Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (2024)

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (1)

CBD oil for migraines and headaches is increasingly becoming a popular and a possible treatment for people, like you, who live with these debilitating headaches.

The question is, does CBD help migraines?

After treating thousands of people who suffer from migraines with CBD oil, I will share with you my thoughts on how effective CBD for migraines is and what you can do to live a migraine-free life.

What is a Migraine?

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (2)

A migraine is no ordinary “I am tired” headache. If you have experienced a migraine, you will know what I mean.

It is an intense crippling pain that wipes you out and writes the entire day off. It leaves you unable to function. The idea of continuing work, study, cook or look after the kids is thrown right out the window.

You may find yourself needing to isolate from the world into a dark corner, swallow a bunch of pharmaceutical tablets and then doze off to sleep. This is after possibly vomiting once or twice off course.

Light and noise become your worst enemy as they usually just make it worse.

Although the headache resolves usually within the day, you spend the next few days recovering and putting yourself together again.

You just wish it was over and would never happen again, ever. But you know deep inside that you live day to day anxious that the migraine can come back at any time.

Is this sounding familiar?

How common are migraines?

Migraines are more common than we think. They also affect people to different degrees, some worse than others.

The reality is about10% of New Zealander’sget migraines! And women are three timesmore likely.

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (3)

Migraines are often onset by triggers, including stress, insomnia, hormonal changes, bright or flashing light, even certain smells – it depends on the person.

One-third of chronic migraine sufferers can predict when a migraine is coming because they see an “aura.” Also unique to the individual, these “auras” can appear as flashing lights, zig-zag lines, or temporary loss of vision.

Migraines affect 10% of the population with women 3 times more likely to be affected.

Can CBD Oil Help With Migraines?

In one study, CBD for migraines was shown to reduce the frequency of attacks by 56%. CBD oil also reduced the intensity of migraine attacks by 50%.

In a survey done, for those who are having a migraine attack, 29% found that it stopped their headachecompletely.

Although these are by no means considered to be conclusive results, they do give us an indication about using medicinal cannabis for migraines.

In another study,1655 people using medicinal CBD and THCfor migraines found that 40.8% of people found significant improvement in their migraines.

It is important to point that these encouraging results need to drive more research into the field to come up with concrete conclusions about effectiveness. For now, CBD oil for migraines is prescribed on a case by case basis.

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (4)

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (5)

There are also many people who are self medicating with CBD oil for migraines themselves. For example, in a2015 surveyby Care By Design which included 2495 people using CBD oil, in 100% of cases, the CBD oil decreased pain. All patients (100%) with headaches and migraines, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and spinal cord injury reported a decrease in pain or discomfort.

My own experience in treating thousands of migraine sufferers with CBD oil is that about 50% of people find a positive benefit in reduced migraine frequency and intensity. One of ourown doctorsat the clinic has also experienced this first-hand.

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (6)

But CBD oil is a natural, plant-based medicine, so people seem to react differently to it and in differing doses.

Which CBD Oil Products May Work Best for Migraines?

I usually recommend that patients use CBD oil on a continual daily basis as a possible preventative measure for migraines to try. Usually, this means taking about 50 – 100mg of CBD oil per day. I have found this to be a good dose when trying to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.

When having a migraine attack, I encourage the use of inhaled CBD as opposed to CBD oil. Inhaled CBD (either as a vape or flower) works much faster than having it in an oil form.

Oils usually take 30 – 60 minutes to become effective whereas inhaled CBD enters the blood stream within a few minutes.

Using THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, also becomes important here. THC works may work well with CBD when it comes to treating an episode of acute pain due to a migraine attack.

These considerations are best done by your doctor. Because medicinal cannabis is considered an unapproved medicine, there is no set guideline or advice around it’s effectiveness and the ideal treatment plan for the doctor to prescribe. We take into account your history, current medication use and severity of symptoms to create a tailored plan for you.

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (7)

Prescribing medicinal cannabis means tailoring the treatment plan for the person and selecting the most suitable products. Consulting with an experienced doctor is the best way to approach unapproved medicines such as CBD oil.

How do CBD Oil Products Possibly Work for Migraines?

CBD oil works on a hormonal system inside your body called the endocannabinoid system. It is thought possibly that those with a deficiency in this system are more likely to get migraines and using CBD for migraines may help reduce this deficiency. Proving this remains to be determined but it is a starting point towards understanding how CBD may work inside our body.

