Vehicle Dealership Management System: A Marketer’s Tool (2024)

Optimizing Meetings for Fixed Operations Success

Amidst the fast-paced environment of automotive fixed operations, where every moment holds potential for customer service excellence and operational optimization, the stakes of efficient meetings are exceptionally high. Yet, the challenge lies in conducting and orchestrating meetings purposefully and precisely. Fixed operations leaders can transform meetings from mere obligations into powerful engines of progress by embracing proactive planning, fostering active participation, and nurturing a culture of accountability.TVI MarketPro3’s Nick Shaffer has extensive experience leading fixed operations teams. He emphasizes meeting optimization should as a priority for fixed ops leaders. “Everyone wants their time respected. Ineffective or inefficient meetings quickly build a culture of disengagement. Efficiently offering your team relevant content that is easy for them to digest and retain is key for effective meetings,” says Shaffer.Let’s navigate the intricacies of meeting efficiency, offering pragmatic solutions to common obstacles to pave the way for smoother, more impactful gatherings.Setting the StageBefore convening any meeting within automotive fixed operations, setting the stage for success begins with meticulous meeting preparation. The process entails a dual focus: first, establishing clear objectives and an agenda that outlines (in detail) the key topics to address; second, prioritizing these items according to their urgency and significance. By methodically identifying critical issues and arranging them in order of importance, leaders can guide discussions with purpose and direction, maximizing the value derived from every minute spent in the meeting room. Stephen Covey includes a process for prioritizing tasks in his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.His Time Management Matrix includes categories to clarify each task (Covey, 2020, pp. 172-175). Moreover, proactive dissemination of pre-meeting materials, including the agenda and relevant documents, empowers participants to arrive primed for productive dialogue. Encouraging individuals to come prepared with insights and ideas fosters a culture of engagement.This prep work also amplifies the collective intelligence harnessed during the meeting, driving toward actionable outcomes with greater efficiency. In preparing for meetings, Shaffer advises leaders to “consider [their] audience.” What will provide value? What is relevant to your audience, not just to you? He also recommends “make doubly sure to get that point or value across early” in the meeting.Conducting the MeetingConducting a meeting for fixed ops teams demands a delicate balance of structure and flexibility. Leaders want every moment optimized for productivity and engagement. Therefore, start promptly and establish ground rules to set the tone for a respectful and efficient exchange of ideas. Participants can delve into discussions with clarity and purpose when you minimize distractions and maintain focus on the task at hand. Active participation is further encouraged by facilitating open dialogue and idea sharing, where all voices are welcomed and valued.Get Your FREE Fixed Operations Meeting Template HereEnsuring that everyone has an opportunity to contribute not only fosters a sense of inclusivity but also harnesses the diverse perspectives within the team. This open dialogue concept enriches the depth of insights generated. Employing time management techniques safeguards against unnecessarily drawn-out discussions and promotes adherence to a schedule. Be sure to allocate specific time slots for each agenda item and utilize timers to maintain momentum. By precisely and intentionally orchestrating the meeting, leaders can cultivate an environment where ideas flourish, and decisions are confidently made.Shaffer says leaders should “understand that everyone learns differently. Some people learn by seeing it, some people learn by hearing it, and some people learn by doing it.” Conducting meetings that accomplish all three learning methods (especially in training meetings) ensures your team walks away more informed.Effective Communication and LeadershipEffective communication and leadership form the bedrock of meeting success and guide teams toward shared goals with clarity and conviction. At the heart of this lies the clear communication of expectations. Leaders will take proactive steps to explain roles, responsibilities, and expectations. Ensuring each team member understands tasks and deadlines clarifies the grey areas, fostering a sense of direction.Empowering team members through strategic delegation of tasks and decision-making authority distributes the workload. This practice effectively creates a culture of ownership and accountability. As leaders entrust their teams with greater responsibility, they nurture a sense of confidence and empowerment, paving the way for innovation and growth within the organization. Through transparent communication and inclusive leadership practices, service departments can thrive in an environment where individuals are empowered to contribute.“Repetition is good. Repetition = retention,” says Shaffer. He encourages leaders to “tell [their] audience what [they] plan to talk about, then talk about it, and then recap what [they] told them. People seldom remember something they heard once.”Post-Meeting Follow-UpShaffer says the follow-up “might be the most important thing.” It shows that “the content you presented has and will have ongoing focus.” Shaffer says that when your team “poses questions or objections” that require a “let me check and get back to you on that,” failing to follow up is a death sentence as a leader/manager.”Moreover, in the post-meeting follow-up phase, the seeds of discussion planted during the meeting are nurtured into actionable outcomes. The focus should be on sustainable momentum and steadfast progress. Begin with a comprehensive recap of key points and decisions made, providing a detailed summary that serves as a reference point. Action items are meticulously assigned, with precise deadlines and responsibilities delineated to avoid confusion.By holding individuals accountable for their assigned tasks, leaders instill a sense of ownership and drive toward achieving collective objectives. Regular check-ins are instrumental in monitoring progress on action items, allowing for timely intervention and adjustment as necessary. Meeting leaders should address any obstacles or challenges that arise along the way. Doing so demonstrates a commitment to overcoming hurdles and reaching success. Diligent post-meeting follow-up ensures discussions translate seamlessly to tangible results. propelling the organization toward its goals with purpose and determination.Continuous ImprovementContinuous improvement lies at the heart of optimizing meeting effectiveness for service teams. This journey begins by actively soliciting participant feedback and encouraging them to provide candid insights into the meeting's efficacy. Leaders should foster an environment of collaboration and mutual growth by valuing and acting upon feedback. Leveraging this feedback ensures that each subsequent meeting builds upon lessons learned from the past. Critical reflection on meeting outcomes enables leaders to discern what worked well and identify areas for improvement. Analyze both successes and challenges to fine-tune meeting strategies and adjust to align with the team’s unique needs. With a focus on continuous improvement, fixed operations teams can adapt and thrive through the ups and downs of the automotive roller coaster.Visit TVI MarketPro3 For more expert insights for fixed ops excellence.

Apr 19, 2024 | 5 minute read

A Simple Guide to Dealership Website Optimization for Service Departments

Do your eyes start to roll back in your head when a marketer sits across your desk and starts dropping phrases like search engine results pages, SEO, or content creation? The marketer might feel the same way if you were speaking car repair lingo. We all tend to forget that not everyone knows the jargon we use in our daily professional lives. Website marketing vocabulary can sound intimidating, but ultimately, it’s all about creating the most straightforward and attractive path to get customers to your service drive. Here’s a quick guide to understanding the potential of your dealership’s website to increase service department traffic.Understanding Website ContentToday's car-selling world is about more than just showing off new cars online; it's also about using your website to bring more people to the service center. If you're a fixed operations leader at a dealership, you play a significant role in ensuring your website attracts customers to the service drive. In an interview with Automotive News, April Simmons, corporate Internet and Marketing Director at Horne Auto Group in Gilbert, AZ, points out that most dealership “website traffic is actually for service.” By using effective online strategies and creating compelling content, you can continue to attract people to your dealership's website and convert them into service customers.Making Sure People Can Find You (SEO)To get more people to see your website, it must appear when they search online. Using the right words and phrases on your website in a practice known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) increases the odds it will appear near the top of search engine results. Consider what people might search for when they need car maintenance, and use those words on your site.Creating Interesting ContentThe content on your website should be valuable to your customers, including blog posts, articles, and videos that explain why car maintenance is essential and what services your dealership offers. Easily understood content gives customers the quick answers they’re seeking.Sharing Special DealsEverybody loves a good deal! You can convince more people to come in for service by showing special offers and discounts on your website. Be sure your website communicates discounts on oil changes or special deals for new customers.Letting People Schedule Appointments OnlineNobody likes waiting on the phone to make an appointment. By letting people schedule service appointments online, you make it easier for them to choose your dealership. Customers can book their appointments with just a few clicks without calling anyone.Sharing Customer StoriesPeople like to know they're making a good choice when they pick a dealership. Sharing stories or case studies from happy customers on your website shows potential customers that your dealership is an excellent place to go for service. Ask satisfied customers if you can share their stories and post them on your site.Showing That You're TrustworthyCustomers want to know they're in good hands when they bring their car in for service. You can show them you're trustworthy by sharing any awards or certifications your dealership has received. These accolades tell customers that experts think your dealership is a good choice for car maintenance.Making Sure Your Website Works on PhonesMost people use their phones to browse the internet these days. Make sure your website looks good and works well on phones and tablets, making it easy for people to find you no matter their device.Talking to Customers LiveSome people like to talk to an actual person before they make an appointment. Adding a live chat feature to your website lets you talk to customers in real-time and answer any questions they have. This communication enhancement encourages more people to book appointments with your dealership.Using Email to Stay in TouchEmail is a great way to keep in touch with customers and inform them about special deals. Collect email addresses from people who visit your website and send them regular updates about what's happening at your dealership. Effective email marketing can help you get more repeat business and keep people returning.Time for a Website AuditIncreased traffic for your dealership’s service drive is about using your website to show why you're the best choice. Innovative online strategies and exciting content can convince more people to choose your dealership for their car maintenance and repair needs. Use the above points as a guide for a quick website audit to see where your dealership’s site might underserve your service department.Check out TVI MarketPro3 for more fixed ops insights.

Mar 13, 2024 | 4 minute read

TVI MarketPro3 and Nick Shaffer

How I Got My Fixed Ops Marketing StartLike a lot of our sales team, I started in automotive retail, got into automotive retail in 2005, worked exclusively on the service side, did so for 11 years, managed service departments really, really enjoyed that line of work. When I left retail to come work for TVI, I was a fixed operations director over an 11-store auto group.My Mission for My ClientsMy mission is to build something really special. I want to build a team, a process, and a product suite that becomes the Swiss Army knife for any fixed-ops manager. We want to become kind of the de facto solution any dealership turns to, regardless of their unique business growth goals and challenges.My Greatest Challenge in Serving My ClientsThe most challenging part is probably helping a dealership management team navigate their misaligned priorities. Let me explain what I mean. Everything that we do is custom-tailored to the store, the market, the unique challenges there, and the goals that the store wants to achieve. And the challenge comes in because if you meet with the dealer and ask the dealer what do you want to accomplish. What are your challenges? What are you hoping to achieve?You're probably going to get a different set of answers than when you ask the same questions to the general manager and then to the fixed ops director and then the service manager and the parts manager. So because everybody wants different things, aligning goals beyond just lip service, like really authentically aligning goals, can become a little bit of a challenge that we need to navigate before we can develop a strategy for a client.Most Rewarding Part of My JobYou know, I'm a very goal-oriented person, and nothing is more rewarding to me than setting an ambitious goal with a team and achieving it. Um, and we get to attempt this with every client. Um, once we have those goals aligned, which I mentioned a moment ago, can be a little bit of a challenge, and everyone's in agreement about what we're aiming to accomplish and how we're going to go about measuring it.The fun part comes next because, at that point, our very skilled team develops a custom-tailored solution, which is designed to pursue that client's goals. And the most rewarding part is looking up six to 12 months later and celebrating, turning those goals into achievements and then setting new goals with our clients.Common Challenge Across All My Dealer ClientsIt's probably, I'd have to say it's probably a lack of resources. Um, it's very common for a client to have a reason why, and it's usually a legitimate reason why they couldn't capitalize on all of the opportunities that we're working to bring them. And usually, what that sounds like is, you know, Nick, we didn't have enough. Blank fill in the blank. It might be that we didn't have enough advisors. We had a part shortage. We have a technician shortage.It was a short month, so we didn't have enough fixed days. Or maybe they need more training, maybe they have broken processes or cultures in place. And helping a client create success in spite of their operational hurdles is often our greatest challenge.How I Personally Support My Clients in Solving These ProblemsI try to help them stay focused. Often, our clients, when they experience those challenges, especially if they weren't anticipated,become so focused on managing the challenge that they lose sight of the goal. And…Goals don't change; plans change, right? So if we have a new challenge standing in our way and we just start working on that challenge, we might be working just to work and losing sight of the goal and not making progress towards the goal. So I try to help them stay focused on both the challenge and the objective simultaneously, and if needed, apply some focus to rebuilding the original plan so that we can manage the challenge and still pursue the goal.TVI MarketPro3 Tools That Help Solve These ProblemsA few thoughts come to mind. So, our reporting dashboards are excellent, and they can help identify opportunities to drive better results or a more efficient use of our clients' resources. So those are a great set of tools to help work towards the goal and manage challenges, but also our one of our greatest assets. Our field reps have a very rare pedigree of marketing and fixed operations experience, so many of our clients leverage our field reps both as their marketing specialist, as well as someone that they can lean on for operational advice.NADA Show 2024You know, I'd have to say I'm most looking forward to seeing everybody. Um, I'm looking forward to the camaraderie. Our office is based out of Houston, Texas, and we have many teammates who work out of that office and get to experience our company's great culture on a daily basis. Our sales team doesn't get to experience that very often because we all work remotely.And the concept of teamwork can become a little bit of a challenge to establish when our field reps work remotely and are responsible for separate regions. So NADA is an ideal scenario to get everybody together, enjoy each other's company, and work towards a successful conference.It goes without saying that it'd be wonderful to sell some business while we're there. However, just as much as that, I hope to build some more name recognition for TVI Market Pro 3. A lot of dealers simply haven't heard of us, and more often than not, that's because one of our unique business strategies is to give our current clients an exclusivity policy, which, in a nutshell, means that as long as we're working for a certain store, helping them do acquisition marketing,We are not going to service the stores that they compete within the marketplace. So because of this, a lot of dealers just haven't heard of TVI Market Pro 3, and I'm hoping that we can build some more name recognition for ourselves at NADA Show24.TVI MarketPro3 and Nick ShafferEverything we do for our dealer partners is custom, and our clients' goals are not one size fits all; therefore, their marketing solution shouldn't be cookie cutter, and those solutions should be strategic and custom fit to align with our clients' goals, and we can provide that also.TVI is a data acquisition and purification company before we are a marketing company. So because of our data hygiene disciplines and our exclusivity policy, we're able to provide our clients with a unique and competitive advantage in the marketplace, which always translates to higher response rates and return on investment.

Jan 26, 2024 | 5 minute read

TVI MarketPro3 and Ken Pletcher

How I Got My Fixed Ops Marketing StartSo my background actually started as a technician. I was a technician for a few years. I had an opportunity to write service. I wrote service for a few years and then I was asked to manage the store that I was working with. This was in the mid 90s and the factory marketing systems were relatively weak and so I had to seek out outside companies to do my service marketing. And with that I got to experiment a lot with different offers and how you can get people in the drive. And I saw some success in that way. Skipping forward then, I hired TVI to do the service marketing for my service department roughly 18 years ago and saw a really marked improvement or increase with the responses. The responses I was getting from what I would do for marketing with their targeted data, I was really able to see much more returns from my efforts.My Mission for My ClientsSo my mission is to help the stores achieve their goals. Whatever their goals might be, it could be retention, it could be additional sales, RO count, whatever that is, my mission is to help them achieve their goals.My Greatest Challenge in Serving My ClientsTo me the most challenging part is if TVI helps bring a guest to their service drive, and their guest doesn't receive the type of service that would have them come back for future visits. We don't like to see just a one and done. We like to see somebody come in and become a lifetime guest there. So that's probably one of the bigger challenges is if the store, whether it's staffing or whichever else has challenges.Most Rewarding Part of My JobWhen a store sees success, I feel that same success, and if something's not quite, I still, I take that very personal, that we're not achieving what they'd like to achieve.When the service department reaches their goals or are striving towards their goals, whatever it might be, again, it could be a retention program or gross or RO sales, but when you see month by month, the gradual increases towards their goals. Common Challenge Across All My Dealer ClientsSo probably one of the bigger challenges is staffing, whether it's technician or advisor or even down to a level of quarters, something along those lines. And so that's probably one of the most common things I see among all the dealerships.How I Personally Support My Clients in Solving These ProblemsI was in the role for about 25 years and so I've had a lot of experience in recruiting and trying to find unique ways to get teammates to the store. And so I'll share my personal experience, some of the successes I've had and or what I've heard from other stores. I'm able to hear best practices on hiring, and so I do share that with everybody I work with.TVI MarketPro3 Tools That Help Solve These ProblemsSo, something TVI can do is if there's an opening or an ongoing opening for a store, whether it's entry-level technicians or service advisors or something along those lines, TVI during our communications to our guests can put that out there where if you're looking for entry-level technicians, we can have that in the email or in the direct mail. And if someone's servicing their car, if they trust the store to service, chances are they're enjoying that experience and they want the person they know to work there if there's an opening.NADA Show 2024What I'm looking forward to most while attending NADA Show 2024 is getting to meet a lot of other stores out there to see who's interested in growing their service departments or what their challenges might be to kind of broaden my knowledge on what's out there. What I'm hoping to accomplish is building relationships with potential clients that are interested in growing their service business.TVI MarketPro3 and Ken PletcherI hope dealerships would trust me to help them with their service needs. I believe they would feel my passion, my knowledge and to help them achieve their goals.Dealerships should trust TVI MarketPro3 due to their data cleansing. The information they take from your DMS and cleanse it to make sure we're contacting the correct person at the correct interval with the correct message to get them in the store is second to none. I've personally had success with them when I was in the service director role.I believed in it so much, I changed careers to be part of this.

Jan 24, 2024 | 4 minute read

TVI MarketPro3 and Pete Sidorowicz

How I Got My Fixed Ops Marketing StartI started in the automobile business back in the 90s. I actually started off in sales and transitioned into the fixed ops because it was just intriguing to me, and I just liked the atmosphere a little bit better and I wanted to start a family so we decided to go that route to have just a better set schedule. I did fixed ops for 27 years. I oversaw at my last stint, five dealerships in the Ziegler Auto Group and transitioned to TVI about a little over a year and a half ago. I used TVI for about six years. So that's how TVI and I became together, how we were brought together.My Mission for My ClientsMy mission is obviously to take care of the customers and make sure that I oversee their marketing for them and help them grow with their department.It's been an easier transition for me considering I do put myself in their shoes and I do think outside the box knowing what I know with my background and having the experience of talking to multiple dealerships in my area and from my past in Illinois as well. Still having connections there and constantly communicating with them to be able to see what other markets are doing. See how other dealer groups are doing or other manufacturers are doing or what they're doing to gain the market share for their dealers.My Greatest Challenge in Serving My ClientsThe most challenging part is obviously making sure that we can grow the dealer and make sure that the dealership and us partner together so we can be as one and think the same way to make sure that we grow not only their market share but their also gross profit ultimately in the dealership.Most Rewarding Part of My JobThe most rewarding is piggybacked off of the last answer is when you see the growth and you see the constant evolution of their department and seeing that you know again you're constantly bringing in more customers you're constantly growing their fixed ops gross and making sure that they're happy with our and us you know working as a partner together to be able to you know ultimately win.Common Challenge Across All My Dealer ClientsThe most common challenge is the options that are available to all the customers out there, not only the dealer groups, but drawing the customer in to make sure that they have an opportunity to take care of that customer and make them a lifelong customer.There are a lot of options out there now. It's not only other manufacturers or other dealers with the same manufacturer, but it's also the independents. So the dealers have to understand that if they're not marketing to somebody, somebody else is. So it's about the experience, it's that wow factor that they need to experience as a customer when they do walk into that dealership.How I Personally Support My Clients in Solving These ProblemsHaving my experience, my background and seeing different options and different ways to market to the customers and having the purest information that TVI provides, as far as the data, it definitely allows us to think outside the box.I've actually spoken to my general managers at stores and suggested, you know, let's market to the customers that are coming out of warranty and let's have the finance department even put an option for that customer as well. So they understand that it's not just fixed ops, it's growing the whole dealership, the whole market there.TVI MarketPro3 Tools That Help Solve These ProblemsUltimately the tools that we have, the software that we provide and again the purest cleanest data as far as the customer contacts has been a tremendous help for me to grow that whatever dealer I'm working with to have the estimator to have the control center to have the cleanest and just most information for growing that dealer is been definitely a blessing just because it makes it that much easier.NADA Show 2024The thing that I'm looking forward to at the NADA meeting is just basically networking, just to get in front of people and have them understand what we provide for them to grow their fixed ops and to be able to just meet and just get in front of the people just to provide options and just be able to explain to them how we can and what we do is a great value to them.TVI MarketPro3 and Pete SidorowiczWith my background I've been able to go into dealers and let them understand what I've done in the past and I provide an excess of just the marketing. I also provide to my dealers to be able to train their employees on how to speak to the customers, how to be able to take an RO and maximize every advantage with that RO. So having that background is definitely a plus for my dealers because of my knowledge that I provide for them.TVI definitely provides the best product on the market. There's nobody out there that provides what we do. Having the cleanest and purest data for VINs and customers available, plus having all the different reporting tools that the dealership gets, we're very transparent on what we provide.and ultimately we're a partnership. I'm not just going to send out mailers and hope for the best. I'm constantly evolving and thinking outside the box on what we can do to help that dealer grow. And when I see the results and the dealer sees the results it's a win-win for both of us.

Jan 20, 2024 | 4 minute read

Dealership or Independent Garage? That is the question.

With a click, I closed the fuel tank door on my 2016 Ford Explorer and jumped back into the driver’s seat to head to a work function a couple of hours away. I wasn’t even out of the parking lot when I noticed the check engine light mocking me from the dash as it informed me my trip had come to an abrupt halt.I ran by AutoZone to see if it might be a simple fix, but unfortunately, it was a part I had never heard of. I am new to the area, so I jumped on my local Facebook group to get recommendations for a mechanic that met a few criteria:- Reasonable or no diagnostic fee- Could get the car in on the same day- Reasonable labor rate- Parts pricing that was in the ballpark of what AutoZone quoted meWithin minutes I had dozens of recommendations. Three of these had a local independent mechanic in common, so I called. The gentleman answered the phone within the first couple of rings, discussed my issue, and had me bring it in. Within three hours, the repair was complete and the car was sitting happily in my driveway, with what appeared to be a proud grin on its face.What’s more interesting about this story than a smiling SUV is what occurred during the short three-hour wait for my car repair. I’ve been writing about fixed ops for a few years now, but I have always preferred an independent garage because I’ve always had the above experience or better with the mom-and-pop around the corner.But on this day, I was curious to learn what my experience would have been had I looked for a dealership to repair my car instead. So, the minute I got home from dropping my car off, I sat down at my desk and went to work.DisclaimerI share this experience not to knock on dealerships as a whole but to provide feedback on my experience. If I were running a service department, I’d want to know these insights and do everything to address the issues that prevent consumers from ever considering dealerships for maintenance or service. Now that we've covered that let's get down to the nitty-gritty.The Online SearchI started with what most people would do in my predicament: I Googled “check engine light 2016 Ford Explorer.” Where did this search lead me? Straight to a dealership all the way across the country. While this didn’t bother me much as a consumer, I immediately recognized the opportunities my local dealerships allowed to slip right through their digital fingers.What would have helped my local dealers land at the top of my search engine results page (SERP)?Strong Search Engine Optimization (SEO) content, including keyword-focused blogs and videos that are of interest to local consumers.Paid search ads that nudge dealerships to the top of the page when consumers are searching for specific parts or repairs for their vehicle. In this case, “Check Engine Light 2016 Ford Explorer” should produce a local dealership.The Phone CallAfter calling three dealerships, it was apparent which ones engrain the value of the phone call into their processes and which allowed this valuable interaction to become a second thought.The initial answer is typically pleasant, but if the handoff isn’t handled with care, it's more of an annoyance or a hurdle for a customer to overcome to get necessary answers. A typical consumer doesn’t always know they need to ask for a specific department, so they instead explain their issue to the operator.After listening to my concerns, not one operator explained my problem to the service department when transferring the call. This causes a potential customer to explain their needs multiple times, which can easily be avoided. Once transferred, a customer should be able to pick it up right where they left off and quickly get answers.It only takes a second for the operator to relay the issue and for the recipient of the call to restate the issue upon taking the call. This small act instills confidence that the dealership’s communication is on point and that a customer’s vehicle will be well cared for.There was one dealership that won the day as far as phone calls were concerned. A lovely lady answered the phone directly from the service department and answered all questions from the jump. For a moment, it gave me mom-and-pop vibes, a breath of fresh air after bouncing back and forth from department to department and waiting on hold multiple times with the other dealers.The PitchI called. I teed it up for them, and in all cases, the dealer struck out. Why? Some, but not all dealer representatives answered some of my questions, but none of them seemed aware of my objections, nor did they do anything to address them. Let's take a look at the answers I worked hard to draw from each phone call.The HeadscratchersWhy would I want to wait one to five days to drive my broken car twice as far and pay three to six times more than my day-of, affordable, independent shop experience? The dealership team must be prepared to address the reasons for this, if there are any. For example, it’s likely that the diagnostic fee would go toward the repair, but not one dealer representative offered this information. Not one person spoke to the skill level and expertise of their technicians when it comes to working on my specific make.No one painted the picture of what my experience would be like when I brought my car in. Would I be able to get work done while I wait? Is there a workspace, complimentary Wi-Fi, or a coffee bar? Why is the part so much more expensive? One dealer did mention the warranty, but he was the one who failed to price anything unless I brought my vehicle in. This brings me to my final objection, price transparency. Why would you not assist a customer in budgeting for this unexpected expense? Why do you expect a customer to spend their valuable time bringing their car to you, just to discover they can’t afford the repair?If dealerships can’t address these objections in an honest and transparent manner, then it might be time to adjust pricing and processes to be more on par with independent competitors.Thought FuelIt’s no secret that many dealerships focus more on car sales and overlook or ignore the value that the fixed operations department brings to the business. But what better way to increase customer acquisition and retention in car sales than to build a service department with a robust customer base? Some dealerships have big changes to make to accomplish this goal.How can your service department create the mom-and-pop (independent) garage experience? How can your dealership earn the trust of a customer at each and every touch point? And how can you make the processes and pricing more appealing to a potential customer? These are questions dealership leaders should explore and take action upon to find the ultimate fixed ops success.

Jan 17, 2024 | 5 minute read

Unveiling Fixed Ops Marketing Excellence: MarketPro3 at NADA Show 2024

Attention Dealership Leaders and Fixed Operations Professionals:As the calendar turns, the anticipation builds, and we at TVI MarketPro3 are thrilled to announce our participation in the NADA Show 2024, scheduled from February 1st through the 4th. It is with great excitement that we extend an invitation to all esteemed attendees to visit our booth #6143N in the North Hall – a destination poised to redefine the future of fixed operations marketing.Why Visit Booth 6143N?Innovation in Fixed Operations Marketing:TVI MarketPro3 consistently works to advance in developing tools to increase customer acquisition for fixed operations departments across the country. Our booth is a showcase of our many solutions designed to elevate your dealership's operational efficiency and customer engagement. Discover how MarketPro3 is shaping the landscape of parts and service marketing with forward-thinking strategies and technological prowess.Meet Our Fixed Operations Experts:At MarketPro3, we take pride in our team of seasoned fixed operations experts, each possessing decades of industry experience. Their wealth of knowledge spans the intricacies of service department management, customer retention, and strategic marketing. Engage in insightful conversations, gain expert advice, and tap into the collective wisdom that our team brings to the table.Customized Assessment for Your Fixed Operations Department:Understanding the unique challenges faced by every dealership, we are offering an exclusive opportunity for a customized assessment of your fixed operations marketing. Our experts will delve into your specific needs, analyze current strategies, and provide tailored recommendations to optimize your marketing and drive sustainable growth.How to Reserve Your Spot:We recognize the value of your time, and to ensure that you receive personalized attention, we encourage you to reserve your spot for a one-on-one meeting with our fixed ops experts. This is your chance to discuss your challenges, explore innovative solutions, and chart a course for success in 2024 and beyond.Reserve your spot HERE, or simply stop by our booth during the NADA Show 2024. Our team will be ready to assist you and schedule a convenient time for your personalized fixed ops marketing assessment.RESERVE YOUR NADA 2024 MEETINGJoin Us on the Journey to Automotive Excellence:As we gear up for the NADA Show 2024, we invite you to be a part of this exciting journey. Whether you are a dealership leader or a service department professional, MarketPro3 promises an experience that goes beyond the ordinary – an experience that transcends innovation and sets new benchmarks in automotive excellence.Don't miss out on this opportunity to bring consistent traffic to your service drive. Visit booth #6143N in the North Hall, engage with our experts, and let's give your fixed ops marketing game the boost it needs for success.See you at the NADA Show 2024!

Jan 15, 2024 | 2 minute read

TVI MarketPro3 and Scott Kelford

How I Got My Fixed Ops Marketing StartI actually started in the fixed operations world back in 1990 through 2015. It's about 25 years. All of it was with pretty much with the Hendrick Automotive Group. My background in getting into marketing was how much I appreciated what MarketPro3 did for my Toyota store back in the day. Drake Dorty and Bill Allen actually were a couple of people that came in and did maintenance with me, so I got to know the family with MarketPro3 way before I signed up to be employed with MarketPro3. They approached me back in 2016, asked me if I'd like to leave the dealership world and represent them throughout the United States, pitching the product, and I jumped on.My Mission for My ClientsThat would be a couple of things. I think first and foremost is obviously building Relationships with dealerships across the country utilizing transparency with the reports that we provide grow their repair accounts We've always been kind of named the unpaid employee and when you have fixed ops backgrounds like some of us do, we have the ability to go in and assist them with some things that are outside of what we do in terms of marketing. Maybe how to maximize gross profit on our repair order, that type of scenario.My Greatest Challenge in Serving My ClientsI think that would be if we go out and we're kicking tires, trying to find new accounts, I think getting in front of the right people. There's always gatekeepers in the dealership. I had gatekeepers when I was running fix to keep people at arms length so that I wouldn't be disturbed. And sometimes it's very difficult to get an appointment. You just want to get an appointment. I think that's one of the hardest things is getting in front of them.Most Rewarding Part of My JobOh, that's bringing an account on board. And I think the launch itself, the installation process and training consultants on how to treat these guests different because they haven't been into the store in a long time and never. They've got to change the way that their mindset is. When they see one of these customers come in with MarketPro3 marketing pieces, they have to slow down, give that customer a lot of love, show them the amenities to build the subsequent visits. So I think that's probably my favorite part of what I do.Common Challenge Across All My Dealer ClientsRight now, I think it's really unrelated to marketing in general. I think it's post COVID, it's keeping employees and when you can't keep a good employee, it's finding one that is status quo and has the ability to step in a new job with minimal training. And I think even in leadership positions, I'm seeing more turnover in the leadership role, service managers, fixed ops directors, general managers. We're just seeing a lot of uprooting and it's not necessarily a performance situation is there just people robbing Peter to pay Paul and steeling other folks, and it's just hard to replace people in any part of the dealership world, and I'm sure that's across the board in the world in any occupation but that's probably it's people.How I Personally Support My Clients in Solving These ProblemsThey ask me a lot of times if they've known me already with my background, you know, what could I do to assist them? And believe it or not, we can use marketing. We can use their database to reach out and post jobs with QR codes, things like that. There's, you know, you've got five, 10,000 customers and an average DMS 10 model year newer, if we hit that, that situation, but think about the outreach of how many people they know that may be looking for a job.We've done that a lot, and we've had some traction with it. So just finding the right people, asking the right questions. They've asked me my opinion on that stuff. But in terms of what MarketPro3 in general can do is let's spread the news and get it out there if they need help.TVI MarketPro3 Tools That Help Solve These ProblemsWe can reach out to the customer and the customer has family members and people that live up the street that knows, you know, we had a situation where a guy saw a posting and knew that his neighbor up the road was a technician and we ended up bringing that guy in. I don't know if they got hired or not. Really don't follow up with that part of it, but, you know, a lead's a lead.NADA Show 2024It's my first. So, uh, just probably just absorbing everything, learning from everybody, having everybody's fingerprints on me and, and what we can do to maximize our opportunities. I know there's a ton of people that are going to be coming across our neck of the woods with our booth. And I'm just looking forward to the experience. I've never been a part of that. You know, you think somebody that's been in the automotive world for 30 years that I've been there a lot, I just really never had any interest in going. I'd rather been back at the store doing things that I need to do there. But that's probably what I'm looking forward the most is hanging out with our teammates, uh, being in that type of environment and just learning from that situation of somebody walking up and saying, Hey, what do you do? So that's going to be pretty cool.Get stores. I mean, I think the investment that the Allen families provided us with going there and setting it up as a substantial, I'm sure. And we just need to really get out there and work hard to get as many leads and get as much recurrent income and dealers coming on board and get that annual spend from those guys and that in turn reaches out to other stores and then hopefully it will just roll downhill from there and we can just get a lot of traction out of this. I'm excited. I'm sure that's going to happen. Getting the appointment set up and some of the podcasts that we're going to be doing, that's going to be exciting.TVI MarketPro3 and Scott KelfordIf they know me, they know my background. I think an advantage for me was I had TVI MarketPro3 as my marketing partner who did a phenomenal job when I was at Chevrolet and then when I went and ran the Toyota store. So I can speak to that intelligently to know that it works and it works well enough that I gave up what I did with a lucrative career with the automotive group that's well renowned.I can help them maximize our opportunities whether it be with what's a smart marketing approach to take which segment of guests that we go after but I've gone in and done repair order analysis with the service managers and you know looking to see why the repair or parts and labor tickets are down. Why are we having a retention issue? Why are we having a subsequent visit issue? There's a lot of underlying factors when it comes to that. It's not pointing at the marketing people your marketing's not working. There's a lot of reasons for that, and I think I've got a lot of people's fingerprints on me over the years that's given me the ability to answer those questions intelligently.

