Bacterial Growth in Brines Formed by the Deliquescence of Salts Relevant to Cold Arid Worlds (2024)

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Bacterial Growth in Brines Formed by the Deliquescence of Salts Relevant to Cold Arid Worlds (1)

Astrobiology. January 2022; 22(1): 104–115.

Published online 2022 Jan 11. doi:10.1089/ast.2020.2336

PMCID: PMC8785760

PMID: 34748403

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Hygroscopic salts at Mars' near-surface (MgSO4, (per)chlorates, NaCl) may form brines by absorbing moisture from the atmosphere at certain times through the process of deliquescence. We have previously shown strong bacterial growth in saturated MgSO4 (∼67% w/v as epsomite) at room temperature, and growth was observed at the MgSO4 eutectic point (43% w/v at -4°C). Here, we have investigated the growth of salinotolerant microbes (Halomonas, Marinococcus, Planococcus) from Hot Lake, Washington; Basque Lake, British Columbia; and Great Salt Plains, Oklahoma under deliquescing conditions. Bacterial cultures were grown to mid-log phase in SP medium supplemented with 50% MgSO4 (as epsomite), 20% NaClO3, or 10% NaCl (w/v), and small aliquots in cups were dried by vacuum desiccation. When the dried culture was rehydrated by the manual addition of water, the culture resumed growth in the reconstituted brine. When desiccated cultures were maintained in a sealed container with a brine reservoir of the matching growth medium controlling the humidity of the headspace, the desiccated microbial culture evaporites formed brine by deliquescence using humidity alone. Bacterial cultures resumed growth in all three salts once rehydrated by deliquescence. Cultures of Halomonas sp. str. HL12 showed robust survival and growth when subjected to several cycles of desiccation and deliquescent or manual rehydration. Our laboratory demonstrations of microbial growth in deliquescent brines are relevant to the surface and near-subsurface of cold arid worlds like Mars. When conditions become wetter, hygroscopic evaporite minerals can deliquesce to produce the earliest habitable brines. Survival after desiccation and growth in deliquescent brines increases the likelihood that microbes from Earth, carried on spacecraft, pose a contamination risk to Mars.

Key Words: Astrobiology, Deliquescence, Extremophiles, Hypersaline, Mars, Microbiology, Salinotolerance

1. Introduction

Salts at high concentrations expand the habitability of cold environments by depressing the freezing point of water. All of the most plausible wet environments for extant life on Mars—ices, subsurface, caves, and evaporites—involve salt brines, efflorescences, precipitates, and evaporite minerals in a way that extends the range of their potential habitability (Carrier et al.,2020). Less heat is required to melt ices of brine than pure water ice, thereby broadening the spatial scale of potentially habitable zones. Similarly, spacecraft heat sources or residual heat from impacts can melt saltwater ice more readily than pure water ice. Microhabitats in ice veins, at crystal interfaces, in thin films, and others in disequilibrium with the bulk environment may preserve liquid water, albeit as dense brines, which also can cycle with evaporites as humidity fluctuates (Jakosky et al.,2004; Hansen-Goos and Wettlaufer, 2010; Bruzewicz et al.,2011; Hansen-Goos et al.,2014). Icy environments are attractive potential habitats on cold arid worlds like Mars, where freezing creates veins and inclusions in the ice that are filled with liquid brine (Junge et al.,2004, 2006; Mader et al.,2006; Ohno et al.,2014). Subsurface water, buried brine pools, cryopegs, and cave efflorescences are further examples where salty waters and evaporites act as habitats and refugia on Earth (Gilichinsky et al.,2003; Grant, 2004; Adamiak et al.,2015; Orosei et al.,2018). The extremes of water availability for life are represented by these dense brines and evaporite minerals.

Knowing the dependence of life on liquid water—when it is present, how it presents itself, and the chemical composition of the brine solutions present—is key to our understanding of life in the Universe. The near-surface environment of an extremely arid cold world is particularly inhospitable for life due to the scarcity of liquid water. Nonpermissive conditions at any particular locale could persist for hours to days or millennia to millions of years, punctuated by temperate wetter periods. Organisms on arid worlds should follow the most habitable water as environments dry, surviving where brines are becoming more concentrated, water activity (aw) falls, and salt minerals precipitate in well-described sequences (Vreeland et al.,1998; Grant, 2004; Schneegurt, 2012; Huby et al.,2020). Hygroscopic salt evaporites may be the first wet places, should conditions warm and become humid enough for deliquescence to occur, whether diurnally, seasonally, or due to a planetary obliquity change or a major impact. As the climate evolves such that a world becomes colder and more arid, the surviving organisms would be expected to become adapted to what may ultimately be extreme conditions of aridity, salinity, and cold.

