev. John Worthy got an uglv fall Republican State Ticket.

For Secretary of Slate, CHARLES TOWNSEND. For Supreme Judge, JOHN II. DOYLE. For Memlier Board of Public WoiKs, C. A.

FL1CKING2R. arranged with a view to the greatest comfort and convenience of visitors one." As to any compromise that permits a race to be dug across the land of the Akron Strawboard Company, none can be make by us, for the Middlebury Coal Company only sold to us on condition that the following clause should be inserted in our deed: shall auy dam or race be maintained thereon or over the same with the consent of the grantee." Respectfully, J. F. Seiberlinci. Mr.

Schumacher Oitosed to Compromise. Communication with Mr. Schumacher wtis finally established at 4:15 p. m. to-day, and on his being sisked if the interview with him in to-day's News was correct lie replied, "res, every word of it." Here it is: A representative of this paper last evening called upon Mr.

Schumacher at his residence on East Market street for his view of the situation. After referring to the interview with 1Y signeeof I 11 iy H. iahl against Henry H. IStalll i ill III pu'su mm of sale to mn directed ty th- oi ate un of Sim init, County. I shall offer f- l' sale 1 ulill- i net 011 on the picmiscs at Tcllmnlfie Veuitr.

iiinni County, Friday, t'cjdtv le S'i, at 1 o'clock P. M. folU.w ii. eu.le described as fellows: I eirn 'it of 1 Canmtv ot Stimuli! in si-of diio, hi I known as part 1 1 10 th.i mi tvo" (It) In said Inwn-sbio. i nn.

li as foi ous iNiuning lit a stone on the no in line of tie sent lira dii goniil road hieli fl it 1 1 1 i ir.ini tie ea-1 line ol 1 lie Ptrilic sq'tioe a' It eei or of Maid township, taeni la thenee 7iJiU 1 is: t. ia nee until li-Si deg a on- iireli :i.n; chains thence 47 deg. W. a ou-: and s-i faei. iroin tt center of the diutiomil road aforesaid to the plate ad beginulnif, aud cuii-laiirng 7H-I00 of iu-r.

more or less, being the pottery s'Hip and pio- ei 'y ntlaehed fol -lnerta-owne-t lv II Sti-lil A pi'iii e- il nl tn. Jfnif o' iucish. in one year and Mm in two years. PefHired payments to he secured by itior tmx' and draw interest from tho il avofsde. To sold for not, te-s than two-tin ids of apprai-'iment.

O. SADLER. 1M 1 wfj Assignee. KOTKIEH. and exhibiters.

New buildings tire bi ing erected for the accommodation of on a bad placs in our sidewalk Tues-eay. Sammy Drehr, with a mind harrowed by imagined wrongs, procured a shooting iron and in a host ile manner invaded premises of our townsman, E.G. horses, cattle, sheep, and swine. 1 he style of buildings will be the most modern, antl especially adapted to the In making the authorized announcement of Richard Ii. Walker for County Treasurer, Thk Beacon, without dis-p; n'mg any other aspirants, can confidently speak of him as a gentleman whose Wide acquaintance, ability -and integrity would cause him to lie a candidate who would add strength to the ticket.

Mr. Seymour's Candidacy. To the Editor of Tub Columbus, Aug. 14. I see by The Beacon that J.

II. Seymour, of Hudson, is a candidate for nomination for County Treasurer. Though not now a resident of Summit County I am still tax-payer, and beg to say that through the whole northern half of the counlv, where Mr. Seymour has been personally known from childhood, there is perfect confidence in his integrity, sagacity, competence and fidelity to any trust that may beeonimittetl to him. In my opinion his name will give slrciiglh to the ticket, and if elected, as he will be if nominated, he will be found to be the right man in the right place.

Yours, W. i. See'y Ohio State Board of Agriculture. AVavne Ikpublicans. Wooster, Aug.

14. At the Republican primary election held in Wayne county last Saturday, the following nominations were made For sheriff, J. J. Wejler prosecuting attorney, Frank Taggart; commissioner, S. P.

Burnett; infirmary director, John RriiikerhofT; coroner, John Noland. The Republicans congratulate themselves on having the strongest ticket in the field they have had tor years, men agitinst whom nothing can be tid, and to whom no exceptions can be taken by the independent party. The Democratic party in Wayne coim'y are so utterly demoralized and divided that the Republicans tire sanguine of electing their entire ticket. purpose ol exhibition. hi addition to the attractions that will be presented in the speetl ring, the cattle rinir, tlio sheep ring, tne swine.

ring and the halls of machinery, manu- lactures, larm products, textile 1 a hues art, music, lloriculture, horticulture. the League of Ohio AVheelnien Mr. beibcrUng, in "which that gentle will hold tt grand bicvele tournament Loom ts. m. living threats am I demonstrations altogether ungentlemaidy and ilimeighhorly, which led to he.tiisarm-ing of Mr.

D. and his ejectment from the premises. Mr. Wuiid and Mr. Keifter, coal miners, had trouble to-day about the division of money.

It was not settled until Wuiid, who held the funds, was arrested and brought before the Mayor. To-day W. P. Ueardslcy received by express from Italy a little tin box, which ho found on opening to contain tin oil portrait of himself. Two years ago his son Charley, then a member of tin J.

S. navy, left a small picture with a cel- sired to have heard by another Judge. I man had expressed his willingness to 011 the State Fair grounds, on Tuesday JJARVKY MUSSKlt, Attorncy-at-T nw. Otllce in Academy aif Music, Akron, Ohio. 2 Can consulted in Ctcitnau.

The question was raised in thisheariiR the second day. The exercises will be Republican District Ticket. For Congressman 20th District, ADDISON S. McCI.UKE, Of Wayne County. Republican County Convention.