Jan 5, 2024 | 6 minute read

TVI MarketPro3 and Robert Morris

How I Got My Fixed Ops Marketing StartI've been in automotive retail essentially my entire career. I was a Cadillac Buick GMC dealer in Cleveland until I found the right time to sell my store and I've been working for TVI ever since.Once I sold my store, I didn't want to just do nothing. I was too young to just retire and sit at home. So I found this company, TVI, and it's been a great fit. I've been able to help many of my friends and other dealers around the area to grow their service business.My Mission for My ClientsMy mission with TVI is to help dealerships grow their customer RO base. You know, we're not looking for a one month lift in service. You know, that's great. It'll happen. We'll take it. But what we're really looking for is for a dealership to grow their customer count and to bring these customers into the dealership for the first time that had never been there before and then keep them coming back to gain their service business.My Greatest Challenge in Serving My ClientsThe most challenging part for TVI is, one, we get the customers in, but it takes the repetition and the frequency. So sometimes it's a managed growth. So part of the challenge can be managing expectations, but the growth projections, again, are managed. We don't blow up your drive on a Monday morning when nobody can get anything accomplished.That doesn't work. It doesn't work for us. It doesn't work for the dealer. It doesn't work for the customer. So we try to manage that through a dedicated strategy to grow the business over time. So that of course at the end of a year, you've added three or four hundred customers to your database that have never been there before.Most Rewarding Part of My JobWell, the most rewarding part are seeing these customers come in for the first time. You know, the dealership growing their ROs and attracting people that they've never seen before. Every month we go through the reports, we show the exact data of who came in, and every time it blows service managers' minds and fixed ops directors, you know, about how well it performs.Common Challenge Across All My Dealer ClientsThe biggest challenge that I've seen within dealerships recently is managing the growth. What I mean by that is growing their business, but that also results in staffing needs, whether they need to hire additional technicians, service advisors, whatever the case may be to be able to handle the increased business efficiently.How I Personally Support My Clients in Solving These ProblemsObviously you have to keep the technicians that you have and you do that through competitive pay and hours. And giving the shop more work obviously helps retain technicians. And when the shop is busy, that also helps to attract more technicians because they want to go where the action is and where they can make more money. And then essentially once you have somebody qualify who's interested, you just have to figure out how to pay them and see what it takes to get them to come to work for you. A lot of my dealerships are paying record amounts for an hourly wage for a master level technician because they know in the long run they're going to get their return on the investment. At first though, they have to acquire the talent in order to be successful.TVI MarketPro3 Tools That Help Solve These ProblemsWell, we help bring customers in. That's what we do. We attract customers who have never been there before, and we also bring in customers who haven't been there in a long time. They may have defected. They haven't been there in over two years. They're typically going somewhere else for service already. And we also attract customers that are past due. All of a sudden, they may be starting to explore other alternatives, or perhaps their last experience was negative and we want to bring them back. and we do that through our aggressive marketing strategy that works.NADA Show 2024I'm looking forward to NADA. I'm looking forward to working it. I've been going to NADA for almost 20 years, so I know what's involved with the convention. It can be a lot of fun. It's also a lot of work, but it can be extremely productive and extremely rewarding. I'm looking forward to seeing and connecting with other dealers that I've known over the years that may have lost touch. And I'm also looking forward to meeting new dealers and fixed operations directors that can certainly benefit from our program.It's no secret we go to NADA to generate business and we also go there to increase our brand exposure, which obviously helps, the two are directly related. So I think by the end of the show, we'll have gained exposure to thousands of people that may not have heard of us before. And then hopefully a percentage of those are interested in doing business with us and like what we had to say and we'll follow up with them in the middle of February and see how we can help.TVI MarketPro3 and Robert MorrisThe biggest reason why is because it works, but you don't even have to take my word for it. We back all of our results up with a 4 to 1 ROI guarantee, meaning if you don't generate at least a 4 to 1 return on your spend, the program's free. In my 30 years in the car business, I've never seen anything like it. I've never seen any company back up their product with that much confidence and support. It works. If not, you're protected. Your investment is fully protected with that guarantee. So you as the dealer don't really have any risk. It's about as close to a no-brainer in the car business as there is because again, it works or it's free.

Dec 28, 2023 | 5 minute read

TVI MarketPro3 and Eric Hawkes

How I Got My Fixed Ops Marketing StartI started 30 years ago as a service advisor. I didn't have a lot of auto experience in repairing cars other than do it yourself for oil changes, tire rotations on my own vehicles. While looking for a job, one of the questions that the service director asked me is, "how are you with speaking to people? Are you comfortable?" I said, "yep." And, long story short, he said, "well, that's what this job is. If you can be comfortable speaking to people then you'll be good at this job." So I said, okay. He said, " the technicians will teach you about the cars and what the customers need and don't need. There's like basically two sides. One is the technician side, which you'll gain that knowledge. And the other one, that you're pretty natural with, and that is talking with the customers."So, that's how I started and, um, worked my way up to a Lane Manager. Then to a Service Director, then a Parts and Service Director and at one time running a couple stores in the Northern Virginia area. And, I then had the opportunity to join up with TVI MartktPro3 three years ago. And it's great to be able to impart your experience, your knowledge with the same people. So I'm just on the other side of the desk now, as opposed to vendors coming to talk to me about the product. I'm talking to them, but I have the benefit of 27 years doing what they did. So I can empathize, enjoy, relish all the stuff that they do. And when I say that, I mean that sincerely, I think it's one of the more difficult jobs in a dealership. You've got to deal with the general managers, the owners, the technicians, the advisors, the valets.My Mission for My ClientsMy mission is to take dealers in their fixed ops departments and get them more business. The foundation of our company is "Grow Your RO." I think that is exactly what I'm in line with, you know, to be a benefit, to make it easy for those guys and girls. Again, I've sat in that seat. All the items I just mentioned you're dealing with and then you also deal with the marketing. So the easier and more efficient I can make it for them while still building a value is what I enjoy about this. So I enjoy the camaraderie, but when I see the reports and I see the return on investment is substantial. I feel really good. And if it's not, I feel like we got to do something different. We got to do something better because they're spending their money and it's no different than you or I spending our money on something, we want to have a value in what we do.My Greatest Challenge in Serving My ClientsUm, good question. When you don't know an individual, getting them to understand that you're just not another vendor. You're just not another salesman trying to have them carry your product. That actually, there are benefits to it. And so it's my job to get in front of them and explain the benefits well enough where they see a value in it.Most Rewarding Part of My JobAgain, it's when the program's working, when we sign them up and they see the benefits and they're happy about it. So part of our responsibility is going to the dealers after we've signed them up, and maintaining our relationship. And in that, we'll review the numbers. So every month we see how we've done. We call it our maintenance. I call it our monthly results meetings.We meet up and talk about what we did good, what came in, how many New VINs, how many new customers came in the course of a month, how many lost customers, customers that haven't been at this dealership in over two years, but we're able to get them back in. So that's the most rewarding part is the success of the program. And then if it's in a dealer group, to get referred to their partner, to the guy down the street who's now at the Infinity dealership or the Honda store, and then they believe in us. And that's a nice, what I call it, being on a roll. You know, you're in with the organization and as long as you're doing what you say you're going to do, it's very rewarding.Common Challenge Across All My Dealer ClientsAgain, similar to having them understand that you're just not another vendor, you're just not out there trying to get them to spend money, that you really do care and that you do have insight in what we're doing and which I do, so I'm comfortable doing it because I, again, I sat on the other side of the desk for 27 years. So I understand their time is limited. I understand that while we think this is a very important product, and it is, it may constitute 5% of their total day, their marketing. They have cars, they have to be fixed right the first time they got appointments that didn't come in, they got appointments that never show, that come in that never were in the system. There's a lot on the table, so if I could make it seamless and efficient for the service directors to fix operations and they see the value in it, that's very rewarding.How I Personally Support My Clients in Solving These ProblemsI empathize with them quite a bit, knowing what they're doing and what they go through on a daily basis, and they know that I've done that, so it's easy to do. Also, you know, 27 years at the job from an Advisor to Lane Manager to a Fixed Operations Director, I can impart with them some information that I've been familiar with: effective labor rate, grid pricing, people on a guarantee versus flat rate, express service. The corporations, the manufacturers are always wanting this, that, and the other. It's not always what the dealership wants. So sometimes I can kind of see both sides and help my contacts on a consultant type of basis.So not only am I helping them try to get more customers in door, I can also help them with the problems they have, or sometimes, like I said, just talk with them and empathize with what's going on.TVI MarketPro3 Tools That Help Solve These ProblemsFirst and foremost, I think it's valuable, the reporting suite, but we call the control center. It kind of dives in and goes through the monthly results. And you can of course make it three months or six months. So you build value in that. And you also spend some time with your customer and looking at the ROs, looking at, we see this customer came in and we pull it up and we see that, you know, yes, they came in off of our marketing because they discounted or they applied the marketing material on the repair order. So the proof is in the pudding and that's one of the major tools. Another tool that we do is we review the results in a more of a macro picture over six months or over a year. And what tactic are we going to take going forward for 2024?We review, hey, what's good, what's not good, what can we go after that we don't have in reference to zip codes and demographics.NADA Show 2024?I think the grandness of it. You know, it's the one time so many people get together that are all in the same working group, whether you're a general manager or service director, but the common theme is selling and servicing cars. And so there's a lot of activities going on. There's a lot of vendors with interesting products. And so it was kind of a refreshing spike to your day to day. As a service director, fixed operations director, I went several times and one of them we were looking for a new DMS, i.e. Reynolds and Reynolds or CDK. And it was interesting, you know, how they were trying to propose and sell their software to us.Well, now I'm on the other side again, looking to hopefully impart our experience and knowledge and bring some new dealerships to the table. So I think I'm going to bring a net and I'm going to try and swoop people into our booth and spend a little time with them. So it'll be a challenge and I'm looking forward to it.TVI MarketPro3 and Eric HawkesI think dealerships should turn to TVI MarketPro3 because of the experience that we provide, one thing that we should do in the business is we would talk about how many years of experience we have in the shop. We would take the 25 technicians times how many years each technician has worked in the business and then come up with a number. And we'd say, you know, we have 350 years of experience working on cars come to us. Well, kind of the same thing, but we have years and multitude of dealerships that we've been doing this with. The bottom line, I firmly believe you have to market. It goes back to the, you can have the best mousetrap and it's sitting in your backroom workshop, but if no one knows about it, who's gonna buy it, who's gonna use it?So you have to get out there. You know, I know the McDonald's jingle, da-da-da-da-da, because they market it. It's always in your head, right? Ace Hardware, whatever it is, the point is a lot of these brands have been out for a long time, but they still have to market, still have to remind. We're kind of in the frontier of a lot of dealership groups that haven't heard of us. So it's that opportunity to see them, spend some time with them, and again, go back on our referrals, those who are on our program.

Dec 28, 2023 | 7 minute read

TVI MarketPro3 and Heather Gregg

How I Got My Fixed Ops Marketing StartI started my marketing career basically straight out of college. That's what my degree was in. I spent two years just kind of doing some graphic design for a small company in Texas. And then when I moved to the Memphis area, I got into fixed OPS marketing in 2000. So that's what I've been doing for the last 23 years, is fixed OPS automotive marketing.My Mission for My ClientsMy mission in working at TVI Market Pro 3 is to build long-term partnerships with my dealers. It's not just a relationship. I do see it as a partnership because if they don't succeed, I'm not succeeding. And I want to help them reach those goals. I want to be a partner who listens to them and to what their needs are and look for ways to meet those needs.My Greatest Challenge in Serving My ClientsI think right now, the most challenging part of what I do is helping dealerships navigate the demands from the manufacturer because those are always changing, and you have to be creative in making sure that the dealer is compliant with the manufacturer while also making sure that they have a marketing strategy that is effectively working for them.Sometimes the manufacturer goals are or not necessarily what the dealership's goals are, so trying to make sure that those meet with the dealership's needs are and finding a way for them to create a cohesive marketing strategy going forward that not only makes the manufacturer happy but then also helps the dealership meet their goals.Most Rewarding Part of My JobThe most rewarding part of my job is just the relationships that I have with my dealers, dealers that I've done business with for 20-plus years, their families, their friends. You know they've watched my kids grow up. I know what their kids are doing when they have gotten married, and one of my dealers became a US citizen while I was working with them, and just the fun life events. It's more than just a job; it is truly the relationships that I've built with my clients.Common Challenge Across All My Dealer ClientsThe most common challenge I'm seeing right now, it's kind of two-pronged, one that's always been there, which is the perception that the dealer is more expensive. That is a constant challenge that a dealership has had from the beginning of time. You're too expensive. It's not convenient. That has only gotten worse since post-COVID.Also, the balance of work is what I'm seeing more recently. Dealers have plenty of oil change work, but they have a lot. They don't have enough maintenance work, so their shop is busy but not busy, and what they want it to be busy with, you know, the higher dollar ROs and howHow I Personally Support My Clients in Solving These ProblemsWhat I have done to personally support dealers with some of these challenges is, in the perception that they are more expensive, I do a dare to compare marketing strategy which is calling around the independent shops and finding out what their oil change prices for the same vehicle. If it's the Chrysler dealership, look at a certain model and certain model year and make sure that I'm looking at apples to apples.And what I will do, is put that out in the marketing campaign for that dealer. Here's our oil change price, here's our competitor's oil change price. It is always less expensive at the dealership, and not only is it less expensive, but it's a higher quality service because of all the amenities, and the quality technicians, and the manufacturer backing. So I think that's a strong message to send to combat the perception that customers have that it's more expensive.As far as the balance of work, maintenance work versus oil changes, I will tailor their marketing strategies to send out, for instance, a happy hour special on slower days. I'm really slow on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Well, let's specifically send out a marketing message that's not $5 worth of oil change, but more a spend-and-save or a mix-and-match with transmission services and an engine diagnostic. But give a discount during those times to not only push those slower times on the service drive but also to push the maintenance work that they're looking for.TVI MarketPro3 Tools That Help Solve These ProblemsTVI has so many tools to help achieve those goals for the dealership. Not only do we have monthly marketing campaigns that go via mail and e-mail, but we also have digital marketing that a dealership can use that will specifically put out Google ads and Facebook ads that keep the consistency in their message.We have e-mail blasts that can go out at the slower times of the month when a dealership really needs to push certain days of work or times of the day that are really slow or maybe they have a big sale incentive coming up and they want to put that message out. So, it's a very timely, immediate tool that the dealership can use to increase some slower marketing time.So, for instance, right now, we're in the holiday season, and one of our biggest sellers is holiday cards that you can give to for different reasons. Some people do a sales and service special on there to split the cost. Some people will do a thank you to their current customers and look at people who have had service in the last 12 months, while others will use it as a conquest tool and go after inactive or lost customers to push this slower time of year.NADA Show 2024?I'm attending the 2024 NADA convention in January, and what I'm most looking forward to is, hopefully, meeting some of my clients who are going to make the trek to Las Vegas with me. And then, also seeing some upcoming trends in the fixed OPS industry so that I can further my knowledge and take that back to my dealerships.TVI MarketPro3 and Heather GreggDealerships should turn to TVI for their fixed OPS marketing needs because their success is our success. Me personally, I treat every client with that attitude. If you're not succeeding, I'm not succeeding No two dealerships are exactly the same, so you can't treat the marketing strategy the same. I will use every tool that TVI has to ensure that the dealerships who trust me with their business achieve the goals they've set.

Dec 13, 2023 | 5 minute read

Grow Your RO - Retention Challenges in Fixed Operations

Attracting new customers to the service department has always been a priority for car dealers, but keeping those customers coming back time and again is what really sets a dealership apart. Some of our esteemed dealer partners sat down with us to discuss retention and what helps them earn customer loyalty in fixed operations.Tom Miller - Parts & Service Director, Ourisman Ford of Manassas[They] haven't really changed as a whole; I think their expectations are about the same. I do believe there are some. They were going to be adding some pressure in that respect, and I think they backed off of that idea. But we still have a lot of customers that are working from home. They're not; they don't need to go back to the office. And I think that's going to be a long-term effect that we're going to have to deal with. Another reason we are expanding our pick-up and delivery services and we also are expanding mobile service to reach out to those people that just they don't need to go to work. So we'll just go to them and take care of their needs there. Our pickup and delivery grew considerably over the last eight months, so that leads to another problem. I don't have drivers available to really go get these cars like we would like. So we've had to resort to using Uber in a lot of cases to get a driver out to a customer to be able to pick up the vehicle and vice versa. So it's another challenge, but it's something we're striving to do to meet.Michaela Reardon - Service Manager, Checkered Flag ToyotaWe're we're still actually we're still faring quite well. We're in the top ten as far as retention within our district here at Checkers. And I mean, I believe part part of it, you know, is just due to the great customer care that we give. We have a lot of long term customers that even though they are driving less, they are still coming in to see us. And, you know, we're driving new customers in to see us that have never been here before. We stay in constant contact with our customers to the point that they say, 'hey, I'm not ready yet, I haven't driven enough Miles.' We're like, 'Well, that's great. Thanks. Thanks for checking in with us and we look forward to seeing you when your you know, when you get to the mileage or the time to come into service.' Even if you aren't driving, we need to see you at least once per year. We understand if you don't want to come in for that, what we call interval service, which is every 5000 miles, but we have to see it once a year.Rusty Gold - Service Manager, Ganley ChevroletYou know what? I use, GM has a system. I don't know who they use, but that's what I have to depend on is what they're looking at. And they tell me they see all of my job cards, so they can see that Mr. Face hasn't been back, and why. And then we can look when my rep comes in, we can talk about, it's like well look at the mileage. They're not driving anymore. They don't need. Anything.Andrew Nevling - Fixed Operations Manager, Great Lakes Honda WestWe use Xtime, we use... our DMS, Honda, have Honda link-based work reports. We go through there. I have my lost souls list. I have a BDC that pulls reports almost daily from my DMS to see who we haven't seen in over nine months to reach out to them. Beyond those metrics, it's hard for me because I have so many different avenues I have to go through to pull out info. If I had some sort of central database, somebody that I can go to and be like, Hey, I need somebody to go through my DMS and go through my interactive network, through Honda and pull the report and show, even if I can integrate somehow through Carfax or something to show sure were they going somewhere else? Why did I lose them? Can I bring them back as opposed to just pulling all the reports in multiple different areas?Chris Shillinger - Service Director, Metro ToyotaI mean, visits, retention, as we call it in the industry, a click. When the customer comes in, we get a retention click, and Toyota's all over that. So, I don't really have to have my own formula. Toyota lets me know once a week what my retention is. But you know, we have such a good customer base that I don't have a whole lot of problems. It's fallen off a little bit due to the fact that I'm getting more customers from other dealers, and, you know, it depends on when they come in, and they come in right now; I'm not going to get a second click on them, you know, So that makes it a little more challenging. But I'll take the extra work, you know? Sure. But yeah, that's how we measure it. Toyota, you know, measures it for me pretty much. And they let me know where my retention is and how we're doing.Ralph Wilson - President, Classic Buick GMCWell, we use your company for a lot of it. We can tell who's aging, who's missing, who's coming back after a period of time. So that's primarily what we use. GM has some metrics for us as well.Don Shaffer - Fixed Operations DirectorWell, you know, the manufacturers are kind of on over the board. You know, some of them are one visit within 12 months, others are two visits within 12 months. We're using their metrics to really gauge on on retention. And I think that they've adjusted some of their matrix because they know driving has changed. So CSI was always the biggest thing. And then a lot of manufacturers like Toyota went through. We're not really concerned about CSI. We're really concerned about retention. And, you know, with our auto group, where we're located at Pennsylvania is not that far away. A lot of people on that side will come to us because of our pricing or of our marketing. But getting them back in for routine maintenance is a struggle. I mean, even with our free maintenance programs that we put in with our used cars as well, if they're more than an hour away, they're not going to come to us for maintenance. So retention is kind of a struggle is we've got to take much better care of our customer, how we interact with them, the customers views of dealing with service in general when it comes to automotive, it's always kind of been negative. In today's day and age with videos everywhere and you know, a lot of people think that they know how to properly maintain their vehicle, but they come to us for a reason, and we have to show them and deliver that that type of expert service. Customers today, I think, want... even though everyone's fixated on their phone, I think when they actually go in for service, they want to have a relationship. They want to have an interaction, a positive interaction with somebody. So we have to make that happen because a lot of times, as we know in this industry, they come in with a very negative feeling and we have to accept that and do everything we can to change that. Positive interactions, positive customer experiences equals a customer wanting to stay with you and will equal higher hours per hour over a better ELR and more growth.Chad Blair - Fixed Operations Director, South Tacoma HondaYou know, this is a great topic. The only thing we really do go by it the factory Honda retention report. I'm not sure how accurate it is, but it is, you know, it's something that we have struggled with and want to continue to try to do better. I would love to have, you know, a non-factory, something that's integrated with our system that can, you know, report on a monthly basis. They can build a report to tell you retention. It's challenging, at least here, because we only have that one report to go on. And not to say that the factory reports are wrong, but we've done a lot of things, and you know, just the reporting you would think would follow it, and it hasn't much. So, at the same time, we are in an area that retention is one of the challenging points. We have a military base that's, you know, miles away. So, you know... anyone in the military is deployed will come and go. And it makes it challenging to retain them.Maribel Martinez - Service Manager, Volkswagen of KirklandI mean, I really feel that if somebody wants to come service their Volkswagen at our store, they're going to come to our store because they like us, because they like the work we do. And, you know, I hope that it's our service team that keeps them coming back because, I mean, we strive to do the right jobs each time. Yeah, just like anybody else. Government mistakes from time to time. We are humans, too. But when you make a mistake, it's also what you do to correct it and how you take care of it. You know, anytime we make mistakes, I want to make sure I'm involved. I want to make sure that I know what happened. I want to be involved in the solution. And I want to be the first one to apologize to that guest. You know, I don't want them to think that we're like purposely not taking the extra steps, not doing the right thing. You know, any time somebody does something that's not right, they're going to end up in my office, and they're going to talk to me about it. You know?

Dec 13, 2023 | 7 minute read

Growing Fixed Ops Teams from Within

A Quick Guide for Dealership LeadersNavigating team building in fixed operations is a complex task, yet the success of the fixed ops team is crucial for the dealership's overall sustained growth. And as dealerships continue to face staffing shortages, investing in education and cultivating talent from within is more important than ever. This style of team building ensures a skilled workforce and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.Implementing a strategic approach to growing your service department team from the ground up is invaluable for fixed ops managers. It will require removing your manager hat and putting on your teacher and mentor hat. However, the rewards are significant, contributing to individual career growth and the dealership's long-term success.Straight Out of the GateThe journey begins at the interview stage, where managers play a pivotal role in setting the tone for the dealership's culture and expectations. Beyond the typical interview questions, take the time to introduce prospective hires to the team, allowing them to immerse themselves in the dealership's unique atmosphere. Paint a vivid picture of the career path, providing a clear trajectory for upward mobility. Consider creating an engaging and visually appealing roadmap, complete with fun names for each skill level, adding an element of excitement to the journey. For example, the entry-level position could be dubbed "The Rookie," instilling a sense of camaraderie and shared goals from the start.The Winning RoadmapMotivation is the engine of employee development. Establish a comprehensive system that guides new hires and allows them to actively participate in steering their own career path. The roadmap should include attainable benchmarks and expected dates of completion for each skill level. For instance, reaching a certain proficiency might elevate a team member from "The Rookie" to "The Apprentice." This adds structure to the learning process and creates a sense of achievement and progression.Set Them Up for SuccessHigh expectations should be paired with ample opportunities for success. Designate specific daily learning time, pairing new hires with experienced mentors who can balance their work while patiently guiding rookies. Emphasize a well-rounded cycle of learning, repetition, and evaluation, with mentors providing constructive and documented feedback on technique, speed, and efficiency. Introduce themed training days or workshops to keep the learning environment engaging and dynamic.Huddle UpTeam cohesion is vital for a thriving fixed ops team. Conduct regular team huddles to integrate rookies into the group, fostering a sense of belonging. Beyond just operational discussions, these huddles should include team-building exercises and talks about the dealership's core values. Schedule individual meetings at predetermined points during training to recognize strengths, identify learning opportunities, and gather feedback on the training experience and their mentors. Consider implementing bonus prizes or recognition for outstanding performance, creating a positive and encouraging atmosphere. Something as simple as a gift card to a local restaurant can significantly impact the motivation front.Hybrid RookieAs your rookies progress, incorporate a hybrid approach to training. Allow new hires to continue learning while gradually working independently in areas of proficiency. However, caution against complacency, as a complete withdrawal from training can lead to stagnation and decreased motivation. Provide ongoing learning opportunities, such as advanced training modules or cross-training in different departments, ensuring that team members remain engaged and continue to expand their skill sets.Teaching Pro TipsAcknowledge that every task is a set of teachable skills. Break tasks into small, manageable bites or skills, and don't overlook the importance of detailing even seemingly routine tasks. Leaders should actively remember their own learning process and apply this empathy to their teaching methods. For example, when teaching a new technician, break down complex repairs into step-by-step procedures, allowing them to grasp each component before moving on to the next.Off-Season PlanningA successful training system requires consistent evaluation and refinement. But this system allows you to recruit new team members based on aptitude and personality, as the training plan will do the heavy lifting. Regularly review and update the training system to address evolving needs and industry changes. Consider conducting off-season training sessions during slower business periods to sharpen skills and introduce new techniques. Invite external trainers or industry experts to provide fresh perspectives and insights.Tunnel Vision and Hidden TalentManagers sometimes get caught in the grips of tunnel vision. It’s easy to focus only on the systems in place for hiring and training and completely overlook the potential right beside you. Dealerships are full of talented people eager for opportunity. All you have to do is pay attention. Watch the young porter who has been with the dealership for two years. He has a passion for cars and an extraordinary attention to detail. He also has a firm handle on the flow of the service department. TVI MarketPro3 fixed ops expert Robert Morris points out that these treasures often get overlooked for promotions. This young professional would “make an excellent Service Advisor,” says Morris.Your sales team may also have talent that is burned out with sales and looking for a fresh position. These team members often have natural customer service skills and have had the opportunity to develop strong sales skills. Rather than losing these individuals to another company, consider cross-training them to transition to a Service Advisor role.Game TimeInvesting in the growth of your fixed ops team from within is a strategic decision that pays dividends in a competitive market. By adopting a structured training approach, providing mentorship, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, dealership leaders can ensure the long-term success of their fixed ops departments. This commitment benefits individual team members and contributes to the overall success and reputation of the dealership within the automotive industry. As the team grows and excels, the dealership will be positioned as a leader in service excellence, attracting both customers and top-tier talent.

Nov 29, 2023 | 4 minute read

Managing Online Reviews for Dealership Service Departments

In the fast-paced world of today’s automotive industry, a dealership's reputation can help the fixed operations department to thrive or to get stuck in the struggle to get new customers. With the rise of digital technology and online reviews, mastering online reputation management has become a critical skill for dealership service departments.Online reviews have emerged as a powerful influencer of consumer decisions. For dealership service departments, online reviews provide prospective customers with a window into the quality of service and the overall customer experience. A stellar online reputation isn't just about attracting new customers; it's also about keeping existing ones coming back. Positive online reviews build trust and encourage customer loyalty. Fixed operations and overall dealership leaders must learn to effectively navigate the world of online reputation management.The Power of Online ReviewsAccording to a 2023 survey conducted by Power Reviews, when asked, “which of the following impacts whether you decide to purchase a product,” 94% of consumers pointed to ratings and reviews. There’s no doubt that social proof is a critical factor in your dealership's success.Online reviews aren't just testimonials; they are trust indicators. Customers trust what their peers have to say. Positive reviews can instill confidence, sway purchasing decisions, and help you stand out from dealer competitors and independent repair shops. Online reputation doesn't just affect your credibility; it impacts your visibility, too. Positive reviews can boost your local search engine rankings, ensuring that potential customers find you easily.The Review PlatformsTo master online reputation management, you must understand the landscape of review platforms. Review sites such as Google My Business, Yelp, Facebook, and other social media are where customers share their experiences. Taking ownership of your dealership's profiles on these platforms is crucial. An optimized profile with accurate information and appealing images can make a significant difference in attracting potential customers.Encouraging satisfied customers to share their experiences is a proactive approach to reputation management, but you must also have a plan for responding to online reviews. Implementing strategies like email and SMS campaigns can make the review process convenient for your customers.Managing Negative ReviewsUnhappy customers are inevitable, as are their consequential reviews, but how you respond to negative reviews can set you apart. Responding professionally and empathetically to negative feedback can turn a negative situation into a positive one. Don't view negative reviews as setbacks; see them as opportunities for growth. Address the root causes of issues mentioned in reviews and demonstrate your commitment to improving.Building a Review Generation StrategyConsistency is key in generating positive reviews. Develop a structured approach that ensures a steady stream of positive feedback that highlights your service department's excellence. Satisfied customers are your most potent advocates. Harness their goodwill to encourage positive reviews that reflect your outstanding service, and leverage technology to streamline the review generation process.Monitoring and Analyzing ReviewsOnline reputation management is not a set-it-and-forget-it task. Continuous review monitoring is essential to stay attuned to customer sentiment and address issues promptly. Several tools and platforms can simplify the process of tracking reviews. Explore these resources to monitor feedback efficiently and respond promptly to customer input. Reviews offer valuable insights into your service department's strengths and weaknesses. Learn how to extract actionable information that can drive continuous improvement.Employee Training and InvolvementYour employees, from dealership technicians to the service advisor, are the face of your dealership. Invest in their training to ensure they consistently deliver exceptional customer experiences that generate positive reviews. Empower your staff to take an active role in the review generation process. Encourage them to request reviews from satisfied customers, capitalizing on their positive interactions.Recognition and rewards can be powerful motivators. Therefore, let no good review go unnoticed. Implement a system to acknowledge and reward employees for their contributions to maintaining a positive online reputation.Legal and Ethical ConsiderationsNavigating the legal landscape of online reviews is crucial. Ensure that your reputation management efforts align with the policies and guidelines set by review platforms. Maintaining authenticity is paramount. Avoid unethical practices that can tarnish your dealership's reputation, and prioritize genuine customer reviews. Foster a culture of transparency and authenticity. Customers value genuine reviews, and by ensuring your dealership provides them, you'll build long-term trust.Prioritize Your Online ReputationRemember that your dealership's online reputation can make or break your success. It's a valuable asset worth nurturing. In your quest to master online reputation management, keep in mind that with dedication and effort, your dealership can shine brightly in the digital realm. Online reputation management is not a one-time task; it's an ongoing commitment.Dive in to TVI MarketPro3 for more industry insights.

