Getting Started on a Gluten-Free Diet: A Step-By-Step Guide  - GIG® Gluten Intolerance Group® (2024)


Updated March 1, 2021

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The following contentis intended to be used as a preliminary guide for those who are newly diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Not all aspects of the gluten-free diet are as clear cut as portrayed here. Forspecificguidanceabout the gluten-free dietfor yourself or a loved one, consult with a knowledgeable dietitianoryour healthcare provider.Visitthe Resources section of the Gluten Intolerance Group websiteatwww.gluten.orgformore information.

Introduction to a Gluten-Free Diet

Individuals with gluten-related disordersmust avoid gluten for health reasons.This includes anyone diagnosed with celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), or dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), theskin condition related to celiac disease.Gluten is the generic name for certain types of proteins found inwheat, barley,andrye and their derivatives.

When individuals with celiac disease ingest gluten, an immune response occurs which damages the lining of the small intestine and can lead to symptoms and health problems in virtually all body systems. Even very small amounts of gluten can cause problems,whether or not obvious symptoms are present. In the case of non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS),damage to the small intestinemay notoccur, but gluten must still be avoided.

The gluten-free diet should not be started before being properly diagnosed with a gluten-related disorder. Starting the diet without complete testing makes later diagnosis difficult. Tests to confirm celiac disease could be falsely negative if a person were on a gluten-free diet for a period of time. For a valid diagnosis to be made, gluten would need to be reintroduced for at least several weeks before testing.

Following a gluten-free diet is a major lifestyle modificationand can feel daunting, particularly for the newly diagnosed. There is a lot to know about foods, ingredients, and changes in lifestyle and cooking, and you may be wondering just where to start. Try taking things “one step at a time” to help make your gluten-free transition more manageable.

Getting Started on a Gluten-Free Diet:AStep-By-Step Guide - GIG® Gluten Intolerance Group® (2)

STEP1: Learn What Foods toInclude orAvoid

While the basis of a gluten-free diet is avoiding certain foods, you should also learn what foods are safe to eat.There are many naturally gluten-free foods you can still enjoythathappen to be delicious and healthy!Focus on shopping the perimeter of your grocery store: vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, meats, anddairy productsaregood places to start.In their natural forms,without potentially gluten-containing flavorings or ingredients added, these foods are gluten-free andarestaplesof a gluten-free diet.

If you are going gluten-free,thesegluten-containinggrainsshould be eliminatedfromyourdiet:

  • Wheat–Includes all varieties and forms such as: durum, spelt, semolina, couscous, bulgur, emmer, farina,farro, and einkorn.
  • Barley
  • Rye

Avoidvarieties andderivatives of thesethree grainsincluding:

  • Triticale, a hybrid of wheat and rye
  • Wheat starch that has not been processed toreducegluten to the levels that meet the definition of gluten-free
  • Malt extract –derived from barley
  • Malt vinegar– derived from barley
  • Brewer’s yeast –usuallyderived from beerthat is brewed from wheat, barley,orrye(although can also be derived from sugar beets)

Choosenaturally gluten-free grains and flours,including rice, corn, soy, potato, tapioca, sorghum, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, cassava, coconut, arrowroot, amaranth, teff, flax, chia, yucca, bean flours, and nut flours.

What about oats?

What about oats? Research indicates that certified or labeled gluten-free oats consumed in moderation (up to ½ cup dry rolled oats daily) are tolerated by most people with celiac disease. See our article:Are Oats and Oat Flour Gluten-Free?The safest oat products are thosethathave been certified gluten-free. While products labeled gluten-free should comply with the FDA definition of containing no more than 20 ppm of gluten, this is not third-party verified. GFCO’s standard for gluten-free is 10 ppm of gluten or less.Consult with your physician or dietitian before adding oats to your gluten-free diet. 

While distilled alcoholic beverages are gluten-free, most beers, ales, lagers, and malted beverages areNOT gluten-free because they aremade from gluten-containing grains. Beers made from gluten-free grains, such as sorghum, are gluten-free.Beers with “gluten-removed” on the label may not be gluten-freeandshould be avoided.Check out our article:Does Fermentation or Distillation Make a Product Gluten-Free?