The Republicans of Summit County will meet in delegate convention on Saturday, August 1S82. at 11 at the Court House In Akron, Ohio, to humiliate candidates for the following oflioes Treasurer. Sheriff. Prosscutin Attorni y. Commissioner.

Infirmary Director. Coroner. Tho primary meeting ia the several Wards and Townships to elect delegates to said doyen -tinn will be held on Friday, August is, tss.2. at 7H o'clock r. each Ward and Township being entitled to Ave delegates.

Ily order of Central Committee. ILC SAN FORI). CUAKLK3 KA'lfl). Secretary. Ch tifiiu.n.

to aug 19 conducted 011 a new bicvele track, es peciallv constructed for the occasion anil it is expected that from 200 to 3(K) mounted wheelmen will bo present to take part 111 the grand dress parade. brated painter in Naples with orders to 5 NOT PERFECTLY PLEASED. before Judge Barber that the case had been fully heard and that under the rule he should not hear it. 1 think it is a well settled rule of comity that where one Judge has heard a case another Judge of the same jurisdiction will not hear it. He, however, considered it and found that this was not one of that kind of cases, and heard it.

It was given a full and careful hearing. He. found, as we learned from the published report, in favor of the defendant, and granted them an injunction on cross-petition, and he claims his order did WANTED RT BSK-KKi HT WOM A can have a good hunie and wages. pply to DM. O.

Clii LDS, corner Market anil 11m id-way. 51" HAMMKL'S nUSINKSSCOLLKCH, 151 i- tM S. Howard Night school will una Sept. 1th. f*ckkeeping and Oeceral Kusmesi, Phenogvapliy, MeehanlcU Hint Architect-uial Drawing and the ICu'isli brauehas.

Students trained specially loi- Hie reipilieineiits of business and have been put into good positloiis before they hud completed Uieir course of siudy. Our claims and methods open for examination. No vac iltou. Circular free. Old 2Hw P.

IIAMMEL, 1'rop'r. Mr. Clinton Kuckel and lamily moved in their new house. Va lette. SPRINGFIELD.

Aug. 15. Miss Dillie Sehrop.a teacher in the public schools of Pincgrove. on her way home from South Bend, slopped over last Thursday night with her cousin, W. J.

Schrop. Rev. II. M. Walker is enjoying a three vacation, granted "to him by the session of his church.

The festival given last Saturday evening at J. T. Britlaiu's was well attended and patronized. The oats crop is nearly cut. The straw is long and well headed, but the stand was thin on the ground.

Much of the growing corn is not yet out in tassel. 1 the old rule Wiat "July and August make the corn" is to hold good this year, then a small crop will be made. The foundation for the new school house in the Brittain district is being 1 iid. Mr. Alex Robison, Poplar street, Akron, is assisting his cousin, G.

W. Hart, in harvest work. J. WOOSTER. Aug.

12. Capt. McCluro will actively participate in the campaign, this Fall, making a personal canvass of the new Twentieth District. He has worked diligently throuhout the recently closed session of the National Congress and litis acquitted himself with credit. The survey for the Xillbuck Valley Railroad began on Monday and he con Bad Base Ball at Grkensruru.

Correspondence of The Dkacon. Uniontown, Aug. 1 1. The game of base ball between the Uniontown club ill id the Manchester club, at Greens compromise, Mr. Schumacher said, his language being quoted verbatim, and published at his request: "I shall consider no proposition of compromise until the dam torn out by this man Seiberling shall be restored by him under the direction of the Hydraulic Company, the race cleaned out and the free How of our water secured by bis influence, thereby acknowledging the irreparable wrong and damage done to said Company, and commencing to repair the same." Further conversation with Mr.

Schumacher developed the fact that the mill men are sure of their position, feel that a malicious, desperate attempt lias been made to subject them to loss and injury, and will light for their rights on principle, no matter what may be their financial interest. Mr. Schumacher is very strong in his determination to defend his rights by law, and to avoid any compromise that does not carry with it a moral as well as legal vindication. He said that when the millers got their water power back they would so use it that the citizens would have no cause for and they would not, when the proper moment comes, stand in the way of any public benefit or not conflict with the order 1 had made. I.NTS MAY We hav4 Una WELL UOWN CM.

I.I- le pla- ted until August IS burg, hist Saturday, resulted very un best in 01 atiout Ak'on at reasonable prieas. pleasantly. In seventh inning when tin How many of Ohio's 15,00 saloons will be recruiting stations for the Deni-cratic party Keifor claims to see nothing but victory in the coming campaign. There must be plenty of work, though, to make sure of it. Rest stock of tun ps "ed and vitininir and Winter radish twits.

s. Akron r'ecd Store, 214 W. Mar el i-t. 27-hl Talking to Cleveland To-day. From Saturday's Daily Beacon.

At 4:30 this afternoon the men engaged in stringing the Cleveland-Akron telephone wire, readied the Akron Exchange. game wtis called, the score stood 7 to ti in favor of Uniontown. At this stage of the game the Uniontowns very prop make from it an oil painting; Charley's ship sailed before the work was done. Orders were, however, given to ship to his father when finished, but after a long lapse of ime Beardsley had ceased to expect it, so when it came it surprised them a little. Abraham Overholt, who lias been a widower for some time, wtis recently married to a Miss Fuller, of Medina.

The couple were the guests of our postmaster on Thursday. A Sabbath School excursion goes from here to the Glens on the 15th. Aug. 11. Albert Hinsdale, aged 73, one of the pioneers of this region, died hist night tit the residence of his son Wilbcrtvtwo miles north-west of town, In tlie death of Mr.