Mars is a prime example of a cold arid world, with existing stores of water, but a near-surface environment where liquid water appears scarce, transient, and biologically unavailable (Mancinelli et al.,2004; Davila et al.,2010; Rummel et al.,2014). The martian regolith is rich in sulfate salts variously of Ca, Fe, Mg, and Na, including ferric hydroxy sulfate (jarosite), MgSO4 (kieserite and polyhydrated forms), and CaSO4 (gypsum and anhydrite), with significant amounts of Cl salts (Clark, 1993; Wänke et al.,2001; Clark et al.,2005; Chevrier and Altheide, 2008; Altheide et al.,2009; Zorzano et al.,2009; Hanley et al.,2012; Carter et al.,2013; Toner et al.,2014; Thomas et al.,2019), and a significant presence of (per)chlorate salts (Hecht et al.,2009; Clark and Kounaves, 2016; Sutter et al.,2017). While sulfate salts found on Mars do not depress freezing points below that of the NaCl eutectic temperature (-23°C), the (per)chlorate salts found on Mars can depress freezing points to -70°C, perhaps creating modern brines at times (Nuding et al.,2014; Rummel et al.,2014; Fischer et al.,2016; Jänchen et al.,2016; Primm et al.,2017; Nair and Unnikrishnan, 2020; Pál and Kereszturi, 2020; Rivera-Valentín et al.,2020). The proposed polar water body on Mars may be a heavy brine of perchlorate salts near their eutectic conditions (Orosei et al.,2018).

Certain salts found on Mars are highly hygroscopic, absorbing moisture from the atmosphere (Davila et al.,2010, 2013; Hanley et al.,2012; Wierzchos et al.,2012; Rummel et al.,2014; Clark and Kounaves, 2016; Rivera-Valentín et al.,2018). Microbes caught within these evaporites during drying may be found between crystals or entrapped in fluid inclusions, where they appear to survive for long periods of time and may be transported by wind (Norton and Grant, 1988; Rothschild et al.,1994; Mormile et al.,2003; Adamski et al.,2006; Fendrihan et al.,2006, 2009, 2012; Lowenstein et al.,2011; Mayol et al.,2017; Elabed et al.,2019; Huby et al.,2020; Cesur et al.,2021). Current conditions on Mars are generally too dry to support sufficient atmospheric relative humidity (RH) to deliquesce even the most hygroscopic perchlorate salts, such as those with the lowest freezing points (Rummel et al.,2014). However, there is evidence for short windows each day, at certain latitudes and seasons, when atmospheric conditions in discrete environments are humid enough to slowly deliquesce Ca(ClO4)2 (Fischer et al.,2016; Jänchen et al.,2016; Primm et al.,2017; Nair and Unnikrishnan, 2020; Pál and Kereszturi, 2020). Simulations based on atmospheric data predict that Ca(ClO4)2 could naturally deliquesce to liquid for short periods each day at the Viking 1, Phoenix, and Curiosity landing sites (Nuding et al.,2014; Rummel et al.,2014; Rivera-Valentín et al.,2018, 2020). It has been reported that methanogenesis activity could be induced in dry specimens through the deliquescence of chlorate salts (Maus et al.,2020). Even when bulk conditions may not be suitable for brine formation, persistent thin films of liquid water may exist in non-equilibrium states at small spatial scales, increasing the spatial and temporal extent of habitable regions (Hansen-Goos et al.,2014). For instance, pre-deliquescence can form thin films of liquid brine in spots on the surfaces of salt crystals at humidities below that required for the bulk process of deliquescence (Bruzewicz et al.,2011; Hansen-Goos et al.,2014). Similarly, interfacial pre-melting due to interactions at ice/rock grain boundaries (curvature-induced melting and the Gibbs-Thompson effect) creates liquid at temperatures below the expected melting point (Jakosky et al., 2003; Hansen-Goos and Wettlaufer, 2010). There may be substantial impacts to the microbial communities associated with the microscopic surface wetness on salt crystals (Orevi and Kashtan, 2021).

High salinity and cold temperatures interplay to create habitable aqueous environments that challenge cells with combinations of harsh conditions. Microbes respond to high salinity by filling their cytoplasm with small organic compounds and salts that are compatible with cellular processes, to balance the osmotic pressure of the cytoplasm and the bathing brine (Grant, 2004). Accumulating compatible solutes may have the added benefit of depressing the freezing point of the cytoplasm, presumably extending the temperature range over which the cytoplasm remains liquid (sol). There does not seem to be a fundamental limit to microbial salinotolerance, with growth observed at molar concentrations for a wide range of salts (Grant, 2004; Crisler et al.,2012; Schneegurt, 2012; Al Soudi et al.,2017; Zbeeb et al.,2020). Specific solute effects (Harris, 1981) are observed for each salt. Although yet to be observed, there appears to be no reason that cells could not proliferate below 0.5 aw, a current defining criterion for Special Regions on Mars (Grant, 2004; Rummel et al.,2014; Hallsworth, 2019).

