The Best Flour To Use When Making Homemade Phyllo Dough - Tasting Table (2024)

The Best Flour To Use When Making Homemade Phyllo Dough - Tasting Table (2)

The Best Flour To Use When Making Homemade Phyllo Dough - Tasting Table (3)

The Best Flour To Use When Making Homemade Phyllo Dough

The Best Flour To Use When Making Homemade Phyllo Dough - Tasting Table (4)

P Kyriakos/Shutterstock

ByHeather Lim/

Phyllo or filo dough is an unleavened dough that comes in many thin layers, giving Middle Eastern and Balkan pastries a fragile, buttery crust. If you've ever had baklava, it's a dessert made typically from a dense paste of nuts and sugar sandwiched between layers of phyllo dough.

What separates dishes like baklava and burek from other pastries is the thin phyllo dough. Phyllo dough is marvelous in composition, with sheets as thin as tissue paper neatly packed on top of one another, resulting in countless layers of light crunch. Because of the work involved, many who make dishes like baklava, borek, and spanakopita, buy premade phyllo dough from the grocery store.

Phyllo dough is almost like puff pastry; it's usually available for purchase since the intricate pastry is challenging to make at home. However, you can make suitably layered phyllo dough at home with patience and the right ingredients. While homemade puff pastry relies on cold butterto create gaps between each sheet of dough, phyllo pastry comes down to the type of flour you use. The raw dough should be so light that it is nearly translucent yet strong enough to remain intact. Aside from rigorous rolling and flouring, you must use a special kind of flour to achieve the perfect phyllo dough texture and appearance.

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Use bread flour for its high amount of protein and gluten to keep the dough together

The Best Flour To Use When Making Homemade Phyllo Dough - Tasting Table (5)

Axel Mel/Shutterstock

Although phyllo dough is an unleavened pastry sheet, it needs to be made with bread flour. Most people use bread flour for bread that's been leavened with yeast. Bread flour contains a high protein content, which is responsible for the gluten development in the dough. While bread flour is typically reserved for bread that has chew and a kind of elasticity to them, it is also the best flour for phyllo dough. Given the fragility of phyllo dough, the flour must have enough protein to keep the dough intact as you stretch it into a large sheet. If you were to use any other flour, like all-purpose flour, the thin dough would be more prone to ripping or simply not keeping its shape.

Furthermore, bread flour gives phyllo dough its signature crunch once baked. It is possible to use all-purpose flour for phyllo, but the crunch will be less prominent. If you go even further down toward lower protein flours like cake flour, the crumb will result in a more sturdy texture like the crust of a pie.

While the puff pastry is laminated with cold butter, phyllo dough keeps its layers separate with strong gluten bonds. So if you ever want to take on the challenge of making fresh phyllo dough for your baking needs, make sure to use bread flour. Whether you're having a savory spinach spanakopita or a syrupy baklava, the appeal of these dishes is the delectably thin, crisp sheets of phyllo dough — thanks to bread flour.


The Best Flour To Use When Making Homemade Phyllo Dough - Tasting Table (2024)


The Best Flour To Use When Making Homemade Phyllo Dough - Tasting Table? ›

A type of flour which is obtained from Harran plain wheat and called durum wheat is used for baklava. Due to the high value of gluten, known as wheat protein, this type gives the dough a hard texture and produces a crisper baklava. The thinness of baklava dough does not depend solely on the ingredients of the dough.

What kind of flour is used in baklava? ›

A type of flour which is obtained from Harran plain wheat and called durum wheat is used for baklava. Due to the high value of gluten, known as wheat protein, this type gives the dough a hard texture and produces a crisper baklava. The thinness of baklava dough does not depend solely on the ingredients of the dough.

Is it better to use butter or olive oil for phyllo dough? ›

To get that flaky effect, you need to brush some sort of fat between each layer of dough. Usually I use unsalted butter, which gives the finished product a beautiful golden color. For those who don't want to use dairy, you can substitute extra-virgin olive oil for the butter.

Why do you put vinegar in phyllo dough? ›

There are two key elements to promoting the extensibility necessary in the dough: adding vinegar to the dough, which weakens some of the gluten bonding, making it less elastic; and ample resting. Of course, it takes practice, just like working with any kind of dough.

Is phyllo dough made from wheat flour? ›

Phyllo dough is a type of pastry made from wheat flour. Phyllo is formed into ready-to-bake sheets. Once baked, these sheets puff up into multiple, compact, tissue paper thin, golden layers. Phyllo is flaky, dry and has a delicate buttery and nutty flavor.

What is the best flour for filo pastry? ›

Traditionally, filo dough is made from wheat flour, water and a small amount of oil or melted butter. Sometimes, a small amount of vinegar is added into the dough as well. It's first rolled out and then stretched by hand into very large, extremely thin sheets.

Why does baklava taste so good? ›

Traditionally, baklava is made with a mix of nuts, including pistachio, almond, coconut, walnut, etc. The mixture is sweetened using honey, syrup or sugar and flavored with a generous dusting of spices, typically cinnamon and nutmeg.

How do you keep phyllo dough moist? ›

You will want to keep the stack of unbuttered dough sheets covered with a slightly dampened dish towel at all times, because phyllo dries out very quickly. Tip: Always butter the top layer of pastry before baking in a hot oven to create a nice golden-brown top.

How do you keep phyllo dough from cracking? ›

Lightly brush each layer of phyllo with melted butter or olive oil. To prevent edges from cracking, lightly brush edges first and then work into center. For fewer tears, use a soft bristle brush to spread oil or butter over phyllo.

Is phyllo dough healthier than pie crust? ›

Even better, switch your pastry from shortcrust or puff to filo. This is the lowest-fat pastry by far, with 2.9g fat per 100g. This compares with 26.2g for puff or 31.4g for shortcrust. Filo is the lowest-calorie option too, and it's easy to use.

What country is phyllo from? ›

The origin of the practice of stretching raw dough into paper-thin sheets is unclear, with many cultures claiming credit. Most say that it was derived from the Greeks; Homer's Odyssey, written around 800 BC, mentions thin breads sweetened with walnuts and honey.

Why is phyllo dough so good? ›

Phyllo (Greek for "leaf") is actually layered sheets of paper-thin pastry dough that, when baked, become light, crisp and flaky, with a wonderful toasted flavor.

What is baklava dough made of? ›

Making homemade phyllo dough for baklava or samosas is challenging, but it's attainable with practice. All you need is flour, water, and salt—and patience.

What is traditional baklava made of? ›

What is traditional baklava made of? Traditional Turkish baklava, also known as fistikli baklava or pistachio baklava is typically made of phyllo dough, finely crushed pistachios, butter, and a simple syrup made of sugar, water, and lemon juice.

What makes Greek baklava different? ›

While not always true, Turkish baklava ordinarily uses a light neutral oil, while Greek baklava is typically made with melted butter. Also, the Greek version is usually a walnut baklava, although almonds are sometimes used, while the Turkish version is usually a pistachio baklava.

Is phyllo dough the same as puff pastry? ›

The main differences between puff pastry and phyllo dough are their fat content and preparation. Puff pastry is a laminated dough that gets its signature airy puff from layers of butter, while phyllo dough is comparatively low-fat. Phyllo dough is mostly flour and water and can dry out easily.

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