Hinsdale we lose a remarkable man no man was better posted on local or national history than he was, and his long life sparkles with many acts of philantrophy. Thomas Jenkins and another miner of the new shaft got gloriously drunk I am bound to presume that this decision was carefully considered. Others were dissatisfied with it, but it is unnecessary for me to determine that matter. He had full jurisdiction to do it and was fully competent. Should sitting in chambers, as he did, reverse that order? lOAD NOTICE.

erly ret sen to submit to the lrequent outrageous and unjust decisions ol the umpire, Air. usinan the of the Greensburg club, who open ly declared his prejudice against the The Ohio Democratic party is in big business through its central organs, in attacking the Grand Army of the Re At P. teiepnomc communication was established witli Cleveland, and the Akron exchange held conversation with Cleveland. The words were quite clear and distinct, and persons at this end of tiie line could hear better than those at the ether, al uniontowns. The Greensburg Club advertised tl festival antl varied the program ine, bv Counsel tor the plaintiff sets forth as abiisis for this application that the injunction was not warranted by the law in the case; he says it was.

That the facts upon which said order was based were false and untrue in fact; he says the.v were not. That the said or- public, for the crime of having part of a desk in a State House office, without either hindering or delaying the public day. He struggled hard and long and died from strangulation. He confessed his guilt and announced his perfect willingness to die. London, Aug.

2. Richard Kelley, proprietor of the Tuavn Herald, was served with a summons under the Prevention of Crime act, charging him with publishing an article written by James lied path, encouraging the murder of landords. London, Aug. 14. The ex-king of the Zulus, Cetewayo, has arrived at Osborne.

It is rumored that the. Queen at the interview to be granted him, will inform him of the decision of her government to restore him to his kingdom. It is stated that a British Rrcsi-dent will be appointed to reside tit Ulrindi, the Zulu capital, in order to advise him on questions relative to external relations. Notice hc-ebv civ thai a Mill bo presented to the i ei-aof mi iiitt County, Ohio, at Iheir i a i-i Sep eiulier, A. 1).

1S82, pra ivn lor tue alt. rati of Unit nan of the iririh and south rimd on lot is, ui tract 2, in Rictiliald Township, ii. said county, from intersection wi'h IheeaMend load on the south line ot dd lot 18, nor lieily to a point on the ol the bill, in ar a i.hss.vooiI tree standing on lanal Nathan rw ot. ai al the west due ol said road that, thr a' eralion tiegln at the -in' near said s-awood in a southerly rowii a small ravin-, west ot the road asatpresi lit I c.ite.t to a depression in the s.dd ravine; thence soitilieasterlv anil crossing the road as at 1 resent located, tinil tel initiating ut a point in said e-st Mid west, road about glit. ts) rods east of the pres nt terminus of said onli and south load.

Richfield, July A. D. 6 MANY CITIZENS. base ball, foot races, A jirize of $15 was offered to the winning club in a game of ball; the conditions were so business, or costing the State a cent. tract lor the grading will be let by the rter or injunction was irregularly issued: he -says it was not.

As a mat ter of The ivewscan say that the meaning restricted that Air. France must be umpire or there would be no game. Hath or tne present month propriety, is it my duty to revise this I of this is that compromise seemsimpos- Divide and conquer, is a good motto Miss Annie Hawkins, of our town is This revealed an intent of unfairness, sible, and that the light will have to be in Akron enjoying(?) a week of fog though conversation was curried on without apparent trouble. Unnjor ri-i r.ei'.c n. The Beacon had the pleas-re this noon of testing the new Akron-Cleveland telephone line.

Conversat ion was had with the Herald and Ltwtkr offices, the working of the line being most perfect. The ine will be opened for business to-morrow morning. The cash rate for messages between any of inasmuch as ranee had bets against Uniontown to no. small amount. His witn tier relatives and lnends.

action and in my judgment say that his udgment was wrong A hearing is obtained before one judge and he makes an order. A hearing is tlieu obtained before another judge of the same Quite a number of our mechanics are harelaeeu dishonesty in umpiring carried to the end where the highest court in the State will decide the question of the Hydraulic Company's rights. The News can also assure the public that general benefit will accrue from beginning to contemplate emigration Saturday night and were locked up. This morning they interviewed the Mayor and each paid a dollar fine and costs. Mrs.

Mary Ball, of Canton, visited in Wadswo'rth a few davs with her daughter, Mrs. Eli Overholt. Eli Overholt, of the Old 29th, is off Wednesday morning, to attend the reunion of his regiment at Congress Lake. II. OAD NOTICE.

if the proposed short-line of railroad furnishes no acceleration to business. Company is trying to be ready for me annual encampment. They iiave accepted the invitation to participate the game was hooted and jeered by the audience until the Uniontowns reached the limit of their forbearance. Perhaps never before was tin umpire guilty of such audacious partiality. He should bo ashamed ever to appear on a base ball ground again, and the rebuke which was so universally heaped upon him wtis richly deserved.

We are in favor of fair play and we believe the Alan- in politics ami war, and the whisky men of Ohio daily rejoice to know that the Prohibitionists are doing their utmost to divide the opposition to "Free Beer and 'o Sunday." It will great ly facilitate tin? work of the brewers 000 and of the 15,000 saloons. Yet, after all, there is too much truth in Dalzell's accusations for lie has repeated them publicly time and again, without a square denial, so far as we have yet seen. The main fact that politics is getting to be so expensive that none but rich men can afford it grows more true everywhere. in the competition lor prizes at the In me points on tlio line will be 2-i cents. The rate to Massillon hereafter will lie 25 instead of 30 cents.

There is no difference in the rates from Cleveland to any point on the line, or rice rcrm. Cleveland Herald. The distance between Canton and CUYAHOGA FALLS. Suite a air at loledo this year. Some Noticeia li'ivhy given that, a pDlition will bo rres' ntcd totre Comm s-tonors of Summit.

Canity, st tha-ir next Sejsion. Sept. 4, A. 1). lxt-2, praying for the allerdien af a unty road In Rath Jownship the following line, to-wit lleiin-ningai (lie Southive-t corn, of a lot of laud owned by Henjiiuin Point, in Hie center of a road ru-uiine iiori.liavr'r from HieKmirh Road thenee north ward in siraitdit line to Hie aoutrof said nor and houih lo-ol at Ihe northwest corner of said l'a nl'ssaid lot S'i asro in ike s-'id north anal sou ra ad a sir glit line om C-c Smith iad to and beyond the i aniar Point's stud lot.