Oct 23, 2023 | 4 minute read

Elevate Your Service Drive: The Power of Pre-Paid Maintenance Packages

The automotive industry has undergone significant transformation in recent years, presenting new avenues for dealerships to excel and adapt to changing customer needs, particularly in fixed operations. Pre-paid maintenance packages have emerged as a powerful tool for dealership service departments, enabling them to stay competitive, and ensure consistent revenue. Our TVI MarketPro3 team of fixed ops experts delve into the world of pre-paid maintenance packages, exploring their advantages, disadvantages, and best practices for implementation.The Pros of Pre-Paid Maintenance PackagesSteady Revenue Stream: One of the most significant advantages of offering pre-paid maintenance packages is the assurance of a predictable revenue stream. Dealerships can rely on a consistent influx of income from package purchasers, which helps stabilize their financial position and somewhat mitigates the seasonal fluctuations inherent in the automotive industry.Convenience and Peace of Mind: Package purchasers enjoy knowing that their vehicle's maintenance needs are covered. This peace of mind stems from the assurance that their car will receive regular servicing and necessary repairs, reducing the likelihood of unexpected breakdowns.Enhanced Customer Loyalty: Customers who invest in pre-paid maintenance packages tend to develop a solid loyalty to the dealership that offers them convenience and peace of mind. By providing comprehensive maintenance coverage, dealerships can strengthen customer relationships, fostering repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals. Prepaid maintenance policy holders are less likely to consider defecting to competing repair facilities, which further enhances loyalty and RO growth.Competitive Edge: In a fiercely competitive market, offering pre-paid maintenance packages can set a dealership apart from the competition. Customers are more inclined to choose a dealership that provides comprehensive service solutions rather than solely offering traditional pay-as-you-go options.The Cons of Pre-Paid Maintenance PackagesComplex Pricing Structures: Crafting pre-paid maintenance packages with the proper pricing structure can be challenging. This becomes even more complex for stores representing vehicle brands with varying maintenance schedules, oil types, and oil capacities from model to model. Dealerships must balance offering appealing packages and ensuring their financial sustainability.Customer Expectations: Package purchasers commit to a dealership for the agreed services and period. This commitment means they will have less patience for poor or mishandled service. Customers unhappy with a one-time paid service can take their business elsewhere. Prepaid customers don’t necessarily have that luxury since the dealership already has their money in hand. This commitment places even more pressure on the dealership to ensure every customer has a pleasant experience at every visit.Potential Overcommitment: There's a risk that dealerships may overcommit to services included in the packages, leading to higher-than-anticipated costs. Prepaid maintenance packages are sold based on parts, labor, and oil costs at the time of the sale. Customers coming in to redeem services years later will have the benefit of having paid for the services at prior year’s prices. But, the dealership still has to pay for the parts, oil, and labor at today’s prices. Vigilant monitoring and adjustment of package offerings are vital to mitigate this risk.Challenges with Profit Margins: Several experts maintain that these packages may not be highly profitable on a per-package basis. However, they stress that the real value lies in retention and long-term customer relationships.Potential for Additional Services: There is recognition that some dealerships might try to upsell additional services during routine maintenance, which could be a downside if not handled transparently. Thoughtful word tracks, training, and accountability are key to success.Best Practices for Dealerships Implementing Pre-Paid Maintenance PackagesThorough Market Research: Dealerships should conduct comprehensive market research to comprehend customer preferences, pricing sensitivities, and the competitive landscape. This information will aid in designing packages that resonate with potential package purchasers.Clear Package Offerings: Transparency is paramount when presenting pre-paid maintenance packages. Dealerships should delineate what each package includes, excludes, and other limitations.Pricing Flexibility: Provide a range of pre-paid maintenance packages to cater to diverse customer needs and budgets. Ensure competitive pricing while covering the costs of the services offered.Streamlined Administration: Invest in efficient software systems for managing package subscriptions, tracking service history, and scheduling maintenance appointments. Automation can reduce administrative burdens and enhance the customer experience.Consistent Service Quality: Maintain a high standard of service quality across all pre-paid maintenance packages—train staff to meet customer expectations and consistently deliver prompt and professional service.Regular Communication: Keep package purchasers informed about upcoming maintenance appointments, service updates, and any alterations to package offerings. Dealerships must also develop a way to track which customers have these packages and which do not and share this information with all marketing partners. Without accurate communication, prepaid maintenance policyholders may inadvertently receive service reminder marketing with coupons for maintenance they already purchased. This miscommunication will confuse and potentially devalue their perception of prepaid maintenance. Effective communication builds trust and loyalty.Wrapping it UpIn conclusion, pre-paid maintenance packages have the potential to boost dealership service departments by offering a range of benefits, albeit accompanied by challenges that require careful management. By adhering to best practices, dealerships can tap into this evolving trend, providing customers convenience and peace of mind while securing a reliable revenue stream for their business. In the ever-changing automotive landscape, pre-paid maintenance packages may be one of the keys to long-term success for dealership service departments.Visit TVI MarketPro3 for more industry insights.

Sep 15, 2023 | 4 minute read

How Dealership Service Departments Can Ride the EV Wave

More than forty Electric Vehicles (EVs) are on the market in the United States, and the list continues to grow. The inevitable expansion of the EV market has many fixed operations professionals wondering what the future will look like in their service drive. Some may even wonder how their service department will survive, much less thrive, with vehicles that tout low maintenance requirements.Don't let the EV wave intimidate you. EV immersion, combined with continued excellence in customer service, will result in a thriving service drive. Here's why: though EVs certainly don't have exactly the same needs as their internal combustion engine (ICE) counterparts, each has its manufacturer's service recommendations and still needs general maintenance throughout the vehicle's life.EVs Still Need Some TLCMaintenance intervals for EVs vary from one make to the next. Below is an overview of general maintenance recommendations that showed up on most EV manufacturer recommendations. Knowing these routine maintenance intervals for your target vehicles will help you effectively strategize and market to your potential EV customers.1. Every 5,000 to 10,000 Miles:- Tire rotation and inspection- Brake fluid inspection2. Every 15,000 to 20,000 Miles:- Cabin air filter replacement- Brake system inspection3. Every 20,000 to 30,000 Miles:- Battery system check (State of Health - SOH)- Cooling system inspection (if applicable)- Brake fluid replacement4. Every 30,000 to 40,000 Miles:- Brake pad replacement (depending on wear)- HVAC system inspection- Replace Tires: The majority of EVs are heavy and riding on large wheels with low profile tires. This is a recipe for accelerated tire wear and shortened tire life. Some may need replacement sooner.5. Annually or As Needed:- High-voltage system inspection and diagnostics- Software updates and diagnostics- Charging system inspection- Check and lubrication of hinges, locks, and latches6. Battery Maintenance:- Inspection of battery terminals- Cleaning of any corrosion- Testing of battery voltage and capacityCharging Ahead: Navigating the EV JourneyFixed operations professionals must adapt and evolve to remain current and relevant in the rapidly changing EV landscape. Everyone from the Service Managers to the Service Advisors down to the Technicians needs to be part of the following strategies:1. Education and Training: Invest in training programs for technicians to understand EV technology, components, diagnostics, and repairs. This training covers battery systems, electric drivetrains, regenerative braking, and high-voltage safety protocols.2. Specialized Certification: Obtain certifications related to EV maintenance and repair. Certifications from manufacturers and industry organizations can demonstrate expertise and build trust among EV owners.3. Upgrade Equipment and Tools: Equip the service facility with specialized tools and equipment for EV diagnostics and repairs. Such tools include high-voltage testing equipment, battery analyzers, and charging system tools.4. Battery Expertise: Develop specialized expertise in battery health assessment, repair, and replacement. Understand battery management systems and provide accurate SOH assessments to customers.5. Software Proficiency: Stay current with software updates and diagnostics for EVs. EVs rely heavily on software, so technicians need to be proficient in handling software-related issues.6. Charging Infrastructure: Set up charging infrastructure at the dealership to cater to EV owners' needs. Providing this additional service and convenience can attract more EV customers.7. Recycling and Disposal: Develop proper procedures for responsibly recycling and disposing of EV batteries and components. Demonstrate commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.Marketing Strategies to Resonate with the Growing EV Customer BaseDealership service departments can effectively customize their marketing to attract EV owners by focusing on the unique aspects of EV maintenance.Here are some strategies to consider:1. Educational Content: Create informative content on your website, blog, or social media platforms. The content should educate EV owners about the specifics of EV maintenance. Topics could include battery care, software updates, charging best practices, and the benefits of regular service. 2. Service Packages: Develop EV-specific service packages that highlight the unique maintenance needs of electric vehicles.3. Transparent & Competitive Pricing: Display clear and transparent pricing for EV services on your website and promotional materials.Dealers need to be competitive with tire (and other parts) pricing and availability to retain their EV owners as service customers.4. High-Voltage Safety: Emphasize your technicians' training and expertise in handling high-voltage systems, ensuring safety during repairs and inspections. Highlight the protocols in place to handle high-voltage components safely.5. Charging Infrastructure: If your dealership has charging stations, promote them as an added convenience while EV owners wait for service.6. Testimonials and Success Stories: Share experiences from satisfied customers who have benefited from your service department's EV expertise. Positive word-of-mouth can go a long way in attracting new customers.7. Certifications and Expertise: Highlight any special certifications or training your technicians have received for EV maintenance. More specifically, propping up your factory-trained technicians can build trust and credibility among potential customers.8. EV Workshops and Webinars: Organize workshops or webinars focused on customers learning more about EV maintenance. This type of engagement can also provide a platform for customers to interact with your technicians and ask questions.9. Regular Communication: Stay engaged with your existing EV customers through newsletters, emails, and social networks. Share tips, updates, and promotions related to EV maintenance to keep them engaged with your service department.10. Data Management: Leverage data analytics to monitor EV performance, customer preferences, and maintenance patterns. This data can help you anticipate and gear your services to customer needs.Electrifying ResultsBy tailoring your marketing efforts to address EV owners' unique needs and concerns, you position your dealer service department as a reliable partner for maintenance and repair needs. Top that off with an outstanding customer experience, and your dealership service department will quickly develop a reputation as a go-to destination for EV service and repair.Check out for more industy insights.

Aug 28, 2023 | 4 minute read

Grow Your RO: Supply Chain Issues

Supply chain issues have had a profound impact on the car repair industry, creating significant challenges and disruptions. With the global shortage of microchips and other essential automotive components, dealership service departments are struggling to acquire the necessary parts to fix vehicles promptly.This shortage has led to delays in repairs, increased waiting times for customers, and a surge in prices as the limited supply drives up costs. Additionally, the lack of available parts has forced repair technicians to find alternative solutions or workarounds. This supply chain ripple effect is affecting both businesses and consumers alike.Our dealer partners share their supply chain struggles and the solutions that have helped them to continue operating and best serve their customers.Tom Miller - Parts & Service Director, Ourisman Ford of ManassasIt's made it interesting, that's for sure. Supply chain is probably the worst issue we're dealing with right now, and it's probably the worst it's been in 30 years that I can remember. It started off with things as simple as gloves and [what] technicians need to work on cars to keep themselves clean and safe. We just couldn't get them. And the cost went through the roof, fighting back on that. But the long term effects of COVID and the supply chain issues, is just parts availability. The parts aren't there for us to get, and if you've got a car sitting here, you know, literally three, four, five weeks, three months, I've got ten vehicles right here waiting for one particular part and there's 55,000 on backorder nationally. So the factory stepping up production as fast as possible. But they are definitely falling behind. And on our level, we end up trying to, you know, provide customers alternate transportation to try to get some of that money back from Ford when cars are down. And then a lot of that comes out of out of us, and so, the cost of doing business these days.Michaela Reardon - Service Manager, Checkered Flag ToyotaHere are Toyota. We have been very fortunate. I mean, you mentioned cat converters. Absolutely. That being that there's a problem with theft on cat converters, and so they're getting getting those in is usually taking a good 30 to 60 days. But in general our supply chain has been just amazing. You know, there are other brands within our group who have cars down for weeks and months at a time waiting for parts. And thankfully that that's not our Toyota world.We've had a few minor back orders. We ran out of some AC filters for a short time, which seems very minor. We're just very thankful to have Toyota as our manufacturer and supplying our parts.Rusty Gold - Service Manager, Ganley ChevroletYou know what? That's a that's an everyday deal. It's a definite challenge. We don't have a good supply of new cars to have as my rentals, so we have a new challenge. Sometimes we just have to sit down with the customer and just tell them like it is. Your car is drivable, it's safe. The fact that your cruise control doesn't work, I can't give you a car waiting for that part. Some of these parts. I've got a cruise control, for instance. They're expecting the part in November, and there's nothing. And we're just some guy in the middle stuck. So I just have to sit down and talk to the customer and just say... and I try to get some kind of goodwill type tool to use to help them out. One girl I've gotten a car payment for. She's besides herself that she can't use her cruise control so. And I get it. I mean, she bought a new car and expects all those things to work And GM's saying we're looking at the first week in November to get that for her.So I think the solution is typically just communicate with the customer. As long as that car is safe to drive and then a lot of the people understand because I think a lot of people have gone to the grocery stores and seen empty shelves so they get it that we're not just telling stories. It's a reality that you just can't get these things. And I try to educate them that a lot of the suppliers that GM was using shut down during COVID and they're not coming back. So now GM is in the hunt.Andrew Nevling - Fixe Operations Manager, Great Lakes Honda WestSo we've had a lot of supply chain issues just in the back order parts. Before my back order parts list used to be maybe one page, and now I'm up to four to five. We're seeing a pretty big difference of what I can get and how quickly I get it now. So we have to be a little more creative in what we're able to do, whether it's going on the aftermarket world, trading with dealers for the parts they have in stock or what I have as opposed to what they need and sort of doing our best to circumvent it that way, to do whatever we can to help out the customer.A lot of it's open dialog amongst other dealerships and amongst even competing brands. We realize that our job is to keep the customer safe and keep them on the road. So the best thing that we can do is work with each other. And the end goal is as you happy customers and safe cars.Chris Shillinger - Service Director, Metro ToyotaI mean it's it's hard to get parts. You know, we were very fortunate for a while, but now we're starting to see it. There's just certain things I can't get. So it makes it tough. When the car is here, we want to fix it. And sometimes I can't because we don't have parts. They're not available.On certain things, we may give them a loner if the part is somewhere close that I can get it here quicker. And sometime we use aftermarket parts sometimes, but those are getting hard to get too. So most of the time we just ask for people to understand and, you know, most people understand what's going on in the world. So they get it. It's not just us, it's everywhere. So a lot of a lot of customers understand that helps a whole bunch. Like I said, we've been pretty fortunate, but now it's starting to become a problem because I can't fix cars. I have the technology and the staff and the techs to do it, to figure out what's wrong with the car, but I just can't get the parts to fix them. So it's hard on everybody because that's how that's how we pay our employees by the work that we do and in service all I have to sell is time. So if I can't get parts, that hurts.Wendy Capri - General Manager, Sunnyside ChevroletThe biggest problem is if it's a long wait for parts because of the supply chain, we don't have any rentals available. So the guest, if their car is drivable, we've asked them to keep the car until the part comes in. If it's not drivable, it becomes very challenging. Sometimes you have to go elsewhere. Ralph Wilson - President, Classic Buick GMCThe parts situation is the most critical. I mean, we just someone comes in and there may be a part of a car that's ten years old or one year old that all of a sudden it's not available. So you're either trying to trade the person out of the car or in the case of a new car, under warranty, you're putting them in a service loaner for extended periods of time. It's a problem. Don Shaffer - Fixed Operations Director, Volkswagen of Streetsboro. You know, Nissan, we're not that bad. Kia has loosened up some, but in Volkswagen world, it's really, really challenging. I mean, we have people out of their vehicles for 200 days. We had last year we had a car that celebrated birthday with us waiting on a turbo. It's been a very, very challenging thing to overcome because customers don't understand why we can't get parts when especially if it's a warranty thing, when they can look down the street and say, well, there's, you know, or something else, you know, I can get that part down the street. Why can't you get an axle? Well, because we've got to get it from Volkswagen in Germany. And it's just been really challenging. So that has been the biggest obstacle to overcome, I think this year.When it comes to factory parts, there isn't much we can do besides put stuff on a red alert, which other dealers are doing. We have a follow up program at Volkswagen where they have to follow up with the customer, at least keeping them in the loop. Customers are a little bit more acceptable of the delay as long as they're kept abreast of the situation, at least on a daily basis to begin with, until the customer says, just call me once a week.Maribel Martinez - Service Manager, Volkswagen of KirklandYeah, supply chain issues are definitely a thing that has affected us for a very long time. There's not much we can do to make it better, unfortunately. So, all we do is ask the customers to be a little more patient with us. I can't imagine that anyone in this day and age doesn't realize that, hey, we've had a pandemic. Things are a little slow. You're not going to find everything you want on the shelf when you go to the grocery stores. All these things affect us in the automotive world also. The only thing that kind of helps us out a little bit is if it's something that is failed on a vehicle and it's not a safety item, then we can at least walk the guess through that, kind of let them know that we understand their frustrations and that at least it's not something safety related. It's not going to have any ill effect on them or their family or anything. And then we just make sure that we follow up when that part comes in, get a call out to that guest and get that vehicle fixed.Chris Seaver - Parts & Service Director, Haley ChevroletSo it's as bad now as it's ever been. I can order a transmission today for a customer, an engine transmission, and I might see it in a month's time. But I think in terms of retention that the good the good part is everybody else is dealing with the same thing. So we got a phenomenal plant manager. Harlan is just dedicated to making sure that we're, you know, chasing all avenues when it comes to procuring parts that are hard to get. We're we're bound by the manufacturer to use GM parts, and we try to adhere to that as best we can because it's the manufacturing money that we get. But with that said, when something's going to take a couple of weeks, a month, we're going to give the customer an aftermarket option to get the car.Matthew Stradone - Parts & Service Director, Koons FordBut it's continuously changing because things become available that weren't, and things that were available drop off ,and you can't get them all of a sudden. And that's been the case for the last, you know, two plus years. And it's affected it in various different ways. I would say overall, just speaking with other people in the industry, I think we've been fortunate somewhat and, you know, vehicles being down, not drivable, waiting on parts, While it does happen, it's not as frequent, like I said, as what I've heard from others in the industry. So I feel like we've done a decent job with it. But it even boils down to just supplies for the shop, you know, washer fluid or I mean, for a while latex gloves for my technicians. I mean, we're scrambling, going everywhere and anywhere to just get gloves so our guys can protect their hands in the shop, nitrile gloves, latex gloves, all of that. So it's really been across the board. It affects every aspect of the business.

Jul 10, 2023 | 9 minute read

Growing Your Automotive Service Team

Building a strong automotive service team is crucial for the success of any dealership. However, attracting and retaining top talent in the highly competitive automotive industry can be challenging.TVI MarketPro3 confers with dealer leaders throughout the country to learn what their greatest challenges are. Attracting and retaining skilled technicians and service advisors consistently makes the top of the list. You'll need practical and effective strategies to help you grow and strengthen your automotive service team.Understanding the Automotive Service Industry Landscape:Before delving into talent acquisition strategies, you must gain a comprehensive understanding of the current state of the automotive service industry. The demand for skilled team members remains consistently high in the auto repair industry. This demand creates a fiercely competitive market for talent. Recognizing the industry landscape and its unique challenges will better equip you to attract and retain top talent.Attracting Top Talent to Your Dealership:Developing a compelling and attractive employer brand to attract skilled professionals to your dealership is crucial. Highlight your dealership's values, culture, and benefits to create a positive image that sets you apart. Emphasize the career growth opportunities available within your organization and showcase comprehensive training programs that provide continuous learning and development.Utilizing online job boards and leveraging social media platforms can significantly expand your talent pool. Building solid relationships with local vocational schools and technical institutes will also help your dealership get in front of future technicians.Retaining Top Talent in Your Automotive Service Team:While attracting talent is essential, retaining skilled professionals is equally critical. Creating a positive work environment that fosters employee satisfaction and engagement is significant in long-term retention. Encourage teamwork and collaboration by promoting open communication channels and team-building activities. Recognize and reward high-performing employees through incentive programs, performance bonuses, and public acknowledgment.You can further solidify your position as a top employer by offering competitive compensation and benefits. These packages should include attractive salary structures, health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks. Additionally, provide ongoing training and professional development opportunities. Continuous education helps employees feel supported and highlights their opportunities for growth within your organization.Enhancing Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction:Engaging and motivating your automotive service team is vital for long-term retention and productivity. Establish effective communication and feedback channels. Regular team meetings and performance reviews ensure open lines of communication and provide guidance for improvement.Encourage ownership and autonomy by involving employees in decision-making processes. Giving them input on matters that affect their roles and responsibilities helps them take ownership of dealership performance.Provide continuous learning and development opportunities through technical training programs and soft skills development. Additionally, encourage work-life balance by providing flexible scheduling options that accommodate personal commitments. As TVI MarketPro3’s Nick Shaffer explains it, “work-life balance should play a key role in talent acquisition as well as retention strategies. Dealerships who are currently having success in both talent acquisition and retention strategies consistently offer attractive life-work balance policies.” Shaffer emphasizes the following areas dealerships should include in these strategies:~ 4 day work weeks.~ Benefits starting on day one rather than after a probationary period.~ Larger PTO opportunities than competitors.~ PTO starting on day one.~ A culture where when you're "off" work, work doesn't follow you home.Leveraging Technology to Support Talent Acquisition and Retention:Technology can significantly aid talent acquisition and employee retention efforts within your dealership. Utilize applicant tracking systems and HR software to streamline recruitment processes, efficiently manage applications, and track candidate progress. Maintain a comprehensive record of employee achievements, performance reviews, and ongoing development plans. Implement digital training platforms and resources to provide convenient and accessible learning opportunities for employees.Conclusion:Growing your automotive service team requires a comprehensive and strategic approach that focuses on attracting and retaining top talent. By developing an attractive employer brand and implementing effective recruitment strategies, you can successfully attract new team members. A positive work environment, competitive compensation and benefits, and ongoing training will increase employee loyalty. This combination of strategies will ultimately drive dealership success in the service department.

Jul 10, 2023 | 3 minute read

Staffing Issues in Fixed Operations - Part 3

Apprenticeship Programs for Continued Growth in Fixed OpsApprenticeship programs play a vital role in fostering continued growth in Fixed Ops, providing aspiring technicians with hands-on training, practical experience, and mentorship from seasoned professionals. By offering a structured learning environment, apprenticeships cultivate the next generation of skilled workers, addressing the industry's talent shortage and ensuring the provision of high-quality automotive services. These programs also enable individuals to develop a deep understanding of emerging technologies, keeping the Fixed Ops sector adaptable and competitive in an ever-evolving automotive landscape. Here's what our dealer partners are doing in their service departments to encourage the progress of their technician team.Michaela Reardon – Service ManagerWe hire our service advisers exclusively, people who have no serviceselling experience. We like to hire people who have customer service skillsor people who have sold other things. And then we put them through a four-week training class with our corporate trainer, teaching themall of our processes here that we have at Checkered Flag. During that process, they visit our different locations, shadow with our experienced staff, so they can see what the day-to-day job is going to entail. And then we pair them with an experienced consultant to be in there on-the-job training on the first drive. We do all of it in-house.Chad Blair – Fixed Operations Director:I don't think that there's any better way of getting someone through here rather than having someone who's been trained by the the Honda Process. You know, they already have a basic knowledge of the technical side of things. And the cool thing we've been doing is having them work here part time while they're in school. So then when they graduate school, they end up being in here full time and they're ten steps ahead of everybody.Maribel Martinez – Service Manager:Something that this store started doing this year is we started a mentoring program. So basically what we do is we take someone that has, you know, a decent amount of automotive knowledge and we just help train them up, send them to schools, pay for their training.We put them with a master technician, so that they can have someone overseeing the work that they're doing. So this way they don't just make silly mistakes. They're going to make a mistake. Their senior person is there to help them to correct the errors and help the technicians learn. So this way they grow. And hopefully, you know, the thought and theory is that they're going to become flat rate technicians eventually and then we just grow them again.Tom Miller – Parts & Service Director:I think we've been more aggressive in entry level positions and trying to train some kids up. We've got a good relationship with C.D. Hylton High School right now. It's producing some good solid kids coming out of there and they're looking to expand their knowledge so they get the basics just coming out of high school we can grab them before they, you know, wander off to other areas.And in conjunction with that, we have our own mentorship. It's a tier system now. We put them with the lead technician, they shadow them. And as they increase their training and knowledge on the job, we we advance them, we give them a clear, expectation, I guess, or a clear path of what they should expect. Then at least they know there's something down the pipe, and then the education. We offer education through Ford Motor Company that is 100% free, paid by Ford and us as well. And then in conjunction with that, we send them when we send them out to school, to Ford, we pay for their expenses, we pay them while they're in school, so it's a pretty good deal.Chris Seaver – Parts & Service Director:And so what typically happens is we we have someone from the high schools, the local high schools reach out. Hey, I've got I've got somebody that needs an apprenticeship location. So I'll set them down in my shop foreman and we'll talk to them hoping that it's something that this young man or young lady wants to do permanently as a vocation.And so we will hire them. Having spent a year under the shop foreman. And then once they're out of high school, put them online as an hourly tech. You put them on flat rate too early, they get discouraged cause they can't do things very fast. They don't have the knowledge base that some of the older guys have. So after three years we put them on flat rate.Matthew Stradone – Parts & Service Director:The biggest deal is getting the entry level technicians and giving them a path and training process to follow so that you can grow them. And ultimately I feel like you build the most loyal technicians and it's easier to retain technicians that way because they're starting with you. They're learning your processes, they're learning your ideas, and they're really practicing what you're teaching now. So ultimately, I think that's been our success.Wendy Capri - General Manager:We do have a technician back there who is basically everybody's mentor, and he's agreed to stay on part time to hopefully do that more than actually turn.Don Shaffer - Fixed Operations DirectorAll of our maintenance technicians when they come in. Part of what they do on a weekly basis is they will go and work with the more experienced technicians to learn on doing proper NPIs and start getting them into doing some more of the maintenance services, the lower skilled level where they're actually capable of doing it. We know obviously that the quality is going to be right.

Jun 21, 2023 | 4 minute read

Innovative Technologies for Fixed Ops

Today's highly competitive fixed ops industry requires dealerships and their service managers to revolutionize the customer experience. It is essential to embrace innovative technologies to stay ahead of the curve. By leveraging multiple cutting-edge solutions, businesses can truly transform customer interaction.Online Appointment SchedulingOnline appointment scheduling has reformed the way customers and service advisors interact and offers a multitude of benefits. Both service advisors and customers benefit from the ease of online appointment scheduling.A Win-Win SituationFor customers, the convenience of being able to schedule appointments anytime, anywhere is invaluable. No longer bound by traditional phone calls or limited operating hours, customers can seamlessly browse available time slots to secure appointments. The flexibility saves them time and effort and enhances their overall experience with a hassle-free booking process.Service advisors can significantly reduce the time spent on phone calls and administrative tasks when they transition to digital platforms. This newfound efficiency allows them to dedicate more attention to providing personalized customer service and addressing specific needs during each appointment. Online scheduling platforms often offer automated reminders and notifications, which minimizes the chances of missed appointments.Features and FunctionalityOnline scheduling platforms offer many features and functionalities to streamline the appointment booking process. These platforms offer intuitive interfaces that allow customers to browse service options and select preferred dates and times. Some even allow the customer to choose specific service advisors. Real-time availability updates ensure that customers only see open slots, reducing the possibility of double bookings.For service advisors, online scheduling platforms provide comprehensive appointment management tools. These tools enable them to view and modify schedules, assign appropriate resources for each appointment, and track service capacity. Some platforms may also integrate with customer databases. This integration allows service advisors to provide personalized service based on previous interactions or vehicle history.Digital Vehicle Inspection ToolsDigital vehicle inspection tools are game-changers in the fixed ops industry. These tools offer a range of advantages for both service advisors and customers alike. They most notably bridge the gap of communication to form trusting relationships.Advisor AdvantageThese tools provide a streamlined and efficient process for conducting vehicle inspections. Service advisors can ditch the pen and paper for smartphones or tablets to capture and record inspection data in these applications. This process eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the chances of errors or missed information.What's more is digital inspection tools enable service advisors to generate professional and comprehensive inspection reports directly from their devices. These reports can include detailed findings, recommended services, and pricing information. Advisors can customize the reports with the dealership branding and share them with customers via email or text message.Customer ImpactCustomers also benefit, receiving increased transparency and gaining trust in the inspection process. With mobile vehicle inspection tools, customers can receive visual documentation of their vehicle's condition. This makes it easier to understand and validate recommended repairs or maintenance services.Customers can make more informed decisions regarding their vehicle's needs by having access to real-time inspection reports and visual evidence. The added transparency enhances customer confidence in the service department and fosters a stronger customer-advisor relationship.Customer Relationship Management (CRM) SystemsCRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems play a crucial role in effectively managing customer interactions in the fixed ops industry. These systems provide a centralized platform that captures and organizes vital customer information. By having a comprehensive view of each customer's journey, service advisors can provide personalized and tailored experiences.Why and How it HelpsCRM systems enable service advisors to track customer inquiries and appointments. They can also follow up to ensure no communication or task falls through the cracks. This holistic approach to customer interactions allows service advisors to anticipate needs, provide proactive support, and build stronger relationships.Additionally, CRM systems facilitate data-driven decision-making. They enable General Managers and Fixed Ops Directors to identify trends and track customer feedback. The data collected helps to implement targeted marketing campaigns, driving business growth.Vehicle Tracking and Status UpdatesVehicle tracking systems play a vital role in service departments by significantly enhancing transparency and communication between service departments and customers. These systems utilize GPS and telematics to track the real-time location and status of vehicles undergoing service.Enhanced Transparency and CommunicationBy sharing this information with customers, vehicle tracking systems provide transparency and visibility into the progress of their service. Customers can easily check the status of their vehicle, including estimated wait times and completion updates. This level of transparency helps to alleviate uncertainties and anxieties, fostering trust and confidence in the service process.Proactive ApproachAdditionally, vehicle tracking systems enable service advisors to proactively communicate with customers, providing timely updates and addressing any concerns. This improved communication leads to a smoother service experience, reduces misunderstandings, and strengthens the overall customer relationship. Ultimately, vehicle tracking systems streamline operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and promote a more transparent and efficient service environment.Augmented Reality (AR) for Service DemonstrationsAR has transformed service demonstrations in the fixed ops industry, providing a dynamic and immersive experience. By leveraging AR technology, service advisors can showcase repair procedures, parts replacements, and maintenance tasks in a virtual and interactive manner.AR-powered applications also help customers visualize and understand complex service processes by overlaying digital information onto the real-world environment. This visual representation enhances customer engagement and comprehension. They can see detailed step-by-step instructions, animations, and even virtual components superimposed onto their vehicle.AR also facilitates better communication between service advisors and customers, as they can discuss and collaborate on the same virtual platform. AR empowers service advisors to deliver clear and concise explanations, build trust with customers, and provide a superior service experience.Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Personalized ServiceArtificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized personalized customer experiences in the fixed ops industry. With AI, parts and service directors can analyze vast amounts of customer data, including service history, preferences, and behavior patterns. AI-powered systems can then utilize this information to tailor interactions and recommendations to individual customers, providing a highly personalized experience.AI algorithms can proactively suggest relevant maintenance services based on a customer's make, model, and mileage. These vehicle details ensure advisors provide timely and targeted recommendations. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants further enhance personalization by providing instant and customized responses to customer inquiries.Whether scheduling appointments, answering service-related questions, or providing updates, AI allows the service team to give adequate attention to face-to-face customers. By leveraging AI, fixed ops businesses can also create tailored experiences that cater to customers' unique needs and preferences.Embracing the Future of Fixed OpsIn conclusion, today's fast-paced and customer-centric market requires service department leaders to embrace innovative technologies. And dealerships must integrate these technologies to succeed in the dynamic and ever-evolving fixed ops landscape.

