How to make pies more heart-healthy (2024)

Pies are a popular, though rarely heart-healthy, comfort food. But with a few changes even those with heart disease can enjoy them, says Senior Dietitian Victoria Taylor.

How to make pies more heart-healthy (1)

Whether it’s chicken and leek pie or a pasty, traditional pastry treats are a popular choice. Sadly, they’re not great as a regular part of your diet.

An average individual meat pie provides around 450kcal, but the biggest problem is the 12g of saturated fat inside it – that’s more than half the daily guideline. If you have buttery mashed potato or chips on the side, the fat content of your meal is even higher.

It’s best to keep pies as an occasional treat. And if you cook them at home, a few simple changes will make them more heart-healthy.

Perfect pastry

The pastry in the traditional pie is usually the biggest issue for your heart health. A simple way to reduce this is to put pastry on top, but not underneath. This reduces saturated fat per portion by 40 per cent and calories by a quarter. If you make your own pastry, use an unsaturated fat spread rather than butter or lard. This can halve the saturated fat content of your pastry. Most spreads based on vegetable oils will be suitable, but don’t use a low-fat spread (less than 38 per cent fat or 38g fat per 100g) as the higher water content will leave you with tough pastry.

Even better, switch your pastry from shortcrust or puff to filo. This is the lowest-fat pastry by far, with 2.9g fat per 100g. This compares with 26.2g for puff or 31.4g for shortcrust. Filo is the lowest-calorie option too, and it’s easy to use. You can buy it fresh or frozen (defrost first if it’s frozen). Just scrunch up the sheets and place on top of the pie and it crisps up nicely. If you’re comfortable working with filo, you could use it for handheld pastries or samosas, either in a triangle or roll shape. Just make sure the ends are well tucked in so the filling doesn’t leak out.

  • For a healthier alternative to sausage rolls, follow our recipe for pork and apple filo rolls(pictured below)

How to make pies more heart-healthy (2)

Did you know?

How to make pies more heart-healthy (3)

Many regions of Britain boast their own special pie:

  • Melton Mowbray is the home of the pork pie.
  • The Cornish stargazy pie has fish heads poking out.
  • A squab pie originates from Gloucestershire and usually contains lamb or mutton.

Tasty toppings

Crumble toppings are common for sweet dishes but work for savoury pies too. To make your own, use unsaturated spread instead of butter, and try using a bit less of it to reduce the calories (crumble topping tends to be more flexible than pastry). Oats are a nice addition to sweet or savoury crumble toppings. For a savoury crumble, add dried herbs for extra flavour, and if you want to add cheese, choose a reduced-fat version – using a mature or full-flavoured cheese will mean you don’t need as much.

Sliced potatoes are another good savoury topping. Or try a cobbler, which has a sweet or savoury scone topping. Choose your recipe carefully – if it is high in butter you can usually swap for an unsaturated spread.

Mashed vegetables make a great pie topping. Use mashed potato or mix with other veg like parsnip, swede, carrot or cauliflower. These are as comforting and filling as a pastry pie, but with less fat. Mash your veg with milk and unsaturated spread, rather than butter. Do the same if you’re having mash as a side dish.

  • Try our sweetpotato and callaloo (or spinach) pie.
  • Check out ourpork and bean cobbleror try ourmango and pear cobbler

How to make pies more heart-healthy (4)

Did you know?

Banquets in the 16th and 17th centuries sometimes featured live animals or birds springing out or flying from a pie when it was cut.

Slimmer fillings

Your pie filling can have a makeover too. If you’re making a meat pie, use lean cuts or extra-lean mince and include plenty of veg. To make your meat go further, mix in tinned lentils or beans. Replacing some of the meat with pulses lowers the meal’s saturated fat content and adds protein and fibre.

If you are making a fruit pie, taste your fruit before adding sugar. Generally, the riper it is, the less you need. You can also add dried fruit to the filling to sweeten it without adding as much sugar. Ground cinnamon adds natural sweetness – it’s particularly good with apples, bananas, blackberries, peaches and pears.

  • For a fruity dessert, try our apple and blackberry oat crumble(pictured below)

How to make pies more heart-healthy (5)

Did you know?

In the United States, savoury pies are almost unknown. Pies tend to have sweet fillings such as key lime, cherry, peach, pumpkin...or even sweet potatoes.

Sensible sides

Pies are high in energy, so keep an eye on your portion size, as you can consume a lot of calories in only a few mouthfuls. Eating it as part of a meal with vegetables on the side can make a smaller portion go further. Having a pie or pasty as a snack is not such a good idea – it is high in calories and you may still eat a normal meal later.

With sweet pies, skip ice cream or cream and go for custard made with low-fat milk (or low-fat no-added-sugar instant custard) or low-fat yoghurt (low-fat Greek yoghurt or skyr are the creamiest options).