Mil 1 r.TiT.ONKR. August 1, A. 1) 18K2. 4 settlement of the question in this way. For, no matter what the result may be, the public health will be carefully considered, and the improvement of Main street will be made practicable andspeedy.

The matter is to be settledin the courts, and while this settlement is pending the public duty is to keep hands off and new promotions and appointments jurisdiction and be vacates it. Under such circ*mstances who knows what the law is He can vacate, 1 can grant. Where would the niajosty of the law be As to whether Judge Barber has in fact granted an order in conflict with mine, is of no concern to me. If there be a conflict, the responsibility is with him. If there is no conflict, then it is very clear that I have no right in the matter.

The whole responsibility is on him, no matter how grave a situation has grown out of it. I feel like this about the matter: If nave recently been mane, and a tlior ough weeding out of inefficient men, so From Tuesd 'y's Daily Bkacon. President Barrios, Dictator of Guatemala, sailed for Europe on the Celtic. Severe sentence has been pronounced on cadets who participated in ring-light at West Point. The property of the Standard Oil Company, at Hunter's Point, has been assessed 023,000, against a 193,000 last year.

Mount Hickory rolling mill at Erie started up yesterday with non-union that tne company is in good shape. Cleveland, by way of thetelephoneline. is 67 miles and every tone Hashed over The G. A. R.

band litis worked hard guarantee lair play. the line was clear aud distinct. tor several weeks and will give a con Connection was made from the Can Aug. 9. Rev.

E. V. It. Danner and wife, Miss Helen Sill antl Miss Ella Sykes, left yesterday for Wiicox, where they will spend ten days or two weeks among the hills and mountains. Miss May Graham took the morning train for Cleveland, where she will visit for a few days.

Wo believe she proposes to take advantage of the fact that Thomas's concerts are the main attraction now lo nutsic-lovintr neonlein cert next Thursday night. No arrangements have vet been made for excur ton office with Massillon, eight miles beyond: and a conversation" between More Affidavitts. From Monday's Dn'y Eeacon. It is understood that Judge Barber. sion trains.

Judge Barber, in the exercise of his ju the Forest Citv and the coal mcf ronolis We cheerfully say a good won! fir TALL MADGE. dicial power, has granted this order, if men. No opposition on part ot old J. who was invited by Judge Tibbals to I sit wit In'm in tlio lioui-itio- nf 1 In. I handS, it is right, lie is the party responsible: "IXAMINATION OF TEACH ICRS.

l'ERMA neiit Arrangement. The board of Examiners for the County will Hold meetings for the examination of Teachers, at the High School House, Akron, as follows: On the 1st Saturday of each mouth, kxckit and Jin.v, and also on tlio third Snlunby in February, March and April, mid of September, October antl November. Examinations will commence at A.M.. aud only one day will lie alloweal in which to complete tlio examination. Applicants not norsniiallv known lo either of tin the Ohio State Fair.

The present Board of Directors have done effective Aug. 11. Tho beautiful silver this vicinity. maples in the park and on the grounds of Mr. H.

S. Carter are cut down. 'This work in building it up in till its denart chester boys are of the same inclination. Manchester has a club of gentlemen, and even they avowed their aversion to an umpire who so basely gave ihem dishonest advantages. Tlie strongest feelings of friendship aro entertained for Manchester, but Greensburg, shame upon you! Three times have you been weighed in the settles of honor and courtesy and found shamefully wanting.

Never again will our boys be disgraced with contact with your club, for you have insulted them three times, and shown yourselves ami your umpire especially to be fur beneath the standard of the common base ball players in honesty as well as courtesy. What you won by your despicable conduct was absolute Strawboard-IIvdraulic Co. case to-mor- At New Orleans, first bale of cotton row, writes that he will be unable to be 01 new crop raised in Louisiana.arrived here on account of absence from Cleve- from 'ew Iberia. Classes of low mid of Northeastern Ohio, over a line 75 miles in length, was carried on with ease. The voice of the Massillon operator did not sound quite as clear is from Canton, but the operator at Canton said that the battery at was not up to the standard power, which accounted for it.

Miss Mili Sykes returns from Kent to-night, where she has been sncndiiiir seems a pity, as nothing perhaps could make so fiiie a contrast with the elms it id wiung, nc ia nio paity responsible. If he has made a mistake, which I do not say he litis, he is the proper person to correct it. I made no injunction. lie did mid is amply able to protect himself in his judgment in ments, and they deserve encouragement for their efforts. AVith 825,000 premi land.

It is not vet known whether anv dlmg sold tor 12 cents. This is two a few days very pleasantly. iHial in 1 I WOolftt llltci' tllOll V( other in the district weeks later than hist Examiners, must bring cei I tlicatos of moml eliai year. and evergreens ot the and all M.iss Mav anil sister, who ums and numerous attractions, includ aeier No applicant will be admitted to he elass later were expected home last eveninir. fail surrounding trees and shrubbery, it must have been on account of their judge has been obtained to come here or not.

Several new affidavits, have been pro-pared by the Hydraulic from Gen. George W. McNeil. Geo. T.

MoCurdv. than 11 o'clock, au-i cci tillcale will be ed to connect. 'They will, however, at ing a State Bicycle Contest, this year's fair will no doubt take the lead of till tempt it. again this evening. great self-propagating propensities, however, and extermination was a n'd Air.

Vaughn, ol tho firm of Turner. preceding ones. Akron and Summit doubtless a wise policy. But every the matter. I tun disposed to leave any injunction that he has made with him, and 1 therefore am disposed to refuse the application for the hearing.

