How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (2024)

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By Katie Moseman 17 Comments


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How to Make French Press Coffee

Please tell me why I didn’t learn to do this years ago. Making French press coffee is so simple that I found myself literally slapping my own forehead at how I had missed out on this.

The truth is that coffee has becomea driving force in my life relatively recently, so (thankfully) I can’t regret too much lost time. However, the discovery of how to make French press coffee is something I must share with any of you who have not tried it yet.

Since learning how to make French press coffee, I have made it part of my daily routine. I have the most adorable mini French press, and just looking at it sitting on the counter brings a smile to my face.

Today, I’m using a new creamer from Silk. Silk Almond Creamers are non-dairy, non-GMO, gluten free, and lactose free. Did I mention they come in lovely flavors? There’s Vanilla, Caramel, and Hazelnut to choose from!

I picked up my Silk Almond Creamer in the dairy case at Walmart.

How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (3)

All three flavors have no artificial flavors or colors, no cholesterol, and no saturated fat. Thesubtle nutty flavor, combined with Vanilla, Caramel, or Hazelnut, can transform your coffee into a real coffeehouse style flavored coffee.

They’re a perfect addition to your daily cup of coffee. Plus, Silk Almond Creamers are an excellent option for when you have company that prefers dairy-free creamer. Try adding it to your French press coffee!

You’ll find that using the French press coffee method will add a richness and depth of flavor to a cup of coffee that drip coffee just can’t math. Plus, it’s grand fun. Enjoy!

How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (4)

4.5 from 2 votes


How to Make French Press Coffee

If you've never learned how to make French press coffee, you're missing out! It's easy as pie and produces the most perfectly brewed coffee.



Prep Time 5 minutes

Cook Time 10 minutes

Total Time 15 minutes

Servings 1

Calories 1 kcal

Author Katie Moseman


  1. Remove the lid and plunger assembly from the French press coffee pot.

    How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (5)

  2. Add 2 tablespoons of ground coffee for every 6 ounces of water you plan to use. To make more than one serving, multiply the measurements above by the number of servings you wish to make.

    How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (6)

  3. Add very hot (between 195 and 205 F) water (6 ounces per serving).

    How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (7)

  4. Stir gently to swirl the coffee through the water.

    How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (8)

  5. Place the lid on with the plunger all the way up. Steep for about 4 minutes.

    How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (9)

  6. Gently and slowly press the plunger all the way down.

    How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (10)

  7. Serve immediately. Don't let the coffee sit in the pot, or it may get too strong.

    How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (11)

Nutrition Facts

How to Make French Press Coffee

Amount Per Serving

Calories 1

% Daily Value*

Sodium 3mg0%

Potassium 83mg2%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Get more Silk Almond Creamer inspiration!

How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (12)


How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (13)

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Reader Interactions



  1. Michelle de Guzman

    How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (14)
    I am not a coffee drinker but one of my best friends is and swears by the french press. My son however is a coffee drinker and wants me to buy that nasty powered creamer. I think I will pick up some of this silk almond creamer for him to try. I like that it has none of the nasty stuff in it that most other creamers have.


    • Katie

      I liked that about the Silk Almond Creamers, too. I only write about products I would actually use myself. 🙂


  2. LisaLDN

    Ooh, I love coffee, and if it’s freshly pressed it’s even better! I usually drink it black, but those creamers seem amazing! Creamers aren’t that common in Norway (everyone drinks black coffee here, haha), but I’ll make sure to try those the next time I’m in the US! 🙂


    • Katie

      Norway! Wow! I’ve only been to “Norway” in Epcot. Not quite the same. 😉


  3. David @ Spiced

    I love coffee! And the stronger the better for me. So it goes without saying that French Press coffee is amazing. I haven’t pulled out my French press in a while now…thanks for the inspiration. And definitely hazelnut creamer for me!! #client


    • Katie

      I agree, French press coffee is amazing! Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Tami

    I am not a coffee drinker, but my mom-in-law and my daughter both enjoy coffee every day. I’ll have to share this with them. Maybe, I’ll even make some for them when they visit again!


  5. LaShawn

    Years ago, I had a roommate who made french press coffee every morning. I wasn’t a coffee drinker at the time and I paid little attention. But now , I’m coffee obsessed! I’ve been fascinated by the french press, but have never taken the time to try since I have Keurig! Thanks for sharing!


    • Katie

      I swear, it’s the most FUN way to make coffee!


  6. Aileen Adalid

    I don’t think I’ve tried French press coffee yet; which makes sense since I don’t drink coffee that much after all. However, I’m curious enough to try it! Thanks for sharing!


    • Katie

      Thanks for stopping by!


  7. Tiffany

    This looks delicious!! I have a love of coffee but I must admit the process behind making those special brews is lost to me. Yet I think this is something I could actually accomplish! Thanks so much for sharing…


    • Katie

      It’s so much fun. It makes coffee into an event! 🙂


  8. Travel Quest

    Coffee is my thing I can’t start my day without it. I tried this creamer few months ago since ten I’m in love with it.


    • Katie

      I was never a coffee person until last year… then it just became a “thing” all the sudden!


