Is 8GB RAM Good Enough for a Windows PC? (2024)

More RAM is better, but how much is enough for your Windows computer, and how much would be a waste? RAM is expensive, and maybe spending money on other specs such as a graphics card for a gaming PC would be better after all.

If you’re wondering about the amount of memory in your current or next Windows computer, it’s time to put your worries to rest.

Table of Contents

    The Importance of RAM in a Windows PC

    Random Access Memory (RAM) is one of the most important components in a Microsoft Windows PC. It acts as short-term memory for your computer, allowing it to quickly access data it needs to run programs or perform any other tasks. The more RAM you have, the more programs your computer can handle simultaneously without slowing down.

    If you run out of RAM, your computer will use a portion of your hard drive space, known as the “swap file” or “page file,” as virtual memory. This can slow down your computer significantly because accessing data on a hard drive (or even an SSD) is much slower than accessing data in RAM.

    When your computer starts using the swap file, you may notice that your programs take longer to load and that your computer becomes more unresponsive. In some cases, your computer may even freeze or crash!

    Can You Upgrade Your RAM?

    Before we go over the finer points of RAM needs in Windows, it’s important to make sure you can actually upgrade your RAM in the first place. It all comes down to how many RAM slots your motherboard has and which are currently occupied. Whether you have an AMD or Intel system, the general details are the same.

    If you have a single stick of RAM in one slot, then you can add a matching stick in another slot. Not only will this double your RAM, but it will boost memory bandwidth by running in “dual channel mode.” This will give your RAM enough bandwidth to move much more data per second. These days, RAM is paired, so you want to (for example) match the modules in slots 1 and 3, and 2 and 4, on a four-slot motherboard.

    Some laptops have a single stick of RAM soldered to the board and then one slot for user expansion. Even if you already have 8GB of RAM, we strongly suggest putting another 8GB into the open slot simply to have dual-channel memory bandwidth. If your slots are filled (e.g. two 4GB sticks in a two-slot system), you’ll have to completely replace the RAM you have. However, you can still sell the old RAM to recoup some of the financial hit.

    Windows’s Bare Minimum Requirements

    A good place to start in the discussion on whether 8GB of RAM is enough for a Windows PC, is how much RAM the operating system officially requires. In the case of Windows 10, you need at least 2GB of RAM for the 64-bit version, which is the only version anyone should be using at this point!

    For Windows 11, you need at least 4GB RAM, so that’s already half of our 8GB allocation. Now, these minimum requirements obviously don’t mean that Windows uses up all that memory. There’s still some RAM left over for applications to use. But at the same time, these are minimum amounts. You can’t expect snappy performance, due to reliance on virtual memory when your applications hit the physical memory limit. In short, your computer will work with these minimum RAM amounts, but it may slow down to the point where most people might not consider it a usable solution.

    The latest generation of Apple Silicon Macs handle RAM in a very different way to Windows PCs, so don’t be fooled by their entry-level systems shipping with 8GB RAM. The two platforms aren’t comparable in this regard.

    App System Requirements and Multitasking

    A much better way to determine if 8GB of RAM is enough for your Windows PC is to look up the RAM requirements of the applications you want to use on your computer. The minimum requirements assume you’ll be running the application by itself and that you won’t be doing the most advanced tasks, unless you’re willing to put up with degraded performance.

    If you want to run more than one application at a time, you need to take the RAM requirements of all apps into account. Many people run their office apps alongside browsers like Google Chrome, and may even have media apps such as Spotify or Apple Music playing in the background. If you’re running multiple applications that all list (for example) 4 GB of RAM as their minimum requirement, you’ll need enough RAM to handle that.

    What 8GB Of RAM Is Like to Use Day to Day

    Using a Windows computer with only 8GB of RAM daily can be challenging, especially if you’re running resource-intensive tasks or multitasking with many programs open at the same time.

    With 8GB of RAM, you may notice that your computer slows down when you have multiple programs running simultaneously, such as a web browser with multiple browser tabs open, a video editing program, or a game running in the background. Your computer may also become unresponsive or freeze when you try to open new programs or switch between tasks.

    You may also experience problems with loading large files or running high-performance applications, such as video games or 3D modelling software. These programs may require more RAM to run smoothly, and with 8GB of RAM, your computer could struggle to keep up.

    On the other hand, if you mainly use your computer for basic tasks, such as web browsing, email, and document editing, 8GB of RAM is probably just fine. However, you may still experience slowdowns if you have multiple tabs open on your browser, or if you’re running multiple basic programs at the same time.

    Who Should Stick With 8GB of RAM?