I simply leave the matter to himself, and since Judge Barber is present, hav Vaughn afc Tavlor, is out of town in FOIt HAlaK. one must mourn lor the grand old the interest of the hrm. "Cal," who has Snow and Frost in August. Chicago, Aug. 11.

The past few-days has been very cool, uncomfortably so at times, and frosts are reported from Northern Wisconsin and even in the suburbs of the city there was light frost Thursday morning. The old spell lias, however, done no damage to 1 )il SW.K STH.A WR-'RhY KOB The Governor of Texas has proclaimed a quarantine against Mexican ports and authorized the counties on the Rio Grande and exposed points to declare a locttl quarantine. On a petition of tho business men of Fall River, President Arthur litis granted a pardon to Joseph W. Milne, teller of the Pocasset National Bank, convicted of embezzling funds. A Toronto gentleman has a letter from an ex-Confederate officer stating County ought to be largely represented The Sharon Herald says: "A Youngs-town saloonist sold whisky to an eight- Summer nl ui I I I 111" leadniL' best, va cnarge in his absence, was called to Akron this morning on business.

He elm, a part of which yet stands in front of the residence of Dr. Amos Wright. ly nothing; what you lost, was the re Chas. F. Toy, C.

A. Colli ns, R. S. Paul, L. C.

Sehnell and Theodore Noble.the latter of Lawrence County, Pa. The Strawboard Co. has not yet decided whether to present new affidavits or not. "The Effect Abroad." STlio foil wing postal card, received bv Mr. Schumacher this mornum.

will irive t.lin reader spect ot an base ball clubs in the went on the 9:30 1 nun rieties, strong, hoa ue I name. Now ia tlie time to i-laiit secuia- a good next Summer. F. FORD 213 w5 West Irvin Sixth Ward. region, and the esteem of all honest year-old boy until he was staggering Cleveland picnic and the TiUUnadge, when more than a century ami a half ago it planted this tree ing come nere to try another matter, he may throw some light on this subject which will bo satisfactory to till concerned.

He is here and can speak for himself. At the conclusion of Judre Tibbals' men who witnessed the game. O. drunk, and when arrested was fined 85 Brooklyn Sunday Schools at the Glens grain or vegetation and prices on which litis stood there in towering "YTOTICK. A LL to-day.

To-morrow there will be an For such a crime a man should be sent KINDS OF SOFT WOOD r.iu-tMi.saas. Also Change this morning are rather weak majesty until a few years ago when it mmncrior lupiding ttdinir That's a Fact. excursion from Cleveland. er. tractor for bullallngs.

A aldn ss that a cavalry expedition is being organized in the Southern States to aid to the penitentiary." True, every word of it. But what are you going to do Tim propeller Menominee is a w. u. mtUKHY, Clinton. Ohio.

Trinity Lutherans of Akron tintl a ompanyfroni Cleveland at the lake received its third stroke of lightning, from appearances it having survived the second at least 50 years and of A man can work unless lit! feels well. The hard times have made plen by her captain to have encountered in one good reason why a coinproiiiise is neede Drfianik, Ohio, Mr. Fkk Schumachkh If you ran not make satisfactory arrangements in to to-day. HOME ON CO-J hum sT.vt. i'h bam and oilier midlake on Tuesday nisrht.

a thick. ty of people sick simply by worrying course the first still longer. Not long The 1-li st Church of Christ of Ak out hiiilippus. Particulars wPi be civen Pv Ii. nielli almost out or their wits about cold cloud, which burst oil her decks, covering them with snow ami slush to M.

Rover. Wooster A ve. For stu r-tul larmt u.i- ron picnic at the Grove to-morrow. money ami business. Trouble of mind dress Miss .1 KNN! Mo.CC I.I OCII.

remarks Judge Barber stepped forward and took a seat by his side. At this point the attorneys for the Straw board withdrew from the room. The Hydraulic-Strawboard case came up again before Judge N. D. Tibbals in the City Council Chamber at this forenoon.

udge Tibbals upon taking his seat on the bench asked the wishes of counsel as to the order in which they Any persons having personals or anv depth ot six inches. For five minutes. hits brought on trouble ot both'. 'There 7 Huntingdon, Huntingdon Pa. Araiu Pasha.

The expedition will start for Egypt in a few days. Representatives from 40 counties in Indiana met at Terre Haute yesterday, and organized a State Liquor Dealers Association. Resolutions were adopted declaring the present attempt to regulate the liquor traffic oppressive. Ainimikence, or Little Thunder, When the enemies of such work, find their efforts balked by those who profess to be the especial friends of temperance? This thing of consolidating the supporters of the whisky cause and dividing its opponents, is not the acme of wisdom. items of interest will confer a favor if the atmosphere was like that of is indigestion, heaviness in the head.

alter us last stroke 01 the hostile element it was thought best to remove 30 feet, its top then measuring almost a hundred, which by means of apparatus was successfully 'done and a cap fixed upon the place of dismemberment. Since then, by repeated violence of the wind, sections of its trunk have fallen. Winter, but as the steamer was mov they will either in person or through the mail give them to II. as daily T7OR SALE, KENT, IN 1)1 F- I. ferent liartsof the eiv.

on sma'l ami an mat. Are you allltctetl in this way? Go and invest One Dollar for a maiiiuacuire, we will make it an oliject. lor you to move to our city. Wo would JiKe to corresBond with you and have you come up and look over our city. Respectfully yours, GEO.

A. BOOTH. So says the News, plainly intending to convey the idea that somehow the people of Defiance have heard that Mr. Schumacher thinks of removing from Akron and that they are trying to induce him to locate 'in Defiance. The ing rapidly, she soon came intoa warm and lomr time.

