What Is the Best Way to Learn How to Fix Cars? (2024)

Are you crazy about cars? Do you fantasize about days spent under a popped hood, a torque wrench in hand and a grease rag in your back pocket? Then it’s time to put your passion into practice. Even if you don’t have any experience with cars, you can still learn how to fix them up. And once you start to fix them up for fun, you may discover car maintenance and repair is the career for you! But here are some tips to learn the basics of car repairs:

Tinker on an Old Clunker

Pop the hood and get your hands dirty! But not on your own car—as a novice, you could unintentionally damage the car that you need for travel. Instead, find an old, inexpensive car that you can work on. Check online sites like eBay or Craigslist to find cars for sale. You can also check the classified section of your local newspaper or just ask around. You never know who might have an old car that they’d like to unload.

Meet Car Enthusiasts

Cars are a hobby for some people. Why not find them and learn from them? Check out any local car events or find car enthusiast meetups in your area. Introduce yourself to people and ask them for tips and advice. If you can’t find any events or prefer to network from home, look for Facebook groups or car enthusiast forums that you can join.

Visit the Auto Parts Store

If you love cars or if you’ve needed a car repair, you’ve probably been to the auto parts store in your neighborhood. Have you ever chatted with the clerks? Next time, you should. The clerks, especially those who have worked in the business for a long time, are quite knowledgeable about parts and tools and are there to answer your questions.

Watch Car Repair Tutorials

Want to learn how to do something? Surf YouTube. Search for car repair tutorials and how-tos that will teach you how to fix-up a car step by step. Just be sure to only follow advice from trained mechanics. You can get an idea of someone’s authority on the subject by reading the “About” section of their channel and checking their reputation out online. Anyone can post a video to YouTube, but not everyone has the know-how to fix a car.

Pick Up a Car Manual

Would you rather go straight to the source? Do you prefer to read instructions rather than watch a video? Pick up a car manual. It’s chock full of information on proper maintenance and repairs for your vehicle. And for older models, there may even be step-by-step instructions on how to complete repairs. You can find car manuals in auto parts stores, and also online.

Take Classes to Become an Auto Mechanic

The best way to learn is from experienced instructors who can show you how to properly work on a car. Since most of today’s models are run by computers, do-it-yourself repairs aren’t what they used to be. At Porter and Chester Institute, we offer an Automotive Technology program in Connecticut and Massachusetts that can train you to diagnose and repair the important components of a car. Our classes are taught by certified technicians in both an onlinesetting as well as in our auto shops. If you want to turn your love of cars into an exciting career in the automotive industry, contact us today.

What Is the Best Way to Learn How to Fix Cars? (2024)


What Is the Best Way to Learn How to Fix Cars? ›

To learn about cars you can read forums and online magazines, watch YouTube videos, work on cars yourself buy and restore a project car, join local clubs and communities and take driving courses.

Is it worth learning how do you fix cars? ›

If you learn, if you get your tools out and do it yourself, you'll save money. If you are dropping $50 or $100 for labor every time some little thing goes wrong on your car, it will add up to thousands pretty quick.

How do I become knowledgeable about cars? ›

Either way, there are lots of resources out there for you to learn about cars. Start by using the Internet to find blogs, forums, and tutorials. You can also go to the public library, take some shop classes, attend night school/college courses, or attend car shows.

What is the hardest thing to fix on a car? ›

Engine Replacement

Greatly considered to be the most difficult automotive repair, replacing an engine is incredibly expensive.

Can you learn mechanics from car mechanic simulator? ›

So, will it teach you to be a mechanic? The most precise aspect of the game is the location and accuracy of parts on the vehicle. Even though the game uses fake vehicle makes and models, the parts on the vehicle are accurate to where they would be on real vehicles, and in relation to other parts on the vehicles.

What is the best way to study cars? ›

Here are a few ways you can get started:
  1. Immerse yourself in a variety of topics from different types of literature. Take some time to delve into fiction, nonfiction, newspapers, magazines, and journals. ...
  2. Practice the skills tested in the CARS section. ...
  3. Watch new videos to help you practice these skills.

How long does it take to learn about cars? ›

Technical schools and community colleges — Training programs at community colleges and technical schools typically last two years and lead to an associate degree in automotive technology or automotive repair. Both types of automotive schools also offer certificate programs in automotive technology.

Is learning to be a car mechanic hard? ›

Even at entry level, becoming an auto mechanic can be difficult if you don't stand out on paper. However, those who complete a training program and pass certification exams can provide the documents some employers require when applying for jobs in the industry.

Do you need to be good at math to be a car mechanic? ›

Are math skills needed to be an auto mechanic? Yes, auto mechanics must understand basic math. For example, mechanics often use fractions in their work when determining the correct tools to use (such as wrenches). Mechanics must also understand both the American system of measuring and the metric system.

Is fixing your own car worth it? ›

If you decide to repair the car yourself, you can save substantially. It's also possible to save money on the cost of parts by shopping for a better deal. Most mechanics won't use used car parts for liability reasons, but you can decide to install used parts if you choose (just make sure they're in good working order).

How to learn about cars and engines? ›

Car magazines, books, shows, podcasts, and videos are all great sources to learn about how engines actually work. These are great sources to learn about engine operation and repair. Magazines like Car and Driver or Popular Mechanics have lots of great articles about engines, and cars in general.

How to impress a car guy? ›

Even if someone knows more about cars than you, they won't know every detail about vehicles. Use their limited knowledge to your advantage by impressing them with your knowledge about one topic. If they begin a conversation about gas mileage, flex your knowledge about hybrid vehicles and how they have great mileage.

How do I learn to maintain my car? ›

Top 9 car care tips
  1. Clean your vehicle regularly. Schedule routine wash and wax treatments for your ride once every six months. ...
  2. Get routine maintenance. ...
  3. Don't skip major services. ...
  4. Get your brakes checked. ...
  5. Check fluid levels often. ...
  6. Pay attention to your tire tread. ...
  7. Keep your tires inflated. ...
  8. Don't ignore leaks, sounds or smells.
Feb 12, 2024

How to start learning about engines? ›

Car magazines, books, shows, podcasts, and videos are all great sources to learn about how engines actually work. These are great sources to learn about engine operation and repair. Magazines like Car and Driver or Popular Mechanics have lots of great articles about engines, and cars in general.

How can I be the best mechanic? ›

What Skills Are Needed to Be an Auto Mechanic?
  • Problem-Solving. Most people who bring their cars to a mechanic don't know what's wrong with their vehicle, other than the fact that it is not performing as it should. ...
  • Communication. ...
  • Attention to Detail. ...
  • Time Management. ...
  • Dexterity.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.