Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

THE CHICAGO TRIBXJNE: FBIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1899. tVi salfs In this respect. At any rate, as I shinDod thrnnch tho nmnnapil wnnl TTf which tends to drive travel from their road, and which effects so seriously the comfort get money for praying over cases of blood poisoning should be treated as swindlers. matters now stand, the coming race will sayg tn tho. XinrniniA WHO'S WHO AND WHAT'S WHAT.

of the Chlcagoans living along the line, as I Wilkoff has a right to complain that he those officials wotild see at once lf they would only live within range of the smoke is taken while other offenders are left. i ones like Chicago, as the distance from Kvx-niT TeTA.naTJTWtm'3 ADVANCE. I Chicago to San Franoispo hv rnil is 2.350 1 Z. stacks of their own locomotives. Undoubt FOUNDED JUNE 10.

1847. I SDirited advance of General 'Mac- I miles and by the Nicaragua route 5,803 edly the suppression of the smoke nuisance SAD ENDING TO HIS BIRTHDAY FESTIVITIES. The cable announces that young Viscount Cas CONCERNING CASTES. The accusation is constantly made that cs ,1 .,,,.1 AnwlM I mileS. lie rerMata fnpmoi- flaim fhnfr Artnur ut ouu rviuuuuu uuu.

-o- tfrms OF SUBSCRIPTION. It Droves 1 no sailing vessels can ever use the canal. ing with M. Doyen's Invention with the view of adopting it in the colonial service. GERMAN EMINENT AS WIT PViP-r NOVELIST.

AND BEAU. Paul Heys nf Munich will Rave a great gap In th social and literary life of the Fatherland. Inth will require the taking of more pains on the part of train crews, and the exercise of more watchfulness on the part of their superiors. here in America class distinctions prevail I silta 1 a la ua-iun I nK1tlkir 1 because Of Its lnfMltirm in tin, nAMmnw. as firmly if less definitely than in aristocracies.

It is asserted that ia spite of but that outlay of pains and watchtumess will profit the road. vaunted equality there are upper and lower crusts, and middle mediocrity which STATESMEN AS ATHLETES. The cartoonists were somewhat prema seldom merge into one another. The derid- tlereagh, eldest son of the Marquis of Londonderry, has suffered concussion of the brain through a fall from his horse and will be confined to his bed for several weeks at least, even If no more serious complications develop. The accident will put a sudden and sad ending to the festivities ln honor of the ture in.

depicting President McKinley upon ers of democracy declare that it never by chance happens that a charitable friendly visitor" makes a real friend of the ob the golf links. The President, like most American statesmen, is not much given to athletics, and prefers a walk or a drive to OI -Munich he has been for years a prominent hgUFe Almost six ftbt and weighing upwards of 200 pounds, he car ried himself with the soldierly bearinr gained by service in the army. Best knowa as a novelist: he is also a poet merit, as weSl aa noted wit. As ix young man no one: would have predictfd ject of his benevolence, that the rich man 6cenU to operations, and that the regulars are necessitating a ruinous amount of towing. iny.

jWweck in exeeiient fighting trim. The Iowa As one-half the American merchant ma- Ter onmf. cen" regiment was the only body of volunteers nne still consists of Bailing vessels, this is Daily nd Sunday, per month 'Scents emfiat at gan Fernando. AH an important point. Ihese and many other bt ml WADVAXCK tue rest were regulars, a large proportion strong arguments are stated by Mr.

Nimmo i pn raid in the United States. (outside of were ra recruit3 wflea they first in a way that fully justifies his reiterated Chicago city limits) and in Canada and Mexico. of demand for a governmental investigation V-: ZttcttX ofthecommerciaUeasibilityoftheisthmian Ti-Hv. -vlthout Rundav. three months Canal project- rrMv wkbout Sunday, two months loo wtre often knee deep in mud, indicates Aat there WU1 l0DSCr be caUSC ,0 cfn" The Diamond Match com- Diiiy'.

with Sunday'. six 3 0 plaints about sparing the regulars and giv- The Diamond pany. has bought up Edwin Pally', ivith pun.iay." three 1-75 jng ajj ne hard work to the volunteers. Match Gould's Continental Match The sequel seems to prove the wisdom of Company, company and Is free from i.s.:e! one 25 living these regiments time to become domestic aa well as foreign Ofve address la full. Including county driUed and acclimated.

It is competition It Is not likely that any Amer- iM t.tte. lean capitalists will go into the match busl- Remit by express, money order, draft, or In fftct of no smau importance that the de- the pleasure of driving a ball across the links. Though in a general way most people are familiar with the difference be coming of age of the never, out of story books, marries his clerk or typewriter, and that the democratic minister never invites his poor and needy parishioner to dine with him, but confines oung nobleman. The 1 1 HwrAtwifr a birthday has been tween Americans and Englishmen as regards athletic eports, Sir Charles Dilke, in his invitations to the prosperous pillars of the church. celebrated at Mount Stewart, Down, one of the seats to which the Viscount is heir.

One the North American Review, draws a No doubt there is a grain of truth in Viscount Castlereagh. him a literary career Paul Heyse. He never books for pleasure zTnd it re quired coercion on the part of his parent get him to finish college. Early life hVL striking contrast between English and American statesmen in this particular. these -assertions, though the reason may be rtgistored letter, at our risk.

vninilt110- rDffimnt. 1-nves Sir Charles says, and the facts in the case found not in differences of wealth so much as in differences in tastes and aims. And liauuic vi w.v... i jjiamona company. xne tarin: auty on i- an unfortunate love affair and wett away new tork-184 worlt BriT-PlN'O.

in the field this trained body of nearly matches, though not high. Is high enough WASHINGTON 40 WYATT BUILDING. -jnnm roD-nlnrs callable of the effective tn bear out his assertion, that the ordinary American politician has little idea of open niue nis sorrow in Italy. There liie lit. I XT '-1 i i I i 1 v.

