Ten Tips to Know When Preparing Venison (2024)

Venison is one of the healthiest sustainable foods in the world. Moreover, dining on deer meat is one of the greatest pleasures in life one can have.

Deer are free-range animals consuming healthy herbs, grasses, acorns, berries, and nuts. Exempt from harmful antibiotics and hormones, deer meat is low in fat and cholesterol and high in vitamin B6, B12, and Omega 3 fatty acids.

So why don’t more people care to know how to cook venison?

Gamey, Tough Meat? Rethink Venison!

Many people forego eating venison because they think of it as a tough, chewy meat with a wild, gamey flavor. Actually, they are not wrong–if they prepare the meat as if it were beef they had purchased from the supermarket.

In other words, the secret to tender, tasty deer meat is in the cooking. With just a few tips for preparing venison, you will never want to purchase corn-fed beef again! You will not only enjoy the life-giving nutrition of venison, but you will crave the flavor of this superior meat. You will be proud to serve it alongside your heirloom vegetables to round out your sustainable meal.

Stacy Lyn’s 10 Best Tips to Know When Preparing Venison

Here are my ten tips to know when preparing venison.

1. Preparation Begins in the Field

From the moment a deer is harvested, you should have a plan for getting the deer dressed (removing the intestines and other inedible internal tissue) as soon as possible to remove any possibility of tainting the meat.

Make sure to arrive quickly at your processor’s door as soon as possible, if you’re using a processor. He will most likely have a walk-in cooler at the perfect temperature (34-37 degrees with 88 percent humidity) to age your deer meat. If you are not using a processor and are going to be more than a few hours before processing the meat, quarter the deer and get it on ice as soon as you are able.

While processing, always remember to remove the sinew, gristle, silver skin, and anything else that is not muscle. This will ensure that your meat will be as tender as possible.

2. Aging the Deer Meat

Many people forget what may be the most important step in creating succulent, tender deer meat: aging. Aging the deer helps develop the final tender texture of venison.

If you are using a processor, this step will be done for you. If you are processing your own deer, you can complete this step before or after thawing your meat. There are also two methods of aging meat: dry aging and wet aging.

Dry vs. Wet Aging Meat

I prefer dry aging my meat before freezing it. In dry aging, the meat needs to be surrounded by a constant air temperature of 34-37 degrees. This denatures, or breaks down, the meat.

You can easily make your own aging apparatus. First, purchase a plastic bin and poke holes in the sides and top of the bin. Once you have done this, place butchered venison on a cooling rack inside the bin. Every few days, empty the blood from the bin. Continue aging the meat for seven to ten days.

Many people allow the meat to age for up to fourteen days, but I feel that ten days is sufficient to break down the connective tissue and muscle fiber for tasty meals.

Wet aging often gets done after thawing the meat. This is the common way that grocery stores age meat. No air must touch the meat after vacuum sealing. Once meat is thawed, allow it to age by leaving it vacuum packed for up to fourteen days.

If you have not adequately aged your venison and need to use it fairly quickly, here is another option. Place unpackaged venison on a cooling rack on the counter and point a fan directly at the venison for about thirty minutes. You will be amazed at how much better your meat will brown and how much more tender your venison will be.

3. Never Mask the Flavor of Venison; Enhance It

Venison is not gamey; it merely has a flavor. Deer forage for their food. They eat grass, herbs, acorns, berries, and nuts, while corn-fed cows eat corn. Corn-fed cows are really tasteless compared to foraging animals.

Sometimes the simpler the seasonings, the better, especially with the tender cuts of venison such as the tenderloin and backstrap of the deer. The backstrap can be cut into steaks, seasoned liberally with salt and pepper, and cooked over high heat with a little olive oil. Trust me, that is the best eating you could ever want!

4. Do Not Overcook

There are many cuts and methods of cooking venison where the meat must be eaten rare. If venison is overcooked, it is like eating rubber. However, if it’s seared and allowed to rest for about ten minutes before slicing, it is like eating butter!

