The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

The Boston GlobeFriday. April 9, 1965 Big Raids Step Up War Tempo; Hanoi Spurns LB Bid 30 Chinese Communist i action since U.S. aid began a major air base. four years ago and another 128 have died from other causes a total of 459. It said 549 Americans were Pilots Say Viet Reds Using W.W.II Missiles Arrival of the marines in the Da Nan area will increase the American garrison there to almost 10,000 men, at least half of them marines.

wounded and 78 killed in the first three months of 1965. Last year 1180 were wounded and 142 killed. They will be stationed in the Hue-Fhu Bai area just north DA NANG, South Viet Nam He said the raid against homing device, he said, and-Thanh Hoa bridge, where five were fired on a ballistic tra of Da Nang less than 50 miles (UPD Communist North Vi from North Viet Nam. et Nam apparently used Terrorist To Die In Saigon today a military court ordered the death penalty for a terrorist who took part in the bombing of the United States embassy. The sentence could result in the American Air Force jets were, Jectory.

lost, was one of the toughest ground-to-air Missiles for the Da Nang is the site of the biggest U.S. air base in South Is Reds' Answer No? TOKYO (Reuters) President Ho Chi Minh of North Vict Nam today called for a U.S. withdrawal from South Vict Nam before any settlement of the Vict Nam problem was attempted, the North Vict Nam News Agency reported. President Ho's conditions for a possible settlement of hostilities were prominently displayed today on the front pages of all Hanoi newspapers, the agency said. Dut it was not mentioned whether his views were in reply to President Johnson's suggestion this week for unconditional negotiations over South Viet Nam.

Ho said a U.S. withdrawal should be followed by a halt to attacks on North Viet Nam and the granting to South Vietnamese the right to decide their own affairs. first time Sunday against anti-aircraft' Viet Nam and has been a fre u.s. Planes aiiacKing TnannDecause wavy indications that Soviet because of heavy quent target of Viet Cong at noa Driage, an Air force fire. i squadron commander said to- When spccifkaiiy pressed TsZi vm Isaid h.

believed missiles were of missile to North Viet Nam. VIET NAM Continued from Pace 1 The fleet of more than 140 Navy planes was launched from the U.S. 7th Fleet carriers Hanger and Coral Sea. A spokesman said they ran into heavy anti-aircraft fire. This was the raid in which one plane was downed of! the coast of North Viet Nam but the pilot was rescued despite heavy automatic weapons fire.

The planes dropped more than 100 tons of bombs on another link of the lone North-South railway in North Viet Namthe principal route of North Vietnamese supplies that are funneled to the Viet Cong in the south. The Navy hit the Tarn Da railway bridge 120 miles south of Hanoi and only 10 miles from the Qui Vinh bridge that was the target of the Air Force. The Navy hit the bridge in a morning raid, was not satisfied with the job and returned in the afternoon and destroyed it. A spokesman said the bridges hit by the Air Force were partially destroyed. The Tarn Da bridge near Qui Vinh carries rail traffic, the bridge reprisal murder of an American held captive by the Viet Maj James A.

Minish of encountered there. During the ill-fated Thanh tacks. Arrival of F4 Thantom will mark the first time Marine jets have been stationed in South Viet Nam. They are in addition to the 1400-mile-an-hour F104 startfighters. Cong.

The Vietnamese tribunal doomed the defendant, Nguyen Van Hai, 27, after Yellowstone National Park, Wy commander of the 615th Tactical Fighting Squadron two hours of evidence against him and deliberating for 30 minutes. based at Da Nang, told newsmen his squadron had been in about 15 raids against the North since it arrived from The move was reported Eglund AFB, Mar. 20. after slower MIGS shot down two supersonic F105 Thunder- 'Hoa air strike, three planes "We reported what we were lost t0 Communist ground STSSi W. thought at th.

time to be differen pilots reported them radar-eontrolled 57mm cannon so we feci fairly sure they Two others we re downe u.pj by Communist MIG fighters. were uscu. rcpQrt of Travelers from North Viet missiles rawed Nam reported last month Sov- bility that they actually fell ict ground-to-air missiles to the newest weapon, arrived in North Viet Num. to appear North Viet Nam Since then Russia was report- air defense arsenal.

ed increasing its aid to the! Minish and one of his pilots, Communist North. George Baker 30, of Ca- The commander of the F-100 lala. described the hazy squadron said the missiles were morning in which they brushed chief planes last Sunday. The Marine reinforcements No notice was taken of the Communist threat to murder the American hostage, Gustav Hertz, 46, of Leesburg, if Hai is executed. The court did not set a date will join 3000 other Marines Lemass Wins in Ireland; Expects 1-Vote Margin who arrived recently.

