Your 7-year-old: Milestones and development (2024)

Your 7-year-old is looking and acting older, but he still needs your guidance. His language and math proficiency are growing along with his physical prowess. Continue to read to him, and encourage his curiosity with simple science experiments and museum visits. Teach him to be a good sport. Be sensitive to gender stereotypes, and take steps to provide a broader perspective. Indulge his fun sense of humor with wordplay, riddles, and magic. He'll love having his own library card and getting together with buddies (though you may want to limit those playdates to a couple of kids at a time).

Welcome to 7

Congratulations on another step down the road toward growing up. Sevens are delightful to be around. They've shed a bit more of the neediness and uncertainty of younger years and bring enthusiasm andcuriosityto everything they do. Mastering skills like reading andsimple mathgives your child a confidence and excitement about academics.

Sevens tend to ask lots of questions, because they're keen observers with a big need to know about everything. They thrive on order but are better able to roll with change than they used to be.

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Your 7-year-old is mature enough to form his own opinions about many things. He looks to peers and other adult authority figures to inform his ideas. But his parents firmly remain the shining lights in his universe. Sevens still like to cuddle, hold hands, and show their affection in ways that typically vanish (at least in public) over the coming years.

As your child looks, talks, and acts older, remember that he's still not so big. He depends on you as much as ever for guidance and discipline. Try to always keep your expectations in line with his age and developmental abilities.

Mastering math

It's amazing that your child has gone from obliviousness about numbers to growing math proficiency in such a short time. Following is a list of what math most 7-year-olds are able to do. (If your child can't do some of these things, he'll probably learn them in second grade.)

  • add and subtract two-digit numbers and possibly three-digit numbers
  • begin to solve simple word problems
  • estimate amounts (such as how many beans in a jar)
  • use a ruler to measure in inches
  • understand how to measure angles
  • count to 100 by tens and fives
  • know which number comes next (after, say, 49 or 128)
  • tell time to the quarter hour

Ask at bedtime

Here's a way to get around that flat "nothing" when you ask what happened at school today. Wait until bedtime and review your day and your child's.

Ask, "What's the worst thing that happened today?" "What's the best thing that happened?" Your child may be in a more reflective state of mind.

Starting sports

During this year, the typical kid will show great physical prowess. She can throw or kick a ball accurately, skip and gallop, and show mastery in balancing when hopping or riding a bicycle. Hand-eye coordination is very good, and she can run fast and turn or stop accurately and without falling.

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Differences in physical skill level among peers will become more obvious, depending on two things: 1) innate natural physical talents and 2) amount of practice. Kids who are generally active tend to be more physically capable than sedentary children.

Monitorscreen timecarefully and find low-pressure athletic activities for your child, such as swimming or skiing lessons, a tumbling class, or regular playground outings. Make outdoor play part of your child's day. At first you may hear "there's nothing to do!" but it's remarkable what an inventive little mind can come up with.

Bonus: Find out how much exercise your grade-schooler needs

Being a good sport

Everybody likes to win. But when your child loses at a game now - and it's inevitable that he will - he's a much better sport about it. Seven-year-olds have a keener understanding of the concept that there are winners and losers, and people take turns at each. As your child becomes less rigid about inventing and sticking to rules, he becomes easier to play with, for grownups and peers alike.

Cheating and other deceits are not as prominent as they were just a year ago. You may also notice a general decline in lying and fibbing. Your child is better able to handle mistakes and losses.

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Games that are more complicated appeal now, such as the old classics Mousetrap, Connect Four, and Monopoly. Even though digital versions of all these games exist, invest in the "old-fashioned" board versions. Physically manipulating game pieces and money helps your child learn better.

Bonus: How can I raise a gracious loser?

Learning the hard way

Stop doing all the thinking for your child. It's a good time to learn that actions can have consequences - not in terms of discipline and punishment, but in everyday life.

If your child leaves her bike in the backyard instead of parking it in the garage, it will get wet. Don't bring it in for her. If she forgets her homework for the third day in a row, don't bring it to her at school; let her face the teacher on her own. It's called "learning the hard way," and it does a great job of teaching responsibility.

Reading aloud

Even if your child isreading pretty wellon his own, don't give up on reading to him. It allows you to expose him to material that's slightly more challenging (it's easier to hear and comprehend big words and longer sentences than it is to read them yourself). And the shared time is still important.

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So if reading has always been part of your bedtime ritual, stick with it. Or make time after school or on weekends.

Ideally, encourage your child to read a book to you, and then take a turn reading to him. Some kids are ready to hear longer series-type books, likeLittle House on the Prairie, by Laura Ingalls Wilder. And they may enjoy illustrated classics, which feature complex stories with an illustration on every page to look at while you read, advancing comprehension.