Jun 21, 2023 | 5 minute read

Staffing Issues in Fixed Operations - Part 2

How do you attract new team members?Attracting and keeping a strong team is an ongoing battle for dealership service departments. Check out the innovative strategies some TVI MarketPro3 partners have implemented over the years to entice technicians and other personnel to join their team.Michaela Reardon – Service Manager:When we do hire our valets, we do let them know at the time of the interview that this is the entry level position. You are not stuck in this position forever, and that we are looking at them to fill other positions within the organization if they are interested. So yes, what we call our our service consultant trainee, the in-house training that we do, we definitely pick from our pool of valets, and they have turned out to be great service consultants. They also, we've had a lot of success moving them into the technician role, beginning on our express team and then into an apprentice role and then into a flat rate technician. So those are both career paths. We've also had valets go on to work in our parts department as well.Chad Blair – Fixed Operations Director:The biggest thing that I let our guys, the applicants know and our new employees know is how strong our team is. You know, just the environment. I think that's really important, especially the new hires, is... it's not an environment where you're walking on eggshells or it's not a cutthroat environment where you're, you know, everyone's out for everyone.We work as a team. It's fun, you know, But at the same time, we're growing. There's a lot of opportunity to move up within the business. If you put in your time and, you come in here with solid work ethic and self drive.One of the programs that I work close with is the Honda Pact program. I've actually reached out and talked with the program instructor, and I invited him in here to watch my process to get to know my guys. And this is on the express side of things because I think it's important to have a close contact with someone like that, so when they are finishing school or even while they're in school, they have a go-to place.I don't think that there's any better way of getting someone through here rather than having someone who’s been trained by… the Honda Process… they already have a basic knowledge of the technical side of things.And the cool thing we've been doing is having them work here part time while they're in school. So then when they graduate school, they end up being in here full time and they're, ten steps ahead of everybody. So having a close relationship with a program like that that's close to you is a huge benefit on every level, in my opinion. The biggest thing that I let these guys know is that we want you to grow within the company. We want to send you to school, and just the sky's the limit. It depends how much you want to work for. Maribel Martinez – Service Manager:Right now, I have two other young men that are coming to me from Lake Washington Technical School. They are both in the automotive program. I had one young man that's already worked for me for six months. He had another classmate that unfortunately, he worked at a different dealership, which we will not name, and he was not treated fairly. They basically used him kind of like your go-for, like do all the crap work and stuff. And they weren't teaching him anything. So the easy way to get someone like that team is [to say] “hey, come here, we train you. We will factory train you, we will send you to school. We will pay for that schooling.”So now suddenly you're giving someone a reason to want to come here because they're going to get something out of it. Above and beyond the schooling that the individuals are already paying for, they know they are now in a position where they're going to have some further training, which is going to be actual factory training, which will help them specialize in our brand.Tom Miller – Parts & Service Director:We've been looking for some alternate scheduling. Some people just can't, or don't want to work 8 hours a day or don't want to work, you know, 7 to 6 that's normally required in this industry, go into some part time things, alternate schedules and maybe even four day schedules, things we're looking at.It'll give us an opportunity to pick up some people that couldn't work, you know, maybe full time, you know, people who are still in school or have other obligations. We're open from 7 to 7 during the week and we've got guys that start at seven. We got guys who don't come in until eight and they work accordingly. You know, they don't when they when they start, that's when they finish. And, you know, guys again, want to work part time, we're flexible to that.Chris Seaver – Parts & Service Director:We take care of our people. We pay them well. We try to manage their workload in terms of, you know, we give the appointment scheduling to someone else. We try to make sure that they're not on the phone all day so that they can, you know, do their job in terms of selling and dispatching and try to balance their duty. So we try not to overload them and we pay them really well and then they're happy being here. It's a good family-run company. I work with schools and the tech centers and they'll send me, you know, one or two here and there, and maybe out of six or seven that we hire and train, one might stay with me. We have a generous sign-on bonus program. If I look at hiring a technician and he's got some skill, offer up to a $5,000 sign-on bonus.Generous pay, I probably pay as high as anybody in the industry right now. We will hire these young people and let them know we'll pay for a starter set of basic tools. And if you're here for two or more years, the tools are yours.Matthew Stradone – Parts & Service Director:We really kind of fit in with wherever we can, so we work with a lot of different schools between Lincoln Tech, UTI, local programs, anything we can get ourselves into. Ford has a good program at Catonsville Community College through the ASSET program there, so we've kind of utilized any avenue that we can to find technicians.What I would tell you is, the biggest deal is getting the entry level technicians and giving them a path and a training process to follow so that you can grow them. And ultimately, I feel like you build the most loyal technicians, and it's easier to retain technicians that way because they're starting with you. They're learning your processes, they're learning, you know, your ideas and and they're really practicing what you're teaching them. So ultimately, I think that's been our success.Experienced technicians that come in, they're not necessarily looking for the roadmap as much as when they come in the door, you give them the tools that you tell them that you will. You know, when we say, hey, we'll get you certified, we'll get you set up for training, and we do it. Rusty Gold – Service Manager:Most of it is just the team spirit. I try to allow a lot of freedom to these guys. I do not micromanage my guys and I think they like that as far as coming to work, they like who they work with. I try to keep the chemistry of my people very happy and I think most of the guys like coming to work here. So I think it's all just the atmosphere.Dollar-wise? You know, we're competitive, but I don't do anything crazy money-wise. I think it's more of just a comfort zone. I'm a big family guy, so if they've got kids, it's a perfect place to work because if they've got Donuts with Dads, I'm going to make sure they're there. I'm not going to force them to be at work when they should be with their family.Tri-C has an excellent program, it's called ASEP, that is a GM-backed program and being on the advisory board, I get to have first pick so we get a great pick of who's coming up. And same thing with the high school level. I try to get those kids in here in the summertime just to get a feel for what they're about. Get them used to the store and then hopefully promote them on to the Tri-C program.They've been working excellent. I have got, I believe I've got seven ASEP graduates here right now. I've got one that just graduated last year. I've got a gentleman that's just starting this fall in the program that I picked up from the Polaris Vocational School, so it works. Andrew Nevling – Fixed Operations Manager:So a lot of shops, you'll see they have big sign on bonuses and they promise people the world. Our shop is we're very open, we're very honest. It's a family atmosphere here. Everybody knows each other. They know each other's spouses, they know each other's kids. A lot of people are excited to come to work. Once they come in and see the flow of the shop and meet the people we work with, they realize that they're comfortable here. This is where they want to be. And it's just the team atmosphere is the biggest and I guess a perk that we have here where people want to be here and they learn and there's huge opportunities for growth.Chris Shillinger – Service Director:I'm just very fortunate right now. I got a great set of techs and I've got several in the wing that want to come here and work so I mean, right now. I don't have to do a whole lot to incentivize them. They want to come here and work. So I'm pretty fortunate. I don't know if it will be that way forever. Techs are hard to find, but I've got a great bunch of techs.Wendy Capri – General Manager:We just keep running ads through Hireology. We run some local ads from the local paper. That didn't really bring much. Hireology is helping. I also have some Facebook ads that's also gotten us a few technicians. We are looking at maybe some hiring bonuses or signing bonuses. I am careful with that because sometimes you have someone that you've had for 25 years, and they say, "that guy just got this, and I've been with you this long," so we have to be really careful. It's again, a tightrope right now. Ralph Wilson – President:Well, I don't know that we do anything special to incentivize them to come here. We feel we have one of the best programs around. Our pay scale for flat rate technicians is excellent, I think the best in the area. So sometimes word of mouth gets out there, but there's a huge shortage of the flat rate technicians. The other way is, we go to the trade schools looking for a prospective candidate that we can bring in at the journeyman level, that's that's our best source of our future mechanics is to bring them in as an apprentice and work them up through journeyman.Actually, about the only thing that we've done we've had some success with is actually incentivizing our employees, our own employees, to encourage people to come here and apply for a job that they know, and they come. And we've had some success with that. Sure.

May 26, 2023 | 8 minute read

Decreased Car Sales and the Impact on RO Counts

Words like Covid, pandemic, or chip shortage tend to cause a visceral reaction for many. However, they continue to be necessary discussion topics for fixed operations professionals. The past few years have had a lasting impact on service drives across the United States.Auto sales fell off a cliff in the early months of the pandemic and were slow to recover. Overall vehicle sales still dangle below pre-pandemic levels. This slow-moving trend continues to significantly impact fixed operations, particularly regarding Repair Order counts.High Prices and Rising Interest RatesHigh prices are among the most influential factors contributing to decreased car sales. Car prices have been rising for years, and the pandemic has only worsened the problem. The chip shortage caused supply chain disruptions, leading to lower inventory levels on dealer lots and higher vehicle prices. As a result, many consumers cannot afford a new car or truck.Another factor contributing to decreased car sales is rising interest rates. The Federal Reserve has gradually increased interest rates in recent years, which is expected to continue. Higher interest rates make it more expensive for consumers to finance a new car, which can deter them from purchasing.Impacts on Fixed Operations LeadersThese factors have combined to create a challenging environment for the auto industry, particularly fixed operations leaders. With fewer cars sold, fewer opportunities exist to bring those cars into the service department for repairs and maintenance. The slowdown leads to lower RO counts and reduced revenue for the dealership.A recent J.P. Morgan article projects a decline in the average transaction price of a new vehicle "by around 2.5% to 5% year-over-year in 2023." While this remains higher than pre-pandemic levels, it should encourage a slow but steady increase in car sales. But this increase will still take time to positively impact the number of repair orders coming through dealership service departments.Strategies for Boosting RO CountsSo, what's a service manager or fixed ops leader to do when organic business isn't flowing in? So many dealerships have led with innovation over the past few years out of the pure need to survive. The same out-of-the-box thinking will be vital to continue fixed ops growth during these slower-than-average times.Customer Retention in the Age of Decreased Car SalesOne potential solution to this problem is to focus on increasing customer retention. Providing exceptional service and building solid relationships will encourage customers to return to the dealership for future repairs and maintenance. Doing so can help to offset the impact of decreased car sales.Strong customer relationships start when dealerships focus on providing personalized service that meets each customer's unique needs. Service departments should offer flexible scheduling options and transparent pricing to entice customers to return. Convenient amenities, such as shuttle service or loaner cars, should also be considered.Dealerships should also leverage technology to improve the customer experience. Online appointment scheduling, text message updates, and mobile payments make it easier and more convenient to do business.Tighten Up Loose EndsDealership leaders can also explore ways to reduce costs and increase efficiency within the service department. This might include investing in new technology and tools, streamlining processes, and optimizing staffing levels. Dealerships can maximize their revenue by running an efficient operation to help maintain profitability in a complex environment.Diversifying Service Offerings to Boost RevenueAnother potential solution is to diversify the services offered by the service department. For example, some dealerships now offer aftermarket accessories and upgrades, such as performance parts, custom wheels, and interior upgrades. By expanding the range of services provided, dealerships can attract more customers and generate additional revenue.Meaningful Marketing StrategiesThe question is, how does the lack of sales affect the service department? The answer is straightforward: the car buying experience is the customer gateway to the dealership service department.Without seeking and purchasing a new car, customers wouldn't know that some dealership car repair and maintenance options exist. The exposure, messaging, and offers they get when they purchase a vehicle all have them returning for service.The follow-up question is, why not reach new customers using the aforementioned strategies? A service department must reach out and find the right customer. Dealers should focus on attracting new customers. Relying solely on the sales team to bring them to the service drive is not enough.Finding this customer may sound challenging, but using the right marketing strategies makes this process efficient and effective. It's all about knowing who lives near a dealership and drives the same make of vehicle but has never been in for service. Once dealerships find these customers, the right message must land in their mailboxes, inboxes, and social feeds. Ideally, the message reaches them right before they need their upcoming oil change or other services.A fixed operations marketing company like TVI MarketPro3 knows how to find and attract these exact customers. Reach out to learn how to Grow Your RO despitereduced vehicle sales.

May 22, 2023 | 4 minute read

Staffing Issues in Fixed Operations - Part 1

What staffing issues are you facing?Staffing shortages are not new to Fixed Operations leaders, but the last few years have posed unique challenges for dealership service departments. We met up with some of our dealer partners to hear the challenges they’re facing.Hear it from the pros:Michaela Reardon – Fixed Operations Director:We have experienced staffing issues, thankfully not on the technician side, but on the entry-level side of our valet staff. Our dealer group has had some staffing issues in our call center, which, when that's the first point of contact with the customer, it's critical to get those positions filled. As an organization, we have 70% retention–that would be across the company in all positions. Now, certainly, entry-level positions do tend to change more often than, say, a technician one.Chad Blair – Fixed Operations Director:We definitely have lost some express technicians, mainly just because, you know, they've got a good amount of training here and are being offered technician roles elsewhere, which I understand. But the challenging part is that I'm still looking for more technicians.Maribel Martinez – Service Manager:I definitely have had some staffing issues on my front line, more so than in my shop. I've had a much harder time trying to find a person for my business development center, and I've had a tough time trying to get service advisors. We hopefully will be looking for just one more to make our team complete. But, I would much rather have a full staff than be trying to run around with two or three service writers is horribly difficult. We did it for a short minute because unfortunately, some people were sick, COVID and all that, but it was probably one of the hardest couple weeks we've ever had around here.Tom Miller – Parts & Service Director:So we are experiencing shortages and pretty much every position is fixed operations technicians, cashiers, porters, service advisors, parts countermen, you name it. We need more of it. It’s twofold. I think our growth is causing part of that, and the other issue is just the environment we're living in right now.Chris Seaver - Parts & Service Director:Technician. That's primarily where we're deficient. I mean, service writers, we don't have any problem with that. That's, rarely do we have any turnover there. The last bit of turnover we had was one of my guys [getting] promoted within the group. I don't see …a lot of young people getting in the field right now, less than they used to be.So, when they get in the field, they want to be paid right out of the gate what the veterans are making, and they don't know anything. Everybody seems to want to run off to college and not get into these fields anymore for some reason. And I think that's electrical, HVAC, plumbing, mechanics. So, we're fortunate that we have 16 techs back there, but we can always use more.Matthew Stradone - Parts & Service Director:That really has affected everything from valets, porters, to technicians, to advisors, to any support staff role really. Our parts personnel, it's across the board. The technician shortage has been happening for years. We've been pretty fortunate compared to others in the technician area. Finding new technicians is always very difficult and has been for a long time.But the technology and automotive vehicles today, you know, we need people, we need new people. We need people that want to learn, that understand electrical, all of those things, that gap between technicians where we have our older technicians that are the most experienced guys out there that have worked on cars for the last 35 years. They're getting close to retirement age or at retirement age. And then you have a gap where you don't have a lot of people that were interested in that role.Rusty Gold – Service Manager:Staffing is always an issue. Technicians are hard to come by, and good ones, that's the problem. I try not to hire poison, so I try to hire good people. And typically, good people are good where they're at, so they're not really looking. So, you got to kinda keep on networking.Andrew Nevling – Fixed Operations Manager:During the height of COVID, we had a lot of people that were afraid to come to work, and, you know, we had less people traveling. So obviously, our workload dipped here a little bit. But now we're seeing everybody's getting back into the swing of things. You're getting over two years in, and we're definitely getting the staffing back to where it was a couple of years ago.Chris Shillinger – Service Director:The lube techs are my biggest challenge at the moment. I got a great set of techs, you know, I've got great advisors, but the lube techs, at the moment, are an issue, you know, there isn't a whole lot of them out there.Wendy Capri – General Manager:Every area. Mostly in mechanical and body.Ralph Wilson – Dealer President:We cannot find trained technicians. Salespeople are still hard to come by and hard to retain. Our service porters, lot porters, telephone receptionists, very hard to find.Don Shaffer – Fixed Operations Director:Technicians, mostly. You don't see a lot of--right now–you don't see a lot of more experienced technicians kind of job hopping, at least not in our field, and definitely trying to get the younger staff in. You don't see as many enrollments down at a lot of the technical schools and stuff. So it's harder to get those individuals.Bryan Anders – Service Director:Hoping to hire more technicians, and technicians aren't out there. So, what we end up running into is the fact that we're looking for technicians, and what comes in is not quality; it’s just people. The flip side of that coin is everybody's looking for technicians, so the grass is always greener where you're at. So, they go exploring, and next thing you know, they're sitting in your office, and that strategy has changed. In 2019, you would have told that person, “Go try it.” In 2022, you can't afford to lose that person. So now you're squirming at the bit because that technician turns 60 hours a week consistently, and you don't want to see him leave. And the replacement is not out there.Don’t worry! There’s more.See Part 2 of this Grow Your RO series on labor shortages, where our fixed ops pros discuss some practical solutions and how they attract valuable team members.Visit TVI MarketPro3 for fixed ops marketing solutions.

Apr 20, 2023 | 5 minute read

Customer Review Management in Service and Parts

Undoubtedly, online reviews significantly impact a business's success, but managing these reviews, especially the negative ones, can be a stress-inducing, full-time job. Whether they are positive or make you want to find a secluded corner on the sales lot to hide, all reviews need your attention.Rave ReviewsFor optimism's sake, let's look at some glowing grades. Every dealership has a variety of feedback on multiple platforms. Here are a few from the DealerRater website for a Toyota dealership:5 STARS - “Always great! I would never take my car anywhere else if it's not [Sample Toyota]! I absolutely love them. The best!!!! Always great work and prices.”5 STARS - “[Sample Service Advisor] at [Sample Toyota] was very professional, knowledgeable, timely, courteous & had a wonderful attitude. He took extra time to review details, procedures and costs”5 STARS - “I had a wonderful experience at [Sample Toyota] Service Center! My experience at [Sample Toyota] Service Center was wonderful. I was welcomed from the moment I walked in, and received outstanding customer service from Ms. [Sample Service Advisor] throughout the entire process. I will definitely recommend this service center to family and friends.”A Few Positive Reviews Don’t Get the Job DoneUnfortunately, this Toyota dealership's service center only averages 2.5 STARS. How can that be with reviews like these? It makes you want to scream from the rooftop, "just do more of this right here!" Now, let's see if we can stomach the negative reviews for the same "Sample Toyota" Service Center:2.5 STARS - "Check what they do carefully. Well here I go again! The last two times I had my truck serviced and it's under warranty, the tires were not rotated and it was not washed. And this last time I know for a fact the tires were not rotated because I placed a mark on one of them and it was still in the same place. So it gets me wondering after 2 and a half hours with an appointment what else is not being done that they tell you it had been done from the invoice. So be aware if you think everything is being done to your vehicle while in the service department chances are it's not."1 STAR - "Just looking for ways to charge you more. I took my 2011 Toyota Tundra in for an oil change and told them to check, when the truck is cold it starts right up, however when it is warm it stutters, seeming like it is not getting gas like it wants to stall. Then it runs and drives fine. The service guy did not relay that and they came back and told me the battery was bad, an additional $ 135.00. Then told me it was fine, I picked it up and it was still the same problem. When I called I was told I need another analysis charge of $ 135.00 seems their magic number. Then they can look and see if they can find it. So they can tell me again they cannot find it. That will be another $ 135.00. I believe I paid for a battery that I did not need, so I will pass on the second go around and find another Toyota dealer, I would advise you to avoid their service department."1 STAR - "Will never go to this dealership again for anything. My daughter took her car to this dealership for a $60 oil change. They told her that she did not need one yet but charged her $93 to visually inspect the driver's side floor mat (yes floor mat, itemized on invoice) and visually inspect brakes. I would strongly recommend avoiding this dealership."1 STAR - "I had a service appointment today at 10 a.m. Unfortunately, it took 3 hours to finish it. Wasting my time. I know it doesn't take more than 45 min to change the oil in a car. I'm wondering why they give appointments if it takes 3 hours. If they don't have enough employees, then they should not give appointments. This has been happening for several times. Really disappointed."Maintenance Isn’t Just for CarsLook, we all know that preventing negative reviews is impossible. How you react to such reviews will make the difference to how they are perceived by a potential customer. The average consumer doesn't expect perfection, they do however, expect action, responsiveness, and correction.So how does a dealership service leader swing the negative review pendulum in the other direction? By regularly maintaining the various customer feedback sites. There are several steps to take to manage negative reviews:-Respond Promptly.-Address the issue.-Use the feedback to improve.-Encourage positive reviews.-Monitor all online reviews.Effectively managing negative reviews improves your dealership's reputation online, but remember to capitalize on those positive reviews. Positive customer reviews can help build trust and credibility with potential customers. They also demonstrate the quality of service offered by the dealership's parts and service departments. As a fixed operations leader, you can leverage positive reviews in several ways:-Share them on your website and social media channels.-Use them in marketing materials.-Share positive reviews with your staff and use them as teaching moments.-Use them to set performance goals.-The most important thing you can do is respond to the reviewers. After all, they did take the time to compliment your services. The least you can do is give them a review response to say "thank you," and you "appreciate their business."No Time? No Problem.Leveraging positive reviews strengthens your dealership's reputation, improves customer loyalty, and attracts new business. If you feel you don't have time to monitor customer reviews, take some time to check out review management software that will take care of reviews for you:-BirdEye: BirdEye is a comprehensive reputation management software that helps businesses monitor online reviews, manage social media, and improve customer is a cloud-based platform that helps businesses manage their online reputation across various channels, including review sites, social media, and search engines.-ReviewTrackers: ReviewTrackers is a review monitoring and reputation management software that helps businesses track online reviews across various sites, including Google, Yelp, and Facebook.-Yotpo: Yotpo is a customer content marketing platform that helps businesses collect and manage reviews, ratings, and other user-generated content.-Podium: Podium is a messaging platform that helps businesses manage customer interactions across multiple channels, including messaging, reviews, and feedback.Reputation management tools help dealership service departments monitor and manage their online reputation. These programs also improve the customer experience and attract new business, making them a viable option for many fixed operations directors.Visit TVI MarketPro3 for more fixed ops insight.

Apr 19, 2023 | 5 minute read

Customer Relationship Management for Fixed Ops

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is critical for a dealership service department wanting to build and maintain strong relationships with customers. CRM systems can collect feedback from customers following their service appointments. The feedback can be organized to see if there are repeat issues that need to be addressed. While there are several types of CRM systems, they all serve a similar purpose that goes beyond collecting contact information. Proper use of this organizational tool helps increase customer loyalty and repeat business. Let’s take a look at just a few of the benefits your CRM provides.Customer RetentionGood CRM practices help dealerships retain customers by ensuring they are satisfied with the service they receive. This can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business. The system allows for personalized communication, so dealerships can stay in touch with customers based on their individual vehicle needs. Targeted email marketing campaigns and personalized offers help dealers to connect with customers.Service history tracking helps dealers distribute accurate service reminders for each customer and vehicle. Timely reminders make it easier for them to keep up with their vehicle maintenance. Many CRM systems also offer loyalty program features to entice the customer to return for future service needs.Customer satisfaction is an important aspect of retention. Service leaders can use customer feedback to address specific issues and make overall improvements to their overall service process.Improved Customer ExperienceThe customer data collected by CRMs should be analyzed so dealerships can gain insight into customer preferences and needs. The information provided allows the fixed operations management team to tailor their services, leading to a better overall customer experience.CRM tools also allow for efficient appointment scheduling, whether in person, over the phone, online, or on a mobile app. They also allow customers to receive automated service reminders. Both of these features make it more likely that customers will show up on time, which improves the experience for everyone involved. While their vehicle is being repaired or serviced, the CRM can also provide real-time updates on their vehicle’s status.Increased RevenueOnce again, satisfied customers are more likely to return to the dealership for future service needs. Return customers, of course, lead to increased revenue for the dealership, but it’s not just about satisfaction. It’s the culmination of the aforementioned benefits that keep the cars (and the money) flowing into a service drive.More Efficient OperationsWhen handled properly, a dealership’s CRM platforms help manage customer information, service records, and appointment scheduling more efficiently. These best practices lead to more streamlined operations and better customer service.Marketing and CommunicatingCRM systems can help dealerships stay in touch with customers more effectively. They provide timely updates on service appointments, promotions, and other important information. However, it also helps the dealership's marketing automation when the data is up-to-date and accurate.TVI MarketPro3 utilizes a dealership’s CRM to identify customer types. We segment vehicles based on their last visit to the dealership. Follow this with a targeted marketing approach to reach specific customers for individualized services. Suffice it to say that if the CRM information is inaccurate, the marketing strategy will be less effective.ConclusionA CRM is essential for any dealership service department to build strong customer relationships. It helps grow long-term business if used consistently and correctly.Got to TVI MarketPro3 for more automotive service insights.