1. 1 hv' fHT- I 111(1 ill 111 i 1 11 lUU 1CII iaj a I win air sports and athletics, and that in thLs respect he belongs rather to the type of the virtue of a democracy lies in the fact that it is possible for the charity object to become himself a friendly visitor, for the clerk to become proprietor, and the poor parishioner a pillar. rier mi' order it by postal card or by telephone around San Fernando and Angeles. portant Industry can raise prices If It Express 6T.7. When delivery is irregular make r.

oI chooses and get back all it haa spent In emnniaint at the onie The result of the movement is to aa- Ji. compiaini ai ine onice. hiivlncr the Onntlnental enmnanv. The fac- the American business-man than to that of the American leisured rich. Even Sir vAnce the northern base of operations nine 1 COMBSTIC P055TACJE Twelve pares.

I cent: I. tvtt riilrM(. 4nrW. Charles, however, has heard that the Ifl to 24 paires. 2 eents; 2S to 40 scents; i tney may oe ciosea.

'xney are not neeaea. day last week more than l.iKN) tenants were feasted on the estate. Viscount Castlereagh, who was educated at Sandhurst, the English West Point, is a Second Lieutenant in the Royal Horse Guards and Is heir to 50.000 acres of land. CRISIS IN THE CIGARET TRADE. In 1889 the total production of cigarcts ln the United States was 2.151.000,000.

For the next eight years there was a steady increase ln the number produced. In 1897 it reached the astonishing total of Then came the agitation against cigarets and the tax was advanced from 50 cents to 1.50 a thousand. The effect was that in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899, only 3.735.000,000 cigarets were made. In spite of this fact the exportation of American cigarets has steadily Increased. In 1899 the total taxes paid on cigarets amounted to 000, an Increase of $010,000 over the previous year.

GREAT JOKE ON JOE MILLER. Poor old Joe Miller, the I61st anniversary of whose death will soon be celebrated, has passed Into history as younger business generation take a great delight in golf," but he adds: Up to the 44 to pares. 4 nts: 0 pares and over, cents, leaving a garrison or bUU men at Ban rer- They were purchased for a sum far in ex- Band.x In doing this the country was cess of their value to get rid of vexatious cents: 40 pares. 6 cent: 44 to 48 pares. 7 cents; clean of insurgents for two miles competition.

The ono at Detroit has been on each side of the road. An advance of closed for an indefinite period. The men Note The laws of the Postofflce department are i i. lct thoir nlanca nnrl trict. and newspaper, insufflciently prepaid can- a mil an hour through swamps And.jun-- -w-ho yorK have lost their places and fcot be forwarded.

cannot And work in the same business else- present time the politicians have not figured among them; and walking and a lit Sister Mart Elizabeth Lease says she does not know yet where she stands politically. We shall hear from her, then, several times before she fully makes up her mind. The esteemed Charleston News and Courier succeeds in proving by Incontestable data that a temperature of 99 ln Charleston is cool and refreshing ln comparison with 100 ln Savannah. tle dumb-bell exercise, with the cycling and horse exercise of the few, are all ap uuu "7. where.

The old Diamond Match factories d.ry ieer seized him and shortly Kftpr y. wrote his first book. In Paradisi novel ls "The Children of thl Aorld," which has been translated almost all the modern languages Th. Heyse villa, near Munich, has been fforyJr! a center of attraction for famous people WILD EXCITEMENT ON A CAREtS'E -P. pie who imagine that the carette is a sedate qulot vehicle, fit only for old women ad elderl.

men who wish to avoid excitement, are tfherishine a delusion. As a typical carette experience a trio from the river to Madison street, taken yesterJar morning, may be cited. Directly In front of Central Music Hall the carette, which was on th wrong side of the street, collided with a heavy truck loaded with coops containing live chickens The truck driver expostulated with the carette driver and ordered him to take the other side of the street at once. The latter declined Hot words followed, and a moment later a challenge to a duel was given and accepted. Both men drew their whips and stood up on their seats.

The lashes flew, and the horses, thinking the blows in. tended for them, started up and pulled the vehicle apart. The carette turned out so quickly that a beer waron almost took its wheel off. A moment later, while the passengers were recovering from the- excitement, a cable train Bwept round th corner of Madison street and was stopped withla three inches of the venerable equlnes attached to the carette, while the passengers scrambled out la confusion and alarm. parently that can be laid to their account," SOCIETY MEETINGS.

mies is no small aenievemenr. rout- the workmen who are needed. There is little, if any, exception to be ing of 6,000 Filipinos by a force of 4,000 Thera lg no iaw. federal or State, which CniOAflO COMMAVDETRT NO. 19.

TC. T. Sir 1 Amorln-na xcith renorted loss for ns of I it nl fnr tho niamnnfl Match A the camn-meeting season draws to a close the season of county fairs comes on, Rnlrhts are requested asse-mb'e at the asylum on Friday. Auk. ii.

at o'clock sharp, for fhe only eight killed and twenty-six wounded, company to buy out Mr. Gould company Charts cannot ail to be a further discourage- and thus extinguish the last vestige of com- Uy at 1 o-clock sharp for the purpo of fittend- in ifminnldo's snnnorters. The ex- petition in the manufacture of an article and the same set of weather predictions can taken to this statement unless, perhaps, in regard to the younger business generation." It may be that most of the golf players belong rather to the class of the leisured rich than strictly to the business ing the funeral or our deceased rrafr, sir Stephen 1 n5p and evervbodv must i i Vf tr nT.rv v. I i i I ri 1 I hlCh everj Doay uses u-zia eieijwui I11UOI be used for both. IN" A.

MINOR KEY. i rifiir Niifiiiiii in- null lit, ujuuh i i uj a ikivot" i Wit. H. SEIFRIED. Recorder.

i hv Matches cannot De DOycottea. euiies ed in tne suape 01 a xunuer uuuuce me -nact to exclude them, even LAKH HEW I.OTK3E NO. 774. A. F.