Venison cooks faster than beef, and when cooking it rare, it needs to only reach a temperature of 130 degrees. If venison reaches 150 degrees, it begins to toughen.

5. Avoid Trying to Cook Venison Like Corn-Fed Beef

Since deer forage and are usually older when they are harvested, they have an abundance of muscle fiber and connective tissue. Deer do not have the marbling in their meat that corn-fed beef has, so cooking venison like beef will not work.

Rather, look at deer meat as a unique protein that is healthy and exotic, yet easy to prepare with just a little knowledge. The flavor of these foragers far outweighs the necessary steps in creating tender, succulent meat.

Because there is little marbling and much muscle fiber and connective tissue, there is so much flavor when the collagen transforms into lovely succulent gelatin. There is nothing like it in the world!

6. When Braising, Make Sure Your Temperature is Low Enough

Braising is a cooking technique in which you dry-sear the main ingredient and then sear it in liquid on low heat in a pot. This method is usually best for the tougher cuts of meat. The tough fibers and connective tissue break down into collagen, which then dissolves into gelatin. Over time, these fibers expel moisture, leaving the meat dry.

Once the meat is dry, upon continued cooking, the fibers will relax and begin to absorb the fat and gelatin, creating tender, flavorful meat.

Slow Cooker or Dutch Oven?

Many use their slow-cookers for braising, but they continue to produce sub-par meals of stringy, tough meat. The optimal temperature when cooking low and slow should be between 131 and 149 degrees, and most slow cookers do not go that low.

Your best option is to cook in a Dutch oven on top of the stove on a very low simmer, or if you have an oven that maintains temperatures between 131 and 149 degrees, cook your meal for several hours in a Dutch oven inside it.

If cooking low and slow, I find that if I allow the mixture to cool, then place it in the refrigerator overnight, the meat continues to relax. Thus my meal will be even better the next day.

7. Match the Cut of Deer Meat to the Cooking Method

You will want to match the cut of venison to the best cooking method that will bring out the most flavor and the most tender results. Some cuts will naturally be tender (loins and tenderloins), but other cuts will be extremely tough and stringy.

Below are a few methods of cooking the various cuts of venison.

  • Tenderloin and loins: serve rare.
  • Shoulders, shanks and neck: braise (low and slow for stews and soups).
  • Hindquarter: this cut is incredibly versatile and can be cut into steaks, tenderized, and cooked just like the loin; cut into cubes for low and slow method; used in sauces; cut into strips across the grain and used in salads, fajitas, burritos, or on sandwiches.
  • Other meat from the carcass such as flanks and rib meat: grind and use in hamburgers, sausage, spaghetti sauces, bolognese sauce, among other recipes calling for ground meat. I use a 3/4 horsepower grinder, but if you only are going to be grinding a few deer,1/2 horsepower is fine. They are a bit expensive, but you will make up that cost very quickly by processing your own deer.

8. Tenderizing Meat Allows for More Diversity in Cooking Tough Cuts

Using a dry rub, marinade, or brine will tenderize your meat, allowing you to cook the tough cuts in much the same way you would cook a tender cut. All of these methods infuse flavor and break down the meat, causing a tender juicy result in the finished product.

Dry Rub

A dry rub consists of endless combinations of dry herbs and spices. To use this method, combine spices and vigorously massage into the meat. Place meat into a glass container, cover, and refrigerate overnight or for 24 hours.

Enzymatic tenderizers that are already prepared can be found in most grocery stores. They use papaya, figs, or pineapple to break down the amino acids in the meat. Personally, I prefer using homemade dry rubs because enzymatic tenderizers take away from the flavor of the venison. If left on too long, they also will cause meat to become mushy.

I usually add salt, coffee, or ginger to my dry rubs. Kosher salt improves the texture of the venison. First, it breaks down the protein and draws out the hydrogen, leaving oxygen in the muscles. This forms lactic acid, which breaks down the fibers in the muscles and connective tissue. Coffee and ginger are both acidic and will break down the enzymes in the meat. In this way, they tenderize meat just like marinades.