Mar 15, 2023 | 3 minute read

2023 Automotive Market Trends in Fixed Operations

The auto industry is ever-changing, requiring frequent pivots from dealership leaders, including sales managers and fixed operations directors. The last few years have seen unprecedented challenges that have reshaped the industry and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.What are the 2023 automotive market trends looking like for fixed operations?Fixed operations departments are a vital part of all dealerships and play an overall role in dealership success. Many dealers strive to achieve 100% fixed absorption, but what are the projections for the new year? How will fixed ops professionals shift to meet the needs of their customers, employees, and dealerships?The Slow Swing of the Supply Chain Pendulum2022 challenged the global automotive manufacturing industry, including major brands like Toyota Motors and General Motors. Supply chain issues caused a significant slowdown in vehicle production, making it difficult to produce enough inventory to meet consumer demand. As the disruptions slow down, CNBC reports that dealers should see an increase in the number of cars on the lots.The Fixed Ops ImpactWhile dealerships’ sales departments saw a drag in car sales, most service departments experienced a hike in repair orders. More people decided to keep their current vehicles and spent more money on maintenance and repairs. But service and parts departments still experienced unique challenges over the last couple of years, some of which may not wane anytime soon.Labor ChallengesWhile service departments all over the United States are struggling to build and retain a complete team, many dealership leaders say this was a pre-pandemic challenge that only got worse with “stay-at-home” orders and other pandemic measures. Now, dealerships are scrambling to fill positions, including porters, business development roles, and customer service representatives. But the employees that seem the most challenging to find and keep are the heart of every service department: the technicians.Fixed Ops Supply Chain HurdlesSupply chain issues aren’t just stemming from computer chips. Parts managers and directors are consistently scrambling to obtain the parts needed for repairs, maintenance, and recalls. The waiting game trickles down to the service department, preventing jobs from being completed on time. While the supply chain hurdles were significant in 2022, TVI MarketPro’s Ken Pletcher says industry leaders were not strangers to this type of struggle.Throughout Pletcher’s fixed ops career, he had to be innovative to find the necessary parts for repairs. He went as far as checking out-of-state dealerships’ inventories at the chance they might have something the manufacturer didn’t have. Pletcher also resorted to using aftermarket parts, “even rebuilding or resealing a specific part,” rather than replacing it.Experts say that while the supply chain looks to be improving for 2023, many factors may keep new car purchases and car repairs on the back burner. The increase in remote work has people relying less on their vehicles to get to and from work, and gas prices compound the issue, with drivers putting far fewer miles on their cars. Higher interest rates means consumers get less for their dollar which increases sensitivity to spending.The EV EffectAs some states push to phase out gasoline-powered motor vehicles, electric and hybrid electric vehicles are becoming more of a factor for fixed operations. Some industry leaders predict EVs will hurt dealership service departments, but David Boyle, a fixed operations expert, says that though EVs will change the business, the change isn’t all negative.In a 2022 CBT News article, Boyle points out that “electric-powered vehicles will still need rubber tires, brakes, wiper blades, and other wear items.” So, just as dealerships pivoted in 2020 with the pandemic, they will be able to do the same with the EV shift.Marketing SolutionsService drive systems aren’t the only area where fixed operations departments need to pivot in the coming years. As the car repair business changes, the marketing strategies must evolve accordingly. Consistent engagement with customers through traditional and digital mediums is the only way to stay top of mind for customers ready for service.Dealerships must also educate customers on their services and why they are the best ones to perform the work. Drivers may not even consider that EV services and repairs are available at dealerships. Including this information in marketing messages will help as the EV shift continues.Targeted data-driven marketing is the most effective way to get your message to the intended customer. TVI MarketPro ensures all its marketing efforts target customers with specific vehicles and locations. TVI takes it a step further by identifying the last time each driver visited the service drive or if they are new to the dealership. Honing in on the perfect targets prevents the waste of marketing dollars.ConclusionThe auto industry has continuously evolved since its inception and will continue to do so as unique challenges and changes arise in the coming years. Dealership leaders who wisely pivot to meet these challenges will not only survive but will likely thrive as they meet the needs of their customers.Get the most out of your 2023 fixed ops marketing with TVISources:Abraham, Tom. Best Practice for Optimizing Service Absorption and Dealership ProfitabilityUSC Consulting Group. Looking Under the Hood: What’s Ahead for the Automotive Industry in 2023Boyle, David. How electric vehicles might affect the fixed-ops department

Jan 20, 2023 | 4 minute read

Dealership Email Marketing for Fixed Operations in 2023

Email marketing for car dealerships is essential for vehicle sales, but if you want an increased gross profit and improved service absorption, parts and services must also have effective email campaigns. Determining which types of emails to send and what to include in each email is sometimes a challenge. However, a successful email marketing strategy can attract more contacts to your email list and more cars to your service department.Targeted Email ListIt is tempting to throw a blanket email list out to as many recipients as possible, but what if you focused on quality over quantity?If you could paint the perfect customer, you’d likely focus on where they live, what make of car they drive, and how long it’s been since their last service visit.You’d especially want to know those who drive your dealership’s make of vehicle that live nearby but have never been in for service. You want to reach these specific customers through email and attract them to your dealership for service.A high-value contact list prevents email faux pas like low open and click-through rates. You’ll also keep unsubscribe and bounce rates at a minimum. Avoiding such issues ensures more contacts will open and read your email.Great OffersWhen your customers receive an email, they’re looking for great offers and competitive pricing to continue to allow you to take up valuable real estate in their inboxes. The experience resulting from your email will also determine whether or not they unsubscribe from your contact list.Support your offers by providing excellent and prompt service. Check the inventory levels of the discounted products so you’re not offering products that will be difficult to obtain. You must also adequately staff for the promoted service, allowing the customer to get in and out quickly and seamlessly.If your emails are misleading or result in poor service, you will lose customer trust and the privilege to reach out to them through digital marketing, so be prepared to back any offers you might extend through your email campaigns.Clear Calls to ActionNo matter how persuasive your email is, you’ll be spinning your wheels if you don’t include clear and specific calls to action (CTAs). CTAs should take the customer one step closer to the intent of your email, which is to accept the extended offers, so the words you choose for the CTA need to relate to the contents of the linked page.For example, if your offer includes a complimentary multi-point inspection, your call to action should say something like: “schedule your inspection” or “make your appointment.” Straightforward and directive CTAs instruct customers on what to do next.Some might think it’s fun to get cute with their CTAs. Such wording can be effective if the email recipient knows what you are asking them to do. Don’t make it too difficult to decipher cheeky catchphrases.Once you’ve succeeded in getting the potential customer to click your CTA link, the goal is to get them into your service drive with as few hurdles as possible. Every page one must click through to get to your scheduler or make a phone call is a hurdle. Your link should take the potential customer straight to the page the CTA describes if you want to see more customer pay repair orders.Connect to the Dealership WebsiteWhen emails encourage click-throughs to your dealership’s website, they boost your search engine optimization (SEO). While search engines don’t crawl or index dealership emails the same way they do web pages, effective email marketing can boost traffic and SEO rankings. When adequately executed, email marketing is a powerful tool to increase traffic in your service drive and on your website.Subject LineWhy would we discuss the subject line last when it’s the first thing customers will see? Simply put, your subject line must relate to the content of your email. It comes back around to the trust component of email marketing.If you persuade your recipients to open your email with an enticing subject line, but the email is unrelated, you will not get the desired results. Instead, you’ll rack up bounces and unsubscribes from customers who feel you’ve tricked them and wasted their time.Yes, your subject line should be enticing, but that’s because the details of your email should be something a customer needs or wants. If you have the right offers, teasing them in the subject line will encourage more email opens and give the readers exactly what they want.A/B testing is a great way to see what types of subject lines are most effective with your dealership’s contacts. You’ll create two separate subject lines and send each to a portion of your recipients. Subject line testing will help determine the tone needed to get the most opens.Let TVI MarketPro3 plan your next email marketing campaign.

Dec 22, 2022 | 4 minute read

Automotive eCommerce for Parts and Services

2020’s events had all industries pivoting toward a more online customer experience. Restaurants like Chick-fil-A scrambled to design a system that was equally as efficient as their current system. Department stores created ways for customers to order online and swing by the store on the same day for pickup. Even with the pandemic days behind us, many businesses continue their online customer service processes.Dealerships, however, don’t always provide the most technologically advanced solutions, particularly for Parts and Service Departments. And, let’s face it, even the most technologically challenged individuals are starting to expect these online conveniences. So, how can the automotive industry, mainly dealerships, step up in offering online sales for car parts and repairs?Imagine the PossibilitiesLet’s start with parts. Imagine your potential customers, just a few miles away, searching online for a rear wheel bearing for a 2006 Honda Accord. Does your dealership even cross a consumer's mind as an option to buy automotive parts online? Are they going to see your dealer’s name pop up on their search engine results page when browsing for replacement parts?The truth is auto parts stores and Amazon have cornered this online market and consume a handful of the first results pages that appear on a search. When we finally see a dealer, the site rarely compares to the online capabilities of the competition. Most have the consumer complete a contact form and wait for a call.Now, let’s imagine a search for the same part, but your dealership has a solid paid search campaign and appears as an ad at the top of the page. A customer clicks into your site, where they can easily search for the specific part they need. Your inventory is incorporated into this search so the customer can see the number of available parts. Even better, these parts can be ordered and picked up on the same day if they’re in stock.Marketing WinsIn this scenario, you have created four marketing wins. The customer:knows you existis aware that you sell auto parts onlinesteps foot into your establishment to experience five-star customer serviceconsiders returning for future service or repairsAnd you might hit the jackpot by persuading the customer to allow your service department to replace the part they’re purchasing. Allowing customers to buy auto parts online gains you more than just a parts sale, and your eCommerce site does much of the work for you.Selling Services OnlineCar parts aren’t the only things automotive companies could allow customers to purchase online. Repairs and services can also be ordered and paid for from a mobile app or website. The entire process, including updates, recommendations, and service completion, can all be communicated online.Companies like U-Haul have managed to allow the customer to take the reins with the entire rental process that once required personnel on hand to execute. Now, a renter can reserve a truck and other moving necessities, pick it up, and drop it off without ever making human contact.It’s not the face-to-face contact that most customers dislike. Rather, gaining valuable time motivates people to use mobile options. The added flexibility of when a customer can drop off and pick up a vehicle is also a prime motivator.What keeps dealers from selling repairs and car parts online?TVI MarketPro3’s Nick Shaffer has an extensive Fixed Operations background and spends a lot of time with TVI’s dealer partners discussing the business. He says there are four main reasons a dealer might object to adding these online programs.Objection #1 Lacking the Proper Procedures and PersonnelConverting to an online process is quite a feat. You’ve got to have the right people and procedures in place to execute this transition. Once these systems are in place, you still need the right team to continue best practices for these programs. Dealers often struggle to find reliable employees, so adding new systems is not a top priority compared to acquiring and training talent.Objection #2 Cost to Purchase and Implement ProgramsThese technologies are not cheap, and converting an in-person system into an online option often requires paying extra for developer support and training. It can be difficult for dealers to see the return on such an investment.Objection #3 Underwhelming MarginsTraditionally online parts retailers sell their wares at a leaner margin and focus on a volume-based business model. Dealers who are unfamiliar with this business model and how to scale it are typically off-put by the gross profit % compared to their typical retail expectations.Objection #4 Integration HeadachesShaffer says, “until recently, only third-party companies had these kinds of tools, and each company specialized in one aspect of the process. So, a dealership would have a vendor for online scheduling, another for electronic MPI, and another for text message communication to the client.”Every vendor is charged an access fee to the dealership DMS system, which they then pass along to the dealer, and these fees can add up. Shaffer points out that some DMS systems are “famously difficult to integrate, which causes frequent IT issues and functionality breakdown.”ConclusionThese objections are all valid reasons for dealerships to keep everything as the status quo. However, buying online is the preferred shopping experience for most consumers these days. Dealership parts and service departments should wade into the automotive eCommerce market shifting their business models to attract online customers. Doing so will expand their customer base helping them stand out among neighborhood auto repair shops and stand-alone parts stores.Check out TVI MarketPro3 for more automotive insights.

Oct 31, 2022 | 4 minute read

Anatomy of an Automotive Website

Websites are a vital part of automotive success. Whether your goal is to gain online traffic for car sales or to increase your parts sales and RO count, a website is the first impression a potential customer gets when searching for your goods or services.If your website is not well-constructed, it might be the only online impression your dealership will make. Let’s look at the overall anatomy of an automotive website and how each part impacts the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts.Banner With a PurposeA user’s ability to find what they need starts at the moment they hit the website. The banner image is the first, and arguably the most important, part of a website.There are a variety of sizes and types of banners to choose from, such as a half-page banner image, a medium banner, a full-page hero header, or a hero image. Determining the best option for your company website starts with what you want the customer to see, feel, and do immediately upon entering your site.Don’t Stop the analyzed data from almost two billion pop-ups and found “the top 10% highest-performing pop-ups averaged a 9.28% conversion rate." So, while pop-up pages may seem like annoying little mosquitos to swat away, they pack a powerful little bite.Take a Load OffPatience is no longer in high supply when it comes to the internet, so staring a hole through the screen while waiting for a page to load can be frustrating. Increase your load speed by compressing and optimizing your website images and minimizing the number of redirects within your site. A web developer should be able to help you with this and other more technical solutions to increase your load speed.Lead the WayYour online customers must be easily able to find what they need. Whether they’re looking for a specific vehicle or car repair, your navigation menu and calls to action should show them the most efficient way to get there. Your online representatives should be available to answer questions through a chat.Less is MoreWhen building a site, there are endless features from which to choose. Be intentional in selecting which features to add to the site. If they fail to help in the customer journey, eliminate them. Many features look snazzy but can distract from your message and increase load times, so be sure to test them before publishing your site.Aim to ConvertDealership websites are more than just automotive eye candy. The purpose is to convert by quickly walking a customer as directly as possible to the service department scheduler or the online sales rep’s inbox. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly and uses search engine optimization (SEO). You should also test your features regularly to prevent broken links and outdated contact forms.Don’t Forget the FooterJust as the name indicates, the footer is the space at the bottom of the website that includes valuable content and is the same from page to page. A properly designed footer will support conversion, as some of its features improve SEO and some are links the user will often scroll to directly rather than skimming through the site. The footer is typically designated for a copyright notice, a privacy policy link, a sitemap, the logo, the dealer’s contact information, social media icons, and a link to a contact form.Learn about TVI MarketPro3s digital solutions.

Oct 26, 2022 | 3 minute read

Conversion Rate Optimization for Automotive Websites

Websites are a vital tool in attracting and growing a customer base. When done well, they make a great first impression, grab the attention of potential customers, and guide them to take action. Conversely, a poorly designed website can have web users bounding away from a business before they even click or scroll to another part of the site.Overall, car dealerships tend to miss the mark when it comes to building a website that people will land on and stay on. More importantly, these websites often fail to turn a user into a paying customer. That’s right: they fail to convert.There are a number of areas that automotive leaders can simply tweak, or in some cases, completely overhaul to pack the intended punch and optimize their website’s conversion rate. These changes can be time-consuming, but worth the effort once they yield results.For the automotive industry, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is when a website is designed to effectively increase the frequency of converting a website lead into a car sale or repair order. For all businesses (including automotive), an eCommerce website will be among the first few, if not all, interactions with potential customers. A dealership must assume the entire customer journey will be online. This virtual experience should be just as good as if they walked onto the sales lot or pulled into the service drive.While optimizing a website can seem like a daunting task, it really comes down to three core goals:Get customers thereKeep them therePersuade them to take actionGet Customers ThereGetting more traffic to a website requires a multifaceted approach, starting with a strong digital marketing strategy. Digital marketing starts with meeting your potential customers where they are through email marketing or social media and drawing them to your website.This can also be accomplished through a strong paid search campaign, as well as ensuring your website is optimized for search engines. So many people are ordering car parts online, which makes auto parts marketing an ideal way to draw consumers to your website.Keep Them ThereOnce people arrive at your website, you want to be sure they stay there long enough to get to know your business, and more importantly, take action that gets them one step closer to becoming a customer. There are many factors that can help your website to be more inviting.TVI MarketPro3’s paid search professional, Ian Favre, says the first priority is to avoid leaks. Favre points out that dealerships spend tons of money driving people to their websites, and too often they provide links to other websites like tire stores, parts stores, or the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Favre says dealerships “spend all this money getting people to a website, only to give them a link to immediately leave.” Dealerships must keep people on their site.To do so, the website should be clean, clear, and easy to navigate. It should be directly related to the search that attracted the user in the first place. If customers have to do too much work to get what they want, they’ll quickly leave your site looking for a more instant solution to their problem.Persuade Them To Take ActionFavre recommends setting clear expectations with customers on your website: “What can a client expect? Who is going to follow up? How long is the follow-up going to take?”By answering these questions clearly and concisely from the jump, a customer is more likely to answer your website’s calls to action (CTAs). If your CTAs are effective, you have a much greater chance of converting.It’s all about user experience (UX). Undoubtedly, websites need good, quality content, but you need to keep that content under control so your website is simple and easy to use. That’s why landing pages are often used for specific services. It allows the user to get exactly what they came for without distraction from the rest of the website.Customizing individual contact forms on dealer websites is effective, yet so rarely done. Too often, dealer websites simply use a default form. Dealers should set expectations by instructing users when filling out the form. This is a chance to provide a “why buy” message to explain why they should do business here. Why fill out the form?It's imperative for all profit centers of the business to be represented creating an identity or impression with the consumer. Here are some important factors Favre says dealers should keep in mind to optimize conversion rates:Know what specific service topics are bringing search traffic to your website and create content/landing pages to support them.Make sure content pages have clear calls to action and multiple ways to submit a lead. Leads can include a phone number, a form, or a chat.Make sure amenities are easily findable on your site.Provide high-quality pictures and videos to show them different areas of the dealership, such as the waiting area.Include a service menu with pricing. Price transparency is important to the consumer.Ensure the service offers are valid and up to date on the site.Personalize the content to the dealership. Most dealerships simply use the default content that came with the website.Share Google Reviews and other positive testimonies on your website.Measuring Your Conversion RateIn order to reach success, you must be able to measure your conversion rate. Google Analytics is the place to start. Conversion rates are calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the number of total ad interactions. Interactions must be tracked to a conversion during the same time period to count.A good conversion rate lands between 2 and 5 percent according to Google. Ruler Analytics found that the automotive industry has an average conversion rate of 2 percent. Needless to say, there is room for improvement.

Jul 18, 2022 | 5 minute read

Does Your Used Car Reconditioning Time Measure Up?

Car dealers face an unprecedented demand for vehicles, changing the automotive industry for at least the foreseeable future. Business Insider reports that the devastating shortage of microchips is slowing car production worldwide. The lack of new models is driving prices up. These high new car prices have created a great demand for pre-owned vehicles.This demand has forced dealerships to pivot in some areas and improve efficiencies in others. One area dealerships are working to improve is the time it takes to get a used car ready for resale.How long is your used vehicle reconditioning time?A fixed ops leader posed this question on LinkedIn, sparking various responses from other industry professionals. The general consensus was that used car recon generally takes three days. However, some fixed ops leaders stated that, in some months, it might take a little longer depending on circ*mstances. Others claimed a 24-hour or less turnaround time.Undoubtedly, multiple answers mean there must be multiple ways of handling car recon. There are many variables that impact a dealer’s ability to get a used vehicle ready for the market.Challenges that prevent quick turnaround times for reconditioningOne hurdle to completing reconditioning work in a timely manner is getting the necessary parts.Without a doubt, the labor shortage has impacted most industries, and the automotive industry is no exception. Finding good techs is an ongoing challenge for service leaders but more so since the pandemic.Furthermore, manufacturers sublet recall repairs to dealers which often causes backups in service departments in addition to everyday repairs. The backups can cause reconditioning services to stall. The hold-up creates tension between fixed ops leaders and variable ops leaders.With any business, communication is vital to successful processes. Many dealership leaders comment that inefficient systems and lack of communication between departments are major hurdles in reconditioning a vehicle.Impact of long recon timesThe adage goes “time is money.” The longer reconditioning time takes, the more customers will leave the lot without test driving that vehicle. As you can imagine, this really takes a dig at the potential income for the dealership.Dealership decision-makers must put systems in action that help sales and service teams smoothly execute the reconditioning process. Quick turnaround on used vehicle recon benefits both the sales and service departments.Solutions to speed up the processSome dealerships commingle reconditioning work with customer pay and warranty work, while others have teams or individuals dedicated to car reconditioning. Fixed Ops professional Nick Shaffer says “it would be wise to remove reconditioning from those teammates who process your customers' cars. Their pay plan is likely focused on CSI or Customer Pay Sales which disincentivizes them from giving priority to used cars.”Shaffer also points out that “sometimes the biggest bottleneck for the used car reconditioning turn time is the parts department.” He recommends incentivizing all teammates who touch used cars on used car turn time, including the parts back counter.For more automotive industry articles and insights, visit TVI MarketPro3.

May 4, 2022 | 3 minute read


We're wrapping up our series with a look at the decrease in car sales and how this has impacted the fixed ops departments over the past two years. TVI MarketPro3's Eric Hawkes gives his thoughts.QUESTION: What has been the status of new cars sales over 2021-2022?ANSWER:Two major factors and they’re somewhat intertwined, but the Covid Pandemic has created a loss in the labor force with manufacturing, be it in Japan or be it in the United States that’s tempered the pace in which the cars are produced. The other item is the chip, the chip crisis, the chip shortage. Cars are ¾ of the way completed on the assembly line, but they need the chip to finish through, so they have to park them to the side, and neither one of those, I don’t believe we’re going to see a difference in 2022.I’m not an expert on the pandemic, but it seems to be with us for a while now, maybe different strands, maybe not as potent, but either way, it’s going to disrupt the workforce just the way it has in the construction business, the service business, restaurants, hotels. And then to compounded with that, you have a lack of chips, so what has occurred is a lack of sales in total volume, but what cars are available, be it used or new, they’re capturing a very high premium. So, dealerships are actually making more money through this craziness ironically. They’re making more money per car being sold be it new or used, and people are shying away from buying as the inventory is not there, and the cost factor is increasing, people are shying away from buying new and used cars which then goes to the service industry.It’s quality of sale over quantity.Is this decreasing the number of sales reps? I don’t think so. I think that might just be natural attrition if it is happening. But remember, salespeople in the service world and the sales world are typically on commission, so it doesn’t cost a whole lot of money to have more employees or the same amount of employees they had before with the exception of hourly employees be it the valets. The office may not need as many people for support because there may not be as many car deals, so there might be a little bit of hit there.QUESTION: How is the current state of the economy affecting these issues?ANSWER:The auto industry is a great economic indicator just like first-time home purchases, just like other indicators out there. The automobile groups and manufacturers are not immune to inflation. Parts go up because materials are more expensive. Labor goes up because there’s less people, so it’s just causing an increase in cost and an increase at the end of the day in what you’re going to pay for your car.QUESTION: List some occurrences in 2021-2022 and their cause/effect relationship to car sales issues.ANSWER:I think what you see again is that used car prices are up an average of 35% from the prior years. New cars, I believe it’s about 16% to 18% for the same vehicle. The inflation and the economy have caused this. So again, what it’s helped ironically is the dealership groups and the dealership owners to increase their profitability.The other side of that is it’s causing a lot of customers that were thinking in their third or fourth or fifth year of their car to upgrade and get another car, ah maybe not. Let’s get those brakes, let’s get those tires, let’s reset our car. Yeah, it might be a thousand or two thousand dollars, but I own that car now. Looking at the price increases and looking at the value of what they have has changed a lot. You know, three years ago, leases were very popular, just lease a car for three years, buying a car every three years, getting a new car. It was almost a self-sustaining business, and this has a kink in it, but again, the irony of it is there’s a lot of money being made.Back to the service end, a lot of customers are opting to keep their cars and put money into them. One side is if I sell it, a used car, I can make good money on it, but then what do they do for transportation?QUESTION: Did you ever face similar issues in your time as an automotive leader?ANSWER:No, not similar, but there’s been some major impacts. Let’s go back to the 1970s when I was a little wee tike, we had gas lines. There was an odd day you could get gas if you were a license plate ending in an odd number, you could go on those days. If it was an even, you had to go on the other days. There were lines half a mile, a mile long that you waited. Some people ran out of gas waiting in line for their turn at the pump. Well, that was a major shift from taking the large domestic cars to trying to make them economical. And then as that was happening, Japan swooped right in as they were trying to get entry into the United States. Toyota, Honda, Nissan, they had cars that were 25-35 miles to the gallon. Unheard of and the American V8, we’re going to get you there with power and speed. That definitely changed the dynamics of the auto world.Go back a little further, World War II. There was such a shortage of natural resources like rubber and metal that weren’t available t produce cars, and those people that were available to produce were more likely to produce airplanes, engines, tanks, and equipment necessary for the war. So, it is kind of neat to look at the big picture and see some of the disturbances in the business cycle of the automotive world.QUESTION: What effect have these sales issues had on fixed ops?ANSWER:Initially, when Covid hit, everything just stopped, but automobile dealerships were still open because they were considered a necessity. I’m not sure about that because if you can’t drive to work, and you can’t drive anywhere, what type of necessity was it? When you look back and think back to when Covid really hit at the end of March and the beginning of April, it was catastrophic. Everybody just stopped what they were doing and said I’m not doing it. I’m not going to work. I’m not touching anybody. I’m not seeing anybody. But most of the states considered automobile dealerships, particularly service departments, essential. And so they stayed open, but the fixed ops business, parts, and service, certainly took a hit because the people, even though dealerships were open, were not opting to go in. And that was pretty much the end of March, April, and May. Not that the pandemic changed or got better, but June and July I saw what I coin as basically Covid revenge. People had enough. They had to get out of the house. They wanted to get their cars fixed. There were recalls that needed to be done. They needed brakes. They needed oil changes, so it flooded the market. So you have that over the course of the next year and a half coming in compounded with the people that aren’t buying new cars and aren’t buying used cars. They’re servicing their car, so we’re finding quite a bit of dealerships service departments booming right now during the pandemic which is sometimes counterintuitive. You wouldn’t think it would happen, but it is, and that’s good again for the dealerships to maintain their strength and we need that. We need restaurants and automotive dealerships, and construction workers to be out there working and making money because when our technicians get their check, they may go out to dinner with their family. But when Covid first hit, they weren’t going out to dinner A – because of Covid & B – because they didn’t have any money. They had to figure this out.There’s been a lot of issues that have come from the fear of Covid and getting around the pent-up need for service and recalls that are coming out. And again, the chip shortage is just dragging the new car sales down, but fortunately, knock wood, the dealers can make money on the profit side of it.QUESTION: With the fixed ops side booming at this point, are the other challenges that aren’t income-related?ANSWER:There’s no doubt that the… probably the number one challenge that our service departments and dealerships are experiencing is a labor shortage. There seems to be a lack of people in the pipeline coming through that want to do this as a profession. What do they want to do? Cyber security, computers, I don’t know. But if there was one greatest issue right now that is staring us in the face in the fixed ops is shortage of labor. Technicians, parts counter men, service advisors. It’s hard work. It’s long hours. It’s very similar to being in the restaurant business, the hotel business, long hours, lot of upset and angry people because they’ve got Covid, or their family’s got Covid, and their government is telling them what to do or how to do it. All these pent-up frustrations, and they’re quite often thrown out at the people that are trying to help them in the service department, in the restaurant, and a lot of people are saying “not going to do it.”So, some of the dealers are getting creative in finding technicians, taking some people from maybe the HVAC world, taking electricians, and trying to encourage them to come into the auto dealerships. It goes back to the almighty dollar. There’s a lot of dealerships stepping it up and saying we’re going to pay what I find to be astronomic wages, but they’re in a crunch situation, and they say of we’re going to do it, we’ve got to go, and we’re going to go hard and try and get ourselves situated. Which is kind of like the NBA, and the NFL where there’s a little bit of a bidding war on this type of labor that increases the cost for everybody.QUESTION: What are some suggestions you would give to a fixed ops leader that is trying to overcome and/or capitalize on these issues?ANSWER:Just remember always, we are in the customer service business, and we happen to work on cars. We’re dealing with someone whose pet may have died before they came in or whose son just graduated from MIT and they’re the happiest people in the world. You never know what’s happening with your customers, so while we’re the experts on the cars, we can’t assume they are, and we need to respect their peace, their place, respect the fact that they’re coming in and trying to hand us money.So just sometimes take a step back in respecting the owners that are taking risks every day that they could go out of business particularly when Covid just hit. The customers that are coming in, and that you’re making a paycheck. You’re making good money. I think that’s paramount with what we have not just in our industry, but in all industries. Just taking a step back and appreciating what we have.RELATED ARTICLES:2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 1) - SUPPLY SHORTAGE ISSUES2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 2) - LABOR ISSUES2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 3) - INVENTORY ISSUES2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 4) - CAR SALES TRICKLE-DOWN EFFECT TO FIXED OPS

Apr 22, 2022 | 9 minute read


We continue our series with Robert Morris, a TVI MarketPro3 agent that’s been in the automotive industry for more than three decades. Morris was the Dealer Principal for Morris Cadillac Buick GMC before joining TVI.Inventory issues have a trickle-down effect all the way to the service department. Morris explains how some of this has had both a positive and, in some ways, a negative impact on fixed ops. Check out what Morris had to say on the matter.QUESTION: What are some of the major inventory issues fixed ops leaders have faced over the past two years?ANSWER:Over the past few years, there have been numerous challenges faced by fixed ops directors as well as entire dealerships, and that all stems from the inventory shortage. And the inventory shortage is creating a cascading effect in the service department, and what I mean by that is obviously there are much fewer new vehicles on the lot. That means there are fewer vehicles coming in which means there are fewer vehicles to do a pre-delivery inspection or PDI on. So, that adversely affects revenue in the service department.Then as fewer new cars come in and become available, there are fewer trade-ins. So, the used car department also suffers, and that affects service because there are not as many vehicles to perform reconditioning on.And then lastly, and this is more tangentially related really, but there are no courtesy cars. So in terms of a service department, not having courtesy cars, or loaner cars, available to cover the customers, this exacerbates the problem and results in a lot of dissatisfied customers. Now granted, some customers obviously understand the situation, but other customers, it’s a legitimate problem trying to get work done on their car when they can’t get another one to use in the meantime.QUESTION: How is the current state of the economy affecting these issues?ANSWER:Well, the inventory issues obviously fall in line because of the economy. And the economy right now is red hot. I’m not an economist, it’s not for me to say why it’s red hot, but at the end of the day, it is. Customers are demanding more and more new vehicles, and when they can’t find those, they’re buying late-model used vehicles. So there’s a cascading effect in terms of the pricing. New vehicles become more and more expensive with less and fewer rebates offered by the manufacturer.That in turn, drives up the price of used cars, so as long as the consumer demand remains this hot, the manufacturers have a hard time keeping pace. So what happens is a dealer may have 40 cars on the ground when they would normally have 200. They get another 50 cars in, so they sell 90 for the month, and at the end of the day, they still have 40 cars in stock when the month is over. So, it’s a challenge. Without inventory growing on the lot, things are going to remain like this for a while.QUESTION: List some occurrences in 2022 and their cause/effect relationship to inventory levels.ANSWER:The entire inventory issue right now is created from the pandemic. In the early days of the pandemic with cities and economies and businesses shutting down, so to speak, and everybody working from home, that drove the demand for items like personal computers, new cell phones, all the technical aspects that people have brought home over the last year and a half.At the same time, automobile manufacturers, not knowing what was going to happen as everybody was sequestered at home, cut way back on the chips that they ordered for their production. Vehicles today require more than one computer chip in order to make everything work with the state of the technology that’s in the new vehicle.So, when the manufacturer scaled back their orders and canceled orders, the other industries like computers, cell phones, televisions, whatever the case, increased their orders which created a chip shortage for automobile manufacturers. And it’s affected other industries as well.But really within the last 12 months is when the auto industry has felt that pinch. Until the manufacturing catches up with the demand, it’s going to stay like that, and the problem was made worse because I believe there was a manufacturing facility in Asia that had a fire and burned down some of their capacity in terms of being able to manufacture the chips, so it’s kind of hit with a double whammy.QUESTION: Did you ever face similar issues in your time as an automotive leader?ANSWER:I’ve been in the automobile industry for over 30 years. I’ve seen strikes by manufacturers, GM strikes. I’ve been through manufacturer bankruptcies. I thought I had seen it all up until the last year and a half. I know when we had vehicle manufacturing strikes, inventory was depleted, and we spaced the cars out further. Instead of having all the cars in a row, we’d space cars out 10-15 apart. But when you only have 10 or 20 new vehicles in stock right now, you can’t space them out a hundred feet between each car and make the car lot look full. There’s no way you can do that. So no, I’ve not seen anything like this in my 30 plus years in the automobile industry. It’s absolutely crazy!QUESTION: Are dealerships making more money now than they were prior to the inventory shortage?ANSWER:Oh yeah! They’re making tons of money.QUESTION: Do you think they’ll be eager to get back to the days of greater inventory?ANSWER:No, personally I don’t. Dealership profit levels for the last year and a half are at record levels because the margins now are so good. When you have a new vehicle that’s selling for $5-$10 thousand over list price compared to it being sold at $3, $4, or $5 grand below list price before.One vehicle sale now is making up for 4 or 5 vehicle sales in the old dynamic. Dealers aren’t going to be anxious to return to it. The real question is going to be, at what point do the manufacturers adjust their manufacturing capacity because right now the manufacturers are pretty happy with it also. Their incentive spend is down dramatically. I guarantee you right now that manufacturers, they’re trying to figure out the sweet spot between having more cars than we do today, but also not having inventory issues as we’ve had in the past where it's an inventory pressure sale and giving away more, and everybody is being too aggressive with their pricing.QUESTION: What is the direct effect inventory issues are having on Fixed Ops?ANSWER:All these inventory issues, and it’s not inventory pressure in the historical sense when there are simply too many cars on the ground. Now it’s not enough cars on the ground, so what happens is that the dealership service department loses PDI (Pre-Delivery Inspection) income, and when the new vehicle comes in from the manufacturer, it goes through service to make sure it’s ready to sell before it’s put on the lot. Now there are much fewer of those, and adversely, used car sales are down.So right now, given the inventory pressures since there are so few new cars available, and they’re commanding a premium, and late-model used cars are almost as expensive as they were when they were brand new (which I’ve never seen before, many customers are opting to repair their car. So, that creates a huge opportunity for service departments whereas a customer has an older car that needs a transmission or needs an engine or needs a substantial amount of work. A lot of times now that customer is opting to get the work done because either there’s no car that they could buy that they would like, or the premium for the new car is so much more expensive that fixing the old one right now just makes sense.So, that creates a huge opportunity, but again fixed operations directors and service managers have to use every opportunity they get that comes through that service drive right now, whether it’s effective labor rate or hours per RO. There are fewer built-in revenue streams from the service department in terms of PDI and used car recon, so now they have to make it up from the consumer, and not waste any opportunity or any at-bats that come through the lane. And that’s where TVI MarketPro3 comes into play because we bring you those at-bats and bring you those customers that you haven’t seen before.RELATED ARTICLES:2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 1) - SUPPLY SHORTAGE ISSUES2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 2) - LABOR ISSUES2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 3) - INVENTORY ISSUES2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 4) - CAR SALES TRICKLE-DOWN EFFECT TO FIXED OPS