AND A. M. I ntf fmrnru hl onnortnnitv. Two davs of I world. But it is certain that among American politicians and statesmen the athlete like Koscoe Conkling is the exception and Clrcuniambulatlon.

and Diversev-st. An emerrent com- T. tnougn maae vy muriicati.m will be held Saturday at o'clock p. I clear weather afforded tne cnance ror tms I what law shall be enacted to meet a case The young professor had decided to spend his vacation in making a pedestrian trip northward not the rule, as among the English. It a professional jester.

Most people think of him as a leering clown, and even today editions of "Joe Miller's Jest Book," the "Wits' Vade Mecum," are now and then printed. As a matter of fact, Joseph Miller was a man of -dignified and quiet demeanor. In his conversation he was never known to make a joke. Among his contemporaries he was noted for his solemnity. In conse alone the western shore of Lake Michigan.

m. for the purpose of attendlnr the funeral of i fi, i Brother Pavi i Thow. Funeral service will be march to Angeles, lhere will be other like this? 5 held in lodge hall and at the grave. Rosehill. By iho trnnio dnwnnonr from time to 1 order of n.

H. FRIZZF.LL. Set. lulls in tne tropic aownpour rrom time to ivivAlT SITUATION J. W.

GERMER, W. M. ,1 nlrt enn talfA THE TKAH8VAAI, BilUATlUfl. It was his purpose, lf his legs and the weather held out, to extend his Journey to a considerable does not require the many instances cited by Sir Charles to show that English statesmen are lovers of athletic 6ports and that distance into Wisconsin, returning by the same .1 I With the nroroeuing of Parliament the method of locomotion, but by a circuitous route. P.


M. u.nv-bv i a rpn wnrhai 4ll Milwauk-av. Emrirenl ramnnmlllnn I -mar, left tr frnrrlcstn I remote POSSlDlllty Of a AmnSVaai War IJHS Do not forget to pronounce that word as lf most of them were athletes as boys, and spelled root. Friday. Aug.

11. at 12 o'clwk. to at tend, the fu- iu -t I Wm fl trifle less remote. Both the have found it wise, aa well as pleasant, to uerai or our late oroiner. naris r.

nartwir. I every town ne leaves uvuuu. a xitr rem STRECKER. w. M.

.1. tn rM, 4n tTlo raot Queen's speech and the utterances or Jir. keep to some sport in life." That state At the end of the second day the young professor had nearly reached Waukegan, and was trudging leisurely along, wrapped ln a brown study, when he met a Sturdy Agriculturist, coming from the Joe Miller. ment pretty nearly covers the case. men quite as much as in the superabund- amoenam nae tt opposite direction.

In England the task of governing is as-. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1S99. ance of rain. Dimly aware that he was meeting somebody he suined largely by the leisured rich. quence the coffeehouse wits used, in jest, to ascribe every new bit of wit to Joe Miller.

In 1739, a year after his death, the book which bears his name was first published and immediately called out: xt Siu, rAnlisii nf pnnai treatment where- My friend, will you please tell me the name Rugby, and Westminster, and later Cam uenerai crtis xeiegrapns I ress lurrauiuus uic irU ucn n6.uiiuio bridge and Oxford all schools patronized gave him a reputation which he neither de- ABaln-Ido-. from Manila that he has cently called for by the President. Only a onmjpantoimiemi.uur.wu... caotured letters from lnsur- republic was founded, and the unrest caused of the next town? The Sturdy Agriculturist, with the exquisite humor that so frequently manifests itself at the expense of travelers who ask such questions, re almost exclusively by the wealthy and the erved nor desired. In those days It was erent leaders uririn the Fill- thereby is a constant source of danger to noble are athletic in their training, and the custom for people, before going to an entertainment, to memorize a number of from these schools and universities men go pinos to stand by their arms a little longer se WU11UT.7" the Ptace an1 Prosperity of my dominions European recognition will be.

se- 13'590 meQ and officers. If the two sQuth Africa, Mr Chamberiaia 6aid cured by the end of this month, and the tional regiments authorized to be recruit- njuge Qf Commons: The grievances jokes to be retailed later for the pleasure of the company. In this way the same joke was heard many times, and as Joe Miller's Into public life. John Burns, labor leader and Socialist, is also an, athlete, but in his ECHOES OF THE TRIBUNE." The Chicago Tribune asks: When shall a man marry?" As a rule whenever the girl's father thinks he can support him. Rockford Star.

The esteemed Chicago Tribune suggests that General Alger would look less like a scapegoat If he would shave off his chin whisker. This seems like hitting a man when he is down. Baltimore Herald. The Chicago Tribune seems to think that there ls a probability of General Miles going to the Philippines to take charge personaJl) of th campaign. By all means this should be done.

Waukegan Sun. Governor Tanner Is In the Yellowstone Park, and The Chicago Tribune warns him to exercise more control over his lawless propenslUet than he did ln Colorado. Think of a Massachusetts newspaper having occasion to give such advice to the State Executive Boston Transcript. In a letter to The Chicago Tribune," a reii-dent of Honolulu replies to a recent article in Harper's Weekly, written by Caspar Whitney, In which it was claimed that the contract labor at Hawaii ls free labor. This ls a matter that Congress should have acted upon at the session.

It will be forced to take some action ln jprovidlnc for the government of Hawaii at the cojnlnf session. Milwaukee News. 1 The Chicago Tribune devotes a pagi of Monday's paper to publishing clippings froai paper throughout the northwest where farm handsci so scarce that the wheat cannot be harvested with the necessary dispatch. It also -publishes clippings from papers throughout the industrial region which prove conclusively that more laborers are needed and that the army of the unemployed la a myth. Litchfield Monitor.

present unuea states aamimstraion win ea at are uneu 10 iuB iuU uu.uu.-r of our feilow.subject3 the Transvaal are book was by far the most popular, his name case the exception proves the rule. On eoon came to be used as synonymous with an thr tht th. Amwin, wnu. driven nt a recognized, consUtuted, and serious cause the contrary, American statesmen are the old and threadbare joke. product of the farm and the small col SOLUTION OF THE SMOKE NUISANCE.