Youth Dressed All in Green Robs Housewife Sent On Request for Hai's death, but executions normally are carried out within a few days of sentenc A U.S. embassy announce apparent an 0 d-tvoe modeiiiwice wim t'Kia. DUBLIN (UPI) Ireland's general election ended in a photo finish But East Rnstnn nnlipA ot-o ing. at nearby Khe Kien carries highway traffic. Both are vital to Hanoi's economy.

Although the MIGs downed back to the second ment said the- Marine reinforcements were requested by neck and neck in the vote counts. In the last Parliament Fi-anna Fail men of destiny had 70 seats but ruled with the ing for a blond, blue-eyed, In Washington, the State youth, all dressed in green, Department called on the Viet An American military Premier Sean F. Lemass appeared certain of a one-vote the South Vietnamese government in line with a policy of two super-sonic F-105s-, Minish said, the Communist planes never really took on his F-1003 in a dogfight. World War with a maximum effective ceiling of 5000 feet. They apparently had no spokesman said the American Cong to release Hertz on grounds of international law margin in Parliament overuPPort of two independent Dlanes droDDed a total of about strengthening "our common his combined opposition.

and "humanitarian principles." Lemass apparently won 72 Hertz, a senior U.S. aid offi seats in the 144-seat Parlia deputies. The main opposition Fine Gael United Iretand Party had held 48 seats and the Labor Party 18 seats. LeMass, Fine Gael leader James Dillon and Labor leader cial in South Viet Nam, was captured by guerrilla forces ment. The House Speaker Patrick Hctfan does not exercise 145 tons of bombs on the two effort in the weeks ahead." bridges.

He reported light to The Marines will bring moderate anti-aircraft fire and 'American strength in Viet said all the Air Force planes; Nam to about 31,000 men. returned safely to their bases. Plans also are underway to Throughout this attack about I increase the size of the Viet-30 F-100 and F-101 jet fighters namese armed forces by about carrying sidewinder air-to-air! 160,000 men to a total of who bluffed his way into an apartment this forenoon and robbed a housewife at gunpoint. Mrs. oyce Baldassari, 20, of 239 Summer East Boston, told police she answered her doorbell and was told there was a package for her.

She opened the door, she said, saw the package and admitted a 20-year-old youth two months ago while riding voting rights under Ilrish par Here for Meeting Mrs. Kefauver Puts Art in Embassies his motorbike in the Saigon suburbs. The State Department said the Viet Cong threat to kill liamentary rules and Lemass Brendan Consh won reelection would have a 72-71 thf5 respective constituen-The final results may de- cie- Thee were no shock re-pend on vote challenges in and cabinet ministers- OJU.UUU. missiles flew an anti-MIG um brella overhead but did not re- The war was becoming was "another shocking i mi nn 1 1 on urp Dort anv contact with the creasingly costly to the Amen-: example of the Viet Cong's, constituencies, ine opposition 'about 5 feet 10 and wearing called for a a enpmv. cans involved here.

A Defense complete disregard for uni-party Fine Gael Lford-West: today-one in hat Thp Naw flew its MIG na- Department statement dis-! versallv accepted humanitari-: recount at ford Westmeath where By EDGAR J. DRISCOLL "This is the first time the Stata It's art now for a Dept. has set up a program of trol near Hainan Island, site of closed 333 have been killed in an principles." He immediately whipped out i Span MrFftinc TTino vio titian-haired woman whose this type. Scotland-bom iau party won by 7 yo tes.r: -v-' a smal automaticc pistol and name ficured Drominentlv in Nancy Kefauver said. Our Fianna jail demanded warned he would not hurt her recount.

in DuDilni.mrthw!st;B KinTt if he didn't scream for help. 10 upsei an opposition win py votes. The youth grabbed $4 and some smal change from a bedroom drawer and fled. politics when her husband was whole idea is a kind of cul alive. tural diplomacy in action, by Here for the 51st biennial which we back up our diplo convention of the American matic relations by improving Federation of Arts, which the cultural image of our opened Thursday at the Shera- country.

ton-Plaza, is Mrs. Nancy P. "What the program actually Kefauver. She's the widow does is acquire paintings by of Tennessee's Sen. Estes Ke- loan or outright gift by recog In Dublin Northeast, the government party called for a recount when Labor candidate Denis Larkin appeared to A feature of the election was the increase of strength by the small Labor Party from 18 seats to at least 20 have won seat by only 11 FROM K.EIV ENGLAND'S LARGEST WALLPAPER PAINT IN BOSTON, LYNN, OUINCY, DEDHAM, METHUEN MALDFN Cohasset Man Held in $2500 In Attack Case jfauver, one-time Democratic nized.

top-flight North Amen-Ivice-presidential nominee. can artists working in all I An artist in her own right, med'a. Kefauver is a State De- "Then we place them in eur with two more seats expect- votes, ed. Lemass, in his election cam-The government victory pa'gn, had stated he would came after a day of mounting not govern if his Finna Fail tension as Fianna Fail and Party was dependent on La-Fine Gael candidates raced bor support for its parliamen Spectacular bail on CLOSEOUTS ov tary majority. tw ur -NT- v.

