Feedback and Suggestions - Transfigured gems in SSF - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)

I dont usually complain or give negative feedback but farming transfigured gems in SSF is probably the most boring thing i have ever experienced.
The most important part of any build shouldnt be locked behind some boring RNG grind.
I dont want to run more labs.
Low level lab is not only boring but Izaro's animations are also so slow, it take me 3 1/2 minutes to run 1 lab and half the time is loading screens and waiting for izaro to finish whatever he is doing.

Im extremely frustrated with this new mechanic, i really hope this get changed for next league because i dont want this to be the norm to spend multiple days a league spamming normal labs just to get a couple of gems to play.
Give us a guaranteed gem in uber lab or add them to the library quest or something... PLEASE

Last bumped on Apr 10, 2024, 1:36:32 PM

Feedback and Suggestions - Transfigured gems in SSF - Forum - Path of Exile (1)

Posted by
on Dec 18, 2023, 1:58:51 PM

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You chose to play SSF.

The game is balanced around trading.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

Feedback and Suggestions - Transfigured gems in SSF - Forum - Path of Exile (7)

Posted by
on Dec 18, 2023, 2:19:12 PM

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Yeah it's sh*t rn but I think we might see an improvement mid league. GGG stated that "the system isn't meant to be ultra taxing or time consuming to get the gem you want". Also they said reworking the lab itself is high on their priority list.

As it is right now I wouldn't recommend trying to get your gem prior to uber lab, unless it's a red gem. There's roughly 30 red gems in the pool right now so that's just a 1 in 10 gamble at the font, but there's like 75 blue gems. The targeted "gem version" craft only shows up in merc and uber but I've ran 25+ merc labs without seeing it. At 2-3 crafts per uber, I finally got my version craft on my 7th uber.

I was level 92 when I finally got my gem. The endgame. IMO these gems should be made easily available at the first lab, or at least don't advertise acquiring them through the system as being trivial.

Feedback and Suggestions - Transfigured gems in SSF - Forum - Path of Exile (30)

Posted by
on Dec 18, 2023, 3:00:21 PM

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You’re playing SSF. You chose a game mode where everything, including transfigured gems are difficult to get.

This is no different if not EASIER than alt quality gems in previous leagues for SSF. Play self restricted trade if you want to not have little issues like this.

Not the games fault you chose SSF

Bump your post as many times as you want. Its not like the Devs are changing anything your way anyways. Probably shouldn't abuse it though, could get you in trouble 😊.

Feedback and Suggestions - Transfigured gems in SSF - Forum - Path of Exile (31)

Posted by
on Dec 18, 2023, 3:06:24 PM

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Chickenwink wrote:

You’re playing SSF. You chose a game mode where everything, including transfigured gems are difficult to get.

This is no different if not EASIER than alt quality gems in previous leagues for SSF. Play self restricted trade if you want to not have little issues like this.

Not the games fault you chose SSF

Bullsh*t, the odds are just crappy. Vaal Gems way easier to get.
They definitely need to change that.
Theres plenty of options for that.

-increasing to 4, 5 or more gems as option
-sacrificing currency + gem for specific outcome
-same damage type options

Spare me with that its SSF bla bla

Feedback and Suggestions - Transfigured gems in SSF - Forum - Path of Exile (32)

Posted by
on Dec 18, 2023, 4:08:14 PM

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SuccYE wrote:

Yeah it's sh*t rn but I think we might see an improvement mid league. GGG stated that "the system isn't meant to be ultra taxing or time consuming to get the gem you want". Also they said reworking the lab itself is high on their priority list.

As it is right now I wouldn't recommend trying to get your gem prior to uber lab, unless it's a red gem. There's roughly 30 red gems in the pool right now so that's just a 1 in 10 gamble at the font, but there's like 75 blue gems. The targeted "gem version" craft only shows up in merc and uber but I've ran 25+ merc labs without seeing it. At 2-3 crafts per uber, I finally got my version craft on my 7th uber.

I was level 92 when I finally got my gem. The endgame. IMO these gems should be made easily available at the first lab, or at least don't advertise acquiring them through the system as being trivial.

Thats nice to hear
i doubt mid league but we can hope. either way, thinking that the current way will be the way to go for every single future league is a huge turn off for me.

And to the bozos saying "you chose ssf" you realize this is the feedback forum and im giving feedback yeah?

Feedback and Suggestions - Transfigured gems in SSF - Forum - Path of Exile (33)

Posted by
on Dec 18, 2023, 4:14:58 PM

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Heidern2880 wrote:


Chickenwink wrote:

You’re playing SSF. You chose a game mode where everything, including transfigured gems are difficult to get.

This is no different if not EASIER than alt quality gems in previous leagues for SSF. Play self restricted trade if you want to not have little issues like this.

Not the games fault you chose SSF

Bullsh*t, the odds are just crappy. Vaal Gems way easier to get.
They definitely need to change that.
Theres plenty of options for that.