A lege, as well as of the older universities, complete solution of the smoke nuisance on sub Cvliiicr a will beria tTave the force he aud also a of great rtion is to be upset. Aguinaldo may have begin to have the force he danper tQ gouth Africa The pro. heard of Bryan's pro-Filipino speeches and need9' sooner the tea new regiments roguing of Parliament leaves the issue en- the resolutions of the Kentucky Democrats "an be licked into shape for sailing the tirely in the hands of the ministry, of which in the same line, and may believe a success- better will be their opportunity to become chamberlain is the Secretary of State and the absence of a leisured class pre vents that devotion to outdoor sports so rhnracteristic of English life among the urban railway lines has Deen rouna ana aaopiea by the Plymouth branch of the New York. New Haven and Hartford railroad. Between Bralntree and; Cohasset, a distance of twelve miles, all local trains are drawn by electric motors.

iui reoemon against Mciviniey is to Dreaic 1 accumateti ana De nt to worK Desiue tne 1 for the c0ionies. ne j3 so strongly com higher classes. That there ia no reason hich take their power from a tmra ran. i rams eylmnJt 7 7" ZrZ hav. -ed to a belligerent policy that it may be i filled, and the FiliDinos.

obseine that, mav The act rnains hat the KbeIs tave taken for granted the Salisbury government now why this state of affairs should con made up of from four to seven heavily loaded passenger cars are easily handled in this way tinue, and also that the man who keeps, begin to lose faith in Aguinaldo! Euro- only been beaten back a few miles and will not retreat. and no difficulty is found in keeping the schedule in physical vigor by walking, cycling, golf time. In fact, tests have developed a speed of eighty miles an hour, and one of the motors has pean recognition will not come at the end of "will return to the charge the same as be- frUe qUCSti0n of whether there shall be ing, or other outdoor sport or recreation is pulled a long train of loaded dump cars against a likely to be the better for it is no longer 1 thU nor at any later date. When I fore. A large number of towns will have I war or not seems to depend entirely upon the AugM comes the Filipinos will find the to be garrisoned when the general ad- lengths to whk.h the Boer obstinacy will Americans fie-htini? them as energetically as I i .1 I 0 steam engine pulling in the opposite direction.

a matter for dispute. CANADIAN COMMENT. 111 I vance wgius at tue ciose 01. tue rainy sea- 1 co 'rhe nrmness of a ereat Dower con- BURNING WITCH DOCTORS IN ILLI 9le.nAmf,t od l.Af i. 11 plied: Tes, sir.

South Chicago." Ah," said the young professor, quickening his pace, I am considerably nearer home than I thought I wast" Extreme of Duplicity. Men are prons to lie, prevaricate, and remarked Uncle Allen Sparks, but I do think the thinnest, bald-headedest. gauziest piece of deception a. man can be guilty of is to come out of a vegetarian restaurant picking his teeth." No Foundation. How about this story that Billy Mason Is thinking of leaving the United States at the close of his Senatorial term and becoming a subject of the Queen of England?" Nothing in it.

Billy Mason Is going to stay right here, where salaries for light work are higher." A Question. I wonder," said the cross-roads oracle. lf these people who are making so much fuss over the magnificent library of infidel books which that converted atheist in Toledo is going to make a bonfire of next Tuesday would bellow as loud if it was a collection of sermons or commentaries on the scriptures." Item from the Splketotvn, Blizzard. Thunder, yes! This la hot enough for us! Have you got your corn laid by? We will take Icecream on subscription. Why don't you mow the weeds along your sidewalks? Rev.

Hathaway, who has been sick with mumps. Is some better. Bart Litchendall has got a new thrashing machine. It's a Jim dandy. New girl baby at Clem TVlntergreen'a.

They have named her Fan, on account of the hot weather. Mort Diggles la wearing his best clothes every day. He is either a candidate for office or he Is thinking of marrying. Uncle Biff Wagonsellers brought us a cornstalk last Monday fourteen feet ten inches high. It is too tall for our sanctum, and sticks up through the It Is hard to see what the American Mt with on unconcernedly.

I i rronts tne stUDDornness or a smau one. San Domingo. They have negroes to sua Bryan has promised to go NOIS. Joseph Wilhoff. the North Side witch doctor, may be thankful that he did not live in Illinois a hundred years ago.

It is a fact wnetner tne men general itis win nave i President Kruger will ultimately have to already. Toronto Globe. to Kentucky to make some Altgreld and Bryan. The world has been so I at that time will be enough to clear the I grant reasonable political rights to the The American newspapers are having a lot speeches for Goebel because absorbed in the strange Mme. I ground and hold it.

The number would uitlanders; whether he will do this before fun with themselves these days rldiqulinf Premier of the Dominion of Canada. And he Is the regular candi date. Altgeld has told the antt-Goebelites drama in which Captain Drey fas. I be enough if the rebels could be forced the tension comes to the war point or after little known that as- late as 1782 at least one alleged witch doctor was actually tried by the regularly constituted courts and upon conviction sentenced to be burned alive. Proof of this assertion Is found ln the old Record Book, containing the official account blush to admit that ln the Fltzpatric incite they have good cause.

Ottawa Citizen that if they need him he is ready to go down xrejius nas iae me ietu- jnto an open figllt anj vanquished in one I ward is a pure problem in obstinacy. The It Is most desirable that an early set 'lement ol there and help them, for he believes Goebel represents fraud, trickery, thugism, and of occurrences while Governor Todd was the irritating question should be matie. If the controversy goes on for any considerable- length of time we shall have utterly lost the good feelinf Lieutenant Commander of the County of lAS decis5r would be a sufficient general expectation is that he will give way heroic, indomitable, and loyal wife. Even force lf tbepe were no need of garrisoning at the last moment and avoid war. He has the prisoner's mind had been embittered so many towns.

