How Cars Have Changed and Improved Over Time (2024)

Cars have changed quite a bit in the 130 years since the first one drove off into the sunset in the United States. From humble hand-cranks to computerized consoles, the evolution of the automobile is one wild ride. Let's take a look at how the automobile has evolved over time.

The Earliest Vehicles (1760s-1890s)

The first cars were powered by steam, which had been used for many years to power trains. However, steam-powered vehicles took a long time to start up, and their range was limited. Many inventors tinkered with steam power for solo transportation, but they never took off.

In the early 1800s, other inventors began building electric-powered buggies. In 1890, William Morrison built the first electric car in the United States. The car could go 20 miles per hour on batteries that needed recharging every 50 miles. According to the Department of Energy, electric vehicles made up one-third of cars on the road in the early 1900s.

The first cars had few, if any, safety features. Most were modeled after horse-drawn carriages, so they often lacked a roof or much in the way of comfort.

The Rise of Mass Production (1890s-1930s)

Karl Benz invented the first gas-powered car, which he received a patent for in 1886. Benz’s first car had three wheels, looked much like an elongated tricycle, and sat two people. In 1893 Benz patented double-pivot steering to provide more control — arguably the first car safety feature.

The first cars didn’t have windshields, doors, turn signals, or even a round steering wheel. It wasn’t until Henry Ford’s 1908 Model T that automobiles started to resemble our modern idea of a car. Thanks to the assembly line, the gas-powered Model T could be mass-produced and became affordable for the average person.

In 1912, the invention of the electric starter eliminated the need to hand-crank engines. Hand cranks could backfire and injure drivers, so the electric starter was also an early safety feature.

Features Take Center Stage (1930s-Present)

Along with mass production came new features. Some of the first were speedometers, seatbelts, windshields, and rearview mirrors. Buick added the first turn signals in 1939, and they soon became an essential way for drivers to communicate their moves safely.

In 1973, Oldsmobile installed the first passenger airbag into their “Tornado” model. Over 20 years later in 1998, the federal government required all passenger vehicles to come standard with dual frontal airbags — a major upgrade for safety in car crashes, provided your body is positioned correctly in your seat.

In the late ’80s and early '90s, keyless entry systems, electric doors and windows, sunroofs, and CD players all became standard features. Technology became a big selling point in cars, whether for safety, convenience, or both.

Today's Safety Features

In the modern age, computers have transformed cars. Safety features like anti-lock brakes, tire pressure sensors, and electronic stability control help drivers react faster and maintain control of their cars in difficult conditions. Backup cameras and lane-change assist also help eliminate blindspots for drivers.

But not every new technology enhances safety. Large "infotainment" screens on dashboards can distract drivers. According to AAA, they are especially tricky for older drivers to manage. Many systems tout themselves as "hands-free," but calls, texts, and music can all be distracting to drivers. No wonder states enact and update distracted driving laws to keep up with technology.

Stay Safe as Cars Continue to Evolve

Drivers must also evolve to keep up with the times. Are your skills up to date? Check out our online defensive driving courses to brush up on your safe driving skills and earn a discount on your car insurance bill today.

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Updated 2/20/24

How Cars Have Changed and Improved Over Time (2024)


How Cars Have Changed and Improved Over Time? ›

In the modern age, computers have transformed cars. Safety features like anti-lock brakes, tire pressure sensors, and electronic stability control help drivers react faster and maintain control of their cars in difficult conditions. Backup cameras and lane-change assist also help eliminate blindspots for drivers.

How have cars improved over the years? ›

Modern cars have more safety and technological features than previous sets of cars. Indeed, today, a modest car will have an MP3 player, hard drive, GPS, and an advanced safety system. Other features include keyless entry systems, sunroofs, electric doors, and windows as well as CD players.

What improvements have been made to the car? ›

Equipment and technology
  • Seat belts. Most standard equipment in cars today wasn't even an option decades ago. ...
  • Air bags. Air bags have come a long way since the first one was invented in the 1950s. ...
  • Electronic stability control. ...
  • Backup camera. ...
  • Blind spot warning. ...
  • Driver assistance.

How have car materials changed over time? ›

Although cars have been around for more than a century, the material making them up has mostly stayed the same–steel. It's only been the last 25 years or so that advanced materials, ranging from aluminum and magnesium alloys to carbon fiber composites, have made their way into mass produced passenger cars.

How have cars improved the economy? ›

The growth of the automobile industry caused an economic revolution across the United States. Dozens of spin-off industries blossomed. Of course the demand for vulcanized rubber skyrocketed. Road construction created thousands of new jobs, as state and local governments began funding highway design.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.