Apr 22, 2022 | 7 minute read


Moving on to part two, we'll take a close look at another area that has been greatly impacted in the 2022 economy, the ability (or lack thereof) to find technicians for service departments. TVI MarketPro3's Nick Shaffer has nearly twenty years in fixed ops working in a variety of leadership positions. Here's his take on the labor issues dealerships are currently facing.QUESTION: How is the current state of the economy affecting labor issues in fixed ops?ANSWER:Unemployment benefits offered during COVID enticed entry-level employees to not work. Every hiring manager I spoke to in the last 18 months reported a high no-show rate for job interviews. Their assumption was that candidates were doing whatever they needed to appear to be looking for work to keep their unemployment benefits going.Those benefits are now gradually getting pulled back, but there isn’t an immediate surge of unemployed folks reentering the job market. Perhaps due to the high cost of fuel?QUESTION: Are dealers putting innovations in place to entice new team members?ANSWER:For stores that are having trouble getting their folks back to work, that were previous employees, yes. But, when we’re talking about someone who’s trying to hire a new candidate, there’s no real equivalent to that other than big signing bonuses. And I do have lots of dealers that are offering signing bonuses, and very few of them are reporting that it’s providing the motivation that they’re looking for.The dealers that I’ve spoken to, that are having success hiring new candidates, are really focusing more on the benefits than the signing bonuses or the wages. So, they’re focusing on things like PTO offered on day one rather than after ninety days, health benefits offered on day one rather than after ninety days, a three-day workweek rather than a five-day workweek, eight-hour days instead of ten-hour days.So, my dealers that are really focusing on offering good life-work balance and benefits seem to be having better success hiring people than my dealers that aren’t offering that, but instead, are focusing on big signing bonuses and big wages.QUESTION: What are some of the major labor issues fixed ops leaders have faced over the past two years?ANSWER:Entry-level employees are scarce. COVID took the national technician shortage from bad to worse. Unemployment benefits have enticed many entry-level technicians to stay home. To keep up with business demands, many dealerships are giving their technicians raises to incentivize them to stay. This becomes a double whammy on the dealership's cost of doing business because the techs that stay are getting raises, and the entry-level tech headcount is depleting.Many service departments get top-heavy in the shop. To keep the gross profit margins, dealerships are raising their labor rates, and the increased operating cost is passed along to the customer. Every service manager in this situation has ongoing hiring efforts, but I have yet to speak to someone who has figured out a reliable way to hire entry-level techs at will.Fixed ops leaders are also facing parts supply issues which are a labor issue in some instances. There are shortages of drivers, dock workers, parts distribution center workers which all contribute to parts availability delays.QUESTION: List some occurrences in 2021-2022 and their relationship to labor shortages.ANSWER:The demand for automotive service and therefore technicians has changed a lot in the last two years. I already spoke about the shortage, so now I’ll speak to the demand. Throughout 2020, many office workers were afforded the ability to work from home.At various stages, they’ve largely returned to the office and resumed a somewhat normal driving pattern which created a huge pent-up demand for light-duty maintenance in the summer of 2021. Dealers who were staffed appropriately set records while dealers who were not staffed properly over-promised and under-delivered which is creating a long-lasting ripple effect with client attrition.Meanwhile, blue-collar workers never broke stride. There’s no such thing as ZOOM to a bricklayer or landscaper. As a matter of fact, the demand for their skilled labor increased. As some of the white-collar workers clocked in from home, they became more motivated to act upon home improvement projects that they’d been previously neglecting.This created a surge of business for contractors of all sorts. In turn, the demand to service their domestic trucks increased. Ford, GM, and CDJR dealers who were staffed appropriately are enjoying this business.The low supply of new cars is making both new and preowned cars more costly than we are used to. As a result, people are keeping their current cars longer and investing in them. What a great customer pay opportunity for dealers! Every dealer should be considering how to better market themselves to the older model year cars in their market.Quick side note, during the recent covid surge in December 2021 and Jan 2022, dealers are reporting a much larger than the average no-show rate for service appointments.QUESTION: Did you ever face similar issues in your time as a fixed ops leader?ANSWER:There was a tech labor shortage when I was a manager. There were very few entry-level techs on the market. Master technicians worth hiring were being well cared for by their current employer, so most of the master techs on the job market were coming in with bad habits and negative attitudes.These conditions that I faced are still an issue today. The difference now versus then is that now we have additional conditions which are enticing lower-wage workers to stay home.QUESTION: Are Apprenticeships Effective?ANSWER:I think if you had a hundred dealers, a hundred service managers, in a room for a meeting and asked them to raise their hand and asked them how many of you have an apprenticeship program, ninety-five out of a hundred if not more would raise their hand and say, “I have an apprenticeship program.”But that’s a very subjective thing. An apprenticeship program is going to mean something different to each service manager. To many service managers, an apprenticeship program is nothing more sophisticated than, “I hire entry-level technicians. I give them online classes to complete, and I hold them accountable to do so. And somewhere we have a roaming shop foreman that will help them and train them if they raise their hand and say they need help, and that’s not, in my opinion, a real apprenticeship program.A real apprenticeship program needs ongoing education, both virtual and hands-on. I’ve seen dealers have success with team systems where each dealership has several technician teams, and those tech teams usually are 4, 5, or 6 technicians, two entry-level, two mid-level, and one master, and that master is responsible for the ongoing training of everybody who is on his team.And that shows entry-level technicians not only the hands-on learning that they need, but it also shows that there’s a career path. It's not that there are forty techs in the shop with one shop foreman, it’s that there are five teams in the shop.Every team has one shop foreman, and there are several levels I can work to achieve between here and there. So, for there to be a real apprenticeship, there needs to be ongoing classroom training, ongoing virtual, ongoing hands-on, and a career path.QUESTION: What are some suggestions you would give to a fixed ops leader that is trying to build his or her team and prevent turnover?ANSWER:Have an awareness that this pandemic afforded some of your staff to stay home for a bit. This is happening in an ongoing manner if someone gets exposed or becomes symptomatic. If you’ve ever heard the phrase, a rolling stone gathers no moss, then you’ll understand that it’s entirely normal for someone to return to work with a diminished energy level.They’ve been sitting around for a week or two not doing much and this takes a toll on most people’s energy and focus. Consider making a big deal about it when someone comes back to work. Celebrate their return with the team.If they are in a performance role, consider a “fast start” bonus to incentivize them to get back to 100% of their normal production right out of the gate. This will help them feel welcomed and help them refocus.Keep a pulse on what your competitors are paying and be willing to compete. Don’t wait for your employees to ask for a raise or worse yet give you notice to leave for a better offer. If you find that the market wage is above your staff wage, give your staff a raise. Find a way to do so while rewarding job performance and tenure.Raise your prices to afford this if you need to. Shop your competition to find out what they charge for common services, and make sure you don’t price yourself out of the market. Most manufacturers allow you to submit for a warranty labor rate increase every year. Engage in this process and understand how to maximize the outcome.There’s more to staff retention than good wages. Engage your team in regular one-on-ones. Your staff wants to be led. They want to know if they are doing a good job or not.They want to know they are working towards something. They want to know you care. They want to be a part of a team, so host team-building activities regularly and publicly recognize teammates with high performance. Recognize birthdays and work anniversaries.Keep a pulse on what job benefits your competitors are offering; many businesses now offer PTO starting at day 1. Other common benefits include health benefits after 30 days, which used to be 90. 4-day work weeks. Unlimited time off.When it comes to hiring staff, realize that there is more demand for staff than supply. So, think of ways to differentiate yourself. Wage, schedule, benefits, and culture are all important.Consider developing a deep and meaningful relationship with your local trade schools. Offer to serve on their board and give input on curriculum development.Arrange to speak to their student body on a schedule – at least quarterly. Attend their job fairs, or better yet, offer to host their job fairs at your store. When you retire a piece of equipment like a brake lathe or tire balancer, don’t take the Hunter trade-in value. Instead, donate it to the school.RELATED ARTICLES:2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 1) - SUPPLY SHORTAGE ISSUES2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 2) - LABOR ISSUES2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 3) - INVENTORY ISSUES2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 4) - CAR SALES TRICKLE-DOWN EFFECT TO FIXED OPS

Apr 22, 2022 | 8 minute read


The supply shortage has a direct and indirect effect on fixed operations. From vehicle inventory to supply chain issues, fixed ops directors are seeing challenges in the service departments like never before. Ken Pletcher, TVI MarketPro3 Agent and long-time fixed ops professional, explains his observations and experiences with the current and past supply shortages.QUESTION: What are some of the supply shortage issues over 2021-2022?ANSWER:There were quite a few different ones that were along the time. There were wire harnesses that weren’t available for vehicles, and different plastic pieces, glass, windshields were really a challenge. But probably the biggest one that affected us was the microchips, and again that’s for new car sales, but it’s going to be affecting the service departments as well.QUESTION: How is the current state of the economy affecting these issues?ANSWER:It’s definitely driving up the prices for the new and used cars due to low inventory. It’s caused a delay in replacement parts and service departments, so it’s caused a lot of challenges just trying to do day-to-day business in a dealership.QUESTION: List some occurrences in 2021-2022 and their cause/effect relationship to supply shortage issues.ANSWER:Delays in having repair work done… parts can be an issue. Manufacturers are running out of specific parts. You might have to go to an after-market vendor or even wrecking yards to find a part to get a repair performed.QUESTION: Did you ever face similar issues in your time as an automotive leader?ANSWER:Yes, I certainly did. I had to be inventive to find parts, and we went as far as checking inventories in other dealerships out of state to see if they might have something, some one-off part that the manufacturer didn’t have. And then [we] worked with that dealership to get it shipped out. As I mentioned possibly aftermarket parts, possibly even rebuilding or resealing a specific part.It could be a power steering pump whose seal is bad. Normally you would replace the whole pump. It may not be available, so the seal might be available. And as I mentioned too, possibly going to wrecking yards for like a control arm or something like that that needs to be replaced as well.Those issues have come up in the past, but not as strong as they have in the 2021-2020 time frame.QUESTION: What are some suggestions you would give to a fixed ops leader that is trying to overcome these issues?ANSWER:Think outside the box when a part is necessary for repair. If it’s not available as new, can it be rebuilt? Aftermarket parts, or check with wrecking yards or with other dealerships in the area. What else can you do?It might even be something along the lines of letting the guest know, “hey there’s no part available right now. It’s not a safety concern. We can call you when the part comes in. Have the customer come back in as well.QUESTION: What effect have these supply shortage issues had on fixed ops?ANSWER:In 2021, due to the chip shortage, new vehicle availability was really low, and so, even though most dealerships did pretty well with it, the count was nowhere near what they were supposed to do, and that’s been more so the last half od 2021. 2022 January, the sales are down 9.8% compared to January of ’21, so you can see the trend is still going down.What that’s going to mean to us is there are going to be fewer cars in our dealerships in the next few years because of sales being down. Right now, it’s very important for dealerships to really work on their retention and work on VINs that have not been in their store before because if they can start grabbing those now as things start trickling down, it’ll help their business be a stronger model a year or two from now.For the VINs that have not been there because for someone who is looking for a specific Honda or a specific Chevy that’s not at their local dealership, they might actually purchase it from a surrounding dealer that might have that specific color.At that point, that service department will not know that that vehicle is serviceable in their area because they bought it outside of their PMA, so it’s really important to grab those vehicles that have not been in their store because they might have been purchased outside because of availability.I know because of the pandemic, people are driving less, so their driving habits across the board have really changed in the last two years. That prolongs it, and at that point, you have an opportunity to someone possibly leaving a dealership that might have been loyal just because of the time frame, and it’s not forefront in their mind to service at the dealership.RELATED ARTICLES:2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 1) - SUPPLY SHORTAGE ISSUES2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 2) - LABOR ISSUES2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 3) - INVENTORY ISSUES2022 ECONOMY AND THE EFFECT ON FIXED OPS (PART 4) - CAR SALES TRICKLE-DOWN EFFECT TO FIXED OPS

Apr 22, 2022 | 4 minute read

A New Year Boost for Fixed Ops Marketing

Many dealerships have already squared away their marketing budgets for 2022, but are your fixed ops marketing strategies where they need to be to kick off the new year? It is easy for dealers to take a broad approach to promote the entire business as a whole.But you cannot stop there as dealerships are essentially two businesses under one umbrella, encompassing the brand reputation. The umbrella can reinforce that customers will receive the utmost professionalism and top-notch service from everything under it, but each part of the dealership needs its own identity.Car dealership service centers should be targeting a specific audience to keep the service bays full, and service marketing should cover multiple avenues of marketing, including digital and traditional marketing, to get the most out of the marketing dollars.Digital MarketingDigital marketing covers such a broad spectrum of tools and platforms that it can be overwhelming to know where to start, but all are equally important. Use as many platforms as possible to ensure you get in front of consumers in the new year.Email MarketingCustomers have entrusted you with their emails, so handle these with care. Targeted emails are a great way to reach your current customers, but each email should be valuable to the recipient.Sending blanket emails to wish everyone a happy new year is a feel-good email that keeps your brand in front of your audience but does not require them to do anything except enjoy the sentiment. However, blanket emails that flood their inbox will have the opposite impact and likely do more harm than good. Your customers reach for the unsubscribe button before you can say oil change.But there is a balance, and when you target the specific year, make, and model for your customer's vehicle, and the services it might need, you will have a more willing participant on the receiving end of that email.Social MediaGet active on social media, starting with welcoming the New Year on all of your platforms. Yes, you should use multiple social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.Your branding should be the same across each of these platforms, but messaging should be catered to each one. In other words, find ways to stylize your posts to fit each.Facebook leaves more room for elaborate posts to tell a story and includes imagery. Instagram starts with imagery as the primary storyteller, but it does leave a little room for comments to compliment the picture or video.Social media is also a great way to educate customers with video marketing and timelines for maintenance and services. You do not need professionally shot videos to have a professional impact. However, they do need to be visually attractive and include valuable content.Paid SearchWhen looking for car repair parts and services online, customers type in a specific set of keywords. Paid search allows you to use these keywords in online advertisem*nts to put your dealership at the top of the search engine results pages. While this requires a specialist that knows how to execute this type of marketing, it is a tool you will need to extend your marketing reach.Traditional MarketingWhile digital is often the go-to marketing option, do not forget to take a traditional approach. Sending a little Happy New Year postcard with irresistible coupon savings on parts and services is a great way to make a good impression.After all, many people put off much-needed services over the holidays, promising themselves they will get to it in the new year. What better way to remind them than a postcard or letter in the mail? Mailers can include coupons with discounts on parts like tires and wiper blades, or they can remind people about the launch of new service specials. Either way, a small note may be just the reminder needed to lure them into your service drive.Optimizing your websiteAll marketing efforts, digital or traditional, should link to your website. Your landing pages should represent your service department as much as it does your sales department. You also want to improve SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to strengthen your organic search results.Encourage customer reviewsAsk your existing service customers to review your dealership on social media as well as Google. Customer-based reviews instill confidence when a consumer is trying to narrow down their options for service. They want to know a dealership has reliable products and excellent services before making their appointments.ConclusionWhen you plan your marketing for the service department, use all available avenues to reach your customers. If you put all your efforts into just one platform or channel, you will miss your target audience. More importantly, you will leave a wide gap for your competitors. You can accomplish some of this in-house, but it never hurts to see how a marketing partner like TVI MarketPro3 can help.

Dec 29, 2021 | 4 minute read

Automotive Marketing Company: Choosing the right one

Let’s face it, marketing in its most successful form is a full-time job. Business leaders must determine their preferred marketing solutions and then find the best way to implement them. With so much competition in the automotive industry, how do dealership leaders reach current and potential customers when it’s their full-time job to serve the customers at the dealership.So, what’s the solution? Every dealership should have a designated in-house marketing team. Or, better yet, they should employ an outside partner that will focus on bringing in new customers and keeping current customers returning.But even interviewing and partnering with an ad agency or marketing firm can be an overwhelming task in and of itself. Let’s break this down to a step-by-step process that will better enable you to wrap your mind around this daunting task.STEP #1 Create a Basic Marketing StrategyCreating basic marketing strategies starts with defining your goals. Are you striving to attract new sales customers, or is your focus more on growing your service department? Maybe your service lane is backed up with business, but you need a good retention plan to get your currently active and inactive customers to continue using your services.Once you’ve clarified your goals, you’ll need to decide which marketing tools you wish to use. These options seem endless, but you can narrow them down by thinking about your target customer.Automotive Digital MarketingDigital marketing is essential these days with the amount of time people spend glancing at their phones and perusing social media. Email Marketing and other digital marketing platforms are the quickest and most cost-effective ways to get things rolling. Digital media and social media marketing should be a top focus for any automotive sales or service digital marketing strategy. Your dealership must have a visually pleasing presentation on social media that includes clean, professional pictures and high-quality video production.Web DesignPerhaps you want to improve your overall online presence. After all, your website is one of your most valuable marketing tools. If this is the goal, you’ll need a company that has a professional graphic design and web design team.Expect to see a portfolio of websites and graphics the company has designed and developed in the past. When viewing the work, put yourself in the place of a customer, and ask yourself the following questions:Are both the UX and UI up to par? In other words, is the website pleasing to the eye (UI - User Interface) and easy to navigate (UX - User Experience)?Is the branding clean and clear?Are the images high quality?Do the pages load quickly and answer questions right away?Search Engine OptimizationIt doesn’t matter how fancy your website design and graphics are if no one ever sees them. Therefore, when looking at a digital marketing agency’s website design portfolio, ask about their Search Engine Optimization or SEO services.Customers won’t come across your website based on its appearance alone. The use of keywords and other content deemed to be valuable by Google is what causes a website to pop up at the top of search engine results pages (SERP).There are SEO companies that focus only on achieving this goal. These companies will employ organic SEO and PPC (Pay Per Click) strategies. If you’re planning on using a marketing company for their web design work, they should also have an SEO expert to ensure the website is prominent on Google searches.Traditional MarketingA word of warning, do not underestimate the power of traditional marketing like radio, television, and print ads. Direct mail, when done right, is still a very effective way to reach customers. Marketers should be targeting a specific customer to get the most out of the dealership’s marketing dollars.TVI MarketPro3 implements what we call Intelligent Direct Mail. We utilize a database to identify customers at every stage of vehicle ownership and maintenance interval. We then ensure they receive the right service offer at just the right time.STEP #2 Determine the Agency TypeNow that you have a better idea of your strategy and the different marketing tools you’d like to use, it’s time to find the right marketing company. Use your clearly defined goals to help narrow down your options.You’ll need to determine if a full-service agency. In the Loop notes that “a full-service agency could gather data and put that to use in every department of your company’s online marketing, be it in the content or the design.” You could even partner with a full-service digital marketing firm if that would better meet your digital strategies.Some companies focus on a niche industry like automotive marketing agencies. These companies better understand the industry and might be more able to represent your brand. In the Loop touches on this point by stating, “A niche agency knows how to gather data in their field of work and will apply those to your online marketing to help in one specific area.”Whichever direction you decide to go, narrow it down to 3 or 4 options, and let their presentation help you with the final choice.STEP #3 Look at Company Track RecordAnytime you’re making a B2B commitment, you’ll want to learn as much as possible about the company’s history. Is it a data-driven company that executes thorough market research? Their presentation should make this very apparent, and they should have done thorough research about your dealership before walking through your door.The company should show proof of strategic marketing and have a strong track record as a marketing and branding agency. The candidates should offer frequent reporting and feedback and be willing to put their money where their mouth is. You should beware of long-term contracts that lock you in for an unreasonable amount of time. A company that is confident in its results should not feel the need to lock a dealer into a contract for more than six months to a year.STEP #4 Make a CallIf you’ve been careful to walk through the detailed selection process outlined above, then it is likely whichever company you choose will produce a good ROI. No matter which company you select, it is your job to hold the company accountable.Don’t let your new marketing partner slide on follow-up reporting, but give it a little time. While some marketing efforts magically produce results in a month, the long game often wins out. So as long as you’re seeing steady results in a positive direction, you will eventually see even better results down the line.

Dec 9, 2021 | 5 minute read

Setting Up Your Dealership PPC Advertising

Advertisers are spending millions of dollars every day to compete for the attention of the consumer. TV commercials, outdoor billboards, and radio are all examples of trying to attract consumer attention. After seeing all these advertisem*nts, consumers turn to google to make their decision. Will you be found when the consumers are working to narrow down their choices?PPC Advertising or Pay Per Click Advertising gives you the extra spotlight your dealership needs in order to be found on a google search. We explained this form of advertising in a previous article entitled Automotive PPC Advertising for Your Marketing Arsenal. This would be a great resource if you're still scratching your head to understand PPC Advertising. Once you better understand what PPC advertising is and how it can benefit you, it's time to shift your focus to setting up a campaign.Things to Consider for an Automotive PPC Campaign.Ian Favre is the Digital Marketing Director at TVI MarketPro3. Before physically creating dealer ads, he first determines how this paid search campaign will help the dealer?TVI MarketPro3 starts with an onboarding phone call in which our team digs to learn more about the specific goals and pain points of the dealer service department. The dealer may be struggling to get people through express lanes, or they may need more traffic for tire sales.The more specific we can be in goal setting with a customer, the more likely we are to find success for them. Everyone wants more leads, but what specific things, on your service drive, can we help with to make an immediate impact for you?Budgeting for Dealer PPC AdsTVI MarketPro3 designs all paid search campaigns with an overarching budget for fixed operations. We then create groups with topic-specific ads. For example, we might have an oil change, brakes, or other categories that meet specific dealer goals.Once we have a budget and each group is created, we assign that budget to all groups. We tell Google these groups are all of equal importance, so spend where these searches are.At TVI we do not assign "individual budgets [to] spend this much money on brakes, this much money on oil changes. It is telling Google, you have X amount of money to spend per day, say $50, $75, $100, whatever the investment is... go spend that money where the searches are,” says Favre.Plan for PatienceWhen auto dealerships develop a PPC strategy, they must realize it takes time to reach maximum performance. Once you get data inside Google Ad Words and Google Analytics, you can start making adjustments in the campaign for best performance.Pay-per-click advertising requires continual monitoring and daily adjustments. Any company or digital marketer expecting to do a "set it and forget it" paid search campaign will not achieve the desired success.Keyword Research for PPCKeyword research is a pillar of paid search success. At TVI MarketPro3, we use several third-party tools in our keyword research. Programs like SEMrush and Google Keyword Planner give great insight into valuable keywords. We also have DMS integration with dealers allowing us to pull all the customer comments in the repair orders. We then scrape all the keywords that could be from those customer comments.Negative KeywordsUsing Negative Keyword lists in Google Ads helps advertisers prevent serving impressions or generating ad clicks on keywords unrelated to the business. These negative keyword lists can vary from dealership to dealership, but the dealership name can drive a need for these negative terms.Negative keywords are those words on which you do not want to bid. A lot of it is going to be word association to elements of your business. For example, let us imagine a dealership named Broom Stick Chevrolet. Using negative keywords will prevent an ad from appearing in searches related to brooms or sticks irrelevant to the business.Quality traffic is the driving force of paid search, and digital marketers have to find a good balance in generating clicks and leads for dealers but making sure that those are quality clicks and leads.DIY or Hire a pro?Can all of this paid search work be done in-house by someone on staff? An internet or BDC Manager, perhaps? Yes, it is entirely possible, and many dealerships have elected to go this route. But ask yourself this; has your internet manager been managing automotive paid search campaigns for 15+ years? Does your BDC manager have all of their Google certifications?So dealerships have the option to hire somebody and bring it all in-house. However, it will probably be more cost-effective with a more skilled individual at an agency that does this professionally for hundreds of automotive dealers.Visit our website for more information on TVI MarketPro3's Paid Search program.

Sep 29, 2021 | 4 minute read

Auto Dealer BDC for Sales and Service

It can be difficult for a service or sales manager to give each customer their undivided attention. When finalizing a sale or handling daily challenges of the service department, it’s easy to miss important incoming calls. Unfortunately, these calls may even get lost because they’re on hold for too long.It might also be a challenge to do customer outreach via phone calls or emails. After all, these professionals are also trying to get through all the other tasks their job requires. Therefore, each dealership should have a team dedicated to taking care of customer communication. The Business Development Center (BDC) is this dedicated team.Purpose of a Dealership Business Development CenterAutomotive BDC or Business Development Center provides customer outreach and customer acquisition for both sales and service. Many think the primary goal of the BDC team is to schedule appointments, but it’s more than that. Modern technology has allowed robots to schedule appointments over the phone, and people can easily schedule online.It’s all about positive interactions and staying ahead of a customer’s needs. Whether a customer calls or reaches out via email, the first impression is everything. Treating this moment with the TLC it deserves will get the customer off the phone or computer and into your dealership.When your phone and internet leads make the first contact, what will their initial experience be? Dealers must stay ahead of Google and the possibility of a customer walking into an independent repair shop. BDC teams answer inbound calls and make outbound calls for your dealership, and therefore, are the customers’ initial point of contact.Sales BDCYour BDC team is an extension of your automotive sales team. It should be striving to acquire sales appointments. The team should go beyond an availability request and get a customer in for a test drive.The phone call or email is the initial part of the sales process. So your BDC representatives need to complement outstanding customer service with appropriate sales techniques. Sales managers must work closely with the BDC manager to ensure goals align. The customer experience should be seamless from the phone call through to the purchase and follow-up call.Service BDCService departments should have a portion of the BDC dedicated to getting current and new customers in for service. Or, there should be an equal amount of BDC energy spent on both the service department and the sales department.Service directors and managers are busy serving the daily flow of customers and vehicles. It is still necessary for these individuals to create strong customer relationships. But it can be tough to balance the needs of the in-person customer and the phone or email customers.For this reason, BDC representatives should be the ones focused on fielding incoming calls and scheduling appointments. They should also be placing outgoing calls and emails, both of which ensure a top-notch customer experience.A dealership’s BDC agents have more focused time to get the appointment as they are not dealing with incoming traffic. Service advisors often overlook this as they are busy taking care of their current customer’s needs. And it may be that the next service is too far out for the customer to consider at that moment.The BDC team can reach out at the right time to offer an appointment. Having a team dedicated to calling customers closer to their needed service takes the pressure off the service advisor. It allows the customer to feel served rather than sold when interacting with the dealership leading to greater customer satisfaction. And appointments set closer to the date are less likely to have a no-show.Does your dealership need a BDC?The cost may seem high, but a well-managed BDC can yield a solid return for a dealership. The key phrase here is well-managed. A strong BDC manager will know how to create systems of accountability and professionalism to ensure every customer interaction is excellent. Motivation, proper training, and performance-based pay plans can make a BDC team a great addition to any dealership.See more automotive insights at TVI MarketPro3.

Aug 11, 2021 | 3 minute read

How to grow a service department

Have you recently taken over a service department, or has your repair order count been stagnant for longer than you would like to admit?Either way, step back and take a birds-eye view of the big picture to ensure you address the areas that have the most impact on growth in your service drive: marketing, customer service, and quality work.Inspecting team performance in these areas might give you the jump-start you need.MarketingIt is a simple idea; get the word out to the ideal customer, and entice them to visit your service drive for maintenance or repair. But without an effective strategy and a marketing team that knows how to bring this idea to fruition, it often remains just that, an idea. You must know your customers, reach your customers, and then work to keep your customers.Define your customerTVI MarketPro3 has four distinctions when it comes to defining a customer. Active Customers, Inactive Customers, Lost Customers, and New VINS. Each of these customer types requires a unique marketing strategy.Active CustomersActive Customers are existing customers who have done business with you in the past year. These customers need a solid retention marketing strategy. Customer retention is key to building the base of your business.Inactive Customers Inactive Customers have let some time go by since their last visit, roughly 13-24 months. They are familiar with your service department, but they need an offer to get them into your drive and back to active status.Lost Customers Lost Customers have not paid you a visit in 25-42 months. You need to get back on their radar if you want them to return to your service drive.New VIN Customers New VIN Customers live in your service area but have never stepped foot in your dealership. You read that right! They are right in your backyard. They drive your dealership make, and yet they have not brought their vehicle to you for service.You do not want to miss out on this growth opportunity. New customers allow you to build upon the customer base you have worked so hard to retain.Reach your customerGear your marketing to increase customer counts through several platforms, including email, social media, and direct mail. Data from multiple sources (DMS, Change of Address, and Recall databases) will allow you to target customers according to their status and customer type. Be sure to send timely emails and direct mail pieces, so they think of your services at just the right time.Retain your customerRetention is imperative if you are looking to grow, so while you must bring in new customers, your goal should be to keep them coming back until they are ready to buy their next car. Be crystal clear on how you measure your retention rate and set monthly goals to ensure you are on track.Strive to provide a five-star customer experience to keep your customers returning, and remember to include your current customers in your marketing strategies. Do not assume because they came to you once for service (even if it was outstanding service) that you will be top of mind for their next service.Customer ServiceOnce you attract customers, the challenge is keeping them, and the customer experience is a number one determining factor on whether or not a customer will return. You can have a state-of-the-art facility with all the bells and whistles, but if your team fails to connect with its customers, they likely will not return.Make it personable, but keep it professional.See your customers as human beings first and not just another vehicle. Be empathetic to their situation as expensive car repairs can be life-changing events on the financial front for most people. However, you have to remain professional at all times.TVI MarketPro3’s Eric Hawkes addresses this in the Grow Your RO video series. “The professional is to deliver them the information that is pertinent to the car. It is the customer’s decision what they can afford and how they can afford it,” says Hawkes. Finding that balance between empathy and professionalism will go a long way in building a trusting relationship with your client.Earn the customer’s trustWhen leaving their vehicle with you, a customer wants to know it is in good hands. A thorough walk-around with customers is one way to earn their trust. Listen to their concerns, and review these with them before they leave. You must also follow through on what you say you will do. If you say you will call them at a specific time, do so even if you don’t have all the information for them. Communication is essential to creating trust between you and your customers.A friendly farewellIn the Grow Your RO video series, TVI MarketPro3’s Nick Shaffer addresses the need to walk the customer to the car and answer any remaining questions they may have when delivering the vehicle. "[The transaction] should not end at your desk. It should not end in the service drive. It should not end in the lounge. It should end at their car with you opening the door for them and thanking them for their business,” urges Shaffer.Outstanding experienceMake sure your customers rave about the experience they have in working with your dealership. Everything from the walk-around to the delivery should instill confidence and be as hassle-free as possible. Customer satisfaction is a must if a service manager wants to enjoy long-term success.Quality WorkNo matter how effective your marketing and how connected you are to your customers, you must get the job done right the first time. Nobody wants to pay for a car repair, and nobody wants to take on the inconvenience of being without a ride for multiple days. So service teams must have checks and balances in place to ensure they complete repairs efficiently and correctly.Skilled professionalsTechnicians must be knowledgeable, so they can quickly identify the issue and make the needed repairs. Assign technicians to the appropriate services and repairs according to their abilities. Doing this ensures you are not paying a high dollar rate for a low-dollar repair. The service team must be well-trained for the work they are assigned.Fix it right the first timeThe proper checks and balances ensure the work is completed correctly on the first attempt. Customers have no patience for bringing their car in multiple times when the techs failed to get it right or made the wrong repair; a huge reason for the lack of trust in the car repair industry overall.ConclusionConsistently monitoring all of these areas and holding your team accountable for meeting these standards is how you will see the growth you are hoping for in your service department. As Shaffer says, “it all comes down to people and processes.”Learn more on how a partnership with TVI MarketPro3 can help you grow your service department.