Gender stereotypes

Girls tend to hang out with other girls in small groups, giggling and whispering. Boys tend to gravitate to other boys and engage in more physical play. Kids may repeat stereotyped generalities: “Girls are sissies” and “Boys are stupid.” Some children are embarrassed if they don't conform to the gender standards set by peers.

Your child is not really as rigid as she seems, however. Going with the flow helps her fit in and define her gender. Nevertheless, you may want to encourage a broader perspective to make sure she doesn't become limited by these attitudes.

  • Make sure your child sees men and women in many roles - female basketball players, stay-at-home dads, female doctors, male chefs.
  • Don't play into stereotypes, especially negative ones, by saying things like “Big boys don't cry.”
  • Whatever your child's gender, have a variety of toys and props available that support all kinds of play: active (balls), creative (art supplies), and sensitive (dolls and dress-up clothes).
  • Use the media to stimulate discussions about stereotypes and to teach respect.
  • Invite kids of the opposite gender over to play.
  • Be a good role model. Do you wrestle more with your son and draw quietly with your daughter? Mix it up.

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Family night

Some families set aside one night a week as Family Night. The idea is to avoid scheduling outside activities at this special time. It can be as simple as ordering pizza and watching a movie every Friday. Some families have the children write down possibilities (within reason) and draw one out of a hat each week.

Bonus: Best board games for family game night

Library patron

If your child doesn't already have her own library card, take her to get one. Kids love the sense of ownership and belonging that come with having a card. Use it regularly by visiting the library every week or two.

Let your child wander through the children's section on her own looking for books. She may be more likely to read things she's chosen all by herself. Of course, do make suggestions occasionally, too, to expand her horizons.

Handling sick days

Being sick is no fun, and neither is having a sick child. Some ways to make it better:

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  • Be honest about whether a shot will hurt or medicine will taste "kind of icky." Explain the reason for the medicine. Distract your child by involving her in making a decision about it: Do you want to sit on my lap or in the chair when you get the shot? Would you rather have the medicine in a spoon or a cup?
  • Model confidence and calm. If you show that you're worried, it'll just alarm your child.
  • Don't push foods. Sick kids often lose their appetite. Your child won't starve if she barely eats for a few days. When she's feeling better her appetite will return. Do encourage her to drink some fluids.
  • Make it pleasant. Set up a nest for your child on the sofa to provide a change of scenery during the day. Let her watch more TV than usual; even though she can read now, she may not feel like it. Or buy a special quiet toy or activity book to pass the time.

Bonus: Safe home remedies for your child's cough, cold, or flu

Encouraging curiosity

"What if?" is a favorite question of second graders: "What if the road ended around the next curve?" "What if I threw this ball up to the top of that tree?" "What if we saved the hail in the freezer?"

There's a reason for all this curiosity. Your child is aware that circ*mstances and conditions can change. In a way, she's tossing out scientific hypotheses and figuring out the plausible possibilities.

Science is fun at this age. Second graders love to conduct experiments, make observations, and record their findings. Teachers help them do this in school, but you can create simple science projects at home, too. Track the phases of the moon on a chart for a month. What happens? Place a cup of juice in the freezer and monitor how long it takes to freeze; how long will it then take to thaw?

Fuel your child's interests with library books. Some of them might seem above her level, but if youread them togethershe can expand her understanding of the scientific concepts that interest her, such as geology, dinosaurs, and space. Look up the answers to questions you don't know online. See if there's a local museum you can visit to strike while the iron of interest is hot.

Breakfast out

Are evenings often rushed at your house? One way to connect with your child is to take her out to breakfast sometimes. She'll enjoy the attention and you'll both start your day in a special way. Bonus: It's generally a cheaper meal than dinner.

Big kid humor

A quick mind and advanced appreciation for wordplay mean that your child's sense of humor is terrific. Jokes he tells now actually make sense. And they're often told again and again because the payoff - your laughter and his sense of accomplishment - is so great.

Among the forms of humor popular now:

  • Silly wordplay. Dr. Seuss books, with their rhymes and absurdities, are particular favorites at this age, not least because your child can now read them to himself.
  • Riddle books. Bennett Cerf's Book of Riddles ("Why did the boy throw a clock out the window? He wanted to see if time flies.") is a classic for good reason.
  • Magic. Your child may enjoy learning some basic tricks or be fascinated by magicians.
  • Movies with silly characters. Bumbling crooks and funny sidekicks appeal because they make your child feel smarter and more mature.

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Bonus: Kids' jokes: 35 hilarious riddles, puns, and knock knocks

Arts and crafts

The creative skills of a second grader assume many forms. These kids love working in a variety of mediums, so keep more than just coloring books and crayons around the house.