This endocannabinoid system is fascinating, it is a multi organ system and responsible for many functions in your body, from pain to appetite. As I have talked about previously, many organ systems in the body contain receptors for cannabinoid chemicals and your body makes it own version of these compounds itself. These internally made compounds are called endocannabinoids.

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (8)

A2007 studyshowed that those who have migraines had a below average level of Anandamide, a type of cannabinoid chemical your body makes naturally.

This may be why so many people find relief in using cannabis.

Dr Ethan Russo, both a neurologist and cannabinoid researcher, has combined years of expertise and research and was the one to come up with the “Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency” theory and idea.

It is exactly what it sounds: a deficiency in your body’s own endocannabinoid system may be responsible for many “unexplained” diagnoses, such as migraines, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome.

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (9)

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (10)

What about other medications that reduce migraines?

Your doctor may have suggested starting medications to prevent migraines. This is usually using amitriptyline, nortriptyline, propanolol gabapentin or sodium valproate.

However, this is not a decision to take lightly. Let me tell you why.

Let’s look at a commonly used medication, amitriptyline. This medicine is also used as an anti-depressant and for chronic nerve type pain in general.

Does it work? Yes. Does it have side effects? Yes. The image below is pulled directly from theNew Zealand Formulary:

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (11)

That’s a long list of potential side effects.

Let’s have a look at another commonly used migraine preventing medicine: propranolol. This is what is called a beta blocker. It works by binding to beta receptors in your body and is used in those who have had heart attacks and heart problems in the past. Again, look below to see the list of side effects:

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (12)

Why do we as a society place more taboo on using a plant based supplement, CBD oil, compared to taking other medicines with so many side effects?

There is no convincing answer to this! CBD oil has been shown to be well tolerated with few potential side effects. It is non-addictive and has no potential for abuse. Does CBD oil help with migraines? It remains to be told but if that’s the case, it presents itself as an excellent option instead of having to take other medications which may come with undesirable side effects.

CBD Oil and Migraines: How long has it been used for treating migraines?

CBD oil and medicinal cannabis use dates back thousands of years to treat various ailments.

As a matter of fact, Chinese history makes the first mention of marijuana in 2900BC when Emperor Fu Shi and emperor Shennong documented it’s healing properties for malaria, gout and rheumatism. Cannabis is one of the “50 fundamental herbs” in Chinese medicine and used to treat multiple disorders.

As noted above, it works on the endocannabinoid system present in the body.

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (13)

Medicinal cannabis and CBD oil has been used for thousands of years to treat health conditions and promote wellbeing.

How Do I Get Prescribed CBD Oil?

CBD oil is a prescription-only medicine in NZ and is available in other countries without a prescription.

You can speak to one of our experienced doctors today!


CBD hemp oil for migraines is a possible treatment for you and your doctor to consider. There is some evidence to suggest that it can help with the management of migraines.

Using CBD for headaches taken as a daily dose may be possibly effective as a prevention for migraines. When a person is experiencing a migraine attack, using an inhaled form of CBD and THC is a better approach as it acts quickly in the body.

Although medicinal cannabis has not been proven to treat migraines, it is a great natural option to try if your quality of life is suffering as a result. We would be happy to discuss this with you in a confidential consultation so please get in touch.

Consult with us today

Disclaimer – medicinal cannabis and CBD oil are unapproved medicines in NZ which means that there is no conclusive evidence for their effect, apart from Sativex. Many doctors do not routinely prescribe cannabis medicines. The above article was written for general educational purposes and does not intend to suggest that medicinal cannabis can be used to treat any health condition. Please consult with your healthcare provider.

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Dr. Waseem Alzaher

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (19)

MBChB (Otago), BSc (Auckland) - As our tele-medicine doctor and author, Dr. Waseem keeps busy educating both patients and doctors about medicinal cannabis. He also consults with people from all over New Zealand, offering a listening ear and giving the most relevant advice.

Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks (2024)


Does CBD Oil Work for Migraines? Benefits & Risks? ›

In one study, CBD for migraines was shown to reduce the frequency of attacks by 56%. CBD oil also reduced the intensity of migraine attacks by 50%. In a survey done, for those who are having a migraine attack, 29% found that it stopped their headache completely.

How effective is CBD oil for migraines? ›

Can CBD oil help with migraine? Cannabidiol (CBD) oil may relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Some research suggests that CBD may help treat migraine headaches. A growing body of research suggests that CBD may help relieve pain, particularly neurological pain, linked with various conditions.