The more headway Gener- been given plenty of time, and he will have against her by the reports his and her enemies al MacArthur and his fellow-commanders still more, for Great Britain is extremely diligently circulated in the Paris press, and can make now the better will the outlook loath to begin hostilities. The Boers are crime." The regulars say they do not want Altgeld to talk for them, because he Is an Anarchist. It may be that the inde which has been cemented between the two coin- Illinois. The page relating to the sentence of the witch doctor reads as follows: Illinois to wit: To Richard Winston, tries during the la3t year. CharlottetoWn Guar 4-lan.

pendents, for one reason or another, will not accept his offer, but if they do there will be All signs indicate that Canada Is preparing to recede as gracefully as possible from her untena lively times In Kentucky this fall. Whatever ble position on the Alaskan boundary suesuon. EII GrrrM upon his return he greeted her coldly at be in October. If the rebellion cannot then ugly fighters, and there would be no glory first until he learned the facts in the case. speedily crushed with the forces on, in the campaign for the British.

The proba- To such an extent was this persecution kept band no sLorjld be jost in doubling bility is therefore that there will be a good up in the columns of L'Echo de Paris. Le pm army of occupation and deal more parleying before the matter is friendship has existed between Altgeld and Bryan will be torn up by the roots. It Is the says the New York Mail and Express. There a a general belief that she has received marching orders, not from Washington, but from-'London." The signs are not easy to see and the?" marching orders are the product of a fruitful imagination. Toronto Mall and Empire.

brimrinar this nnnleasant chanter to a de- settled either way. In the end there re- peculiarity of the ex-Governor that when he finds a person disagreeing with him on any point, no matter how trivial it may seem to nsraui mill in seu-iKieiisu ime. ureyius i was compelled to publish her husband's cisive close. mains the possibility that the Boer ob- letters to her. Even in this act her desire stinacy may outlast British patience and In tho present Instance the publication may have an unfortunate effect ln exposing the Pre chiefly was to rehabilitate her husband in I "WOULD THE NICARAGUA CANAL PAT1 I' precipitate war.

If this should happen the outsiders, he at once loses all faith ln that person, and can see no redeeming qualities In him. If Bryan begins stumping Kentucky mier to misrepresentation as unduly sujisitive to roof. the eyes of Frenchmen rather than to answer 1 In the August number of the National fight would probably be brief but bitter. newspaper criticism, and his statement that does not believe It would be safe for th Oot- Judd Oolleyhoeffer has traded his sorrel filly for aspersions upon herself. However the (geographic Magazine Joseph Nimmo Jr.

I The more serious aspect of the affair lies famous trial now proceeding at Rennes may I once m0re takes up the cudgels against the I in the danger that war with the Transvaal emor General to visit an American clfy wui no a tall, bony, gangling nag that looks like it haa belonged to a circus, but Judd says It can go a mile ln 2:49. doubt be misconstrued in England. Altogether the incident ls unfortunate and will doubt bi exploited ln the American press as another evi terminate, the world has been given an ex- wbole project of an isthmian canal on the Boers may arouse the Dutch Afrikanders "When you see a wild-looking man with ragged HUic i cuu.un.y auu wuei, ucvuuuu mi rmlri1 flint it wnnlil hi. mmmfrndlr rm. ir.

tha fW ennth Afr enn stntpa All pants and only one gallus to hold them up, and a Is an hnnnr tn Frpnh wnmnnhood. 1 dence of the "petulance of Canada plcaynne statesmen," to quote a harsh saying of th American presa. London (Ont.) Advertiser. I Drohtable. Manv of his arguments and I Boers of south Africa are closelv allied in gun on his shoulder, going along the street wltn r.

1 I .11 1 4 blood in his eye. It's us. We're after delinquent in the Interest of one faction and Altgeld In that of the other. It will not be long before the latter Is found denouncing Bryan as ran-corously as ever he denounced Mark Hanna, Altgeld will be swift in reaching the conclusion that Bryan is the last man to be nominated next year, and he will not hesitate to say so when the time comes. Bryan made many kinds of a mistake when he promised to go to Kentucky to help Goebel.

He should have had sense enough to keep out of a faction fight. High Society Caught ItS I rt 4 1 ouiniu uaiuic, aiiu inci 1 I uiwu uiiix pjunuiuic tv i a urimrin- subscribers. lllnk Dink breath and held its beat- I nerateti assertion xnat tne government I Derea mat ape uoiony useii contains near- Rufus Jimpson and Miss Mamie Thwing were Oklahoma' Prosperity. Oklahoma has no poor houses and farm. LAST WITCHES IN ENGLAND.

Sheriff in Chief of the District of Kaskaskla: married last Wednesday evening at the residence as a Dreaa ing heart when Bathhouse I should investigate the enterprise in its com- I ly three times as many Boers as English- It ls a good thing for the country to not? thU of the bride's parents. Rev. Ferguson officiating. Reformer. John Coughlin went Into mercial aspects is a point well taken.

It men. and that Orange Free State is almost Negro Manuel, a slave In your custody, is In judging the class of people that make Its popu The bridegroom clerks at Potter Throstledike's the dress reform business I seems curious that a total of $1,320,176 totally Dutch, it is easy to see how serious lation. They are all vital and vigorous wneuwr they are as rich as those of the older commual- condemned by the Court or Kaskaskla, after having made honorable fine at the door of the church, to be chained to a post at the and appeared at a swell Saratoga dance in I should have been appropriated by Congress I the case would be if these Boers should grocery store, and is one of our most popular young men. The bride Is one of our best milliners. The Blizzard returns thanks for a generous supply of the wedding cake.

Here's luck to you. Rufe and Ma. me. We throw our old shoes after you. ties or not.

This ls one of the greatest ar'vantagei Oklahoma possesses, that It has no Mirdens to waterside and there to be burned alive and bear of Indigent people. Every man hustles fof green dress coat and trousers and red vest, without providing that a cent of it should take sides with their kinsmen of the Trans- to hear be applied to discovering the possible com- vaal to any considerable extent. It must be in, mercial value of the project. admitted that they are more likely to do so PERSONALS. his own kindling wood, bis own bread.

eJifl wxtrt. pie, cake, or better. There are no deceived aunt or decayed uncles depended on. nor charity -ciatlons. nor providential clrcumFtan'-es.