STEP2:CarefullyReadFood Labels

An important part of successfully following a gluten-free diet is reading packaged food labels carefully. This includes “gluten-free” claims on packages, as well as product ingredient lists. Since ingredients can change at any time, it’s important to read labels every time you shop.

Look for a GFCO gluten-free Certification Mark

A productthatcarries athird-party gluten-free certification,such asGluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO)’s mark, is considered safe for gluten-free consumers. If a product iscertified gluten-free,you can stop at this step.

Getting Started on a Gluten-Free Diet:AStep-By-Step Guide - GIG® Gluten Intolerance Group® (3)

Look for items labeled gluten-free

If a product is not certified gluten-free but bears a “gluten-free” claimand is regulated by the FDA,*it is considered safe to consume. The FDA gluten-free labeling regulation also applies to products labeled “no gluten,” “free of gluten,” or “without gluten”.

Check the list of ingredients

For productsthatare neither certified nor labeled gluten-free, it is essential to read the ingredient list.If any of the following are present on the ingredient list, the product is not gluten-free:

  • Wheat ** (including all types of wheat such as spelt)
  • Rye
  • Barley
  • Oats unlessthe oats or oat-containing products arecertified gluten-free
  • Malt
  • Brewer’s yeast

A product that is labeled gluten-free may include the term “wheat” in the ingredient list (e.g.,wheat starch) or in a separate “Contains wheat” statement, but the label must also include the following statement: “The wheat has been processed to allow this food to meet the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements for gluten-free foods.”Read our statement on “Contains: Wheat.”

The FDA gluten-free labeling regulation is a part of FALCPA (the “Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act”). FALCPA applies to FDA-regulated products only. The FDA regulates the vast majority of packaged foods. The USDA regulates meats, poultry, egg products,and mixed products which generally contain more than 3% raw or 2% cooked meat (e.g.,some soups and frozen entrees). Products regulated by the USDA are not required to comply with FALCPA, but an estimated 80-90% do so voluntarily.
**Looking for wheat on ingredient labels
FALCPA requires that the top 8 allergens be clearly identified, wheat being one of them. Derivatives of wheat,such as “modified food starch,” must clearly indicate that “wheat” is the source when this is the case. If there is any doubt about whether a USDA regulated product is complying with FALCPA labeling, the following ingredients may be derived from wheat and need to be avoided or investigated: starch, food starch, modified food starch,anddextrin.

Read our article “3 Tips for Gluten-Free Label Reading.”

STEP 3: Explore Gluten-Free Goods

There are many gluten-free grains you may not have tried before, like sorghum, teff,and buckwheat (which is naturally gluten-free, despite its name). Often when some doors are closed, others are opened. Look at your gluten-free diet as an opportunity to discover new gluten-free foods and cuisines. Get inspired by Mexican and Indian spices and ingredients. Corn tortillas, salsas, guacamole,and beans are naturally gluten-free. Cook with traditional Indian ingredients like cumin, turmeric,and lentils.

Othernaturally gluten-free foodsare fruits and vegetables; fresh meats, poultry and fish; legumes, nuts and seeds, and plain dairy products. These foods in their pure forms are gluten-free. Processed or flavored versions may have gluten-containing ingredients.

Gluten-free substitutesfor foods commonly made with wheat are widely available at mainstream, international,andspecialtyfood stores, direct from gluten-free food manufacturers,and from websites.

Distilled alcoholic beverages, distilled vinegars, and wine may be safely included in the gluten-free diet.Read our article,“Does Fermentation or Distillation Make a Product Gluten-Free?

Check out our meal plans:

4-Week Basic Meal Plan

4-Week Tasty Meal Plan

STEP 4: Watch Out for Cross-Contact with Gluten

When preparing gluten-free foods,take careto prevent cross-contact with foods containing gluten. Cross-contact can occur if foods are prepared on common surfaces, or with utensils that are not thoroughly cleaned after preparing gluten-containing foods.