A nuiiiliei-of new houses', lo lio omnmnieations tire sent to Tin-: Bjca- bottle ol Dr. David Kennedy's "Favor er temperature. Tlie event is unpivce- finished in days. Can aocinmodate a few small families with from 3 lo ii rooms each. City lots.

and the people may as well have Icnted here, but the accuraev of the ite aim it will make a new the advantage of them. facts is vouched for bv other officers man ol you. it lakes the bile out of farms, steam-dup and Railroad ilckets to any DOilltill Klirone or America. Koreien Mioiieii 10 proceed, wneinerin me matter of extending the temporary injunction or hearing the motion to vacate. Contention of counsel not beino- over Miss Jennie Heiitirickson, of Cleve- the blood, and is worth a trip to Ron md passengers and the story corrobor- chief of the Chippewa Indians, who died at Chicago, was over lit), and a good Indian.

He was one of the two survivors of the Custer massacre, he tnd, is in town spending the day with tlouf, N. the Doctor's Home on ed by thermometers conditions of anal tirst-class Insurance Caunpanles represented. Call on or address 11. AtlRI.K. Anblo's Agencv, 11 1 S.

Howard Akron, (., Or Ticket Otllce N. P. O. IL R. 4ii ract is, other manufacturers of Akron here friends, Misses Carrie Douglass that night.

au noon, duugo XlObaiS a. i yj tn loot, it you cannot get it more easily iMi i in 1 1- i tint lo Jones. n. G. Only its trunk and lower branches now remain.

This lofty and imposing tree, sketched from a photograph taken before its decline, litis been painted in oil colors by the skillful hand of Mrs. Geo. 0. Berry, and the sublime picture, with the photographs which embrace the I i-irst however, see if your druggist England already litis fully 40,000 men either in Egypt or on the way a far more complete and efficient force than was despatched to the Crimea, or than "Wellington commanded at "Waterloo. The men have been pushed to the front with German-like celerity and ed hearing till next Tues- communications, m-dav.

meanwhile continnino- AIr- Seiberling. Mr. Aug. II. That third strike proved to ii.isn got ic.

tths-w3 Selecting New Cemetery Grounds. "U- I ifi, i A DWIMSIRATOR'S SALE OF REAL KS- be ti gootl base hit. "Veni, Vidi, iwiu i.iouutaert simply advertising til then his injunction in favor of the ttite. his tows as a manufacturinar center O. IJeebe ami wile left yesterday In pursuance of an oraler of the Prolmto Pnnri liVKlASArOLIS, 1110 I1CW antl a teamster having narrowly escaped from the Sioux.

The Empress of Germany is confined to her apartments in consequence of the injuries received by her fall while walking in the Schloss of Bahelsberg Saturday. Some anxiety is felt concerning her condition, but a speedy re or a protracted trip through the East. Indianapolis Board ot Trade, with Doctors grounds aud residence, will of Summit County. Ohio, wPl olfer for sale at public auction on tho 25th day of Ausust, A. ISS2, at 1 o'clock r.

upon Hie premises, tlie lollowinir described real estate, sul.i to tu.a Mr. (ieo. Brock fills Mr. Beebe's place inaugurated to-day. in iuii readiness, while the and probably never heard of the mill race war.

But the joke on the News will better appear when it is stated that Defiance has been going-. i i Cotrespondenceof Thk Beacon. Doy lestown, Aug. J2. At a meeting of the Cemetery Association last evening in the office of Seiberling, Millar a committee was appointed to secure new grounds for a cemetery.

The grounds previously selected have preparations for the war are most con swede, attorneys on both sides at the same time agreeing to make no fin ther move in the interval. The plaintiff's counsel wanted the case postponed till ono week from next Monthly, so as to secure the presence of Judge Ranney, but as Judge Tibbals would be then absent next in the store during his absence. Wm. Soiilhmayd and wife have returned from their Lake trip antl report liulitof dower nf Pilscilla Cnrmanv. sit' tiled iu the county of anil State ot' mid in always be preserved among the treasures of the Doctor's family, before whoso dwelling it has stood and so fondly anil protectingly ever reached down its graceful brandies.

plete. The energy of the Government Coventry Township, in taid counlv. In n-g clt tho Kiuthwtst corner id lot No. at. ir.

Corrected June. 17, 1882. a very pleasant trip indeed. For every cainpei- that pulls up stakes I Nv York. A a.

been found to be underlaid with rock, covery is hoped or. Bi-Centennial Association of Pennsylvania will soon forward a circular to the Governors of the different States, inviting troops to visit Philadelphia in the matter is a surprise 4o its friends ami opponents, cables Jennings to the New York World. Mr. who said township, beginning at the sine I west corner of said lot thenee N. deg chains, 7i links thenee N.

Ml e. K. seloilns ilii.i.. Hon. James Monroe was in town at the Ltik tit least two stick them which in some places is.

old i lirno niesdiiy, Aug. lo, was decided on. The Westward down thence S. 7i H. a chains.

links a s' yesterday tho guest of Hon. 1. I Sperrv. four feet beneath the surface. A lo- 1 ot Johnsson was iixed at 10,000, a.

m. iiuuiigii a war very similar to AKroil so similar, in tact, that if Mr. Booth were to adopt the News' tactics, he would he warning capital away from that town rather than inviting it to go there. From an Akron gentleman amiliar with the facts, it is learned that sometime sinco the Turnbull Wjigon of Defiance, laid a switch about a mile long, from the B. O.

2 p. m. dec. W. chains,) link' to the place or lia'gin-nliiir, and contains.