-increasing to 4, 5 or more gems as option
-sacrificing currency + gem for specific outcome
-same damage type options

Spare me with that its SSF bla bla

Yeah its silly.. i know i play ssf, im fine with farming div cards for uniques etc. but the core item of any build is a skill gem and it shouldn't be locked behind hours of RNG grind.
Maybe even make it so the first time you do ULAB on a character you get a guaranteed gem you want...
I rather level a new character to ulab everytime i want a gem than spam labs for 10 hours.

Last edited by raVyoli on Dec 18, 2023, 4:19:39 PM

Feedback and Suggestions - Transfigured gems in SSF - Forum - Path of Exile (39)

Posted by
on Dec 18, 2023, 4:19:05 PM

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Feedback and Suggestions - Transfigured gems in SSF - Forum - Path of Exile (44)

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Heidern2880 wrote:


Chickenwink wrote:

You’re playing SSF. You chose a game mode where everything, including transfigured gems are difficult to get.

This is no different if not EASIER than alt quality gems in previous leagues for SSF. Play self restricted trade if you want to not have little issues like this.

Not the games fault you chose SSF

Bullsh*t, the odds are just crappy. Vaal Gems way easier to get.
They definitely need to change that.
Theres plenty of options for that.

-increasing to 4, 5 or more gems as option
-sacrificing currency + gem for specific outcome
-same damage type options

Spare me with that its SSF bla bla

Not the games fault you chose a mode that restricts what loot you can get on command. Its like that is upfront before you select it on the character creation page...

That is literally the point of SSF, is that you get everything by yourself, so your progression and what you can build is restricted, no short cutting or buying. This is an option you chose, you can call bullsh*t all you want but you did this to yourself, maybe look inward before pointing the finger.

Transfigured gems are loot. They arent base kit, just like alt quality gems in previous leagues from heist. They are actually easier to get than alt quality gems now, you only need an offering. Not set up a grand heist involving curious gems.

Vaal gems are easier to get because you can... throw vaal orbs at anything you buy from lily. So that is a silly thing to compare them to.

Maybe think about what you are expecting from the game when you choose SSF next time. For me I play SSF but keep my character in trade for fringe cases like this.

Bump your post as many times as you want. Its not like the Devs are changing anything your way anyways. Probably shouldn't abuse it though, could get you in trouble 😊.

Last edited by Chickenwink on Dec 18, 2023, 5:12:13 PM

Feedback and Suggestions - Transfigured gems in SSF - Forum - Path of Exile (45)

Posted by
on Dec 18, 2023, 4:54:53 PM

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raVyoli wrote:

Yeah its silly.. i know i play ssf, im fine with farming div cards for uniques etc. but the core item of any build is a skill gem and it shouldn't be locked behind hours of RNG grind.
Maybe even make it so the first time you do ULAB on a character you get a guaranteed gem you want...
I rather level a new character to ulab everytime i want a gem than spam labs for 10 hours.

Nah this is BS. I play a ton of SSF myself and I played builds that require specific alt quality gems before. It was a huge pain in the butt to get them before and at lesat now they're not gated behind a mechanic that has a lot of windup before it becomes more accessible

What they did this season was lay a foundation from where they can build further. Grand Heist system was flawed and I am happy they got rid of it despite me liking Heist generally.

The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.

Last edited by ArtCrusade on Dec 18, 2023, 5:11:13 PM

Feedback and Suggestions - Transfigured gems in SSF - Forum - Path of Exile (46)

Posted by
on Dec 18, 2023, 5:10:26 PM

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Not the games fault you chose a mode that restricts what loot you can get on command. Its like that is upfront before you select it on the character creation page...

That is literally the point of SSF, is that you get everything by yourself, so your progression and what you can build is restricted, no short cutting or buying. This is an option you chose, you can call bullsh*t all you want but you did this to yourself, maybe look inward before pointing the finger.

Transfigured gems are loot. They arent base kit, just like alt quality gems in previous leagues from heist.

Vaal gems are easier to get because you can... throw vaal orbs at anything you buy from lily. So that is a silly thing to compare them to.

Maybe think about what you are expecting from the game when you choose SSF next time. For me I play SSF but keep my character in trade for fringe cases like this. [/quote]
So many things u got wrong.
Transfigured gems are not loot, they dont drop.
Awakaned Gems are not much different than the base type, they just add a little thing more to it.

Transfigured gems are skill gems that most of time completely change its mechanic.
Ball Lightning is projectile while Static Version is an Orb.

You can also say they are kinda new gems.

The chance for getting this gems is like what 2.5% for early lab for blue gems.

There is no f*cking point making gems nearly unavailable eary or mid game.

Last edited by Heidern2880 on Dec 18, 2023, 5:14:40 PM

Feedback and Suggestions - Transfigured gems in SSF - Forum - Path of Exile (51)

Posted by
on Dec 18, 2023, 5:14:01 PM

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Feedback and Suggestions - Transfigured gems in SSF - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)
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