It trone vest. Thp narMnniar ,1 Mr- Nimmo believes the transcontinental since the Jameson raid than they were-be THE WITCH D0CT0E. Joseph Wilhoff told a girl who has a blind mother that he would restore the sight of the latter by magical means in a month if paid for it. He was given $2, but did not work a cure. The same indi git thar and irit that wins in C-rklanoma.

to break loose down East has not yet been railways forever banished the day fore. A writer in the Fortnightly Review telegraphed at this writlna- but at last when a canal across the isthmus at Panama I computes the available south African This, with the good climate and the gvodsoU, what makes the Territory more prosperous thsa counts Bathhouse John was seeking him at or through Nicaragua would pay its run- I forces in the various states as follows: many sections of the country. Oklahonr capita 4 Saratoga. 'When the two annpar in tho I Dine eiDPnsPS. tn ssv nnthinir nf intorost nn I British Dutch 11 Our Duty in the Phlllppiinea.

Setting up Indian republics would ha? been ta I chastened hues of two rival stained-glass I the capital invested. When M. de Lesseps I ihIooo utter ftiiKurditv. nn pvprv nn a amlliarJ with the vidual told a man who runs a small truck farm that his lettuce and cabbage would not grow unless Wilhoff was paid to keep away a blight from them. The truck farmer handed over $40 to buy immunity.

Other persons believing in WilhofFs al his ashee scattered, as appears to me by the record. This sentence you are hereby required to put into execution on Tuesday next at 9 o'clock in the morning, and this shall be your warrant. Given under my hand and seal at Kaskaskla, the 13th day of June, in the third year of the commonwealth." SHREWD SCHEME OF A BICYCLE FIRM. A bicycle firm in Glasgow, which rents a large number of wheels, has devised a scheme which largely increases Its business and at the same time makes it safe against loss by theft. Every time a wheel is rented the firm takes a photograph of the rider just before he starts out.

When the ride Is over, a copy of the photograph is delivered to the rider free of charge. At the same time, if the wheel ls not promptly returned, the firm has ln Us possession a picture of the delinquent, who can ln this way be easily traced. CONFEDERATE HERO TO BE HONORED. The City of Mobile, is to do honor to the memory of Rear Admiral Raphael Semises of character nd habits of the red man iPUl admit Such experiments would equally break d-jwnin Philippines. We must treat the inhawanw u.

that group according to their capacities teacflin General Buller of the British army usually goes to bed at 9 p. m. and rises at 2:30 a. m. The Princess of Wales has sold her game bantams because they were too fond of fighting.

Sarah Bernhardt refuses to disclose her age, further than to declare that she never intends to get old. The Rev. John Escreet, rector of Hempstead Church, England, preaches from a pulpit that he carved himself. Queen Victoria always wears a bracelet to which Is attached a medallion portrait of her latest grandchild or great-grandchild. The Republican candidate for Governor of Kentucky Is a native of that State.

Goebel, the nominee of the Louisville Democratic convention. Is not. He was born in Pennsylvania. W. H.

Farr of Osborne County, though weighing but 135 pounds, Is a prodigy of strength. Recently, on a wager of $30, he carried 150 pounds of flour on his back three miles without setting it down or resting, and then offered to bet S100 that he could carry it back over the same route. On a wager of $5, he shouldered a 300-pound barrel of salt and carried It 100 feet with apparent ease. them first of all that this country ls ot to leged supernatural powers have paid him i. money.

many, uns man, niiu is euucuuj shaken in Its purposes by armed attack. --St. WW Republic. Hot Weather Yarn, The Stay-at-Home Waa It hot ln tii PiU a cheap impostor who has been able to impose on the credulity of some- silly people who still believe in spells, witches, and other medieval nonsense, has been arrest pines?" The Soldier" Hot! Why, actuall, 7 wanted your steak rare, you had to keei It on windows, walking down some conventional visited this country in 18S0 Mr. Nimmo was Inm 2'l! I a.ttract more "Hon in his official capacity as Chief 'SS attention than the President of the United of the Bureau of Statistics at Washington Irinneriai troop's in" south Africa." at 300 States.

No other ward in Chicago, much 11 al asnington the present time, say 10.000 I less In any other city, can vie with rompnte the total tonnage that would 1 tho First in producing two such gorgeous h't0 an The possVb'le comphcations indkated by Aldermen. The East should be given to un- "nal lrtwwn the Atlantic and Tacific. marked preponderance of Boers mav derstand that, these eminent city fathers He reported a possible tonnage of 1,623,000 a th RH i Wf, are no modern edition, of the Ped pK tons per annum. Since then seven trans- wcU lf 5 ct Hamelln. bur rea dress reformer, with continental railway lines and parts of lines TlmTTZTT? 7, the courage of their convictions and th have been completed, and freight rates have 4 I full match for a British clothes to nt the same.

Why should not men fallen to one-fourth or one-Jhird of what "ld'er in marksmanship and stubborn wear dress suits of sky blue or peaco*ck they were then In the licht of these ehUUS S3y nthlDff of hi9 8U" preen, or magenta, or solferlno. or any othr ri, iit!" perior knowledge of the country. Great color that pleases the eyeT Have women concludes Brft conld sooa Mob enough igiment. the only right to wear bright colors, and n0t more than 400-000 tons of Bhl ttbm Egypt. India, and England to crush all is there no man with courage enough left confidently expected opposition but the in him to break through the galling chain to Pass through any such canal." At the oovet th 'Dtia 9 0t ne Tf convention and assert men's rights in the te of $1-80 per ton-the present Suez JtuZ ZerlT matter of clothes? A naUon of men in som- Canal rate-the tolls would fall short of 8 7- 7 eparing for war-' ber black is watching the Hinky Dink and the $1,000,000 needed to operate the canal, hlle ltal" fWS few mitary Bathhouse dress reform movement with whil tho SS nnn futn slgns of any lmmediate warlike purpose.

until five minutes before dinner. Evija then ed for obaining money under false The man who pays out money to some would sometimes be scorched before yo through eating it." San Francisco Examiner, Would Be More Serious-' Watts" I see that Richard Croker iMi hurt because he ls accused of being un-Aiaencan. Potts That oughtn't to worry hliS la York. Just wait till they begin accusing i being un-Irish." Indianapolis Journal. body who professes to be on intimate and friendly terms with the devil in order that no evil spells may be cast on his household Place (or Poor Men.