Brines and Marinades

Brines and marinades are fantastic for tenderizing meat as well. I usually reserve brining for my fowl recipes such as wild turkey or pheasant, but many people brine venison.

Brines consist of a mixture of water, salt, and sometimes sugar. This method may reduce the “gaminess” or strong flavor in the venison. To use this method, combine ingredients, submerge venison in the mixture, and refrigerate overnight or for 24 hours.

Marinades are one of my favorite ways to tenderize venison. For an excellent marinade, you will need an acid (wine, vinegar, lemon juice, or lime), an oil (I prefer olive oil), and herbs and spices of your choice.

Not only do marinades add flavor, but the acid will also effectively denature your meat, which will result in tender, tasty venison. To use this method, combine ingredients in a non-reactive bowl, cover, and refrigerate for up to 24 hours. You can also place the ingredients in a zip top bag for easy clean-up.

9. Use the Best Kitchen Tools

Kitchen tools can make your job of preparing venison either a nightmare or a wonderful and enjoyable experience. You will need a very sharp knife that holds its edge and will not rust, as well as ahoning steel. An eight inch chef’s knife will allow you to cut venison and chop vegetables as well as perform just about any task needing a knife. If you have room in your budget, a serrated knife will perform well for cutting breads.

Two Kitchen Essentials

A cast iron skillet and a Dutch oven are the most essential tools for cooking venison at its best, and you can find them at very reasonable prices. The cast iron will evenly heat the venison, causing a beautiful caramelization when browning your meat. A Dutch oven also will hold heat well.

Both the skillet and the Dutch oven can be used over direct heat. Moreover, both can stand up to very high oven temperatures. These two kitchen essentials are incredibly versatile; you can make anything from stuffed loin, stews, and soups to breads and pies.

A few helpful things that will finish off your minimal kitchen needs for preparing venison are a meat mallet, mortar and pestle, and twine.

When pounding out venison, no matter the cut, a meat mallet will tear the fibers and connective tissue. This immediately produces tender meat. At this point, you can fry, stuff, or truss the meat. You can make it a complete meal by chopping herbs and vegetables and placing them on the pounded venison. Truss and brown the loin in a cast iron skillet and then finish it off in the oven.

There are many more helpful kitchen utensils, but these are the ones that I use on a regular basis!

10. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Creative

Cooking should be fun. I believe people eat out more often than not because they don’t believe homecooked food can be as good. With just a little understanding of the ingredients you are using, the sky is the limit. Using your instincts and taking a few risks will prove to your advantage in the kitchen.

The creations that you bring to the table will amaze you. Your taste buds and your family will thank you. Happy hunting, happy cooking, and happy eating!

For a video of any of these cooking techniques, click here. You can find my dry rub recipe here.

For simple, incredible recipes using wild game and fresh vegetables, check out my books and DVD.

Ten Tips to Know When Preparing Venison (2024)


What is the best way to prepare venison? ›

General tips:
  1. Don't overcook or cook at temperatures above 375 F. The short fibers in wild game meat will get tough.
  2. Serve game meat very hot or very cold. Lukewarm game fat has a very greasy taste.
  3. Baste very lean cuts with additional fat to improve flavor. Covering roast with bacon strips will provide self-basting.

What is the best way to process venison? ›

How to Process a Deer
  1. Step 1: Skin the deer.
  2. Step 2: Wash the deer meat.
  3. Step 3: Wash away the blood.
  4. Step 4: Remove the membrane with a sharp knife.
  5. Step 5: Debone the legs.
  6. Step 5b: Work your way around the bone.
  7. Step 5c: Remove the bone.
  8. Step 5d: Meat without the bone.

How do you know when venison is done cooking? ›

It's lean, don't over cook it

Elk and Venison are very low in fat and is best served medium-rare. This equates to an internal temperature of 135°F if you're using a meat thermometer.

How do you cook venison so it's not tough? ›

so don't overcook them you want them to be like rare plus medium rare so hot and fast. and then if you have tougher cuts like large roasts to meat. you're gonna wanna raise those low and slow. so add some liquid and cook until they're really tender.

