Quick Quiche from Slimming World - The Lakes Free Range Egg Company (2024)

Quick Quiche from Slimming World - The Lakes Free Range Egg Company (1)

Quick Quiche from Slimming World

Pastry dishes are notoriously high in Syns… but you can enjoy your quiche for Free with the Slimming World clever pastry-free version. It takes minutes to make and uses whatever ingredients you fancy! Try it… you’ll love it!


  • Peppers diced
  • Onions chopped
  • Courgettes diced
  • Baby sweetcorn sliced
  • Asparagus – sliced lengthways
  • Mushrooms chopped
  • Tomatoes sliced
  • 150 g fat free natural cottage cheese


  • Prepare whatever Speed and Free veggies take your fancy… we’ve used peppers, onions, courgettes, baby sweetcorn, asparagus, mushrooms and tomatoes. You can dry-fry them until soft or leave them raw for extra crunch.

  • Mix together the 3 eggs, 150g fat-free natural cottage cheese and some chopped parsley.

  • Lay the chopped vegetables out in an oven-proof flan dish then pour the cottage cheese mix over.

  • Bake in a flan dish for 30 minutes 190°C/170°C Fan/Gas 5 until set and golden brown. Serve it hot with piles of vegetables or pack a slice or two into your lunchbox.


Tip: Serve the quiche in wedges with Free Slimming World chips. Or if you’re enjoying an Extra Easy SP day, piles of lettuce, tomatoes, spring onion and cucumber – ideal for lunchboxes! As this recipe contains all Free Food, you can eat as much as you like! Or You can adapt the recipe to suit, why not add some lean smoked bacon?


January 22nd, 2018|Recipes|Comments Off on Quick Quiche from Slimming World

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Quick Quiche from Slimming World - The Lakes Free Range Egg Company (2024)


Can you have quiche on Slimming World? ›

Pastry dishes are notoriously high in Syns… but you can enjoy your quiche for Free with the Slimming World clever pastry-free version. It takes minutes to make and uses whatever ingredients you fancy! Try it… you'll love it!

Why is my crustless quiche soggy? ›

If your quiche appears too watery to serve it could be because it was overbaked or underbaked, the egg to dairy ratio was not correct, the ingredients have too much liquid or it was baked on the wrong rack in the oven.

How many syns are in quiche? ›

If you are using the cheese as your Healthy Extras the quiche is free otherwise it is 12 syns for the cheese so each slice would be a syn.

What is the difference between a quiche and a crustless quiche? ›

Crustless quiche is similar to a traditional quiche where it has savory egg custard loaded with cheese and mix-ins, but it's baked without a pie crust. It's the easygoing egg bake answer to practically every breakfast problem I've ever seen.

How long can you keep Slimming World quiche in the fridge? ›

There are many variations on the theme, but essentially they consist of very low fat cottage cheese and eggs with vegetables and sometimes pasta or rice. A little bit like a frittata. We wouldn't reheat them, they'd be eated cold. Like any other cooked food, 3 days is a good rule of thumb.

What's the difference between a quiche and an egg frittata? ›

A frittata is partially cooked in a skillet on the cooktop then finished in the oven. It also has a lower egg to dairy ratio making it closer to an open faced omelet than a pie. Quiche has a creamier, custard-like texture due to more dairy and is cooked entirely in the oven.

Can you eat too many eggs on Slimming World? ›

As for eggs, there's no limit to the amount we're advised to eat, and because they're a Slimming World Free Food, we can crack on and enjoy as many as we like!

Are scrambled eggs free on Slimming World? ›

The long list of Slimming World Free Foods includes fruit and veg, lean meat and fish, eggs and poultry, beans and lentils – and even pasta and rice! Find out more about Slimming World Free Foods and try some of our fantastically filling, completely Free Slimming World recipes.

What foods are unlimited on Slimming World? ›

Free Foods include lean meat, eggs, fish, pasta, potatoes, fruit and vegetables. They're filling and low in calories for their weight — so you can eat as much Free Food as you like!

Is egg pasta free on Slimming World? ›

Slimming World Free Foods include:

eggs. rice. pasta. potatoes.

Is heavy cream better than milk in quiche? ›

Heavy Cream and Milk – For the best tasting quiche, use a combination of whole milk and heavy cream. (Or simply use half-and-half.) Using just heavy cream produces an overly thick filling. Whole milk is great, but a combo of heavy cream and milk is better.

What is a breakfast quiche called? ›

In the most basic framework, a quiche has a pie crust and a frittata does not. A quiche is an egg custard pie and a frittata is, well, a crustless quiche.

What is a quiche without pastry called? ›

Origin: Frittata is an Italian dish whereas quiche is a French dish. Crust: A quiche has crust while a frittata does not. Sometimes, quiche is baked without crust. Base Ingredients: While both frittatas and quiches are made with eggs, quiche is made with an egg custard, which also includes cream or milk.

Can you eat quiche on Slimming World? ›

Slimming World crustless quiche

This colourful quiche is perfect for pack-ups. Going naked (no high-calorie, buttery pastry, that is 😉) saves stacks of Syns without sacrificing any of the taste! As long as they're cooked without oil, fat or butter, eggs are a fantastically filling Protein-rich Free Food.

Is cottage cheese syn free on Slimming World? ›

Free Foods

(Fat-free natural fromage frais, fat-free natural cottage cheese and unflavoured quark all remain Free Food.)

Is quiche healthy for weight loss? ›

Keep quiche portions small to control calorie intake. Quiche is a food that has the potential to be healthy, but could also be a diet downfall. Traditional quiche is full of cheese, eggs, cream and made with pie crust, all of which are high-calorie and can be fatty.

Why is my quiche like scrambled egg? ›

Using too many eggs in the custard.

The best quiche consists of a custard that's the perfect ratio between eggs and milk. Using too many eggs in the custard results in a quiche that rubbery and too firm when baked, while not using enough will prevent the custard from setting.

What do the French call a frittata? ›

The word omelet is basic French while the Italians call their version a frittata.

What does Lorraine mean in quiche? ›

Originally, it was a savory pie consisting of an egg and cream custard with bacon or salmon. The French word for cake is "quiche," which might have influenced the name. The dish as we know it today originated in the Lorraine region of France in the 1800s. It consists of eggs and cream or milk in a pastry crust.

Is quiche okay for weight loss? ›

Crustless quiches are a good way to control fat and calorie intake. If you don't want to skip the crust, make your own rather than buying one because this allows you to control ingredients. Using mostly egg whites and just a couple of yolks is a good way to keep your quiche healthy.

Is quiche a fatty food? ›

Traditionally made with a flaky crust (and usually flaky means high fat) plus lots of creamy and cheesy ingredients, quiche can have anywhere from 400 to 700 calories and 25 to 50 grams of fat per serving.

Is quiche full of carbs? ›

Quiche, with meat (1 piece - 1/8 of 9" pie) contains 16g total carbs, 15.3g net carbs, 22.4g fat, 14g protein, and 325 calories.

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