What illnesses benefit from CBD oil? ›

While CBD is being studied as a treatment for a wide range of conditions, including Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and anxiety, research supporting the drug's benefits is still limited. CBD use also carries some risks.

Can too much CBD cause migraines? ›

Thankfully, most of the recorded side effects are mild in nature. Despite extensive research, scientists have found no evidence to support the idea that CBD oil causes headaches or related conditions like migraines. Some users may consider lightheadedness or dizziness a headache, but it is unlikely.

What happens in the brain when you take CBD? ›

CBD's neuroprotective effects are related to its effect on CB2 receptors in the brain. CBD acts on CB2 receptors to create anti-inflammatory responses in immune cells located in the brain. This reduces the extent to which damage to the brain is caused by inflammation.

How long does CBD stay in your system? ›

This means that CBD sprays can stay in the body for 10 hours to about 2 days, chronic oral consumption can mean CBD stays in the system for 10 to 25 days, and CBD can stay in the system for about a week after smoking.

Is sativa or indica better for migraines? ›

Sativa is one of the most popular medical cannabis strains for cluster headaches, migraines, injuries and other types of head pains. It contains moderate amounts of THC and CBD, whose potential effects are believed to help with chronic pain management.

What is the downside of CBD oil? ›

Potential risks and harms associated with CBD use include adverse drug interactions, liver toxicity, and reproductive and developmental effects. Delta-9 THC or delta-9 THC-contaminated products may be sold as CBD.

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In addition, CBD could potentially interact with naproxen, tramadol, celecoxib, etoricoxib, fluoxetine, and tofacitinib as these are metabolized in the liver by cytochrome P450 enzymes.

Does CBD have any positive effects? ›

Cannabidiol oil, or CBD oil derived from cannabis, is a popular natural remedy for many ailments. CBD oil benefits include pain relief and relaxation without any mind-altering effects. People make CBD oil by extracting it from the cannabis plant and diluting it with a carrier oil like coconut oil or hemp seed oil.

What happens when you take CBD for the first time? ›

Most people would describe the feeling of taking CBD as soothing, both for the body and the mind. CBD settles your thoughts and allows you to focus — in short, it chills you out. Where your CBD experience goes from there kinda depends on what other ingredients are in your CBD product.

Why does CBD make my head feel weird? ›

Some people may experience dizziness and lightheadedness after consuming CBD. Although it's not clear why this happens, scientists think it may be due to alterations in blood flow in the brain, fluctuations in brain cell signalling, activation of the autonomic nervous system and lowered blood pressure.

What is a thunderclap migraine? ›

Overview. Thunderclap headaches live up to their name, striking suddenly like a clap of thunder. The pain of these severe headaches peaks within 60 seconds. Thunderclap headaches are uncommon, but they can warn of potentially life-threatening conditions — usually having to do with bleeding in and around the brain.

Is CBD ok for your liver? ›

CBD (cannabidiol) is generally considered safe. But it may raise your levels of liver enzymes, which could be a sign of liver damage. In most cases, this happens with very high doses of CBD or when it's taken with certain medications.

Will CBD affect my memory? ›

The evidence of cannabinoid interaction with respect to retrieval is limited, but it is now evident that cannabinoid agonist and THC negatively impact the process while CBD positively modulates memory retrieval; however, the existing contradictions warrant further studies.

How much CBD should a beginner start with? ›

For new CBD users, it's advisable to start with a low dosage and gradually increase it based on your body's response. A starting dose of 5-10 mg per day is recommended for most people. Monitoring how your body reacts over a week, you can adjust the dose slightly higher if necessary to achieve desired effects.

How much CBD for pain and sleep? ›

Cancer-related pain: 50 to 600 mg per day3. Parkinson's disease: 75 to 300 mg per day4. Poor sleep: 25 mg per day5. Psychosis: 600 mg per day2.

Can you put CBD cream on your head? ›

While some studies suggest CBD can stimulate hair growth, more research is necessary to confirm how much CBD may be helpful to use and how to use it. With that said, no reported side effects of using CBD on the scalp exist. As such, it may be worth a try. Just be sure that you buy quality CBD products.

Does Delta 8 help with migraines? ›

“If you have cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and migraines, Delta-8 THC can help alleviate the pain because it has immunosuppressant properties.”

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