Is a mechanical engineering major difficult? (2024)

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I am looking to be a mechanical engineering major in college and as I get closer and closer to college I am scared that I won't be able to handle a mechanical engineering major

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Jennifer Woolery

Program Manager

2 Answers

Graham, Washington


Embracing the field of mechanical engineering can be a demanding journey, yet it's one filled with rich rewards and a plethora of opportunities. Success in this field is within your grasp, given the right mindset, honed skills, and adequate preparation. Remember, it's perfectly okay to reassess and switch majors if you find that mechanical engineering isn't your true calling after a few classes.

Here's a handful of encouraging tips to guide you on your journey:

•Identify your passions and see if they match with the characteristics of a mechanical engineer. A love for math and science is common among mechanical engineers, who often use these subjects to devise and resolve problems.
•Assess your abilities, pinpointing both your strengths and areas for improvement. Enhancing skills like communication, teamwork, critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving can be beneficial, as these are vital for mechanical engineers who need to collaborate, present ideas, and generate innovative solutions.
•Reflect on your ideal work environment and the kind of projects you'd like to tackle. The vast field of mechanical engineering spans diverse industries, including automobiles, heating and cooling systems, healthcare devices, and robotics. Explore these varied options to find what truly excites you.
•Enroll in relevant high school or college courses to prepare for the mechanical engineering curriculum. Subjects like physics, chemistry, calculus, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, computer science, and engineering design could be beneficial.
•Acquaint yourself with business basics to understand how overall production costs influence your decisions as a mechanical engineer. Engineering firms value engineers who can confidently navigate income statements and balance sheets.
•Expand your horizons beyond mechanical engineering by gaining knowledge outside your specialty. This could involve using software or tackling design issues beyond your expertise. Learning from other disciplines, such as biology, psychology, or art, can also be enlightening.
•Hone your technical skills and familiarize yourself with computer-aided design and analysis tools commonly used by mechanical engineers. Knowledge of 3D printing and automation technologies, which are revolutionizing the field, can also be advantageous.
•Seize opportunities to gain practical experience and put classroom learning into action. Participating in clubs, competitions, internships, or research projects related to mechanical engineering can help you build your portfolio, connect with other engineers, and ignite your passion.
•Seek out mentors and role models who can provide guidance and inspiration. Professors, advisors, alumni, or professionals with experience in mechanical engineering can be invaluable resources. Joining online communities or forums can also provide opportunities to ask questions and receive advice from fellow engineers.
•Stay determined and resilient. While mechanical engineering can be tough, it's certainly achievable. Challenges, failures, or setbacks may arise, but don't let them deter you. Learn from your mistakes, seek constructive feedback, and continually strive for improvement. Always remember why you chose this major and keep your goals in sight.

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Emma Verde

Physical Therapist

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Tucson, Arizona

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Emma’s Answer

Hello Nicholas,

Embarking on a journey in mechanical engineering is indeed a formidable endeavor, given its rigorous curriculum and the intricate problem-solving it demands. The program usually encompasses advanced studies in mathematics and physics, coupled with core engineering principles. These equip students with the essential knowledge needed for designing, scrutinizing, and maintaining complex mechanical systems. The workload is substantial, encompassing lectures, laboratory sessions, assignments, and hands-on projects, all demanding meticulous attention and strong analytical prowess. Moreover, the dynamic nature of the field necessitates perpetual learning to keep pace with the latest technological breakthroughs and novel materials.

However, the challenges of a mechanical engineering major are matched by its rewards, especially for those who are fervent about engineering and problem-solving. The skills and knowledge acquired through this program pave the way for a wide range of career opportunities in various sectors, making the demanding journey a worthwhile investment for your future. Mechanical engineers are instrumental in designing and enhancing systems and products that have a profound impact on society, ranging from transportation and energy systems to consumer electronics and manufacturing processes. The path may be tough, but the rewards are truly fulfilling.

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Ryan Kuo

Sales Strategy & Analysis

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Los Angeles, California

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Ryan’s Answer

You're correct that Mechanical Engineering can be difficult, but there are also much more difficult disciplines. If it's something you might be interested in, I wouldn't shy away from it. You won't know how good you are at it until you try it!

I studied Mechanical Engineering for a few semesters, and based on how well / not well I did in certain classes, I got a better sense of what I was good at (or not) and what I was actually interested in (or not). In the end, I switched to Civil Engineering, which I did well enough in to practice for a few years after graduating before changing careers down the road (but that's another story). Point is, just because you start in Mechanical Engineering in college doesn't mean you'll be stuck there if you decide that you want to take a different path. It's usually easy enough to switch engineering disciplines early in your college years because of the overlapping prerequisite courses that almost all engineers take in the first 1-2 semesters. But I do like the other answers in this thread as well - basically, don't be afraid and follow your passion!

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Dhimant Korant

IT Product Manager

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Frisco, Texas

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Dhimant’s Answer

Let's dive right into your question with a positive outlook. Remember, when you pour your heart and mind into something, achieving it becomes a reality, not a dream.
So, what sparks your interest? Once you've figured that out, decide on the degree you'd like to pursue.

Sure, Mechanical Engineering can be challenging, but it's far from unattainable. You may encounter some intense math, especially in courses like stress analysis, machine design, theory of machines, and dynamics theory.

Here's a suggestion: why not try a Mechanical Engineering class? Many universities offer trial classes. This could be a great way to see if it's a good fit for you.
In conclusion, remember this: if others have managed to succeed, there's no reason you can't too. Give it a shot, and you might just surprise yourself!