7 41-iirfi aa-i-fs ot lau.i. Ais.i cation west of town is being looked up. lAiessrs. r. tjeiDeriing, ot Akron, is always an anti-Gladstone man, aptly adds: The "peace party" evidently Miss Lucia Darling, Principal of the Kastmard Press 1 J4 a.

m. Kjiiress 2 :25 p. ra. Night Hxpress p. m.

ixpi ess 12 m. 1'leiirllt Ciiiioii to p. rn. Freight qasst i-iors 6 p. tl too a.

iMiLiian i'. avne. of ladies Department at Jierea, is spend one oilier pica-e air parcel of land silualo in said township, county and State, being a part of said lot No. 21. tract 15.

and hounded us follows i. t7 a. m. Cleveland, being bondsmen. mean to show that when they do go to ing part ol tiieMttunier in town.

and participate in the military display October 27. This is the bi-centeimial anniversary of the lauding of William Penn. There is talk of disturbance between France and Madagascar. The Queen 1 hose wirm bloods of from 14 to IS Divorce Cases. Milton A.

Spangler has commenced inthe Common Pleas Court divorce pro fi'it-i to iaentv enn. 3 n. m. war they do it well. Tlini-ii I i i It is a colli day imleed for the Falls when she can't show half a dozen empty coaches side-tracked here during the day and on a good day she litis til ways as high as 20 or 110 of them.

Au. 12. Misses Baker and Becbe, of NewCastle, tire visiting at Mrs. Vogan's for a few days. Air.

and Airs. Norton Upson and their son. Master Tuber, return to their home who had a good time tit Silver Lake "fc'Mp here. 1 Local freight. ginning at the tiorthwest corner vt the above described premises thence miming east rods to a corner thence north 4 roils, tl feet hencn west rods thenee south 4 rods, feet, to tlio place of begiiininr.

containing oneaa-re of land, Thesaid widow 's atowaT hvall of said promise main track. Somebody else wanting a switch, the 1). folks attempted to about two weeks ago tried it again last yai.igiapns in, eacn other so ceedings against Rosa Spangler. on tlio Compomise Probabilities. From Wednesday's Dail While the legal fight has been progressing in the Hydraulic antl Strawboard case, the need of compromise grows more apparent, and in fact the feelino- It.

It, Country Boy. Akron Coiuuilms fCorrected Juno 5, 1882. neatly that we quote them together- grounds ot wilful absence and gross Aug. 15. Dr.

and Mrs. S. J. Wright neglect ot duty. has been assigned taiitl is known as two arrays anal six rods of laud on thai i oi th side of Hie first ie- Xorltivwrd.

entertain mends this evening. As aim spoilsmen in me House tittered sind laughed when the veto message was read wheie the President said the more ohjecUnnabie a was the more support it secured. This is the Gen-it S. "Wright has also of Miidagascttr prohibited sales of hinds to French colonists, contrary to the treaty of 1800. The French Consul was forced to strike his Hag and seek refuge atTamatav.

A French naval demonstration is expected. Clearing house exhibit this week is 6 a. m. might be expected from the character sauibed parcel of land and tlie one acie of land described as the last paicd. in Cincinnati to-morrow evening.

Cleveland illerstmrg A eimmma Through Express :17 a. in in its favor has assumed such strength divorce proceedings against Martha W. Wright, on the grounds of extreme cru of this home and its guests, choice mu Aug. i-l. Mavor Castle preached in build it by extending the Turnbull switch.

Mr. Turnbull objected, blew bis whistle and got out his full force of men, about 200, and prevented the B. O. people from making the connection. Injunction and counter-injunction followed, and at last accounts the war was at its height.

And now no doubt some idiot on a Defiance A ppraiseu at tscuo.uo. su ct to said alower en. .12 -u-i p. i i upuuu spreans aim contaminates Would that men of principal were our principal meal Canton Democrat. 1 tare.

sic is heard there. 6 p. m. elty, wilful absence and m-oss neo-iech the Woodland AvenueM. E.

Church of Cleveland vosterdav. Ttrmt of Sale Onet'idin band ono jurs. Aiasten, 01 jv.uayette, is 1 he State of Texas gave Hanco*ck maj litv of Miau iu is no longer a secondary matter in this wholesale unpleasantness. It is with pleasure, then, that The Beacon to-day is au of duty. In one year and one third i.i inn vwm visiting her sister, Mrs.

Dennis Treat Rev. Feitt, of Tallmadge, filled dnvof Side, with h.terest the Imviii.mtu In l.A nuu Nicuuw ii.w Komi j.emocra' le aj. ion Conirress. Hv too UnUi. ..10 m.

in many respects a much more favorable one than last week. Aggregate Sw'liward. Through Kxp-ess Through I xpress Miliet-Nlinre Aocomrrodatioii Cleveland A ccomm xUttioii secured by mortgage uikwi thi premises sold. Forty-seventh Congress. bill she pets over S800.0.0 of the swag, and lii'ure- jviiss i.

j. lii'ignam, ot Ravenna, is spending a few weeks tit the attractive the Methodist pulpit here very acceptably yesterday morning. Air. Blood paper is yelling, "Keep away from Do- p. m.

WILLI AM CAKPKNTKlt, Administrator nf ilea estiite i.t a cieanngs, against oeifBauon in Congress was as solid for Ftnale. Aurj 7. Passed II. n. reneuhmr thorized to present tor the consideration of the people a suggestion in that direction, coming right from one of the 7 p.

m. fiance! Its no place for capital to lo- I for the previous week. Ascom- d.xeas-d. home ot her lnends, the lamily ot Mr. preaching his stead tit I allmadge.

port tax on tobacco: H. Tt. for eom-r of uDoiaie wiis ior liaueocK. otu.n but Journal. cate.

Keep away!" I pared with the corresponding- week last July 25, 1882. 3 John and Will Graham went into i rvi II. IV. Or JOIIll SUNDAY SCHEDULE. Korthward.

Sauliward, a ne oiiKress oi me united states has. parties cnietiy interested, which, if it niiuee on American ship-Inn ding (40 lo s. year, the clearings show a percentage H. lor committee to stribj I shall lie. Hcouioseriil in -ilt 1...1 Cleveland Saturday evening, to take in Thomas' orchestra.

MieaK. sai uown on the President. The whole Nation will say amen Out through the of increase of 25.4 per against a no. l'j a m. No.

