Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol, London, England | Literary Traveler (2024)

By Paul Millward,

“A Merry Christmas, uncle! God save you!” says Fred to Scrooge in the opening pages of A Christmas Carol, beginning the literary event that marksa turning point in the history of Christmas.

Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol, London, England | Literary Traveler (1)Charles Dickens popularized the expression “Merry Christmas,” which is the most enduring expression of the Christmas season. Dickens created a vision of Christmastime based on joy, compassion, and companionship, which has become the blueprint of Christmas celebrations in western culture.

In mid-Victorian Britain, Christmas as a celebratory festival had fallen into decline. A wave of nostalgia heralded new efforts to revive it with the introduction of customs such as the Christmas tree and the Christmas card. But it was Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, first published on the 19th December 1843, which made the biggest impact on the public. In certain respects, Dickens almost invented Christmas as we know it today.

Many Christmas traditions, which feel as if they have been in existence for millennia, were actually not widely practiced until Dickens published his perennial tale of Scrooge’s spiritual journey from miserable old miser to the very soul of Christmas joy and generosity. The book depicts certain sentimental aspects of Christmas which are now so firmly ingrained in the season that Christmas would be unthinkable without them. Christmas is a family-oriented festival based around plenteous food, drink and jollity, a season of good cheer, of dancing and frivolity, a time of warm-hearted goodness when we extend a hand to those less fortunate than ourselves.

“But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time…apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be set apart from that — as a good time, a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time…the only time I know of….when men and women seem by one consent to open up their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys.”

The irony of this beautiful and insightful speech given by Fred is that, far from being an alternative to the Christian Christmas which he fears it may taken for, it actually promotes the very message of love and compassion which Christ brought to the world. The church, since the inception of Cromwell’s overly zealous Puritanism, had all but destroyed this message.

Dickens re-established Christmas as the season of goodwill to all men in the hearts and minds of the people. A Christmas Carol almost became a new form of gospel, causing people to behave better towards one another. William Thackeray said that the book was “a national benefit and to every man and woman who read it, a personal kindness.” The story seemed to touch the heart of everyone who read it, including tough business owners who suddenly became kindlier to their employees as a result.

But the source of the story lies in Dickens’ troubled childhood. The darker aspects of A Christmas Carol and Scrooge’s personality are a reflection of his own suffering caused by his father’s financial irresponsibility. When Charles was twelve years old, his father John Dickens, was taken into the custody of Marshalsea debtors prison. His whole family moved into the prison with his father except Charles, who was forced to leave school and work in a so-called blacking factory which manufactured shoe polish. Charles was deeply humiliated to being reduced to a common laborer. He worked twelve hours a day in a rat-infested hellish environment, assigned to repetitively placing tops onto endless pots of polish.

This experience traumatized the young Charles Dickens, and he never really recovered from it. This horrible exposure to life as one of the exploited working masses colored the rest of his life, including much of his writing. The character of Scrooge is a reflection of his own paradoxical, unresolved feelings towards his father. Charles both loved and loathed his father, which explains why Scrooge is depicted in the story as both monster and angel. This duel personality of Scrooge is rationalized in the book by the epiphany he experiences as a result of the ghostly visitations he must endure.

The psychological interpretation of the story is Dickens’ attempt to work through his conflicted feelings towards his father, if only subconsciously. The joyful scenes of A Christmas Carol are a re-imagining of Dickens’ own early idyllic childhood experiences of Christmas before disaster struck and his father was sent to debtors prison.

Although the story is based around an old man, Scrooge, who approaches the twilight of his life, the story can be read as an evocation of childhood. In A Christmas Carol Dickens rekindles the spirit of childhood innocence and joy which jaded older people, exhausted by the trials of life, have lost. He subtly connects the concept of childhood with Godliness. The underlying message of the story is that we must reconnect with the child within, which is symbolized by the Christ child, whose birth is the source of the festival.

“For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child himself.”

The story resurrects this spirit of childhood innocence, the antithesis of cynical worldliness which Scrooge so vehemently represents at the start of the story. The experience of life as an adult can blind us to simple joys and we can easily become embittered as we grow older. The figure of Scrooge is a warning of where such disillusionment can take us. Perhaps the real spirit of Christmas can only be found when we reconnect with the little children we once were. One of the most moving parts of the story is when the ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge back to his own childhood. The ghost itself appears to Scrooge as a child-like apparition with a crown of light upon its head and speaks in oddly Christ-like ways.