Pies to try:

  • Fisherman's pie
  • Cottage pie
  • Vegetarian shepherd's pie with champ topping
  • For more healthy pie recipes, visit ourrecipe finder.

What to read next...

5 cholesterol-lowering foods

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How to make pies more heart-healthy (6)

How to make pies more heart-healthy (2024)


What are the healthiest pies? ›

But the apple pie takes the cake when it comes to fiber and potassium, and it has less added sugar. So what's a pie aficionado to do? Well, if you want to consume fewer calories, go for the pumpkin—it almost always has fewer because of the single crust. You could also take a sliver of both pies.

Are pies healthy for you? ›

Sadly, they're not great as a regular part of your diet. An average individual meat pie provides around 450kcal, but the biggest problem is the 12g of saturated fat inside it – that's more than half the daily guideline. If you have buttery mashed potato or chips on the side, the fat content of your meal is even higher.

What are the best pies to eat? ›

The 10 best kinds of pie you have to try
  • Pumpkin pie. ...
  • Key lime pie. ...
  • Rhubarb pie. ...
  • Peach pie. ...
  • Strawberry pie. ...
  • Mississippi mud pie. ...
  • Blueberry pie. On the hunt for a delectable dessert to satiate your sugary cravings? ...
  • Cherry pie. Sweet cherry lovers, get your hands on this cherry pie recipe from Tastes Better From Scratch.
Apr 28, 2023

Are pies bad for cholesterol? ›

Try to eat less:

meat pies, sausages and fatty meat. butter, lard and ghee. cream and hard cheese, like cheddar. cakes and biscuits.

What do judges look for in a pie contest? ›

Pies should have generous, well distributed fruit as well as, good color and definition. Crust & Filling: The judges will evaluate two primary components of a pie – individually and then as a combined entity. These two components are the crust and the filling.

How do you judge a good pie? ›

Taste the bottom crust (to see if it's baked), the top crust (to see if it's tender and flaky) and the crimp (to see if it's scorched). Sample the filling to see if its flavor and texture are appropriate. If it's a fruit pie and you can't tell which fruits by tasting, that's a pie with a problem.

What is the secret of good pastry? ›

Water, however, is absorbed much less easily into flour proteins when the temperature is colder. That's why purists recommend cold ingredients, cold equipment and marble boards. Keeping the butter cold also helps when making short crust pastry because it doesn't melt into the flour when you are working it in.

Where is the best place in the oven to bake a pie? ›

Preheat your oven to 425°F. Place the pie on a parchment-lined baking sheet (to catch any drips), and put the pie and baking sheet onto the lowest rack of your oven.

Which oven rack should you bake a pie on? ›

A pie's place in the oven is on the bottom rack. The worst mistake you can make with your pie is under-baking the bottom crust—it makes for a soggy, doughy mess. Baking your pie on the bottom rack will ensure that bottom crust gets nice and golden brown. Speaking of which: bake your pie in a glass pie dish.

Is pie a junk food? ›

What is junk food? Junk food is unhealthy food that includes sweet drinks, lollies, chocolates, sweet snacks, chips and crisps, crunchy snack foods, biscuits, cakes, most fast foods, pies, sausage rolls, jam and honey.

What is the most unhealthiest food in the world? ›

1. Bacon
  • Fried food. ...
  • Potato chips. ...
  • Added sugars. ...
  • Processed oils. Try to cut processed oils out of your diet as much as possible. ...
  • Hydrogenated fats. This category of fats lurks in many packaged foods and fast food products. ...
  • Refined carbohydrates. Advertisem*nt. ...
  • Breakfast sausages. Advertisem*nt. ...
  • Processed meat. Advertisem*nt.
Jan 30, 2022

Which pastry is the healthiest? ›

Puff or flaky pastries, used in meat pies, have double that quantity of fat – and it's not usually heart-friendly fat. Filo pastry has a huge health advantage because there is no fat in the mix. It is made solely from flour and water.

Which is healthier, pumpkin pie or apple pie? ›

The pumpkin pie wins on calories, saturated fat, protein and calcium. But the apple pie takes the cake when it comes to fiber, sugar (both total and added) and sodium. So what's a pie aficionado to do? Well, if you're watching calories go for the pumpkin-it almost always has fewer because of the single crust.

Which is healthier pecan pie or pumpkin pie? ›

Pecan pie contains more calories but offers you plenty of nutrients that you can't find in any other pie. On the other hand, pumpkin pies have a lower calorie content. But pumpkins contain fewer nutrients compared to pecans. Hence, both of these pies are healthy in their own way.

Is pecan pie healthier than apple pie? ›

With an astounding 620 calories per slice, pecan pie dominates the contest from a caloric standpoint. Pecans themselves provide a wide variety of vitamins and minerals and are thought to be healthy for the heart.

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.