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William Chidester

Building Inspector/Plans Examiner

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Sandy, Utah

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William’s Answer

Your concerns about Mechanical Engineering being difficult are valid. It is a field that is demanding and requires intense studies of applied math, physics, computers, chemistry, and other problem-solving skills. This said, the field is intentionally hard to prepare you for the challenges that you will face in this field of work. The great thing about it is that you can do it. Colleges and industry have multiple resources that can help you along this journey. Anything from tutoring, mentoring, online resources, and partnering with fellow students. Engineering is a high demand field with great job security, compensation, and opportunities to develop your passions.

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Will Dadooria

Construction Engineering

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Arlington, Virginia

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Will’s Answer

Many people often think that mechanical engineering is an especially tough field to excel in. Yes, it does require commitment and a solid understanding of scientific concepts, but remember, every engineering field has its own set of challenges.

As a mechanical engineering student myself, I've found the journey incredibly fulfilling. Initially, I was leaning towards electronics and communication engineering, but I found myself irresistibly attracted to the realm of mechanics.

The "difficulty" of any engineering course is really a matter of personal perspective, hinging on one's unique strengths and interests. Every engineering discipline has its own set of tough ideas, and success depends on a student's dedication to mastering these, rather than comparing them with other fields. Such comparisons can only serve to dishearten, obstructing the learning journey.

In the mechanical engineering circle, there's a strong sense of pride and resilience. We often refer to ourselves as "royal mechs," versatile and competent in dealing with a variety of situations. This field has not only stimulated my intellectual curiosity but also imparted important life skills. For example, the concept of rigidity in materials can be seen as a symbol for persistence when facing challenges [1].


[1] Nedes Engineering. Is Mechanical Engineering Hard?

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Is a mechanical engineering major difficult? (2024)


Is a mechanical engineering major difficult? ›

It is a field that is demanding and requires intense studies of applied math, physics, computers, chemistry, and other problem-solving skills. This said, the field is intentionally hard to prepare you for the challenges that you will face in this field of work. The great thing about it is that you can do it.

Is mechanical engineering a hard major? ›

It is hard

The amount of advanced math and science classes you need to take is a lot. Alongside those you will take many engineering classes that seem almost impossible to pass. If you were a gifted student in high school, you may not have learned how to properly study.

Which engineering major is the hardest? ›

1) Chemical Engineering

Novik's list ranks chemical engineering as the hardest major in this field. This might be because chemical engineers' unique training involves concepts from across many other STEM disciplines, including chemistry, biology, math, and physics.

What is the easiest engineering major? ›

10 Easiest Engineering Degrees in 2024
  • Following Your Interests Makes Your Life Easier.
  • Easiest Engineering Degrees – Okay, But What's Actually Easier?
  • 1) Architectural Engineering.
  • 2) Civil Engineering.
  • 3) Mining and Minerals.
  • 4) Biological Systems.
  • 5) Environmental Engineering.
  • 6) Computer Engineering.
Nov 5, 2023

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The best schools for mechanical engineering have an acceptance rate of around 4%-5%, making it the toughest branch of engineering.

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Recap: What Is the Hardest Major in College?
College MajorTime Spent Preparing for Class per Week
1. Architecture22.20 hrs
2. Chemical Engineering19.66 hrs
3. Aero and Astronautical Engineering19.24 hrs
4. Biomedical Engineering18.82 hrs
9 more rows

What is the toughest field in mechanical engineering? ›

10 Toughest Subjects in Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanics of Materials. ...
  • Heat Transfer. ...
  • Control Systems. ...
  • Vibrations. ...
  • Machine Design. ...
  • Computational Mechanics. ...
  • Mechatronics. ...
  • Materials Science.
Dec 18, 2023

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The most common statistic cited around the attrition rate for engineering students is that roughly 50 percent change majors or drop out before graduation. About half of the attrition happens during freshman year.

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'Easiest' Engineering Majors

Based on some conventional ways of thinking about “difficulty,” some less difficult engineering majors are civil and industrial engineering.

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The Lowest Paying: Environmental, Geological, Civil, and Biological Engineering.

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What's the Hardest Course in Mechanical Engineering?
  1. Thermodynamics: This course typically covers the principles and laws governing the transfer of heat and energy in mechanical systems. ...
  2. Fluid Mechanics: In this course, you'll study the behavior and properties of fluids in various applications.
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Rare Engineering Branches
  • Metallurgical Engineering. ...
  • Mining Engineering. ...
  • Nanotechnology. ...
  • Paper Engineering. ...
  • Petroleum Engineering. ...
  • Plastics Engineering. ...
  • Polymer Engineering. ...
  • Textile engineering.
Aug 11, 2014

Is mechanical engineering math heavy? ›

The physical laws governing engineering are heavily mathematical, and so is the training for mechanical engineers. The field requires proficiency in algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics and differential equations.

Which is the toughest branch in engineering? ›

Chemical engineering is the toughest branch of engineering, necessitating a full understanding of chemistry, physics, and chemistry. Chemical characteristics, bonding, atomic properties, thermodynamics, chemical processes, and so on are also at the heart of chemical engineering.

Is mechanical engineering really stressful? ›

Mechanical Engineers often face project deadlines and technical challenges that can be stressful. Balancing design functionality with cost-effectiveness requires meticulous attention to detail and problem-solving under pressure.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.