'partment adviser on fine arts, embassies with great consid-HINGHAM-Donald E. Nich-She is responsible for a pro. eration and research on the ols, 21, of Grace Cohasset, gram to place original works culture, climate and art inter-was arraigned in the Hingham of art in U.S. embassies. ests of the countries bistrict Court today on a A taI1 and attractive mother To date, the program has Famcus Name First Qualil British Send Emroy.gS .01 iour, agea a 10 it, ivus.

rve- secured American paintings, rape. fanvor attpnHintf tHo cue. KntK rA pftntomnnrarv Judge Alvin Tamkin COntin-Lion. hpr ear)arjtv as statp's'fnr TTS emhai in MAxiro WASHABLI To Seek Viet Peace SatT recent ued the case to Apr. 20 and representative to City, Dublin, Copenhagen, fnnnHaf FlolVii Knala T.timrviir held the defendant in $2500, Nichols pleaded innocent, ations.

Drivate collectors and Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro. Police said WA the incident in-(individual artists interested in I.nnrlnn T.ima Mairnhi. Can- the "Art in Embassies Provberra and Panama. volving a Brockton woman oc curred in Rockland. I LONDON (AP) The Brit-1 Counting was slow from ish Foreign Office announced; many areas due to the record today that Patrick Gordon; poll of nearly 80 percent.

Un-; Walker will fly to Southeast der the proportional repre-jAsia Wednesday on his special sentation system of voting in mission to investigate pros- Ireland, ballots are cast as pects of ending the Viet Nam first, second and third prefer- Igram." There are 44 embassies on, was. She launched it in January, thp waitino list Thpri ar 111: Lacking bail, Nichols EVERY PAPER MARKED DOWN taken to the Plymouth Jail 1964, having been appointed U.S. embassies in all, with 222, to await another court the post by President Ken- buildines which paintings war. 1 ence, ance jnedy shortly before his death, can be placed. 60 to 85 ORIGINALLY l.29 to M.95 SINGLE ROLL i Official sources reported the British Government, as co-chairman of the IndoChinese peace settlement, also is discussing with the United States moves to carry forward President Johnson's offer to begin I talks for a settlement.

As soon as an agreed pro-igram emerges, the British in I tend approaching the Russians I- SEE Famous: BIRGE UNITED THIBAUT IMPERIAL VOGUE EISENHART with a suggestion that the presidential initiative be con Awl Kindza textures- patterns, luxurious deep colors, loft pastels, gold, white on white, white and gold, raised and embossed prints. See silks, simulated grass weaves, plains, colonials, eagles, damasks, florals, scenics, moderns, provincials, traditionals i moar. For MOST ANY ROOM! SAVE TO $37.60 per room, paper an average room fo ras low as $2 HUGE FACTORY PURCHASE sidered by the countries which And moar including the most tiTinict! and Jamous name which we are not allowed to say at these prices! took part in the 1954 settlement. The Soviet Union is the other co-chairman. Gordon Walker, a former Foreign Secretary, still does not know whether the Red Chinese and Communist North Vietnamese leaders will agree to meet him.

He also intends to visit Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, South Viet Nam, Cambodia and Japan. MADE ESPECIALLY FOR RAYMOND'S PRESTIGE Brand New NOW! 1 Our Boston Stoar Only 1 jj ET AND TALK TO UR I DECORATING Kgggj constant l-Lyi She will be lfQX I Winrr! 5U5S "Gold Medal" INTERIOR LATEX WHITE PAINT FUR SALES CREEP LP WASHINGTON Furriers' sales in fiscal 1964 represented a 2.5 percent growth in the Federal excise-tax take. The total revenue was more than $30 million. I otter any rRE 1 1 GATION For walls, woodwork, ceilings cement. Scrub-bable, odorless, dries in 'j hour.

Self-priming, thins with water. PLYWOOD STRENGTH SPOKANE Ordinary plywood with its plies cross-grain to each other can withstand the stress of any lumber of the same thickness. TIMED JUST RIGHT FOR ALL THE IMPORTANT HOLIDAYS AHEAD ml M-1 Hand Wired Chassis fiSrTLl SOLD REGULARLY WHEN vhfonly CURRENT IN 0095 yFOMY OUR STOCK AT II SI SI LOOK AT THESE DELUXE FEATURES MEN'S and LADIES I4k GOLD I UTIHIST li One Year Parts, Tubes and Piciur Tube Warranty 5 Full Power Transformer Hand Wired Custom Chassis jlr 20,000 Volts of Picture Power1 it Equipped' to recelv channels 2 to 13 It's Portable Power overload guard shuts off TV automatically tr L-Jr 1 Vkhi Budget! I-! I See the laf esf styles of white and yellov gold set with birthstones, cultured pearl, black onyx signet moar. Awl cum gift-boxed at no extra charge. SHOP: BOSTON, LYNN, QU1NCY DEDHAM, METHUEN MALDEN iStMPCEMillP STREET FLOOR BOSTON STORE ONLY AND UKIX "CHARGE IT".