“Would you so soon put out, with worldly hands, the light I give?”

The ghost proceeds to reveal scenes from Scrooge’s boyhood at his old school when all the children leave for Christmas. The boy Scrooge has been left behind and sits all alone reading. Scrooge is deeply touched by this vision of his former self in all his innocence.

“And Scrooge sat down upon a form, and wept to see his poor forgotten self as he used to be.”

But it soon transpires that the young Scrooge has a vivid imagination to compensate for his loneliness. He whiles away his time daydreaming about Ali Baba and Robinson Crusoe. Scrooge comes alive after being frozen hard for so long. His cold heart thaws as he connects with the child he once was. He loses himself in childhood joy, a time when he lived inside his fertile imagination. Dickens reintroduces Scrooge to a lost part of himself. This begins a process of redemption in his soul. It is a revelation for his readers, allowing them to perceive Scrooge in an entirely new light.

The theme of the vulnerable child reoccurs frequently in the story, but is most obviously personified in the pathetic figure of Tiny Tim — one of Dickens’ most memorable creations. During Dickens’ own childhood, he first became aware of the destitute lives of families living in the poorest quarters of London. He continually used his writing to draw attention to the plight of impoverished London children, suggesting that their suffering touched him deeply.

In Victorian London the only pleasure the poor could afford to indulge in was sex, but the result was thousands of children living in horrific filth and poverty. One statistic from the time sums up the hideous scale of the problem: in 1839 almost 50 percent of all funerals were for those under ten years old. Dickens brings these children to the reader’s attention in A Christmas Carol through such sympathetic characters as Tiny Tim, but also symbolically through the allegorical twins Ignorance and Want. The ghost of Christmas Present shows Scrooge, and also the reader, in blunt, direct language, the reduced and base condition of these feral children.

“This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.”

This stark and powerful passage resounds Dickens’ righteous anger about the fate of such children. Dickens believed that lack of education was the greatest enemy of these children. Without it there was no escape from the cycle of poverty. The children resorted to crime and delinquency, detrimental to society and the children themselves. With this in mind, Dickens supported the Ragged Schools, charitable institutions dedicated to providing free schooling to the poorest children living in the inner cities.

The character of Tiny Tim also symbolized the poor helpless children on the streets of London. The ghosts succeed in reigniting the flame of Scrooge’s frozen heart. The character which moves Scrooge more than any other is Tiny Tim. When the ghost of Christmas Present reveals poor Tiny Tim to Scrooge, who Scrooge has completely disregarded up to this moment, he sees for the first time how ill the child really is.

“Alas for Tiny Tim, he bore a little crutch, and had his limbs supported by an iron frame!”

Scrooge realizes his own responsibility for Tim’s wretched state. The boy is dying because he does not pay his father, Bob Cratchit, sufficient wages to provide the medical care Tim so desperately needs. There are parallels between Tiny Tim and Biblical figures whose sickness and deformities Christ healed, which is recognized by Tim himself and recounted by Bob, his father.

“He told me, coming home, that he hoped the people saw him in the church, because he was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to remember upon Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk, and blind men see.”

Tiny Tim’s goodness is rewarded. Scrooge becomes a second father to the boy.Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol, London, England | Literary Traveler (2)

Dickens succeeded in reviving the spirit of Christmas with A Christmas Carol. The spirit of Christmas is a quality of humanity to be displayed at all times. It should live in our hearts every day of the year. Through the character of Scrooge, Dickens urges us to pursue this ambition:

“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all three shall strive within me.”

And so I leave you with these warm words expressed by Tiny Tim at the Christmas dinner table, with goose, turkey, brandy, holly, and his loving, happy family all around him, as the boy offers this simple blessing at Christmastime.

“God bless us, everyone!”

Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol, London, England | Literary Traveler (2024)


How did Dickens describe London in A Christmas Carol? ›

Dickens uses his locations to underpin the events in the novella. The London we are shown at the start includes Scrooge's office and home and is cold [and] bleak with so much fog that the houses opposite were mere phantoms (p. 3).

What is the meaning of the Christmas carol by Charles Dickens? ›

Christmas in A Christmas Carol symbolizes the love of the holiday many people have at that time of year. For Scrooge, it first represents a holiday where people waste their money on things they don't need. As the story progresses, Scrooge realizes that Christmas is a time for family and giving to those in need.