    If you already have a computer with 8GB of RAM and are happy with its performance, you don’t need to upgrade. In the end, the RAM capacity of a computer is just a number on paper, and what really matters is your experience. If the computer does its job to your satisfaction, that’s the end of the debate until it no longer plays well with new software.

    If you’re looking to buy a new computer, on the other hand, then we’d only recommend buying a system with 8GB of RAM if any of these examples describe you:

    • You mostly use basic productivity apps like Excel spreadsheets or word processing, and only have a few browser windows open.
    • You use your computer for basic media such as streaming music or video.
    • You play older video games or are happy to play at lower settings.
    • You don’t need to switch between video games and other apps, or don’t leave apps open in the background while gaming.
    • You don’t leave processes (such as video conversion) running in the background while you do other tasks such as web browsing.

    If your computing needs are as simple as these examples, 8GB of RAM should offer a very pleasant daily experience. If you do want to upgrade anything, you should consider upgrading to an SSD from an HDD if you’re still using a mechanical hard drive, since this will have a much larger impact on system responsiveness.

    Who Should Have More Than 8GB of RAM?

    If you didn’t quite fit into any of the scenarios we’ve described above, you’re a good candidate for computers with more than 8GB of RAM. Today, we consider 8GB of RAM to be the recommended minimum for any Windows computer, but if any of these scenarios describe you, a larger amount of RAM is a good idea:

    • You’re a gamer who likes newer games at high-end settings.
    • You make content, such as video editing, Adobe Photoshop photo editing, music production, digital art, etc.
    • You often Alt-Tab (task switch) from full-screen apps like games to other apps such as browsers.
    • You’re a power user who uses multiple monitors to run multiple apps at once.
    • You often have CPU-intensive processes running in the background while you do light productivity or entertainment in the foreground.

    Again, it’s best to be guided by the specific requirements of each app, but if you’re using several apps that ask for 8GB of RAM simultaneously or one app that recommends 16GB RAM, it’s sensible to have at least that much.

    Windows Systems With Unified Memory

    Another wrinkle to consider is “unified” memory. This is where the CPU and GPU in your computer both use the same pool of memory. This only happens when you use an integrated GPU, which lives in the same chip package as your CPU.

    Integrated GPUs are now powerful enough to play modern games, edit videos, work with 3D models, and much more. However, this means that your total RAM allocation is now also your VRAM allocation.

    If, for example, you have a laptop with an integrated GPU, upgrading to higher levels of system RAM also allows you to access more intensive graphical settings, assuming that your GPU is up to the task. A gaming laptop with something like a dedicated NVIDIA GPU, would have dedicated VRAM separate from your computer’s main RAM.

    16GB Is For Everyone, 32GB Is Around The Corner

    We’re confident in recommending 16GB as the RAM allocation that’s best for most people. With the increased sophistication of websites, higher fidelity assets in productivity and creative software, and a new generation of video games, it’s quickly becoming the mid-range RAM allocation.

    Serious PC gamers who are already on 16GB of RAM should consider moving to 32GB of RAM, as some new game releases already recommend this much if you want to play at higher settings. For other types of non-professional users, 16GB is likely to be the recommended standard for some time.

    Finally, none of this discussion takes RAM speeds into account. For example, moving from DDR4 to DDR5 brings numerous benefits, but is 16GB DDR5 RAM better than 8GB DDR4? In general, it’s still better to have more of the older RAM than less of the latest technology. But it depends on the needs of your specific applications. If your computer still uses DDR3, it’s probably time to replace the whole system!

    Is 8GB RAM Good Enough for a Windows PC? (2024)


    Is 8GB RAM Good Enough for a Windows PC? ›

    How much RAM do you need? Generally, we recommend 8GB of RAM for casual computer usage and internet browsing, 16GB for spreadsheets and other office programs, and at least 32GB for gamers and multimedia creators. How you use your computer influences how much RAM you need, so use this as a guideline.

    Do I need 8GB or 16GB RAM? ›

    For basic tasks such as web browsing and word processing, 4GB or 8GB should suffice. Hardier applications such as gaming or video editing will likely require 16GB of RAM for optimal performance.

    Can you run Windows 11 with 8GB RAM? ›

    Windows 11 requires a minimum of 2GB RAM, but 8GB RAM is sufficient for most tasks. With 8GB RAM, you can run multiple applications, browse the web with ease, and multitask with ease.

    How much RAM is needed for Windows 10? ›

    It depends on the architecture. 32-bit Windows 10 only requires 1 GB minimum, whereas 64-bit (which all modern systems use an) requires 2 GB minimum. Either way, you should have at least 4 GB but it really depends on what you are going to use your computer for.