Jun 15, 2021 | 5 minute read

Increase Profit in the Service Department

The Fixed Operations Department has a significant impact on dealership success. Throughout the automotive industry, dealerships rely on these areas to increase the bottom line company-wide. Vehicle service and parts sales are two of the main fixed ops segments of the dealership. Therefore, examining how to increase profit in these areas will help determine what tweaks to make in a service drive.Understanding company financial statementsA statement will most often reveal the gross profit in the top few line items. Gross Profit is the income a business has left after paying all direct expenses (cost of sale) related to the manufacturing of a product or the costs associated with providing its services.Scroll down to the “bottom line” of the statement, also known as net profit. After deducting all other expenses, the dealer gets to keep what is left over. These expenses are broken into three categories: Variable, Semi-Fixed, and Fixed.Variable cost examples are commissions, manager’s pay, and policy expenses. Semi-fixed expenses include uniforms, computers, and IT support. Rent, insurance, and depreciation of tools, lifts, and the facility all fall under fixed expenses. Fixed expenses remain more or less consistent over time.The profit margin is a percentage rate based on the gap between profit and revenue. The net profit margin is an indicator of overall company success. Gross profit margin indicates how well a department maximizes revenue while minimizes the cost of sale. Generally, service and parts departments should monitor and manage both to create the best overall result.Financial statements are like the scoreboard in a football game. Coaches make decisions and call plays based on the score. Without a doubt, service managers can use their financial statements to make similar game plans.Alter price, not quality of serviceTo increase the profit margin, raise the price or lower the cost of sale. However, do so without losing the service quality. Focus on increasing repair orders and reducing costs wherever possible.Examine how you can reduce your break-even point. The break-even point is the total expense it takes to operate the business for a month. TVI MarketPro3 agent, Nick Shaffer, has years of experience in fixed operations. When discussing the break-even point he gave us an example from when he managed Acura of Pleasanton. "My nut was $200k, so I knew I needed to earn $200k in gross profit to break even." Shaffer goes on to say, "knowing your break-even point, working to lower that total expense, and always knowing how your gross profit is trending for the month in relation to the ‘nut’ are good stats for a manager to keep an eye on."Monitor the labor rateLabor costs and labor sales are always easy to let slide, but this is a mistake if you are looking to increase your profit margin. Shop operators must calculate their facility’s effective labor rate regularly. They should then consider how to improve the situation.In addition, consider dispatching your repair orders to align the skill level required with the skill level of the technician. Ensure you’re not paying an unnecessarily high wage for a particular repair.Increase incoming dollarsWe’ve examined some of the cost-cutting areas, but the other half of the profit equation is revenue increases. Look at how you can maximize the hours and parts sold on each repair order. Increasing revenue starts with increased lead generation followed by successful lead conversion practices. So, boost your revenue by increasing the number of transactions or repair orders.Customer acquisition and customer retention need to be at the top of the list when discussing increased revenue. Create referral programs to make it easy for your happy customer to spread the word because customer satisfaction is a must for retaining customers. If you can’t keep returning customers coming through the door, you’ll be spinning your wheels trying to keep your service bay full and prevent lost revenue.View more fixed ops insights.

Jun 7, 2021 | 3 minute read

Social Media for Automotive Service Departments

2020 undoubtedly highlighted the reliance people have on social media to get their news, information, shopping, and more. Car dealerships were forced to step up their digital marketing game to reach and attract car buyers, but how are dealers performing when it comes to their service drive social media game? A strong social media strategy is a must for a service department. But dealerships generally miss the mark in their service department's social media presence.Absorption Rate GoalsThe challenge is that dealers are looking to the service department to reach a high absorption rate. A dealership with a high absorption rate is better able to weather the slumps of car sales.One would think that with this lofty goal set before them, the dealership's social media marketing strategy would align.However, as we perused a handful of dealership Facebook Pages, they all seem to send the same message. Sales are the shiny, exciting part of our dealership, while the service department may, or may not, make an appearance on the dealership's social media platforms.The Social Media Balancing Act for DealershipsWith so many social media channels available, how do you know where to prioritize?Determining the best social platform to use can be an overwhelming task, but research shows that Facebook is the most popular social media platform for dealer marketing.Therefore, we started by looking at five different dealershipFacebook Pages. We included dealerships with different makes located in various parts of the country. We didn’t use dealership names as our goal is not to pick on specific dealers but instead highlight the impression each dealer leaves with its followers.Marketing must align with dealership goals. If a robust service lane is one of those goals, the strategy should match. Unfortunately, we found this is not a common practice in the automotive industry's Facebook strategies.Review of 5 Different Dealership Facebook Pages:Ford Dealership (Springfield, Illinois)October 2020 Posts48 Total Posts - 28 Sales | 4 Service | 16 General Interest8.33% Service PostsSeptember 2020 Posts55 Total Posts - 34 Sales | 4 Service | 17 General Interest7.27% Service PostsTotal Service Post % for two-month Span7.77%Toyota Dealership (Houston, Texas)October 2020 Posts70 Total Posts - 55 Sales | 5 Service | 10 General Interest7.14% Service PostsSeptember 2020 Posts25 Total Posts - 21 Sales | 2 Service | 2 General Interests8.00% Service PostsTotal Service Post % for two-month Span7.37%Chevrolet Dealership (New York, New York)October 2020 Posts31 Total Posts - 23 Sales | 0 Service | 8 General Interest0.00% Service PostsSeptember 2020 Posts20 Total Posts - 20 Sales | 0 Service | 0 General Interest0.00% Service PostsTotal Service Post % for two-month Span0.00%Honda Dealership (San Jose, California)October 2020 Posts12 Total Posts - 9 Sales | 3 Service | 0 General Interest25% Service PostsSeptember 2020 Posts9 Total Posts - 6 Sales | 2 Service | 1 General Interest22% Service PostsTotal Service Post % for two-month Span23.81%Volkswagen Dealership (Jacksonville, FL)October 2020 Posts30 Total Posts - 25 Sales | 1 Service | 4 General Interest3.33% Service PostsSeptember 2020 Posts22 Total Posts - 19 Sales | 1 Service | 2 General Interest4.55% Service PostsTotal Service Post % for two-month Span3.85%These dealerships each vary in the number of posts they had per month, week, and day. Some seemed very consistent and methodical in their master posting plan, while others seemed sporadic and disjointed. Some had dozens of posts with customers and their new vehicles, while others seem to have no human element at all.But the one thing each of these dealerships had in common is the sales department was feasting at the Facebook table while the service department got the leftover social media morsels.These five dealerships combinedaveraged 8.56%posts that pointed to their service department.Why the Oversight?Dealers can often be more sales-focused, thereby influencing the dealership's marketing focus. The result is a Facebook page that reaches and attracts car buyers only.It is important to note that service customers are not necessarily the same as car buyers. The ideal service customer has an older vehicle that needs more involved maintenance or repairs. Many aren’t interested in car buying, and even if they are, they still need to take care of the car they are driving. Marketing to these two different customer types takes planning and management. The right marketing team will understand the role the service department plays in the dealership’s bottom line. They will also realize the service department gets customers on the lot, potentially leading to future sales.Increasing Brand Awareness to Potential Service Customers?Let’s use Facebook’s tips for business and customize these specifically to the car dealer's service department.Capture VideoThe quickest and easiest way to make a statement is to capture a quick pic or create a short slideshow or video. Build trust by introducing your service team and showing them in action. Ask a team member what they are working on and how they are solving a customer’s problem? Show off your new service app or your beautiful waiting area. These visuals go a long way in painting the experience for service customers.EngageEngage with your audience with a vehicle service quiz with a prize for the winner. For example, “What mileage should you have a transmission flush? Get the closest answer without going over and receive $10 off your next oil change.” Story TimeAnother great way to attract followers is to tell a story. A service department has many unique customers, each with unique stories. And while they are in your service department, you are a part of their story. Publish a quick post telling the story of a mom who had two children with her when she arrived at your car dealership. Explain how happy you were to provide her with a loaner vehicle, and she didn’t have to spend half the day wrangling her little ones in your lobby.Or tell the story of a gentleman who came in for an oil change, and your team noticed his tires were looking worn. After discussing this matter with the customer, your team installed a new set of tires and had him off to work quickly.You know what your stories are, and you know how your team’s service makes a difference in your customer’s lives. Take a quick minute to share these stories.Pro TipIt is important to remember that not all posts need to be about your business. You can also provide helpful, useful, and interesting content that is unrelated to your service department. For example, share the morning rush hour traffic link. People will slow their scroll to view this, and they will see your logo in the process. You can occasionally add a call to action with this type of post like, “Don’t sit in traffic! Instead, enjoy a cup of coffee and an oil change while you wait for traffic to pass.”Spread the WordYou should also encourage happy customers to jump on Facebook to submit an online review. Make it easy for them by sending the link in a follow-up email. Be sure you've done all you can do to satisfy the customer before sending this follow-up email. Nothing's worse than being asked to submit a review when you weren't happy with your service.Blog that BenefitsShare your blog posts, but be sure these posts are high-quality posts and are of interest to the audience you’re trying to attract. They should be written to provide useful information to the reader and to set your dealership apart as an expert in the industry.Add an AdFacebook Ads are another way to spread the word about your services. Facebook will guide you through this process and help you to target the right customer. Grow your social media reach all while keeping within your marketing budget.Bonus: Facebook is not a "fix it and forget it" form of marketing. The goal is to get people to engage. If your content is successful in this, the expectation is that someone will be there to answer questions and keep the conversations going.A service department cannot obtain a social media presence by riding the coattails of the sales department. It must have its own digital marketing strategy that is not necessarily independent of the sales department. Instead, it should complement the sales department and create marketing magic to attract both sales and service customers to the dealership.Visit TVI MarketPro3 for more automotive marketing tips.

May 24, 2021 | 6 minute read

Successful Sales to Service Handoff Process

To be successful, an automotive dealership must sell more than just vehicles. It must sell the entire dealership. After all, vehicle sales alone do not keep a dealership afloat.Mastering the sales to service handoff process is imperative to dealership success. Other departments play a huge role in financially safeguarding the dealer. This is especially true in times of declining car sales. The service department takes the lead in this area and is the true profit machine for a dealership. Therefore dealers should not ignore the service drive in the car buying and selling process.When purchasing a car, the salesperson should see their sales customer as a future service customer. The customer should get the impression that sales teams and service teams are one and the same, and they work together as an overall customer success team.To achieve this in the short amount of time a customer is present in the dealership, the service and sales teams must be a well-oiled machine (pardon the pun) when it comes to a good handoff.7 Important Steps to a Smooth Sales to Service Handoff Process#1 Plan, Coordinate, EducateCustomer success does not come without a well-coordinated plan. This plan should be detailed and choreographed in the sales and service playbooks. Each member of each side of the team should know the expectations of new customer interactions and handoffs.Customer success managers and other leaders should sell their team on why this process is so important to the dealership and that each team member is crucial to its success.#2 Rehearse for your time in the spotlightA successful handoff will not occur if it feels robotic or forced. Your team must literally rehearse the entire process; script and all. The dealership is your stage, and your team members are the performers.Practice running the whole process with one team member playing the role of the customer. The more times your crew can walk through the process the more comfortable they’ll be when working with actual customers.#3 The sales team tees it upThe sales process sets the tone for the entire onboarding process. If the customer’s experience isn’t positive from the moment they step out of their car, it’ll be difficult to get them on board for the rest of the ride.Sales and service teams must maintain a symbiotic relationship. A sales rep should focus on the sale of the vehicle but should also sell the customer on how the dealership can best serve them in the future.The thought process should not be “how can I best sell a customer?” Instead, it should be “how can I best serve a customer?” This approach usually sells itself, and it sets the rest of the team up for success in the delivery process.#4 Give the five-star tourAs with any tour guide, the sales reps should be enthusiastic and passionate. They should educate the customer about what the dealership provides in all its departments and facilities.As the tour moves on, all team members must do their part to create a pleasant and inviting experience. The culture of the dealership is revealed here. It can either encourage or discourage the customer's return for maintenance and repairs.#5 Meet the service teamThis is a big moment! Customers might return for their future car buying needs, but this moment will help them decide if they’ll return for their vehicle’s service needs.Introduce them to a service team leader.This team leader should be on cue with their reception of this introduction.Remember, a customer’s time and attention span are limited, so this encounter should be brief but shouldn’t feel rushed.#6 Sell the whyAs we’ve discussed in other posts, consumers have 3 main objections to using dealerships for their vehicle services.Dealership services are too expensiveDealerships are not close enough to their home or officeThey’ve had a poor experience with a dealership in the past.Take this opportunity to address these objections and sell them on the value they’ll get by using the dealership over an aftermarket option.#7 Schedule their first appointmentMake their decision to return an easy one. Offer to schedule the appointment before guiding the customer out of the service department. Follow this up with reminder phone calls, or even better, an app that automates maintenance scheduling and reminders.If your company offers such an app, take the time to walk the customer through downloading and using it. This will increase the chances they will use it going forward.ConclusionA dealer’s long-term success is dependent on a coordinated effort by all sales and service team members in the handoff process. This process is made easier by planning and practicing.But once this process is complete, there is still work to do. Every time a customer enters your service line, the service should feel like the day they first entered. This is what keeps them coming back again and again. This is what keeps your dealer top of mind for the customer's next car purchase.Visit TVI MarketPro3 for more info and automotive marketing resources.

May 10, 2021 | 4 minute read

Guide to Dealership Service Department KPI

Measuring success is imperative to any business. And within each business, the individual parts or departments must know what their definition of success is to obtain it. These measurements and definitions are the dealership service department KPI or Key Performance Indicators. The questions automotive service advisors must answer are:What is a KPI?What are dealership service departments KPIs?How often should they be measured?What should you do once you meet them?By consistently working to answer each one of these questions, you can use them as a road map to set and meet your company’s goals.What is a KPI?Balanced Scorecard Institute, a Strategy Management Group, sponsors; an online resource for KPI practitioners. The website defines KPIs as the critical (key) indicators of progress toward an intended result. KPIs provide a focus for strategic and operational improvement and create an analytical basis for decision-making. They also help focus attention on what matters most.What are dealership service departments' KPIs?We further review KPIs in an article entitled "Automotive Service Department KPI Defined."Here we review how effective labor rate or hours sold per repair order are the most widely used KPIs. Customer pay types are important indicators. When we are talking about the shop, the biggest KPI would be shop efficiency and proficiency. Highly trained service technicians with adequate skill levels for the repairs they perform have an enormous impact on total labor sales.Dealers also focus on customer pay repair count, total repair order count, and retention metrics. The parts department is a critical part of fixed operations. The parts department would be tracking gross profit percentage, phase in and phase out metrics, and inventory turn times.The customer satisfaction index (CSI) reflects customer retention and is the main KPI for service departments. Every manufacturer calls the CSI something different. We call these CFC or OLP. They are all different acronyms to describe the same thing. Did we give the client a pleasant experience?Retention is keyRetention is also a dealership service department KPI. New customers are key to any business but keeping your current customers gives you a base on which to grow your business. Dealerships lose 80% of their customers to independents. Consider what keeps them from coming back.Did they have an excellent customer experience? Measure this by how many 5 star organic reviews received.Is the customer’s perception that prices are too high? With price transparency, the customer must be educated that in many cases, independents are more expensive.Is the service team involved in the car sale? Are they meeting the new sales customer and working to transition them to a service customer?Provide the very best customer service. The entire transaction should be smooth and easy for the customer.A service manager should also recognize technician value and work to keep good techs. You do this by treating them like true team members and recruiting techs that add value to your team.How often should they be measured?Service advisors should paint the picture of success for their team. Just as they need a clear road map to success, so does their rest of their crew. Everyone from the techs to the customer service reps needs to know the vision of success for the department overall as well asIt is imperative to set goals if your team is going to succeed. Break goals down into time increments like monthly, weekly, and daily. Perform this for the individual as well as for the whole team.Ensure each person knows what their individual production goals are and the steps they need to accomplish them. Measure goals on the deadline set when creating the goals. Measure daily goals daily, weekly goals weekly, and so on.What should you do once you meet the dealership service department KPI?Now here’s the fun part. Meeting the dealership service department KPI is a huge achievement that deserves celebration. There must be some acknowledgment and congratulations when a service team meets his or her own KPIs. Motivate them to strive for the next KPI with enthusiasm and passion.For more tips and resources visit TVI MarketPro3.

Apr 26, 2021 | 3 minute read

Fixed Operations Best Practices for the Phone

Customer acquisition is imperative to all businesses, and so is customer retention. The automotive industry is no exception, so service leaders must know the best practices to implement throughout their department.Fixed operations best practices start with your first interaction with a customer. Many times this interaction occurs over the phone. However, many service departments are lacking customer service when it comes to their phones.The phone call experience for the sales department tends to be terrific. The customer service representative connects the customer immediately to a sales agent. And from the start, the agent works the sales magic.People in sales make their living this way. They work hard to find what the customer needs as quickly and efficiently as possible because their livelihood depends on it. They also work very hard to get the customer in the building as there is a greater chance of making a sale if a customer can see it, smell it, and drive it.News Flash...Service Sells!Jerry Thibeau is the CEO and founder ofPhone Ninjas, Recon Ninjas, and Talk Options. He hosted a 2017 webinar entitled “How to Fix Your Fixed Operations.” Here he notes service departments are selling more frequently than the sales departments. The phone service in the service department must reflect this.Customers are often passed around from the initial call to the service department to the parts department to hold and then cycled through again. They begrudgingly have to restate their problem multiple times. Many calls go by without an effort to answer the question or get the customer in for the needed service or repair. The customer can become frustrated, and it can create a negative experience.Missing the mark on phones equals dealership lossesHere is an overview of what the dealership misses out on by not making the most of their incoming calls. First of all, they miss a customer pay repair order. One minor repair may not make a huge dent. However, if you look further, it is so much more than one repair.Service teams miss an opportunity to get a customer in to experience the excellent service they provide. They also miss being able to show the customer what might be an incredible facility. Anytime you have an RO, there is an opportunity to win a customer over. They will get to experience your service, and you can present special offers for future service.If the experience is positive, they will likely return for future service. And the chain reaction continues. These customers could turn into loyal customers or even raving fans. They will tell their friends about their experience or write great reviews on their service. This trickle-down effect leads to success in the service drive.A thriving service department leads to successful vehicle sales, and the customer feelings of honesty and transparency in the service department spill over to the entire dealership. On the contrary, lose a service customer and lose a potential future car sale.Create a fail proof systemCreating standard phone practices in all departments is key to getting new customers through the door. Yet dealership service departments often overlook this one. Incoming calls are a simple, low-cost form of lead generation. Developing precise phone call systems helps those who answer the phone to be proficient and effective.Here are five areas dealerships can improve when helping a customer over-the-phone#1 Script itWrite a script. Post the script. Learn the script. Not everyone on your team has the gift of gab, so having a script to follow when answering the phone is crucial.We are not talking Shakespeare here. It is just a standard way of answering the phone that your service customers will come to expect and appreciate. And everyone who might answer the phone should be expected to memorize it, recite it, and say it with a smile.The script does not end with the greeting. You must expand it to train team members on how to acknowledge the problem. Then give specific tracks to follow based on the customer situation.#2 Solve the problemA unique problem comes with each phone call. Your job is to go the extra mile to solve that problem, but be sure the customer knows what's going on. A long hold while looking up a part or seeking an answer can be frustrating, especially if the customer is in the dark.Preface a hold with a response like this:"I'm happy to help you with (insert problem). Give me just one second while I look up that part."Now the customer knows you are serving them while they wait. If the hold time gets lengthy, pick up the phone and touch base with the customer. Let them know why it is taking a little longer than expected.Full communication with a phone customer creates confidence. It shows the customer that they are the primary focus of your attention.#3 Create the experienceEvery phone call answered is an opportunity to paint the customer experience with your service department.Ask them how their day has been before diving into the solution, a simple way to drop a little nugget of joy. Let them know they are talking to a caring human being and not a robot.#4 Get the appointmentFollow-through is key to successful phone practices. Your customer may not always need a service when they call. However, your goal should always be to schedule an appointment.Thibeau emphasized this in his webinar. He performed mystery calls to dealerships and reviewed the strengths and weaknesses of each call. He stressed the importance of getting that appointment.The obvious way of doing this is to schedule a time to address the problem they called on. Even if they do not require a visit, you should still offer to get their next maintenance service on the books.Relax! We are not talking about high-pressure sales. Instead, you are offering something they may need and just have not taken the time to schedule. You must capitalize on every incoming call. And if you have handled the call correctly leading up to this point, it will likely feel helpful rather than pushy.#5 Follow upIf you need to call a customer back, give a specific time, and then call them at that time. Even if you lack the answer, call them to let them know you are still working on it.Make it a practice to place follow-up calls after repairs. This call enhances what was hopefully a positive experience in your service drive. It shows you care, and it increases the likelihood of a return for future service. This call is also a great time to discuss future needs and offers.ConclusionFixed operations best practices start with a successful phone call process for your fixed ops team. Planning, training, and practicing can help you achieve this goal.As a service leader, you might even make a few mystery calls yourself to put your service team to the test. Make this a priority for you and your team, and keep your phones and your service department buzzing.Subscribe today to the TVI MarketPro3 blog for more articles on Fixed Operations best practices.

Apr 12, 2021 | 5 minute read


Fixed operations price transparency is a hurdle dealerships must overcome to grow their repair orders. It's important to move past a customer's objections, and one of those objections will almost always be price. Consumers turn to Kelley Blue Book (KBB) for an assessment when purchasing or selling a vehicle. The KBB website draws about 20 million visitors per month. These visitors are all looking for the value of a vehicle.But, what about those customers that are not in the market to buy or sell a car? They own a car, and they want an easy way to price services for maintenance and repairs.KBB UpgradeKBB now has a new feature for car owners that helps increase consumer awareness of the cost of service and repairs. Car owners will now have a whole new direction when scheduling service visits with dealership service departments. It’s called Kelley Blue Book Car Repair Pricing, and it is making great strides in creating fixed operations price transparency.This easy to use feature readily answers four basic questions:What do I need?When do I need to do it?Who’s qualified to do it?How much, within a range, should I expect to pay?As if that wasn’t easy enough, the user can also easily schedule a service appointment with one of the featured auto repair centers.National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) presented this new feature in 2020 in Las Vegas. It highlighted that dealers have an awareness problem in their service marketing. There is also a trust problem in fixed operations, and 4 out of 5 customers attribute these problems to pricing when servicing their vehicle.They feel dealership service centers are more expensive, but this isn’t necessarily true. This is where the KBB Car Repair Pricing feature is helping to bridge the trust and transparency gap.Here’s how it works:Visit KBB’s Service & Repair Pricing Guide. Recall, Maintenance & Repair Price Estimator. A consumer will enter all the details of their vehicle in the drop-down menus at the top of the page. Details include the year, make, model, style, and mileage. They should enter the correct zip code to receive pricing for their specific market.Once they input the vehicle information, they select the needed repair from a drop-down menu with dozens of repairs to choose from.Then the price generating machine instantly spits out a price range based off 200 million dealer repair orders. KBB accumulated and analyzed this data from real sales around the country to be able to calculate an accurate price range for a specific market. This empowers the consumer with both the knowledge and confidence needed to make informed decisions for their vehicle.It also encourages dealership repairs by informing the customer of the specialized training the dealer mechanics receive. KBB reviews the dealer’s loaner car policy as well as its collision repairs expertise. The car repair pricing tool emphasizes the high quality that dealership service departments provide.Building Trust and Price TransparencyKBB’s new feature has helped bypass many consumer objections to using a dealership. However, the dealerships still need to make greater strides regarding Fixed Ops. They must build trust by ensuring positive customer experiences throughout the repair process.While KBBs car repair pricing feature helps with price transparency, the dealers need to do their part. Dealerships must ensure their prices are competitive in the market and include as many repair prices as possible on the website.This allows the customer to know what to expect before getting a quote. Service advisors should know the published prices on the website so they can stay true to these prices. There also needs to be an efficient system in place to update the website when price changes occur.According to, “transparency is at the core of great relationships between businesses and consumers.” While they are referencing car sales here, the same is true for the service supports this claim and expands on it with the presentation of the Multi-Point Inspection (MPI). Many dealerships are moving from paper to digital customer presentations to add transparency to the vehicle inspection process. In doing so, they can add pictures and/or videos which has had a significant impact on service sales.Fixed Operations Price Transparency onlineToday, consumers prefer the visual aspect of online shopping. They jump online at a moment's notice to see a product. They can price compare and even do further research on a product or service. This is the modern-day consumer. And the automotive service industry should no longer ask customers to pay for something they’ve never laid eyes on. An educated customer is more confident in going forward with a costly repair.If a dealership can overcome fixed operations price transparency, it will gain customer trust. More customers will frequent the dealership for service. This makes them more likely to purchase their next vehicle from this same dealer. This hurdle is huge to creating a top-of-the-line service department.For more resources, visit TVI MarketPro3

Mar 29, 2021 | 4 minute read

Dealership and Automotive Service Marketing

When brainstormingautomotive service marketing ideas, there is an array of options from which to choose. Dealerships may select from multiple platforms and multiple strategies. All businesses navigate this marketing mountain, and auto repair shops are no exception.In a car dealership, car sales are visual superstars. So they generally get the majority of the marketing focus. But with auto parts and service being a sustaining force for the dealership, it should take a more prominent position in a dealership’s marketing masterplan.The first step in creating the marketing plan is to determine which methods and platforms to use. The goal is to get the company brand and message in front of potential customers, and manymarketingstrategies achieve this.Traditional Marketing Methods for Automotive Service MarketingWe live in a digital world. But that doesn’t mean the proven marketing approaches of the past no longer have a place at the table. Calling, print marketing, and paid media advertising are still effective marketing methods.Phone callsReach out and call a customer. Phone calls to current and potential customers don’t need to be forced or uncomfortable. The goal is not to push a sale.It should simply be a friendly reminder and to share any great offers for the service department. Phone conversations should include pleasantries and the latest specials. This kind of outreach has a personal touch that will remind a customer that you’re there and ready to serve them.PrintThere are multiple options when it comes to print marketing. You can advertise in newspapers and magazines. The cost of these ads usually depends on the location and circulation size of the publication. The size and color option of the ad itself also has an impact on cost. Black and white ads are less expensive than full-color ads.These ads should be local and relevant to your market. The services offered in colder regions may not apply to the warmer, southern parts of the country. Therefore, placing an ad for a Winter Prep Service Package in a national publication may not apply to a large portion of the publication recipients.For a more individual reach, send letters or direct mail coupon offers through the mail. Even if these offers end up in the wastebasket, there’s a great chance someone will set momentary eyes on it. At the very least, this increases overall brand awareness. But existing customers, as well as potential customers, might need the services offered.Paid Media AdvertisingWe see and hear car sales advertisem*nts just about every time we turn on the television or radio. A dealership could use these ads to showcase a dealership’s service department but are more often used to promote the sales department.Radio and TV spots can cast a bit of a wide net compared to direct mail marketing. Television and radio stations cover a vast area, so much of the audience to hear or see a dealership’s ad lives too far to drive for the dealer’s services.Point-of-Purchase Marketing (POP)Checking out at a grocery store is always a great example of point-of-purchase (POP) marketing. Brilliant marketers have positioned some enticing products right at the eye level of your five-year-old. They are hoping your child will whine and beg for the fun and colorfully packaged products.Service managers can use a similar approach (minus the whining 5-year-old). Car sales customers are there, on the lot, with their current vehicle and possibly a new vehicle on their mind. Reach these shoppers with a coupon for a discounted oil change or some other offer that will get them to your service drive.Digital Marketing for Automotive Service MarketingThere are plenty of digital marketing tools to choose from as well. Internet marketing combines web and emails to advertise. These are all powerful tools to drive sales to the service department. Having an online presence can be an effective method of lead generation.The goal here is to capture contact information whenever possible, allowing future marketing outreach for emails and other digital marketing efforts. Use web and email in conjunction with the above traditional advertising formats.EmailOnce a customer has given you their email, you now have the easy ability to stay top of mind. You can achieve this by sending monthly email newsletters and periodically sending service offers.But remember that not every email needs to be a marketing email. Send some emails with the goal of furthering customer relations and showing customer appreciation.Social MediaWhether it’s Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, social media marketing is a cost-effective way to extend your brand’s reach. Paid social media ads get your services in front of a very targeted audience, and engagement with your followers goes a long way to building a positive social presence.Website InteractionWebsite developers can integrate chat features into a company’s website. These allow service teams to reach out to a customer in real-time while they scroll through the website. However, a team member should consistently monitor this feature should you choose to implement it.Google PresenceThere are many ways to increase a website’s search engine optimization (SEO). SEO ensures that browsers like google allow potential customers to find your website. A website should include SEO-rich content. Google reviews and google maps also help websites hit the top search results.Word of mouth is a huge influencer when people are deciding which company to use for a service. Businesses heavily rely on Google reviews to increase SEO.Local SEO is also important as people use the search phrase “mechanic near me” when looking for automotive service. Remind them your dealership provides this service by ensuring you appear on this search engine results page and google maps.Automotive Service Marketing PlanYou can choose from dozens ofautomotive service marketing methodsto promote your dealership. An auto service department must take these methods into account when creating the service marketing master plan. Use a spreadsheet or another type of marketing checklist to schedule and plan your marketing.Your plan should answer the following questions:WHICHmethods you’ll useWHENyou’ll use themHOWyou’ll use themHOW OFTENyou’ll use themSchedule all forms of marketing well in advance to provide consistent content to your audience for better brand awareness.For more resources visit TVI MarketPro3

Mar 15, 2021 | 5 minute read

Automotive Industry Absorption Rate and Lost Customers

You thought you did everything right; you have top-notch customer service, great technicians, and a beautiful facility. But you still have customers defecting to aftermarket options for their vehicle maintenance and repairs. The automotive industry absorption rate has a huge impact on dealerships' bottom lines, but this is tough to accomplish if the service department fails to keep customers coming back.What is a lost customer in the automotive industry?A lost or lapsed customer is an individual that hasn’t used a specific service department in more than twelve months or another period of time set by the manufacturer. It’s important to determine why and how it affects the bottom line. Here are three contributing factors:There’s a perception that service prices are too high at dealerships.Independent automotive service businesses are often more conveniently located than a dealership.The customer had a negative experience with the dealership in the service department or with vehicle sales.Protesting the PriceDealerships have done a lot over the last decade to address competitive pricing transparency. But they still need to focus on communication and education. Dealerships have advantages over the aftermarket service providers, but customers are simply unaware.Dealerships should educate their customers on the value of OE (Original Equipment) compared to the aftermarket options. The service team should also review the benefits of certified technicians’ expertise and experience.Location ConvenienceHow does a dealer prevail over a quick lube’s swift service?Ensure when customers make the drive to your dealership, their day can continue with as little interruption as possible. Provide your customers with amenities such as a fresh cup of coffee and free wifi connection, and get them out quickly.For bigger repairs, many dealerships have turned to pick up and drop off options with a loaner vehicle. This is a huge selling point that many of the aftermarket service centers aren’t able to offer.Negative ExperiencesIt’s difficult for any business to overcome bad customer experiences. But this is especially so when it comes to expensive services like car repair. However, a customer can be forgiving when a problem is met with sincerity and an urgency to find a solution.Impact of lost customers on the automotive industry absorption rateThe National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) provides the formula for calculating absorption rate.Gross Profit (Parts Department + Service Department + Body Shop) ÷ Adjusted Dealership Overhead Expense = Absorption PercentageNADA research shows that with a 70% customer retention level one can expect 90% or better fixed absorption. This highlights the need to retain the customers you have and to win back lost customers.A Win Back StrategyThey’re out there. Customers left, but they are waiting for their next oil change or tire replacement. The question is, will they think of you and your dealership when it comes time to schedule this service? Customer loyalty is key to success in the parts and service department.Lost customers aren’t lost because they no longer need a service. They simply don’t see the benefit of a company’s products or services. Or they didn’t have a great customer experience. Dealers must target these customers through strategic marketing.Addressing recalls is a cost effective way to attract potential customers to your service drive. Recalls have increased immensely over the past decade. When these customers come in for the recall repair they get to experience your dealership’s outstanding service team. They might take this opportunity to have other work completed which of course contributes to an increase in fixed operations profit.By focusing on these areas service managers can climb closer and closer to the desired automotive industry absorption rate. Check out TVI MarketPro3 for more marketing information.