When a single government ship brings back from Cuba twenty-nine indigent American citizens," It is time to repeat advice that has been given before. No man without an ample or his crops ought to have sense enough the confederate navy, one of the greatest sea captains of the rebellion. Semmes was born in Maryland, the State of Rear Admiral Schley, and was appointed a midshipman ln the navy by President John Quincy Adams. He served with credit during the Mexican war, and, when the rebellion broke out, offered his services to Jefferson Davis. His most to know better.

He deserves no special suddIv of money in his pocket should think of Why Canada Ia The weak spot In the armor of Canada going to any of our new possessions Cuba, Porto commiseration. But as an intelligent people knowr that the man who claims to have Rico, Hawaii unless ne nas an assured jod at slow rate at which the population Increase; deep red hopes for its success. -onM hnr7 yI TZa tl" -Z The tuation may be summed up in the a pull with Satan is an Impostor, it is census of 1891 showed that the prevlous-Jten had added only 500,000 to the numbers th li statement that if President Krnrm.iM good pay waiting for him at the Journey's end. Hartford Courant. Japlla and Chicago.

deemed quite proper that he should be ar pie. Nineteenth Century Review. Left-Handed A Joplin newspapers cannot be said to lack the courage of their convictions in the matter of ex noted engagement during the rebellion ploiting the greatness of their own town. One of them said Sunday: State street in Chicago never saw a bigger crowd than that on-Main street from First to Tenth, in Joplin last night." Kan was as commander of the famous Alabama during Its engagement sas City Journal. Democratic Ideal.

with the Kearsarge off rested. But if Wilhoff is arrested for obtaining money under false pretenses, why 6hould not the prayer healers who have their headquarters at the Dowie establishment and who are paid for their ineffectual prayers be arrested likewise? Two of those divine healers have been held to the grand jury on the charge of criminal responsibility for the death of a woman who died of blood poisoning following confinement. The services which they rendered the patient, according to their account, and for which they expected Cherbourg, France. New Statue of Rear Admiral Bemmes. We believe it to be a fact that a majority of the TheMobile monument men who expect to vote for Mr.

Bryan next year will be of heroic size. the figure of Semmes being elsrht feet six would prefer unlimited paper to unlimited sliver. We look to see proofs of this before the assem Inches in height. It will be cast in bronze at bling of next year's Democratic Populist, and The new cup defender. -u nuu guaranteed the bonds.

obdurate long enough he will have war Columbia, again beat tho Colombia The cffect of railways upon isthmian Wlu nave war-Held, including two former Still traffic is strikingly shown in the records of Tri. qmolri Vf the rauama raUroad. During the fiscal rJn VuSJS T. tortv tnree mil- lmmt'd5atl'ly Preceding the opening of engine which emitted no CeLtr-1 DefSLr it lasttWednesday.lead- the first transcontinental railway in the smoke because of careful Smoke ntSS! United States the total of merchandise Arlng While on his litS the slants of wind It received and shipped between New York and San Fran- trip he saw many other en-other particulars, but. all admission, via ranama amounted to $70,202,000.

which smoked villainously because en-ed. It is certainly the fastest sloop ever seen As the result or transcontinental railway neers and firemen did not attend to their in American waters, and for that reason its petition it fell in the following year to T7rZT'iZ Smke InsPector has n8.5S4,000, and in 180S It amounted to centra1 suburban tfnTST IIT' Conndently by American yachtsmon a- mlt tisc-mn central suDurban trains and persons living to the latter boat, it has been ported oul ItZ V'000' carnage ofpoHwa- along the line of the road are Justified in that Its chief novelty, and the one uln bullion, perishable good, and all the their complaints. Although short of an ln- whlch Its backers count largely. Is the use me ast freights was at once spector-no head of a department will admit of metal in Hs construction. The Thomey.

deflected to the Union and Central Pacific he has enough employes the Smoke Inspec- crofts marine metal work has been brought railways. Mr. Nimmo believes a similar re- tor is SlnS to have these offending engines to perfection almost In torpedo boat destroy- Ealt will befall the Suez Canal when the looked after, and the railroad company noti- ers and the English affirm that equally Transsiberian and other Asiatic lines are ed when an thing goes wrong. The Illinois good work is not yet obtainable on this side completed. Central officials say on their side that extra of the Atlantic.

How much there may be Thl i orders have been given to the Inspectors of to this claim may safely be left to be mda' hwS the road to report every offense on the part cussed after th great race- is over. It Is 6 Manlla 13 of a train crew, and the offenders will be certain Shamrock slips through the water 181 miles shorter and from London to Ma- punished. If this order la lived ud to there XNewariL, uns week. miscellaneous conventions. Hartford Courant.

If the Unexpected Shonld Happen. Th friends of the prisoner are hopeful of 1-V llilS KAINY SEASON Til Doyen of Brussels, Belgium. Is the inventor or a zoiaing favorable Issue and they have good cause to be. to be paid, were as follows: The woman. which bridge I But supposing it should be proven beyond question of doubt that Dreyfus was guilty and that the findina of the first court was correct? What an ft divine healer just took hold of her hand and prayed to God toheip her." The man healer said I laid my hands on.

ending! What a scene! Springfield Union. Human Nature. should prove of great ad-' vantage to the United States forces now operating ln the 1 lipplnes. When not In her forehead and prayed for her from 9 o'clock until noon." Those 13.000 people whom statistics show to have climbed the Alps last season are no doubt among those who show most fierceness when they find that the office elevator is not running. Balti hen a man with a broken leg or a woman with a cancer pays money to a folds up and Bridge for Soldiers.

more News. Chance for Mr. Markbam' Friend. sometlnle3 seeming almost to skim I nila 5,080 miles ahortt by Sues than by will be a marked Improvement soon. Rail- aiso turns easily, and has I Nicnrnnn PfumtU 'ii rnt Iav.