    How much RAM does a PC really need? ›

    The amount of RAM memory you need for your computer depends on the type of tasks you plan to perform. For basic everyday use such as web browsing and document creation, 4GB or 8GB is usually sufficient. For more intensive tasks such as gaming or video editing 16GB or even 32GB of RAM is better.

    Is 16GB RAM really necessary? ›

    16GB of RAM is the amount of memory we recommend for intermediate users looking for extra speed and smooth functioning. This may be especially beneficial if you tend to have several programs open and running, simultaneously. This is also a good level of RAM for casual gamers and standard business professionals.

    Is upgrading RAM from 16 to 32 worth it? ›

    Conclusion. To wrap it all up, there's no doubt that the benefits of upgrading RAM from 16GB to 32GB are numerous. It will offer your computer a performance boost, making your apps run faster and more efficiently! Getting this done is an investment in your computer's capabilities.

    Is 8GB RAM enough for Microsoft Office? ›

    How much RAM do you need? Generally, we recommend 8GB of RAM for casual computer usage and internet browsing, 16GB for spreadsheets and other office programs, and at least 32GB for gamers and multimedia creators. How you use your computer influences how much RAM you need, so use this as a guideline.

    How much RAM does Windows 11 really need? ›

    RAM: 4 GB. If your PC has less than 4GB of memory, there are sometimes options for upgrading to get additional RAM. You may want to consult your PC manufacturer's website or with a retailer to see if there are easy and affordable options to meet the minimum requirements for Windows 11.

    Is 8 GB RAM enough in 2024? ›

    Daily Tasks and Light Usage: For basic tasks like web browsing, document editing, and media consumption, 8GB of RAM generally suffices.

    Is 8GB ok for Windows 10? ›

    An 8GB SSD (Solid State Drive) is generally not enough storage space to comfortably run Windows 10. While the minimum system requirements for Windows 10 32-bit version are 16GB of storage space, the 64-bit version requires at least 20GB of storage space.

    Is Windows 11 better than 10? ›

    Windows 11 is worth the update for most people. It comes with a wide range of new features, performance improvements, and design changes. As the latest Windows OS, it usually gets more attention than Windows 10, too. There's not too much risk in upgrading to Windows 11, either.

    How long will Windows 10 be supported? ›

    The end date is right there on the Microsoft Support document that lists "products retiring or reaching the end of support in 2025." The schedule is defined by Microsoft's Modern Lifecycle Policy, which is documented on the Microsoft Lifecycle page: "Windows 10 will reach end of support on October 14, 2025.

    Will I notice a difference between 8GB and 16 GB of RAM? ›

    8GB vs 16GB RAM: Which is Better? Whether you opt for 8GB or 16GB of RAM basically boils down to how much multi-tasking and heavy-duty tasks you throw at your system. You're good with 8GB of RAM if you tend to use one program at a time. However, 8GB of RAM will struggle when trying to juggle multiple programs at once.

    Which is better, 8GB or 16 GB RAM? ›

    Ans: Increasing your RAM from 8GB to 16GB can potentially improve gaming performance. With 16GB of RAM, your system has more available memory to store and quickly access game-related data such as textures and graphics data.

    Can I use 16 GB and 8GB RAM together? ›

    You can add another 16 GB chip to the 8 GB one in there now, but you really don't want to leave it that way. When you have an empty memory slot, or you install memory in mismatched capacities (1 x 8 GB + 1 x 16 GB for example), the memory runs in the lower performing single data rate (SDR) mode.

    Do I really need 8GB RAM? ›

    In summary, 8GB of RAM is adequate for basic computing tasks and light gaming. However, for more demanding tasks like content creation, gaming, multitasking, or running resource-intensive applications, you may want to consider upgrading to 16GB or more for a better overall experience.

    Is 8GB RAM enough for a laptop in 2024? ›

    Daily Tasks and Light Usage: For basic tasks like web browsing, document editing, and media consumption, 8GB of RAM generally suffices.

    Is 8 GB RAM enough for college? ›

    Is 8GB Ram Good for College Students? These days, 8GB of RAM is plenty for most college students. However, if you are an engineering or business student who plans to process a lot of data with your laptop, then you should consider 16GB of RAM.

    How much RAM do you need in 2024? ›

    You can check out all of our current deals here. For most gamers 16GB of RAM is still the sweet spot in 2024. This amount provides enough headroom for the operating system, background processes, and the game itself to run smoothly without any bottlenecks.

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    Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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