Using hard to clean equipment for both gluten-free and gluten-containing foods is one potential source of cross-contact. Toasters, strainers,and flour sifters should not be shared. Deep-fried foods cooked in oilthat arealso used to cook breaded products should be avoided.

Spreadable condiments in shared containers may also be a source of cross-contact. When a person dips into a condiment–suchas mustard, mayonnaise, jam, peanut butter,or margarine–asecond time with the knife used for spreading, the condiment becomes contaminated with crumbs and is not safe for consumption by individuals who cannot tolerate gluten. Consider using condiments in squeezecontainers,whenyou can,to prevent cross-contact.

Wheat flour can stay airborne for many hours in a bakery or at homeandland onexposed preparation surfaces,utensils,or uncovered gluten-free products, potentiallycausing a problem foranyone avoiding gluten.

Seeour articles “7 Tips for Avoiding Gluten Cross-Contact at Home” and“Gluten in Your Food: Cross-Contact or Cross-Contamination?”

STEP5: Join a GIG Support Group

Living a gluten-free life comes with some challenges. Having a support network can be invaluable. Be a part of a caring and supportive gluten-free community in your area. We have over 90 adult and youth support groups. Connect with like-minded people, share tips, recommend places to eat, swap recipes, and know that you’re not alone in your quest to live a safe, gluten-free life.Find a GIG Support Group.

When it comes to living gluten-free,take one step at a time, learn as you go, seek help from others, and grow healthy!

Download printable infographic

Click here to download the printable version.

Modified fromThe Quick Start Gluten-Free Diet Guide for Celiac Disease & Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, developed collaboratively in 2013 by: American Celiac Disease Alliance, Celiac Disease Foundation, Celiac Sprue Association, Gluten Intolerance Group, National Foundation for Celiac Awareness.

This article has been assessed and approved by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.

Getting Started on a Gluten-Free Diet: A Step-By-Step Guide  - GIG® Gluten Intolerance Group® (2024)


Getting Started on a Gluten-Free Diet: A Step-By-Step Guide  - GIG® Gluten Intolerance Group®? ›

Knowing what you're going to eat ahead of time helps you avoid grab-and-go foods that may not fit your gluten-free lifestyle. Use your menu to create a grocery list and do some meal prepping to get a jumpstart on the week, such as washing and cutting vegetables, cooking grains, and marinating meats.

What are the first steps to going gluten-free? ›

Knowing what you're going to eat ahead of time helps you avoid grab-and-go foods that may not fit your gluten-free lifestyle. Use your menu to create a grocery list and do some meal prepping to get a jumpstart on the week, such as washing and cutting vegetables, cooking grains, and marinating meats.

What is the GFCF diet? ›

Gluten-free casein-free [GFCF] diet is an elimination diet that involves the removal of certain proteins from the normal diet, such as gluten and casein. However, studies that demonstrate the beneficial effects of the GFCF diet on ASD patients and explain its mechanism is limited, which supports the opioid theory.

How to eat gluten-free for dummies? ›

Many naturally gluten-free foods can be a part of a healthy diet:
  1. Fruits and vegetables.
  2. Beans, seeds, legumes and nuts in their natural, unprocessed forms.
  3. Eggs.
  4. Lean, nonprocessed meats, fish and poultry.
  5. Most low-fat dairy products.

What are the first signs of being gluten intolerant? ›

Here are some of the symptoms of gluten sensitivity:
  • "Brain fog." This is the most common characteristic of gluten sensitivity. ...
  • Headaches or migraines. ...
  • Dizziness.
  • Acne or rashes. ...
  • Joint pain or numbness. ...
  • Diarrhea, gas or constipation.
  • Distended stomach or bloating.
Apr 12, 2016

What is the key to a gluten-free diet? ›

It means eating only whole foods that don't contain gluten, such as fruits, vegetables, meat and eggs, as well as processed gluten-free foods like gluten-free bread or pasta. “Gluten is a protein naturally occurring in certain foods, but it can also be added to foods during processing for texture,” explains Rajagopal.