Clay, paints, pipe cleaners, markers, and other materials can keep a 7-year-old occupied for as much as an hour. Keep a craft box full of scraps (fabric, wood, papers of different textures, toilet paper rolls, glue sticks, pom-poms) your child can delve into at will.

Another idea: Find out what kinds of art projects are being done at school. Young students enjoy replicating these projects at home.

You may find that your child's drawings are becoming easier to identify. His favorite thing to draw is probably himself, followed by his family, his pets, and other things in his immediate world. Seven-year-olds are fairly literal artists.

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What to do with all that artwork

Now that your budding artist is producing ever more masterpieces, at school and at home, what do you do with them all? It's impractical to keep every piece. Some parents do, and then weed through the lot every month or at the end of every school year, keeping favorites. Store them sorted by age in a large folder or art folio, marked with the child's name.

Try to mark down the date of the individual pieces you save. One easy way: Buy a date stamper, available at art stores, with adjustable numerals to set to today's date.

Another way to save art is to photograph it and keep a digital record. This is a great way to store and later review your child's progress through the years - and takes up no space in your house.

Keep a large sheet of black paper and each week lay down each of your child's creations for an individual shot. Putting the photographs into a book at the end of the year makes a great gift for grandparents.

Mastering talking

Typically, the vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar of a child this age are all working at near-adult levels. Vocabulary and comprehension will continue to expand during the coming years - right through high school, in fact. But most lisps and common mispronunciations are outgrown by 7.

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At 7, your child should be able to:

  • pronounce sounds liketh,s,ch, wh,l,y, and softg("giant")
  • use a wide-ranging vocabulary when speaking (now as many as 20,000 words!)
  • read as many as 200 words
  • understand opposites (shiny versus dull, cloudy versus sunny)
  • match patterns of related words (sheep-lamb, cow-calf)
  • paraphrase aloud information she reads

This year your child will learn to read and write more words, make proper sentences on paper, and use correct punctuation.

Grocery helper

Your child is ready to be a grocery helper, if you haven't enlisted her already. She's able to read items on a list, locate them on shelves for you, and carry bags. Turn shopping into a game by asking her to read labels or tell you which of two similar products is more expensive.

Help her learn she can't have everything she asks for by setting limits about what treats you'll buy: "You can choose the cereal and the ice cream, but I'm not buying anything that's not on my list today." Giving in to the gimmees will only encourage the habit on subsequent trips.

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If you do decide to indulge your child in a treat she asks for, make clear why you're doing so and that it's a special exception: "Yes, you can have those cookies because you didn't fuss when I said no last week. I was really proud of you."


Friends figure more and more prominently in your child's life now. He may have a "best friend." But this best pal can change quickly from week to week, depending what circ*mstances have thrown them together - playing together on a soccer team, sitting next to one another in class, or living nearby.

With a longer attention span andmore grace when it comes to taking turns and losing at games, your child is capable of longer playdates now. And the get-togethers are more likely to run more smoothly, too.

Seven-year-olds' play often involves imitating one another. This is okay - it helps children learn. Unfortunately, along with some good new habits, your child may pick up some you wish he hadn't. Explain how households can have different rules. Maybe it's okay to run in the house at Jack's house, but that still doesn't change the no-running rule inside yours.

Here's the secret tosmoother playdates: Limit them to two kids at a time. Group play is wonderful and obviously has a place in your child's life. But when your child just wants to have a friend over for a few hours, things almost always go more smoothly with one than with three or four.

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When there are three, triangles often form: Two want to do something together and the third is left out. Or arguments ensue, especially when there's more than one alpha personality in the group. That means you're more liable to have to stop what you're doing and intervene or referee.


These early-elementary days are sometimes called "the bonding years." That's because your child has traversed the tricky toddler and preschool days and is at a fairly calm, enthusiastic, and agreeable stage. The mood swings and rebellions often seen in fifth graders and up are still in the future.

This is a great age to spend lots of time with your child, getting to know his likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. He's still wide open to picking up your values. Religious education is well-timed now. So is letting him see you participate in charity or volunteer work for causes you feel are important.

Why routines matter

Sevens are often fond of order and routine. At this age your child has a pretty accurate sense of time and prides herself on knowing the flow of events at school, at home, and among different family members. She knows that there's a sequence of events that occur in order to get ready to go to school in the morning.

At school, she's familiar with the rhythm of the day: welcome announcements, writing lessons, math lessons, lunch, recess, story time, and so forth. Elementary school teachers usually order their day predictably to use their pupils' love of consistency to help them progress more calmly through the lessons.

