Follow the 4 Principles of Safe Driving (2024)

Follow the 4 Principles of Safe Driving (1)

Driving is the riskiest thing many employees do. Whether they’re linemen at the electric department, picking up solid waste, or patching holes on the highway, they face the most risk while behind the wheel.

Defensive Driving and Other Safe Driving Behaviors

This is true regardless of their vehicle type or the fleet they work for as well. Non-CDL drivers face as much risk as a truck driver when it comes to traffic crashes and other accidents.

That’s why driver safety training is essential. Safe drivers don't simply wear a seat belt, they drive defensively, which means they drive safely and are aware to avoid distractions.

And defensive driving simply means being prepared. They see and react to risk, such as car accidents or bad weather, ahead of time.

They stay away from everyone and everything that could cause them problems. Most importantly, they take responsibility for protecting the people on the road with them.

Defensive driving courses can help train government and public sector fleet drivers to be safer while on the road.

But, if that’s not an option, they can learn LLLC, or the four principles of safe driving. Check out these safe driving habits and safety tips!

Breaking Down LLLC When it Comes to Safe Driving

What, exactly, is the meaning of LLLC when it comes to driving safety best practices? LLLC stands for look ahead, look around, leave room, and communicate.

These four principles encompass all safe driving techniques, and best of all, these safe driving tips areeasy to memorize and teach.

1. Look Ahead

Drivers need to be prepared for what’s ahead of them. Your drivers need to look ahead with an eye-lead time of 15 seconds. This lets them see traffic slowing down, pedestrians, or changes in traffic flow or the speed limit before they become a problem.

2. Look Around

The information your drivers need to prevent accidents isn’t just happening ahead of them — it’s happening all around them. That’s why drivers need to look around.

Drivers should look around by changing their point of focus every 2 to 3 seconds and checking their mirrors every 5 to 8. This kind of defensive driving ensures that they take in their entire driving environment on the road ahead.

3. Leave Room

Look ahead and look around are all about seeing risk. Leave room is what you do with that information.

Leave room gives you the time and space you need to react to risk and avoid collisions. Drivers need to leave room on all six sides of their vehicle:

  • In front
  • Behind
  • To the left
  • To the right
  • Above
  • Below

The most important place to leave room is to the front. Drivers own that space in front of them. If they want to prevent accidents, they need to always leave room by maintaining a minimum safe following distance.

For light-duty vehicles such as cars, light trucks, and vans, that’s 3 seconds in normal and dry conditions.

Leaving room in front of you is one of the easiest ways to keep yourself and others safe.

4. Communicate

The last principle is communicate. The first three principles are all about seeing what other people are doing and reacting to it. Driver communicationis how you let other people know what you’re going to do.

Behind the wheel, drivers need to communicate with their headlights, horn, turn signals, four-way flashes, and tail lights. They need to give at least 3 to 5 flashes of their turn signal before taking any action, such as when you need to changelanes.

They need to use their brake lights to communicate to other drivers that they’re stopping. And they need to use their headlights in low visibility conditions so other drivers see them.

There’s no guarantee that the people in other vehicles are paying attention, but communicatinggives you a chance to avoid any surprises.

Are Your Professional Drivers Safe Professional Drivers?

If your employees drive to complete job functions, they’re professional drivers. However, that doesn’t mean they’re safe. When you put employees out on the road, your organization faces liability. More importantly, employees face risk of injury and have lives in their hands.

Start the process of developing your fleet of safe professional drivers todayby teaching them the basics of safety and LLLC: The Four Principles to Driving Safely. It could be the perfect driver and road safety topicfor your next meetings!

Related:Will Technology Save Fleets From Distracted Driving?

About the Author: John Kuder is a senior instructional designer at Avatar Fleet, the creators of the non-CDL safety training course, The Fleet Safety Course.

Editor's Note:This article was originally published in April 2023, but was reviewed for continued relevance and accuracy as of May 2024.

Follow the 4 Principles of Safe Driving (2024)


Follow the 4 Principles of Safe Driving? ›

What, exactly, is the meaning of LLLC when it comes to driving safety best practices? LLLC stands for look ahead, look around, leave room, and communicate. These four principles encompass all safe driving techniques, and best of all, these safe driving tips are easy to memorize and teach.

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What, exactly, is the meaning of LLLC when it comes to driving safety best practices? LLLC stands for look ahead, look around, leave room, and communicate. These four principles encompass all safe driving techniques, and best of all, these safe driving tips are easy to memorize and teach.

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Expert-Verified Answer. The Four S's in the vehicle movement checklist are Search, Signal, Select, and Steer.

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Here are four internal factors that can impact employee driver safety:
  • Awareness. ...
  • Emotional Control. ...
  • Following Rules. ...
  • Caution.
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Safety Sluggers

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It's called The LLLC Defensive Driving Principles™, but we just call it “Triple-L-C.” Using the Four Driving Principles of Safety, Look Ahead, Look Around, Leave Room, and Communicate, gives you the time and information you need to avoid an accident and be an all-around better driver.

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Look ahead.

A driver with defensive driving skills scans the road ahead of them and behind them. They ensure road safety by scanning ahead at least ten seconds, a quarter of a mile, or to the next intersection to ensure they have enough time to avoid potential dangers.

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The driving principle refers to the main factor or force that motivates and propels a particular event or phenomenon.

When to follow the four RS? ›

The National Safety Council recommends “The four R's” when trying to avoid a head-on collision:
  • Read the road ahead. Scan in front of your vehicle and on all sides. ...
  • Drive to the right. The safest position on a two-lane road is slightly to the right of the center of your lane. ...
  • Reduce your speed. ...
  • Ride off the road.

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Speed and Aggressive Driving. Speeding is one of the most dangerous driving behaviors, accounting in part for one out of every three crashes.

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The four important attitudes to keep you safe while driving are: Alert, Wary, Patient, and Considerate. These attitudes can help mitigate risks associated with driving, such as: Properly maintaining the car to prevent mechanical failures on the road.

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A Safe System Approach incorporates the following principles:
  • Death and Serious Injuries are Unacceptable. A Safe System Approach prioritizes the elimination of crashes that result in death and serious injuries.
  • Humans Make Mistakes. ...
  • Humans Are Vulnerable. ...
  • Responsibility is Shared. ...
  • Safety is Proactive. ...
  • Redundancy is Crucial.
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Fundamental Principles of Defensive Driving
  • BE READY. Preparation begins just before you get in the car. ...
  • KEEP CALM. Angry driving is a danger to all drivers. ...
  • Always use the Headlights. ...

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