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)


Is The Boston Globe liberal or Republican? ›

The Boston Globe
The April 18, 2011, front page of The Boston Globe
EditorNancy Barnes
Opinion editorJames Dao
FoundedMarch 4, 1872
Political alignmentProgressive
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What family owned The Boston Globe? ›

Taylor and Charles H. Taylor Jr. The Globe was a private company equally owned by the heirs of Jordan and Taylor for a little over a hundred years. In 1973 the Globe went public under the name of Affiliated Publications.

What is the old Boston Globe building going to be? ›

Dubbed the BEAT – the Boston Exchange for Accelerated Technology – the 16.5-acre site will boast a 695,000-square-foot development with 360,000 square feet of office space and 360,000 square feet of flexible, light industrial and lab space.

Is Boston a Democrat or Republican city? ›

The only county with a plurality of Democratic registered voters is Suffolk, home to the state's capital and most-populous city, Boston. The percentage of Unenrolled voters statewide is on the rise while both Democratic and Republican registration are in decline.

Which Boston newspaper is conservative? ›

Boston Herald
Cover from February 3, 2013
EditorJoe Dwinell
Political alignmentConservative
Headquarters100 Grossman Dr. 4th Floor Braintree, Massachusetts 02184 United States
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Is The Boston Globe popular? ›

The Boston Globe, daily newspaper published in Boston, the city's largest and one of the most influential newspapers in the United States.

What is the rate of The Boston Globe? ›

You can receive unlimited online access to The Boston Globe for just 99 cents a day! The digital subscription rate is currently $6.93 a week, billed every four weeks for a total of $27.72. New subscribers are eligible for an introductory rate. For our current introductory offers please click here.

Is Boston Globe National? ›

Headquartered in Boston, Boston Globe Media also operates offices in Taunton, Mass.; Providence, RI; Washington, D.C.; and San Francisco, CA. Our employees bring fresh voices, diverse talent, and unique perspectives that engage local, regional, and national audiences.

Where did John Henry get his money? ›

After acquiring a fortune in the early 1980s from his trading firm J.W. Henry & Co., John Henry started building a sports empire. Henry and his partner Tom Werner bought the Boston Red Sox in 2002 for $380 million and delivered the Sox' first World Series win in 86 years in 2004.

Does The Boston Globe make money? ›

"The Boston Globe, purchased by John W. Henry [...] has been profitable for years, according to a person familiar with the company's finances. Those profits have been reinvested in The Globe, the person said." Billionaires Wanted to Save the News Industry.

How much did John Henry buy The Boston Globe for? ›

Henry, principal owner of the Boston Red Sox and other sports enterprises, agreed in August to buy the Globe, its websites and affiliated news businesses, and the Worcester Telegram & Gazette for $70 million in cash. He had emerged as the winner in a bidding process that involved a half-dozen potential buyers.

Who bought the Boston Globe? ›

John W. Henry is the publisher and owner of The Boston Globe. He purchased the Globe and its affiliated businesses in 2013, becoming only the third owner in the history of the newspaper, the largest in New England.

What is the new tallest building in Boston? ›

One Dalton

Is the old Boston Garden still standing? ›

Boston Garden was demolished in 1998, three years after the completion of its successor arena, TD Garden.

What is the audience of The Boston Globe? ›

With an aggregate audience of over 16 million across our media platforms, few media brands can compete with the authority and reach offered by our editorial properties. The Boston Globe's brand is synonymous with ground-breaking news and trusted information.

Which newspapers are left-wing? ›

Current publications
  • Daily Mirror – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported the Labour Party since the 1945 general election.
  • The Guardian – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported centre-left politics, either reflected by the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats.

What are some conservative newspapers? ›

  • The Wall Street Journal‎ (1 C, 26 P)
  • American conservative websites‎ (3 C, 60 P)
  • The Weekly Standard people‎ (32 P)
  • Winning Team Publishing‎ (1 C, 1 P)
  • WorldNetDaily people‎ (50 P)

What is The Boston Globe known for? ›

Four years later the Times sold the paper to John W. Henry, a businessman from the Boston area; the $70 million deal also included several other properties. The Globe is recognized for its investigative reporting and its wide range of comment on subjects ranging from music to politics to medicine.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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