I riuuU dn nnt nmni. in.nn.niiiit niuitAri person who asserts that the holding of hands and a little prayer will work a care, is may De transported on a small cart, which two or three men can push. When a stream 1. structed specially for llcht I If Edward Markham will bring on that dejected- not there a clear case of obtaining money is reached It can be unfolded and thrown usuniiv nrM.ii v. i -fee tue vnuai ana tne scarcity i uu usuaiiy.

i iu- at t-e time i tht coast of coaU he computes that the Suez Canal road employes are not condoned because the UTOa of the acht races in October. offender has an Alderman or a small doII- under false pretenses? Why are not those looking individual he can find a job in any harvest field In the Northwest at the rate of $2 a day and board, and be will not have to bring his hoe aiong across a chasm of considerable width. Bridges can be made of different sizes, and who pay money to Dowie's disciples as with him, either. Sioux City Journal. Feminine Ideals.

a number may be easily carried with each brigade. The same Idea is in use ln this much swindled as those who pay money to Wilhoff so the devil may do them no ia tae matter of handlirur howover it i au niuminn HurDigei TT11 '1 r-dtf oScTalseln raised crack hf 6 Uon the a'TAn in aU Asiatic ordera wffl obeyed falthfttny. And "or vector vhlTtr; the Aastralasia traffic. He denies that vhy not ofllclals ln earnest? -or victory, the other day. may either cotton or coal could be profitably They should be the Crst to stop a nuisance The little Duke boxes the ears of (using his left hand).

'i The duch*ess (entering)" Karl, howon" I tell you not to use the left nandr country in the construction of a folding Half the women who are unmarried want to get married; the other half don't want to stay harm? Everybody knows that prayer is of no avail nvsemia. Then persons who ure escape, is saia mat both the authorities of France and England are experiment single. New Tork Press..

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)


What is the most widely read newspaper in Chicago? ›

Two major daily newspapers are published in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times. The former has the larger circulation.

Is the Chicago Tribune a liberal or conservative newspaper? ›

It believes in free markets, free will and freedom of expression. These principles, while traditionally conservative, are guidelines and not reflexive dogmas. The Tribune brings a Midwestern sensibility to public debate.

What if I didn't get my Chicago Tribune today? ›

To report an issue with your newspaper delivery please click here. You can also call Customer Service at 312-546-7900. To request redelivery of your newspaper you should report the issue between the hours listed below: Monday through Saturday: 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

What is Chicago's leading newspaper? ›

For most of the city's history, the Chicago Tribune has been Chicago's leading newspaper in terms of both local circulation and national influence.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

What is the #1 newspaper in the world? ›

The New York Times

What kind of newspaper is the Chicago Tribune? ›

The Tribune, winner of 27 Pulitzer Prizes, is known for its innovative investigative reporting, insightful coverage of the arts and culture, and community-leading opinion writing.

How many people read the Chicago Tribune? ›

The Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper has a daily readership of 1.7 million and 2.7 million on Sunday. Chicago Tribune was launched in 1847 and is published in Chicago, Illinois.

Which newspapers are left-wing? ›

Current publications
  • Daily Mirror – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported the Labour Party since the 1945 general election.
  • The Guardian – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported centre-left politics, either reflected by the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats.

What mistake did the Chicago Tribune make? ›

"Dewey Defeats Truman" was an erroneous banner headline on the front page of the Chicago Daily Tribune (later Chicago Tribune) on November 3, 1948, the day after incumbent United States president Harry S.

Is the Chicago Tribune closing? ›

On Saturday, the Freedom Center printed its final edition of the Chicago Tribune before facing a demolition deadline and planned redevelopment into a casino. Tribune Publishing is shifting printing operations to the northwest suburban Daily Herald plant, which it purchased in May 2023.

How much does the Chicago Tribune cost at a newsstand? ›

UPDATED: November 3, 2021 at 10:29 p.m. The Chicago Tribune raised its single-copy newsstand price from $1.00 to $1.50 on Monday.

What is the most watched news channel in Chicago? ›

ABC7/WLS-TV Chicago is the No. 1 local news source and most-watched television station in Chicago.

What is the oldest newspaper in Chicago? ›

Chicago's first newspaper, the Chicago Weekly Democrat, was founded by John Calhoun in 1833 and bought by local politician “Long John” Wentworth three years later. It became a morning daily in 1840. Three Chicago businessmen, founded the Whig-later- Republican morning Chicago Daily Tribune in 1847.

What is the oldest newspaper in the United States? ›

Founded prior to American independence, The Hartford Courant is the country's oldest newspaper in continuous publication. On October 29, 1764, New Haven printer Thomas Green began publishing The Hartford Courant (then known as The Connecticut Courant) out of the Heart and Crown Tavern in Hartford, Connecticut.

What is the most widely read daily newspaper? ›

Dainik Jagran

Dainik Jagran is the most widely read newspaper in India with a total readership of over 55 million. Established in 1942, it covers national and international news along with extensive local coverage. It is known for its city-centric supplements and local cartoons.

What is the largest newspaper in Illinois? ›

Founded in 1847, the Chicago Tribune, is the top source of news and information in the Chicago area and the largest news organization in the Midwest.

What is the most widely circulated newspaper today? ›

25 largest newspapers in America
1Wall Street JournalNews Corp
2New York TimesNew York Times Company
3New York PostNews Corp
4Washington PostWashington Post
21 more rows
Feb 19, 2024

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