  9. Cara (@StylishGeek)

    How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (15)
    Because of my hubby I have become a coffee aficionado too. We love to travel to different towns and look into the local coffee roaster they have. Lately I have been taking my coffee only via French Press or Slow Pour. I absolutely love the taste when it is done in either way. Thanks for sharing your tutorial post!


    • Katie

      I am going to have to look into the Slow Pour method! At the Four Seasons, they had one of those big glass siphon contraptions. That was neat! Currently, I’m drinking Hula Daddy Kona coffee, which is incredible.


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How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection (2024)


How to Make French Press Coffee • Recipe for Perfection? ›

As a general guideline, a French press that makes 2 cups (or 12 oz) of coffee will require about 14 to 16 grams of coffee grounds. This is equivalent to about 3 to 4 tablespoons of coffee. So the ratio of coffee to water is roughly 1:15.

What is the best coffee ratio for a French press? ›

As a general guideline, a French press that makes 2 cups (or 12 oz) of coffee will require about 14 to 16 grams of coffee grounds. This is equivalent to about 3 to 4 tablespoons of coffee. So the ratio of coffee to water is roughly 1:15.

What is the golden ratio for French Press coffee? ›

While the standard golden ratio has a value that is worth 1.61803398875 (and so on), the French Press brewing ratio is 1:15 in simplified ratio terms. This means that for each gram of coffee grounds added, an additional 15 grams of water is used.

How many scoops of coffee do you use in a French press? ›

Plan on one tablespoon (7–8 grams) per cup 6–6.5 oz (say 180–185 milileters) of coffee. I generally let the coffee seap for around 4 minutes before pressing the press to end the brewing time.

How long do you let coffee steep in a French press? ›

As a general rule, a steeping time of four to five minutes is recommended for most French press brews. This allows the coffee grounds to fully extract and release their flavors into the water, while also avoiding over-extraction, which can lead to a bitter taste.

How many tablespoons of coffee are in an 8 cup French Press? ›

French Press Size3-Cup8-Cup
Coffee17 grams (2-3 tbsp)54 grams (8-10 tbsp)
Water275 mL, plus additional for pre-heating860 mL, plus additional for pre-heating

How much coffee per 8oz in French Press? ›

1 cup water (8 fluid ounces) — 2 tablespoons coffee beans (14 grams)

What is the metric ratio of coffee-to-water in a French Press? ›

Ratios from 1:16 to 1:18 Are Generally Suitable

In the imperial measuring system, this roughly works out to 0.5 ounces of coffee per cup (8 fluid ounces) of water. In the metric system, this is 14.17 grams of coffee and 250 grams of water, which is a ratio of 1:17.6.

How do you make French Press coffee taste stronger? ›

To get the best from your coffee it is recommended you leave it to brew for around 4 minutes and for a stronger taste do not leave it any longer than 6 minutes. Set a timer so you don't forget how long you have been brewing for. When your time is up, firmly pressing the plunger until it will not press down any further.

Do you stir French Press coffee once it steeps and why? ›

But for a better result, stir. After pouring the water, let the mixture sit for a minute and then stir the grounds and water. Any dry lumps of coffee will have the chance to break apart and add to the flavor of the final result.

Can coffee sit too long in French press? ›

If the coffee sits on the grounds too long, it continues to extract and will become bitter. To clean the French Press, we find it easiest to add a little water to the grounds, give it a good swirl, and empty into the trash or compost bin.

What makes the best French press coffee? ›

An ideal French press ratio is 1:15—that is, one part coffee for every 15 parts water. For a French press with a 24-ounce capacity, this would be 40 grams of coffee and 600 grams of water. Grind your coffee. We found the best results with a medium grind, similar to a drip coffee brewer.

What is the best grind for a French press coffee? ›

While the water is heating, grind your coffee. French press coffee calls for a coarse, even grind. We recommend starting with a 1:12 coffee-to-water ratio. If you're using 350 grams of water, you'll want 30 grams of coffee.

What is the ratio of coffee to milk in a French press? ›

The basis of this recipe is- one part brewed coffee or espresso, two parts steamed milk, and top it off with milk foam for the frothy mouth-feel. All you have to do for this recipe is froth heated milk using a frother.

How much coffee for 4 cups water in a French press? ›

1 cup water (8 fluid ounces) — 2 tablespoons coffee beans (14 grams) 2 cups water (16 fluid ounces) — ¼ cup coffee beans (28 grams) 4 cups of water (32 fluid ounces) — 1/2 cup coffee beans (56 grams)

How much coffee do I put in an 8 cup French press? ›

French Press Size3-Cup8-Cup
Coffee17 grams (2-3 tbsp)54 grams (8-10 tbsp)
Water275 mL, plus additional for pre-heating860 mL, plus additional for pre-heating

What is the perfect coffee ratio? ›

Coffee-to-Water Ratio

A general guideline is called the "Golden Ratio" - one to two tablespoons of ground coffee for every six ounces of water. This can be adjusted to suit individual taste preferences. Check the cup lines or indicators on your specific brewer to see how they actually measure.

What is the ratio for Starbucks French press coffee? ›

Use 2 Tbsp (10 g) of grounds for every cup (6 fl oz, 180 ml) of water. Add the ground coffee to the empty coffee press.

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