What happens in Act 1 Scene 3 of A Christmas Carol Scrooge and Marley? ›

Scrooge becomes aware of Marley's ghost, and they share some dialogue. Marley tries to give advice to Scrooge, but Scrooge disregards Marley as undigested food. Marley says that Scrooge will be haunted by three specters.

What happened to Charles Dickens when he moved to London? ›

Dickens falls on hard times

It was a shock to the young Charles Dickens when in 1822 he moved with his family from a comfortable, well-educated existence in Kent to a small house in lower-middle-class Camden Town, London. It was an even greater shock when his schooling was stopped.

What did Charles Dickens say about London? ›

I have seen, habitually, some of the worst sources of general contamination and corruption in this country, and I think there are not many phases of London life that could surprise me.

How does Dickens present the streets of London? ›

There is an air of cold, solitary desolation1 about the noiseless streets which we are accustomed to see thronged at other times by 5 a busy, eager crowd, and over the quiet, closely-shut buildings, which throughout the day are swarming with life and bustle, that is very impressive.

What was the main reason Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol? ›

Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol in response to British social attitudes towards poverty, particularly child poverty, and wished to use the novella as a means to put forward his arguments against it.

What is the main point of A Christmas Carol? ›

A central theme of A Christmas Carol is that people should be aware of the needs of others and help them if they can. This theme is embodied through Scrooge's character development and redemption. Although Scrooge starts out as a miser, he transforms into a kind, generous man and a second father to Tiny Tim.

What is the lesson of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens? ›

As the triumphant and touching end of the story goes, Scrooge is able to defeat a lifetime of selfishness and the worship of money to become a new man with an entirely new outlook on life. He learns how to be patient, kind and generous.

Was Scrooge sad when Marley died? ›

Scrooge was his sole executor, his sole administrator, his sole assign, his sole residuary legatee: his sole friend and sole mourner. And even Scrooge was not so dreadfully cut up by the sad event, but that he was an excellent man of business on the very day of the funeral, and solemnised it with an undoubted bargain.

What do we learn has happened to Scrooge at the end of scene 5? ›

Scrooge becomes a great friend of the Cratchit family and a second father to Tiny Tim. Scrooge surprises Bob Cratchett with his generosity. The story ends with the narration saying that Scrooge always remembered his time with the spirits. It also says that Scrooge kept Christmas well.

What is Marley's punishment in A Christmas Carol? ›

As punishment for his greedy ways, Marley is forced to wander Purgatory while wearing heavy chains bound to money boxes and ledgers. He tells Scrooge he has a chance to avoid his fate, and three ghosts will visit him.

When did Charles Dickens go to London? ›

Dickens first came to London in January 1815 when John was transferred to The Navy Pay Office then located at Somerset House on Strand.

What did Charles Dickens like to do around London? ›

He routinely walked the city streets, 10 or 20 miles at a time, and his descriptions of nineteenth century London allow readers to experience the sights, sounds, and smells of the old city. This ability to immerse the reader into time and place sets the perfect stage for Dickens to weave his fiction.

Where did Dickens walk in London? ›

It's the part of London where Dickens lived and worked: Chancery Lane, Gray's Inn, Holborn, Doughty Street, River Thames, London Bridge and St Paul's Cathedral.

What is the description of London Charles Dickens? ›

Dickens described London as a magic lantern, a popular entertainment of the Victorian era, which projected images from slides. Of all Dickens's characters, "none played as important a role in his work as that of London itself"; it fired his imagination and made him write.

What is the description of London in Bleak House? ›

The raw afternoon is rawest, and the dense fog is densest, and the muddy streets are muddiest near that leaden-headed old obstruction, appropriate ornament for the threshold of a leaden-headed old corporation, Temple Bar.

What does London represent in a tale of two cities? ›

Answer and Explanation: In A Tale of Two Cities, London is presented in symbolic contrast to Paris. London symbolizes stability, structure, order, and the peaceful co-existence of the poor and the aristocrats.

Why does Dickens describe Scrooge as an oyster? ›

Scrooge is described as being solitary as an oyster (p. 2). This simile suggests he is shut up, tightly closed and will not be prised open except by force. However, an oyster might contain a pearl, so it also suggests there might be good buried deep inside him, underneath the hard, brittle shell.

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