Mar 1, 2021 | 3 minute read

Fixed operations best practices emerged from 2020

Covid19 has brought many challenges to the automotive industry. This is particularly true to dealership service departments. Like so many other business leaders, service managers have pivoted to meet these challenges. In doing so, we got a glimpse of some of the future fixed operations best practices.While we look forward to ditching certain pandemic practices, several of these will change how fixed operations perform going forward. Digital systems will certainly be one of these. And although digital solutions have many benefits, the upcoming challenge will be to find a balance moving forward.Digital SolutionsDigital marketing and social media were already powerful tools for selling vehicles and increasing traffic in a service bay. These tools made it easier to get special offers and calls to action to the right customer.Automotive news sources are reporting the increased use of digital tools. These tools are creating a touch-free experience in the service and parts departments.A New ChallengeWhile digital solutions often improve the customer experience, it eliminates face to face interaction from the transaction. This makes it more challenging to form customer relationships. Good business leaders know that relationships are key to a successful service department. So how do fixed ops leaders merry these two important parts of their business, digital and personal contact, for fixed operations best practices in 2021?New ProcessesProcesses such as online appointment scheduling and check-in/check-out systems have been automated. Vehicle inspections or report card processes have been digitized as well. This makes for more efficient processes and a positive impact on the bottom line. It can even make for a more positive customer experience like so many other automated services.But if all service departments move to such processes, what will make them stand out from one another? Some of us aren’t old enough to remember full-service gas stations, but it’s easy to imagine the reason a customer would return to one of these establishments time and time again. They enjoyed the person who greeted them, pumped the gas, and went the extra mile to clean the windshield.Today, the two big reasons for choosing where we fill up include price and location. Rarely does the person in the store running the cash register determine where we get our gas. Out of sight. Out of mind.Let’s mirror that to our dealership service departments as we shift into greater reliance on our new digital tools. How does a dealership remain a service customer’s first choice if they have no personal connection to us? The bigger question is, why does it have to be one or the other?Service Managers FeedbackWe reached out to some of our dealership partners to see what solutions they’ve implemented since Covid19. Dealers all had several physical solutions in common including masks, gloves, and plexiglass when interacting with a customer.Service departments are disinfecting vehicles before and after service. They’re often complimenting this practice with plastic coverings for the interior of the vehicle.Dealers have also found a way to implement a delivery service where they pick-up and drop-off the vehicle being repaired. It’s safe to say, in some ways, we have been very spoiled with new services put forth during the shut down.The vehicles are not the only thing being cleaned and disinfected. Office cleaning and sanitizing throughout the day has also become a major priority. And dealers are providing systems that accommodate for social distancing in the waiting area.Digital tools are also making social distancing easier to accomplish. Online appointment scheduling and automated appointment reminders allow dealerships to operate with fewer staff at one time.Digital repair estimates are protecting both the customers and the service team members from face to face contact. And when checking out, customers are now getting the option to pay online or to use a text-to-pay feature.Looking to the FutureThe service managers say it is likely dealerships will continue all of these practices. Dealers will continue to offer concierge services and digital communications with clients. Some even mentioned increasing the use of video to assist with repair consultations. This will give the customer a visual of the service being performed which will give them confidence in the service provider.All of our partners surveyed agree that consistent and constant customer communication is key to achieve fixed operations best practices. No matter the digital processes or contactless solutions, nothing will take the place of staying in touch with the customer. This interaction will stand out when the customer is deciding where to go for their next service, and people always have the ability to influence this decision.Subscribe today to get valuable fixed ops related content to your inbox.

Feb 15, 2021 | 4 minute read

Dealership absorption rate and 2021 Repair Order Goals

Dealerships established 2021 goals hoping every car sold goes straight to the bottom line. As you likely already know, vehicle sales alone are not enough to achieve such a dealer’s delight. This 100% dealership absorption rate goal is achievable, but it can only happen with a robust parts and service department.What’s your dealership absorption rate number?First you need to determine your goal rate. You’ll use this rate to set a magic number that paints a picture for your team. Follow this by creating corresponding goals for each team member.Here's the National Automobile Dealers Association calculation for absorption rate. Time to break out your financial statements and a calculator.Determine your total fixed operations gross profit (parts + Service + Body Shop). Figure out your total overhead expense (dealership expenses – new and used variable selling expenses). To calculate your rate, simply divide gross profits by the overhead expenses.You have your rate, but now what? The rate is similar to a mythical unicorn floating in the sky that no one knows what to do with. The absorption rate is important, but it can be difficult to set specific goals from a percentage rate.CEO of DealerPro, Don Reed, presented at the 2017 Massachusetts Automobile Dealers Association Profit Builders Workshop. He points out that you should look at the dollar amount. When you have less than a 100% absorption rate, you’ll subtract gross profit from expenses. This shows how many dollars short you are from achieving this goal. Divide this number by the number of months in your financial statement to determine your monthly shortage.This is your number! This is the dollar amount you need each month in your service department to achieve that big, beautiful 100% absorption rate.Be a number enthusiastWhat do you do with this magic number? Send it out in smoke signals. Have an airplane fly it on a banner over the dealership. Serve donuts to your team in the shape of the number. Do whatever it takes to help your team keep this number in mind throughout their daily activities.Plan for successHow different would each day in your service department look if you broke this number down for your team? Where would you be in 2022 if each member knew what their individual goals were in order to hit this monthly number? Even better, what if they knew what tasks (big or small) they could do to reach their individual goals?The annual dollar amount needed and even the monthly number can often be too big a bite to digest. Lay out a detailed plan for the service department’s customer care, customer retention, and customer acquisition. You will see a steady growth in your absorption rate as the year progresses.Don’t forget to celebrate the small winsYour team now knows their number, and each team member now knows his or her personal goals that will help the team achieve this number. Service department leaders must continuously review these goals.Dish out high fives and congratulations upon meeting goals. Or better yet, offer your team true incentives for meeting these smaller goals. Keep everyone motivated by rewarding the smaller achievements.NADA Formula for calculating Service Absorption Rate:Gross Profit (Parts Department + Service Department + Body Shop) ÷ Adjusted Dealership Overhead Expense = Absorption PercentageCheck out TVI MarketPro3 for more automotive marketing insights.

Feb 1, 2021 | 3 minute read

Automotive Service Marketing Ideas for Dealerships

As a dealership leader, you likely find yourself scratching your head for automotive service marketing ideas to increase your RO. Dealerships have countless options when it comes to enticing potential customers to frequent their auto repair service department. Auto shop marketing strategies can be as simple as getting “word of mouth” recommendations. Or it can be the more involved digital and print marketing campaigns.Your dealership may not have an in-house, dedicated automotive service marketing team. If it does have in-house marketing, it likely puts the focus mostly on the sales department. This leaves the service department feeling a little like the middle child. As a service manager, you might be wondering how to shine the marketing spotlight on your service drive. How can this be done when you may have very little to no marketing experience at all?Don’t sell yourself short. You have the ability to get the word out and capture new customers. With a focused marketing plan, it can be simple tasks that you work into your daily, weekly, and monthly routine. Let’s look at 5 basic and budget friendly automotive service marketing ideas that work for any business including auto services.#1 Word of mouthExisting customers are your most valuable form of marketing. People love to talk about their great experiences. Ken Blanchard discusses this in his book Raving Fans. The book claims that making your customers raving fans is the competitive edge today.We all have friends that do it. They passionately sell you a product or service they love without even knowing they’re selling. So how do we put our current customers to work for us?First you must give them something to rave about. Ensure their experience is outstanding and that they leave your service drive feeling like they were treated with fairness and respect.Pay attention to your Facebook feed next time someone asks for a recommendation. People come out of the woodwork to throw their favorite businesses in the mix of comments. If their experience with your service team was top-notch, there’s no reason they won’t throw your name in the hat when the question is asked.Secondly, ask them to spread the word. When encountering a satisfied customer, ask them to tell all their friends. Ask them to submit a Google or Facebook review. You can hand them a referral card that gives them credit towards service for every referral.Keep in mind raving fans will often do this without incentive. They want to boast about the outstanding service they just had, but in case it doesn’t occur to them, you’ll need to ask.#2 A Winning WebsiteWhen potential customers are visiting your website, what are they seeing? Is it all about car sales with the service department tucked neatly into the navigation menu? Is there clear messaging about the service department? Does the homepage have a clear call to action that encourages them to click through to the service page?These are questions you should ask your website developers. You also need to ensure the website is search engine optimized for the service department. Too often dealership websites are focused on sales and completely overlook the need to attract customers who are googling where to get their next oil change.#3 Google MapsTake just a minute, and google “oil change near me”. Chances are you’ll see every quick lube and independent auto repair shop within a 10 mile radius. It is very unlikely that you’ll see a dealership in the mix.Oil changes may not bring in the big bucks, but it’s not about the oil change transaction itself. It’s more about the long game. David Boyle wrote an article that covered oil changes and tire sales in the September/October issue of Fixed Ops Magazine. He explains that dealers price oil changes very competitively, perhaps at a loss, with a greater goal in mind.The goal is to earn a customer’s trust. It’s also to encourage them to return for future services. If it is worth losing a little profit to get a customer in for an oil change, why are dealers not popping up on maps with a google search for a nearby oil change?Prioritize this as it is marketing on cruise control once it is in place.#4 Email Newsletter Email is an automotive service marketing must for dealerships. As you’re gathering your customer's contact information, you can ask them to opt into your email newsletters. Be sure they know what’s in it for them other than another email that will see its way to the junk folder. Explain the offers they’ll receive when the newsletter hits their inbox. Discounts on oil changes and free carwashes with certain services are always good reasons to click open an email.Once they’ve entrusted you with their precious email address, make it worth their while. Not only should you include the great offers you promised, but the other content in your newsletter should draw their interest too. Include articles on maintenance, and always spotlight a team member. This allows your audience to get to know your team better.Don’t forget to write a compelling subject line. Why should they open your email? How will it benefit them to click?This is what the subject line should answer. It can be as simple as a “$20 off coupon inside.” If they know a $20 discount is sitting in there, you can bet that’ll be worth the open.#5 Social Media Marketing IdeasThere are so many social media platforms out there, so which one is best for auto repair marketing? The simple answer is the one you use. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… the list goes on and on. To get a start on social media marketing and to be able to remain consistent with it, you need to find the one you’re most comfortable with, and learn to use it well.Create interesting content for your followers. Sure, you’ll need to post offers and invite them in from time to time, but most importantly, you need to keep them engaged. Once they’re engaged, you need to interact.If they comment on a post you shared about car maintenance, respond to that comment without jumping right into the ask. Answer questions about their vehicle if they have them, and then sum up the chat with “we’ll be happy to schedule you for an oil change or a (fill in the blank) service.”You should also look into paid social media ads. You can set your budget, select your target audience, and hone into a specific area.ConclusionAuto parts and service departments must market themselves independent from car sales in order to be effective. Create a routine that puts the simple steps into practice, so your service drive gets just as much (or more) traffic than the sales lot. Connect with TVI MarketPro3 for more automotive marketing info.

Jan 18, 2021 | 5 minute read

5 Ways to Increase Fixed Ops Market Share

Every successful dealership must be driven in a constant quest to increase fixed ops market share. Here are a few processes you can put into place that will not break the bank but will assist in accomplishing the goal of owning your backyard.Remain RelevantThe best way to grow market share and take business from your competitors is to make sure you are up to date on how to stay relevant to the ever-changing customer. The struggle to consistently find new ways to engage your current or prospective customers is REAL. Mobile phones, email, social media, and SMS texting allow dealerships to communicate with their customers quickly and effectively. Make sure you do not get lost in the clutter and that the message to your clients will help in maintaining a positive relationship.Respond to customersJust a few years ago, customers would call dealerships and get a voicemail telling them that they would return the call within 24 hours. This practice was acceptable. NOT NOW! Customers today want instant replies. You must be quick in your responses, or they will move on to your competitor. Shoppers are increasingly loyal to the company that can fix their problemright now. Shop your competition and see how long it takes for them to respond, and make sure you are faster.Get Customer Feedback in ReviewsAccording to a post by Bright Local, 86% of consumers look at online review sites of local businesses. 95% of those between the ages of 18-34 will check out your reviews. To maintain and ultimately gain market share, you will want to make sure that all your review sites are up to date and that customers are actively leaving 5-star reviews.Offer coupon incentivesThink that coupons are a thing of the past? Think again. In a recent study, Inmar’s 2018 shopper behavior study found that 90% of consumers use coupons, and 83% say these types of incentives are a driver for changes in purchasing behavior. A successful coupon strategy is the best way to stay in front of your current customers while at the same time targeting your competitors.Be flexibleWith the ever-changing and busy society that we live in today, it is essential for automotive dealerships, especially the service departments, to be flexible. For example, most service drives close between 5-6 pm during the week. This can make it difficult for people who work a full-time job to visit you. Think about having one or two days a week where you keep the drive open later. This could differentiate you from your competitor and, at the same time, show customers that you are flexible.The process of trying to increase fixed ops market share is a continuous one. You can never stop trying to win new customers. After all, your competitors are probably trying to win your customers over right now.Visit TVI MarketPro3 for marketing tips and resources

Feb 4, 2020 | 2 minute read

Urban Legends about Dealership Service Departments

Customers get a better deal at quick lube shops.A "deal" in and of itself is open to interpretation. You get what you pay for, right? Regular oil changes are vital to maintaining the longevity of your vehicle, so why pass up dealership service departments? Why would you put your precious asset in the hands of people who are NOT guaranteed to have any automotive experience? Is it worth it just to save a few bucks?I say "hopes" of saving a few bucks because this is a misconception. Most of the time, dealerships offer amazing oil change specials. Or they even price match to their customers to get them to keep coming back. To learn about this type of special, make sure you visit the dealership's website. Continuously look in the mail for coupons that the service department sends out monthly. You can also visit Kelley Blue Book and click on Car Repair Pricing to get a good idea of dealership repair pricing near you.Going to the dealership takes longer than a quick lube shop.This used to be the case, but dealerships have evolved over the years. They now realize that their customers are busy. Customers don't have time to wait around while their car is being repaired.To accommodate the busy lives of their customers, most dealerships now provide loaner cars, shuttles, or even valet service. The best way to make sure you are not wasting time at the dealership is to set an appointment in advance and ask about loaner or valet services.Dealerships are going to try to sell me something that I do not need.Not every service advisor at the dealership is ethical. Dealerships hold their advisors to a much higher standard than those at a quick lube center.Generally, the manufacturers train the service advisors. These dealership professionals spent time and money vehicle education and the types of maintenance necessary to keep it operational.These automotive professionals answer to their customers, but they also answer to the general managers, owners of the dealership, and to the manufacturer. Their reward comes from providing exceptional customer service.Quick lube advisors do not have to be trained on specifics vehicles. Therefore, more times than not they will recommend unnecessary parts and services. Some quick lube chains have had to pay out fines for recommending unnecessary services to customers.ConclusionSo, we debunked a few misconceptions about the dealership service departments. The bottom line is trust. If you trust the dealership to sell you a vehicle, then it is fair to say that you should trust those same people to keep it running smoothly.For dealership marketing information visit TVI MarketPro3.

Jan 29, 2020 | 2 minute read

Coupons Differentiate Dealers and Incentivize Consumers

All business owners, especially those in the automotive industry, are consistently trying to find new and innovative ways of attracting and retaining customers. This is critical to the success of any business. However, it’s very difficult at times to determine which marketing plan will reach the largest audience and at the same time generate the best results.While you may be worried that discounting your products or services will negatively impact your profits, the right incentives can help you increase sales while building a reliable customer base.In fact, a recent study byValassis found that 90% of consumers use coupons. And 83% say coupons are a driver for changes in purchasing behavior.If you’re searching for ways to advertise and grow your business, a successful coupon strategy would be beneficial. Like all other forms of dealership marketing plans, the key is to make sure that your offers resonate with your audience.Recently, we discussed this topic with TVI-MarketPro3’s National Sales and Marketing Director, James Ayers. Read the transcript below for some great takeaways on what type of coupons work best for the Fixed Operations Department.What is the best offer for a service department print coupon?I would say that the coupons that drive customers in are those that offer something of value for free. For example, customers love free tire rotations. This service does not take a lot of time for the technicians. But it's a great value for the consumer.What’s going to drive a customer from their home to your service lane? You need to make sure the offer is desirable and not confusing. Offer services that anyone can understand, no matter the demographic. Oil changes and tire rotations are great fixes to include in your offers. And don't forget windshield wiper replacements and free car washes. These are all significant drivers to the service departments at dealerships.What is the most requested coupon for those that are searching digitally?Consumers who are searching for digital coupons are not that different from those who are using print. They all want the oil change, tire, and free loaner specials.What type of service offers would you suggest dealers avoid?Fixed operations departments should avoid coupons that customers cannot relate to. An example of this is a cooling system, brake system, or power steering flush. A typical customer cannot tell if they need a coolant flush, so avoid complex maintenance offers.What is the best service package a dealership should advertise?It truly depends on the make and model of the vehicle. Packages are hard to sell to consumers because one size does not fit all regarding automotive maintenance. If the offer is for a truck that has 70,000 miles, this might include an oil change, tire rotation, power steering flush, and replacement of the front and rear differential fluid. And not all trucks use conventional oil. Some trucks require more oil than others. Some trucks have directional tires, which are more of a challenge to rotate, and not all vehicles need differential service. This shows that packaging services together can sometimes be a difficult challenge.A TVI MarketPro3 Campaign Success StoryI work with dealers all over the country. One time I was visiting a store in Florida that had just joined us. Two customers arrived while I was having a conversation with the the dealership team. Each had coupons in hand asking for service.These types of interactions are why I love doing what I do every day.You have many advertising sources available to you that will be successful in growing your business. Coupons are often an effective way to attract new business and increase your repeat customer base. But you should weigh the pros and cons and consider all your options before deciding on the best approach. Learn howTVI-MarketPro3can help your fixed operations department. Schedule an appointmenttoday.

Oct 29, 2019 | 3 minute read

Are you a VENDOR or PARTNER?

Have your clients ever referred to you as their vendor? Makes you feel a bit taken aback as you feel you are worthy of a much better title? This is an issue that plagues most salespeople or account executives who utilize a consultative approach to gaining business.The term "vendor" has a negative connotation for those who feel they go above and beyond. They provide the best product and/or service for clients, so it's sort of a double-edged sword. A salesperson promotes a product or service that customers need to grow their business.But they also have a financial interest in making sure they purchase from them and not the competitor. It's difficult to bridge the gap between selling something and being a consultant that provides much more than product knowledge.Be more than a salespersonSalespeople who work to provide a solid return for their clients, think of themselves as partners. If a business wants to be successful, they should seek out this type of salesperson and utilize their knowledge to gain even more insight into a specific industry.It's naïve to think of yourself as a partner if you only inform your clients about your products and services. A real partner provides clients with a wealth of knowledge about the industry. They keep them updated on their competition and their market, and they display exceptional customer service beyond the sale.Go beyond the saleA partner will not only provide clients with information, but they also develop an equal business stature with their customers. This type of relationship could take months or even years to build. It is a trusted working relationship that has many layers.If you desire to be more than just a "vendor" to your customers, then you must spend time doing research. You need product as well as industry knowledge to create that equal business stature.Building the relationshipTo build a lasting and impressive relationship, make sure you are attending industry functions locally as well as nationally. Learn about the competition. Gain knowledge about what makes them different than their competitors, and communicate effectively with your clients.Vast knowledge about your product or service will make you a vital part of your client's success. They will no longer consider you just a vendor.Connect with TVI-MarketPro3 to learn more about our partner relationships.

Oct 7, 2019 | 2 minute read

Sports Prepares Kids for the Business World

Whether football, volleyball, baseball, or any other sport, parents believe that participating in organized sports helps get the family out of the house, exercising, and socializing. Let's not forget that sports also prepare kids for the business world.Sports, in general, have many positive effects on children. Organized team sports provide them with skills that will aid them in all aspects of their adult lives. Let's talk about how sports prepares kids for the business world.TeamworkNo team has ever been successful without collaborating, cooperating, and working together at achieving the goal. Each member must put aside some strengths they possess or dial back strong personalities for the betterment of the team.This can be difficult for kids, but learning how to navigate this at a young age creates success as adults.Being a team player in the business world requires that employees learn to collaborate and compromise with their co-workers. These people will most likely not have the same personality types. While it might be difficult at times, they learn that cooperation and compromise ultimately lead to team success.Healthy CompetitionA child will not win every competition or always be the best athlete on the team. But by experiencing loss and being exposed to other high-level athletes, a child will develop a healthy attitude towards competition.Conflict ResolutionPhys.orgstudied two girls' soccer teams. They found that the girls' participation in soccer developed conflict resolution skills that they had not experienced previously. The girls learned how to effectively confront issues with other players and how to diffuse situations.Professor Holt said, "it's about encouraging the girls to deal with conflicts when they arise because those are growth experiences. Those things will transfer outside sports because that's what you've got to do when you start working."Self ConfidenceTheCDChas reported that simply being physically active builds self-esteem. We are physical beings who are not meant to sit in front of a video game for several consecutive hours.If you're a physically active adult, you feel that sense of accomplishment in outdoing your last performance at the gym. Kids feel a similar way when they are learning new skills and succeed as a team during a game.Having high self-esteem and being self-confident is extremely important when entering the workforce.Self DisciplineIt's essential in life to learn how to train yourself to know your limits and goals. Then you must develop the self-discipline to put in the time needed to meet those goals. Multiple studies prove kids who participate in sports develop the self-discipline that translates to the classroom.If a young child is taught to set and achieve goals, the transition into the business world will be smooth sailing.There are countless other ways that team sports teach children the skills necessary in the business world. Hard work, determination, team bonding, or even accepting defeat, to name a few. The next time you are in the stands watching your child, remember what the game is teaching them about life.

Sep 20, 2019 | 3 minute read

Testaments from a TVI-MarketPro3 Team Member

Nick Shaffer, TVI MarketPro3 West Region Sales DirectorIt's time for another edition of Testaments from a TVI-MarketPro3 Team Member.With the increase of job growth across the country, it is vital for small businesses to properly measure employee engagement in order to retain hard-working, driven, and positive employees. TVI-MarketPro3 is committed to creating a positive work environment for all team members. At the same time, TVI provides our partners with the best minds in the industry.Today we would like to introduce to you our Regional Sales Director, Nick Shaffer.What motivates you to come to work every day?I come to work every day, not only to provide for my family, but because I am blessed to love what I do, who I do it with, and who I work for.What do you do on your time off?I love to spend my free time mountain biking, cooking, working out and golfing.What is your favorite Movie? Book? Musician? And Superhero?I love the movie “Avenger's Endgame”, the book “A Farewell to Arms”, Metallica, and Captain America.Who is your role model and why?My role model is my future self in 10 years. I regularly try to envision exactly who I want to be 10 years from now as a husband, father, professional, and individual. As often as I can, I try to "zoom-out" from my day to day micro view and ensure that I'm working towards becoming that person.What is your favorite part about working at TVI MarketPro3?Everyone likes the feeling of doing something they are good at. In fact, Gallup studies show that this is the #1 driver of job satisfaction. Feeling authentically appreciated for the work you do comes in at #2. TVI-MarketPro3 meets both factors in a big way.What are your future personal goals?Play a big role in getting TVI over the 10m revenue benchmark in 2020. Personally, I want to enable my wife to achieve her goals, coach my sons to continued success in football and develop the fitness level needed to compete in mountain bike racing.What do you think makes you different than your co-workers?Easy, I am OCD.What do you spend most of your time doing every day and is it fulfilling?I spend 50% of my time analyzing the Fixed Ops business growth results for dealers I personally serve to make sure they are getting the very best ROI from our unique marketing strategies. Often, I learn of or develop an idea or strategy that I believe can move the needle. It doesn’t matter to me if it will move the needle 0.1% or 10%, I pursue it with equal determination.The other 50% of my time is spent bringing along my teammates, so they can perform at a level that exceeds mine. I try to surround myself with highly talented, highly compassionate, highly driven folks who want to take my job someday. Teaching them is both fulfilling for me, and it drives me to continuously improve.Nick Shaffer is a respected Fixed Ops marketing professional who prides himself on his continuous successes in the industry. Follow us now to keep seeing Testaments from a TVI-MarketPro3 Team Member.TVI Marketpro3 is an exciting and ever-changing company that focuses on teamwork and providing the best fixed ops marketing plans for our partners.

Sep 17, 2019 | 3 minute read

Vehicle Dealership Management System: A Marketer’s Tool (2024)


Vehicle Dealership Management System: A Marketer’s Tool? ›

A DMS is a single, cloud-based, platform that dealers use for inventory management, car sales, customer information, credit reports, and printing paperwork.

What does a dealership management system do? ›

A DMS is a software platform that dealerships and service shops use to manage their day-to-day operations. These systems provide tools for different areas of your dealership. More commonly this includes tools for finance, sales, vehicle inventory, customer information management and credit reports.

What software do dealerships use for service? ›

CDK Global is an auto dealer management software designed to help businesses in the automotive industry manage dealership, sales, inventory, leasing, and compliance-related operations.

What does dealertrack DMs do? ›

Dealertrack DMS enhances all of your critical Sales and F&I transaction processes to drive deal efficiency. With integrated workflows, you'll close more deals in less time while maintaining profits and enhancing your customer experience.

What is dealer management system in SAP? ›

SAP DMS is a robust software suite designed to meet the diverse needs of automobile dealers from selling products to service and customer relationship management At its core SAP DMS provides the dealer with a centralized platform for managing all aspects of their operations to streamline processes, they can to improve ...

What is vehicle management system? ›

A Vehicle Management System is a digital tool that helps businesses monitor, control, and manage their vehicles more effectively. It encompasses a range of functions such as tracking vehicle locations, scheduling maintenance, managing fuel consumption, and ensuring driver safety.

What is a CRM at a dealership? ›

An automotive CRM (customer relationship management) is a software solution that helps car companies with customer service, sales, and marketing. It enables dealerships to collect leads, coordinate a multi-channel sales operation, and foster deeper customer relationships.

What is automotive management system? ›

In the automotive industry, the term DMS, or Dealer Management System, refers to a comprehensive software suite that assists car dealerships in managing their operations. This includes everything from sales and finance to parts inventory and service management.

What software do car companies use? ›

Most Common Software in the Automotive Industry
  • Automobile CRP Software.
  • Vehicle Navigation Software.
  • Automotive Management Software.
  • OBD Application Development.
  • Vehicle Design Software.
  • Autonomous ADAs Solution.
  • Vehicle Diagnostic Software.
  • Garage Management software.
Sep 26, 2022

What is the automotive software market? ›

The global automotive software market size was valued at USD 19.0 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 32.3 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 7.8%, during the forecast period 2023-2030.

What is the best automotive DMS? ›

Top 10 DMS which can help you save time on managing the dealership's performance
  • #VinSolutions: The Pit Crew of CRMs.
  • #HubSpot CRM: The Drift King.
  • #CDK Global: The Transformer CRM.
  • #ProMax: The Lead Magician.
  • #Elead: The Customer Whisperer.
  • #AutoLoop: The Loyalty Loop.
  • #Reynolds and Reynolds: The Swiss Army Knife.

How many dealers use Dealertrack? ›

Origination Solutions

That's over 22,000 dealers throughout North America, linked to their choice of our 1600+ lenders.

What does DMS mean in car dealerships? ›

What Does a Dealer Management System (DMS) Do? Dealer management systems enable a dealership to perform all the day to day functions their dealership encounters from sales operations, financing operations, service operations and more; it is important that all these functions of a dealership work together.

What is automotive dealer management system? ›

DMS Definition

A dealership management system (DMS) is a business management software provider for dealerships to help them manage their day-to-day business activities. However, most systems tend to be generic and are a one-size-fits-all solution for different businesses.

What is SAP in automotive? ›

With our systems for SAP in the automotive industry, you can integrate all of the data collected throughout your business, delivering a master data set. This helps build a more detailed picture of operations across the company, allowing you to streamline and optimize workflows.

What is DBM in a vehicle? ›

DBM ( Dealer Business Management ) is an automotive SAP industry specific module. From the module name it indicates that this module is related to either the dealerships or dealership organizations. This module is related to the vehicle sales, workshop management, parts management service and warranty.

What does a dealership manager do? ›

Dealership Service Manager

They ensure positive profit margins for service and vehicle repairs, build and maintain customer relationships, and field customer complaints. They are typically employed on a full-time basis and may work evenings and weekends.

What does a DMS do? ›

What is Document Management (DMS)? Document management, often referred to as Document Management Systems (DMS), is the use of a computer system and software to store, manage and track electronic documents and electronic images of paper-based information captured through the use of a document scanner.

What is the purpose of car showroom management system? ›

The system allows an agent to maintain customer details, sales details, company items/services, and CAR details. It has modules for registration, CAR details, billing/payments, and searching. The system tracks loan payments and recovery.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.