"Whats up?" in Portuguese (2024)

"Whats up?" in Portuguese - Expressions & Usage - Practice Portuguese
"Whats up?" in Portuguese (1)


"Whats up?" in Portuguese (2024)


What's up in Portuguese slang? ›

1. E aí? The equivalent to “What's up?” in Brazilian Portuguese, E aí? can also serve as the replacement for the famous Tudo bem? — our version of “How are you?” The answer will usually also be E aí.

How do you say hi whats up in Portuguese? ›

If you mean “What's up?” as in a casual greeting, the most common equivalents in Portuguese would probably be “Tudo bem?”, “Estás bom?” (when talking to men) or “Estás boa?” (when talking to women).

What is greetings in Portuguese? ›

In Portuguese, people use the expressions Bom dia, Boa tarde and Boa noite both when saying hello and goodbye, as in Olá, bom dia - Hello, good morning or Adeus, boa tarde - Goodbye and good afternoon to you. For good evening, boa tarde is used before it gets dark and boa noite after.

What does Tabom mean in English? ›

Translation of "tá bom" in English. okay fine alright.

What does obrigado mean? ›

One of the most important polite phrases in Portuguese: ObrigadoThank you, Obliged (male speaker) ObrigadaThank you, Obliged (female speaker) It's said to be a leftover from a polite expression that went more or less like, “I am obliged (obrigado) to return your favour”.

What is hey in Brazil? ›

Hello in Portuguese. If you'd like to say “hello” in Brazilian Portuguese, you would generally use “Olá”. You can also use “Oí"—which is often considered more informal.

What is the greeting etiquette in Portugal? ›

The most common and appropriate greeting for anyone is a handshake. In Portugal, handshakes are usually firm, although some Portuguese may prefer lighter handshakes. Among friends and relatives, women and men usually give other women 'beijinhos' ('little kisses') on each cheek, beginning with one's right side.

How to greet a man in Portuguese? ›

Formal greetings in Portuguese
EnglishPortugueseIPA pronunciation
Hello, Sir.Olá, Senhor.oˈla, seˈɲɔʁ.
Hello, Mrs.Olá, Senhora.oˈla, seˈɲɔɾɐ.
Hello, lad.Olá, rapaz.oˈla, ʁaˈpaʃ.
Hello, miss.Olá, senhorita.oˈla, seɲoˈɾitɐ.
6 more rows
May 9, 2022

What does shaga mean in Portuguese? ›

1. ( medicine) wound. figurative) disease. Copyright © 2014 by HarperCollins Publishers.

What is tabom in Brazil? ›

The Agudas or Tabom are the Afro-Brazilian community in the south of Benin, Togo and Ghana who are mostly of Yoruba descent. The Tabom People are an Afro-Brazilian community of former enslaved peoples who returned to Africa (Ghana).

What is pota Portuguese? ›

Translation of "pota" in English. Noun. pota. giant squid.

What does carai mano mean? ›

There's no difference. Both of them mean “dude” or “bro”, or even a guy you don't know his name. For example, “Cara/mano, onde você estava?” (Dude, where were you?).

What does sei la mean? ›

Sei lá literally means I know there, but, it's a bit of sarcastic, the lá puts the verb away from the speaker, so, it actually means the opposite I don't know. You can't use it in the same way as não sei (I don't know). It is a bit informal and your voice should also has a certain intonation for emphasis.

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