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You can take advantage of this tendency at home by sticking to a relatively consistent routine both morning and evening. Wake your child up at the same time every day. (It's okay to sleep in on weekends, but not so much that bedtime disintegrates and your child finds it hard to wake up come Monday.)

Establish rules based on predictability: no breakfast until you get dressed, for example. Always leave shoes in a certain place. This will make mornings go more smoothly.


You'll notice that your child will start bringing endless amounts of paperwork home from school. The volume may make you roll your eyes, but in the pile may be notes from the teacher about class events, permission slips, and other info you don't want to miss.

Start a habit of checking for and going through your child's papers at the same time every day. It can be as soon as she comes home, or in the evening when you're packing the next day's lunch - whatever works best for you.

Look ahead to 7 ¼-years

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Your 7-year-old: Milestones and development (2024)


Your 7-year-old: Milestones and development? ›

A 7-year-old child, typically in second grade, normally will be developing more complex sentences as they grow. They'll learn to speak better and be able to follow a longer series of commands than they could at age 6. They have begun to see that some words have more than one meaning.

What is developmentally appropriate for a 7-year-old? ›

Have a solid sense of time. They understand seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, seasons, and sometimes years. Start to prefer a learning style. For example, some children like hands-on activities, such as a science experiment with color.

What is normal behavior for a 7-year-old? ›

They pay attention to team building and group work. It is common for 7-year-olds to become naturally inclined toward adults other than their parents, such as a teacher or a coach. They show a capacity to be mindful of others' feelings and emotions. Some children may be inclined to spend more time by themselves.

What are the developmental red flags for 7 year olds? ›

7-Year-Old Developmental Red Flags

Acts sad or nervous much of the time. Does not share or take turns with other children. Unable to dress self. Unable to feed self.

What should a 7year old be able to do? ›

Be able to give their full name and know their age, birthday and where they live. Be able to start making up rhymes and enjoy simple jokes. Have an average vocabulary of over 5,000 words. Be able to read up to ten easy and familiar words, such as 'cat' and 'dog', and read some simple books.

What do 7-year-olds struggle with? ›

7-Year-Old Language and Cognitive Milestones

All children are different, of course, and some children at this age still struggle with basic reading and math concepts. If you are concerned about your child's academic abilities, it's important to stay in touch with their teachers and other school professionals.

What is reasonable to expect from a 7-year-old? ›

A 7-year-old child, typically in second grade, normally will be developing more complex sentences as they grow. They'll learn to speak better and be able to follow a longer series of commands than they could at age 6. They have begun to see that some words have more than one meaning.

What is the emotional development of a 7 year old? ›

Emotional and social development

Most children by age 7: Become more aware of and sensitive to the feelings of others. This trait is called empathy. Overcome some fears they had when they were younger.

What responsibility should a 7 year old have? ›

5–7 years: old Make their own beds, set and clear the table for mealtimes, weed and rake leaves, make and pack school lunches, dust, put toys away, neaten bookshelves, put dirty clothes in a hamper, fill pet's food dish, empty wastebaskets, sweep floors, sort laundry, bring in mail/newspaper, water flowers, and wash ...

What should a 7 year old know academically? ›

They will be introduced to multiplication and division, additional literary genres, abstract thinking and more. They should also be gaining an understanding of: Addition and subtraction problems of two-digit numbers without regrouping. Number sentences with equalities and inequalities using the symbols <, =, >

What do 7 year olds worry about? ›

When kids are 7 or older, they know real from pretend. At this age, they may begin to fear things that could happen in real life. For example, some may fear being harmed by 'bad' people. Some may feel afraid about natural disasters, stormy weather, violence, or things they hear about in the media.

Why are 7 year olds so moody? ›

Scientists have been taking a closer look at this stage and believe children start experiencing a surge of hormones between the ages of 6 and 8, which can cause heightened emotions. Keep reading to learn more about adrenarche symptoms and the best ways to handle them.

What are red flags for autism in 7 year old? ›

Children with autism tend to lack social understanding and interest in interaction. They may: Appear disinterested or unaware of those around them. Not know how to connect with others, seek out play, or make friends, or how to establish or maintain age-appropriate relationships.

What is cognitive development in a 7 year old? ›

Middle childhood (ages 5-7)

They are developing their oral language skills, acquiring new vocabulary and sentence structures. They can compose sentences with five or more words. They enjoy planning and building. They understand concepts of space, time, and dimension.

What should a 7 year old be playing? ›

Enjoy large-muscle activities like jump rope, bike riding, roller blading, ball games and hopscotch. Also enjoy fine motor activities like drawing, braiding, cutting, jigsaw puzzles, weaving, wood work and simple sewing.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.