20 5 :00 MILL FOR 8ALK. The undersigned. adiiiiinsii-niYvis. iim It ace Wa Notes. A party is reported to have made the 1 -to exe- I to Solve this priililem l.

1 exe. to solve this problem to the reiiai.i il l- IS Weill. satisfac- session, relilsllic lo ik mi Tat In Aug. 15. Dr.

Carter and wife are Ky mountains, the Pacific, by theshon-s of the great Cleveland A Bailroad. gain of 5.8 per cent, last week, and one of 2.5 per cent, for the previous week. I' -Intil'ir of re-olnlioo tale of lleriiimiu Cddi-en, deceased, wl 1 so the M'lllieini Mill, in Sliriuctleld Tnwnsliin Siinimii expected home to-nignt lrom their oi an concerned, and is in direct line with the course threat on tho streets last evening that ha could take 50 colored men and clean ne die Satiiidny, Senate to Vj (no q-iorun-) jn orris. Miss Elizabeth Preston, a favorite teacher of Doylestown, is visiting her many friends in this town, her fornierr home. Mrs.

Geo. Sackett antl Miss Minnie Jones, of Cuyahoga Falls, Mr. Alfred Sperry, of Warren, and Falor Ilobart, of W. R. spent hist Sabbath in town, the latter the guest of Mr.

Ira P. Sperry. Country Boy. Couuty, ou ike and Laslern tup. hey have Ar Hudson Northern Terminus O.

R. Time card not received aud the correct schedule cannot he given. The Railway vmnmir Willi "in- wuiuuiit aim uown to the Imr e-i cities of Arizona, amid the cvpress swimu of Louisiana, among the cvera'ades of Floinl wherever the (Julf waves sound or the AU-nitic Senate. Ava. R.

Anthonv mid Ilwvnnl wore. Saturday, Sept. 2, 18F2, mappeu out by the Beacon and heartily endorsed bv saa-acion out the ditch, or if necessary could Who's the Best Physician. The one that does most to relieve suf been absent about two weeks and report ti thoroughly enjoyable time. Air.

to inform the President dial Senate would adjourn lo-dav. Aftor I hanks to Presi at public auction on the premises The mill is iu rjrood runnimr order, pood water nnwr i.ol. conservative business men. who fniiv md Airs. A.

Jackson, or Akron, who clean out the Sixth "Ward. Such talk is a disgrace to the man who utters it and should not be countenanced. Said Judge Barber to a Beacon man tcconipanied them will also return dent ot the feiiate, adjoil-ned at i line die. llvue. Aug.

7. Committe-to invesii-'ai pro-po e-t improving Mississippi River was recognize that there is right and there is error in each of the multiform phases of this controversy. fering humanity of the thousand anil one ills that befall them, is certainly the best of all physicians. Electric Bitters are daily doing this, curing with them. a large patronage.

The location i-i lltst-c ass slid shipping facilities excellent, a switch ou the Vslley Railway beingonly oae-foiirth nf a mile distant. Twelve acres of ground, with hciise barn and other buiidinirs. fs art. u-licd i. iim j.iiuiiru VVI lioilt The funeral of Martin Griswold.

who IToiue. A vrr. J. Vo business nT.l.oat in the first place.a gentleman inter ICorrected July 1G, 1882.1 Valley Hallway. Xorthward Bound, Train 2 Kxpress Kxpress 4 Southward Bound.

Trr.tnl Kinross li rasas yesterday: "1 want to thank The Bea- :49 a.m ..12 :15 in wnere an other remedies tailed. As with, P. Speaker KMfer declared was found dead in the river yesterday and will be fold with it. DOYLESTOWN. 14.

Mr. Harry Armstrong, of ucoiu uio level uer iiou OI l.i'l e'ho of applause that followed tho vote over the veto A tw Or It ant Picayvn Impudence predominates in the letter S. W. Dorsey wrote to Garfield aft er his election, ordering him to consult with Arthur and Conkling as to the make-up of his Cabinet and protesting against the appointment of James and McVeagh. As Dorsey himself gives jus-nni-iit el ins: One-third and batunnat Aug.

estedinllydraulie-Straw-boardmattei-s con for he perfect manner in which toZ and SSritetto, last evening told a Beacon- reporter mv decision was put nto print. I coidd KrSd tney hat a proposition wtis pending iwhe not discover a single error, and I have ZfT ievS'l The by the interests of till filed the printed renort in merund kidney complaints In the annual payments. morning, will take place at the house this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Thus will be consigned to his hist resting place Akron, is spending this week at the home of nis grandparents at this place. London.

Aug. 13. Prof. William Bale neuveen 10 and 12 circle. We abo havel hrea acres of hard wiita Hi.a p.

tanley Jevons. the philosopher, ami mother of the old land-uiarks in this Alias Anna sterling, ot Carroilton, I M2 6 ai3pr Sunday Schedule, house and other butldlm aalj 'ining the no pro-t-ert'. which will be sold at private ale at verv low figures. For particulars inuulra on ilia be equally recognized. Tins gentie- the manuscript." I fSSt i 01 i Ty ure man further said that he ,.3, a the best and cheapest physician known.

professor of political economy, win i is visiting Aliss Caroline Rothacker. of i vicinity. As misrht hi inferred from drowned while bathing at Bex Hill. Kcrthward. Southward.

this place. I his extreme age, b7 years, Air. Griswold that this certainlv Zrlr1111? "ia uv teinba premises or address the undersigned Akron. O. J.

R. MYKKS, m. No. 11 :50 a.m. iiuiu, UvVvfLLllliJ, Miss Lizzie Warren, of Lodi, has was a man of thoroughly regular hab-j h6 6 p.

hi. No. 13 5 tlop, in, jy 19 au 2 10 30 J. A. SWINEHABT..

The Summit County Beacon from Akron, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.