How do you jump start a gluten-free diet? ›

Focus on shopping the perimeter of your grocery store: vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, meats, and dairy products are good places to start. In their natural forms, without potentially gluten-containing flavorings or ingredients added, these foods are gluten-free and are staples of a gluten-free diet.

What nutrient deficiency is gluten-free diet? ›

Vitamin D, iron, B vitamins, calcium, zinc, copper, and vitamins A, E, and K. are often low on a gluten-free diet. But, many healthcare providers do not test for vitamin deficiencies. Because of this, people are taking it upon themselves to prevent the possibility of low vitamin levels.

What foods should gluten-free diet avoid? ›

10 foods to avoid on a gluten-free diet
  • Grains that contain gluten. Gluten is found in many grains, including: ...
  • Pasta and noodles. Avoid wheat-based pasta, including: ...
  • Packaged snacks. Many packaged snack foods may contain gluten, including: ...
  • Meat substitutes. ...
  • Baked goods. ...
  • Bread and pastries. ...
  • Sauces and condiments. ...
  • Drinks.

What foods are low in gluten for inflammation? ›

No research suggests everyone should start eating a gluten free diet. But for people experiencing painful joint inflammation, eliminating gluten and other “pro-inflammatory” foods may be one treatment approach to consider. Food products labeled “gluten free” aren't necessarily healthy.

Is peanut butter gluten-free? ›

In its natural form, both peanuts and peanut butter are gluten-free. Many store-bought brands of peanut butter are also gluten-free, with gluten-containing peanut butter tending to be the exception rather than the rule.

What is the healthiest way to eat gluten-free? ›

What Should You Include in Your Healthy GFD?
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Legumes.
  • Low-fat dairy, if tolerated (if not, include other sources of calcium and vitamin D)
  • Gluten-free whole grains (be sure to select only those specifically labeled gluten-free)
  • Lean protein.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Healthy fats.

How to wean off gluten? ›

12 Simple Tips to Help Eliminate Gluten from Your Diet
  1. Choose gluten-free grains. ...
  2. Look for a gluten-free certification label. ...
  3. Eat more produce. ...
  4. Clean out your pantry. ...
  5. Avoid gluten-containing beverages. ...
  6. Bring your own food. ...
  7. Eat more nuts and seeds. ...
  8. Know the different names for wheat.
Apr 19, 2019

How to get rid of a gluten belly? ›

The best remedy for gluten belly is time. However, hydrating, resting, consuming peppermint or ginger, or using a heating pad can help you find momentary relief.

What can be mistaken for gluten intolerance? ›

The symptoms of gluten intolerance may also resemble those of a wheat allergy or intestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Experts estimate that 10–15% of adults in the U.S. have IBS symptoms.

How to reverse gluten intolerance? ›

There's no cure for gluten intolerance. But most people find relief from symptoms by following a gluten-free diet. You should work with your healthcare provider and a dietitian to plan your diet. You can also ask your healthcare provider about adding probiotics to your diet.

What happens to your body when you first go gluten-free? ›

Many people report digestive symptom improvement within a few days of dropping gluten. Fatigue and brain fog often start getting better in the first week or two. This is a gradual process, though.

How long does it take to feel better after cutting gluten? ›

Once you start to follow a gluten-free diet, your symptoms should improve within a few weeks. Many people start to feel better in just a few days. Your intestines probably won't return to normal for several months. It could take years for them to completely heal.

How long after going gluten-free will I notice a difference? ›

The good news is you may experience relief from symptoms within a few days of removing gluten from your diet. The real question, however, is how long it takes your body to heal. Most celiac disease patients experience some degree of relief from symptoms within a few days of completely removing gluten from their diet.

What happens when you eat gluten for the first time in a while? ›

Symptoms of glutening are often digestive (abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation). However, gluten exposure can also cause headaches, anxiety, brain fog, skin rashes, or problems with a variety of body systems. These symptoms can last for days or weeks.

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.