What are three methods of cooking venison? ›

Naturally tender cuts like loins and tenderloin take well to high heat grilling, pan searing, or stuffing and trussing and should be served rare to medium rare. Here's my recipe for how to cook Chili Cocoa Crusted Venison Loin. Tougher muscles from the shoulder, shank or neck should be braised or stewed slow and low.

How do you clean venison before cooking? ›

Washing deer meat

Rinsing deer meat or venison before cooking is not recommended by food safety agencies. Like other meats, washing venison can spread contamination in a kitchen.

Is it better to cook venison fast or slow? ›

Tender cuts of venison should be prepared using quick cooking methods to a rare or medium-rare level of doneness (internal temperature of 120° to 135° F). If it is prepared past medium-rare too much moisture will be cooked out causing the meat to become dry and tough.

What are the best cuts of venison? ›

The tenderloin, striploin, knuckle and rump are the most tender cuts. Medium-tender cuts are the eight rib rack, top round and bottom round. The flank steak and osso buco are the least tender. Less tender cuts generally require slower cooking.

How do you clean deer meat before processing? ›

Carefully slip your knife between the tissue and the meat. Using steady pressure, slice between the meat and the tissue so that the tissue is separated from the venison. With your free hand, hold the tissue up and away from the meat and slice again in the same section, removing more of the tissue.

What to season venison with? ›

Ideal flavours for venison
  • Fruits: quince, cherries, prunes, blackberries, apples.
  • Herbs: thyme, rosemary, bay, sage.
  • Spices: star anise, allspice, black pepper, cloves, juniper.
  • Alcohol: red wine (e.g. Grenache, Zinfandel), cider, ale. Other: chestnuts, celeriac, red cabbage, chocolate, mushroom.
Mar 7, 2016

Can you overcook venison? ›

Venison isn't like beef. You can't overcook and under-season it and expect it to still be OK. That really alters the flavor, as well as the texture.

What's the best way to cook venison? ›

You can cook tender cuts on the stovetop, in a cast iron skillet (my favorite) with a few tablespoons of oil (such as duck fat, avocado oil or clarified butter, just NOT olive oil), we always enjoy grilling venison (or you can use a cast iron pan ON the grill, even better), or in the oven.

What is the best tenderizer for venison? ›

Marinades are one of my favorite ways to tenderize venison. For an excellent marinade, you will need an acid (wine, vinegar, lemon juice, or lime), an oil (I prefer olive oil), and herbs and spices of your choice.

How do you make deer meat super tender? ›

Put your venison roast in a Crock-Pot. Maybe throw in a few onions. Dump in a can of Cream of Mushroom soup and let it cook all day long.

What is the best thing to soak deer meat in? ›

Soaking: The most common soaking liquids are buttermilk, saltwater, white milk, vinegar, lemon juice and lime juice. While some hunters swear by certain soaking methods to take the “gamey” flavor away or bleed the meat after processing, others don't find it all that helpful.

What is the best way to get the gamey taste out of deer meat? ›

The distinct game flavor of either birds or animals will be milder after soaking the meat overnight in the refrigerator in either a salt or vinegar solution. 2. Vinegar solution - 1 cup per quart of cold water. Use enough solution to cover the game completely.

What do you season venison with? ›

Ideal flavours for venison
  • Fruits: quince, cherries, prunes, blackberries, apples.
  • Herbs: thyme, rosemary, bay, sage.
  • Spices: star anise, allspice, black pepper, cloves, juniper.
  • Alcohol: red wine (e.g. Grenache, Zinfandel), cider, ale. Other: chestnuts, celeriac, red cabbage, chocolate, mushroom.
Mar 7, 2016

Why do you soak venison in milk? ›

Let it sit in the refrigerator for at least four hours, and no more than 12, before proceeding to cook it as you normally would. The calcium in milk contains enzymes that will tenderize the meat, and the main protein in milk will neutralize the gamey flavor.

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