The current report demonstrates microbial survival in laboratory-grown salt evaporites and then the resumption of rapid proliferation when the crystals deliquesce to brine by humidity alone. Salinotolerant organisms from hypersaline environments dominated by NaCl or MgSO4 were chosen for this study because these are representative of the microbes most likely to survive under the chemical conditions of the near-surface of Mars and because these microbes are found in spacecraft assembly facilities (SAFs); therefore, these microbes are a risk for forward contamination. The three salts chosen for study (MgSO4, NaClO3, and NaCl) have been identified in martian regolith, and evaporite minerals of these salts are likely present in the near-surface environment (Sutter et al.,2017; Rapin et al.,2019; Thomas et al.,2019). Our studies did not attempt to recreate all the extreme conditions near the surface of Mars, but focused on the extreme chemical conditions of potential brines on cold arid worlds like Mars. Our salinotolerant microbial isolates have previously been shown to exhibit anaerobic metabolisms and shown to have broad growth tolerances to salts, low aw, high ionic strength, both acidic and basic pH, UV irradiation, temperatures below 0°C, freeze-thaw cycles, and cycles of drying and rewetting (Caton et al.,2004; Wilson et al.,2004; Litzner et al.,2006; Crisler et al.,2012, 2019; Kilmer et al.,2014; Wilks et al.,2019). Survival after drying and subsequent growth in deliquescent brines increases the likelihood that microbes from Earth, which contaminate spacecraft, can pose a contamination risk to Mars. Should native life be extant on Mars today, it may be supported by aqueous liquids formed through the deliquescence of hygroscopic salts in evaporite minerals.

2. Methods

2.1. Organisms

Salinotolerant bacterial isolates were obtained previously from the Great Salt Plains, Oklahoma, an environment rich in NaCl (Caton et al.,2004; Litzner et al.,2006) or from the epsomic lakes, Hot Lake, Washington, and Basque Lake, British Columbia, environments saturated with MgSO4 (Kilmer et al.,2014; Crisler et al.,2019; Wilks et al.,2019). The isolates were obtained from enrichment cultures at 10% NaCl or 50% MgSO4 (both w/v), with the BLE collection from Basque Lake additionally enriched at 4°C to select for psychrotolerant salinotolerant microbes. The primary organism studied here was Halomonas sp. str. HL12, a particularly robust organism with broad tolerances to salts. Parallel studies were performed on Halomonas sp. str. HL51, GSP63, and BLE7, Marinococcus sp. str. HL54, and Planococcus sp. str. HL20.

2.2. Growth media

Cultures were grown on SP medium (Caton et al.,2004), a eutrophic medium containing per liter: NaCl, 1 g; KCl, 2.0 g; MgSO4·7H2O, 1.0 g; CaCl2·2H2O, 0.36 g; NaHCO3, 0.06 g; NaBr, 0.23 g; FeCl3·6H2O, 1.0 mg; trace minerals, 0.5 mL; tryptone, 5.0 g; yeast extract, 10.0 g; glucose, 1.0 g; final pH ∼7.0. Isolates were maintained on SP medium supplemented with 10% (w/v) NaCl. For dehydration/rehydration experiments, SP medium was prepared with 50% MgSO4, 10% NaCl, 20% NaCl, or 20% NaClO3 (all % w/v). Throughout this work, MgSO4 is used to represent epsomite, MgSO4·7H2O.

2.3. Dehydration and rehydration of microbial cultures

Bacterial cultures were grown in SP medium supplemented with 50% (w/v) MgSO4 until the culture reached mid-log phase. At a culture density of 0.2–0.4 OD units at 600 nm, rehydrated cultures could undergo several doublings before reaching maximum culture density (stationary phase), while sufficient cells were present to observe cultures in decline. Aliquots (50 μL) of culture were placed in a sterile small polypropylene cup (detached cap of a microcentrifuge tube; Fig. 1center) and dehydrated for ≥4 h at room temperature in a vacuum desiccator over fresh Drierite (WA Hammond; CaSO4). Dehydration and rehydration patterns were determined gravimetrically by reaching constant weights. Cups (1–3) containing dehydrated culture evaporites were attached with adhesive to glass microscope slides (Fig. 1left). The slides were stood upright in a glass container (240 mL) having a continuous thread screw cap (Fig. 1right). The container was filled to a depth of ∼1 cm with the brine medium in which the cultures were grown and which was desiccated to deposit the evaporite minerals in the cups. When the containers were sealed, the growth medium brine reservoir maintained the RH corresponding to its aw (RH/100 = aw). The chambers were gently rocked side-to-side (2 rpm) at room temperature, which served to mix the headspace, thereby increasing the speed and consistency of deliquescent rehydration and aerating the subsequent microbial culture (Fig. 1center).

Bacterial Growth in Brines Formed by the Deliquescence of Salts Relevant to Cold Arid Worlds (2)

Images of the experimental apparatus used for the cultivation of microbes under deliquescing conditions. Left: Cup with desiccated culture evaporite. Center: View from above of an open container showing a drop of deliquescent microbial culture in a cup held above the reservoir of growth medium brine that controls the RH of the headspace. Right: Schematic drawing of the containers used for deliquescent rehydration experiments.

Manual rehydration was performed on some dried samples before being sealed in chambers with brine reservoirs, through the addition of sufficient sterile water to reach a final volume (50 μL) and salinity equal to that of the original culture aliquot before drying. Control experiments were performed to empirically determine the volume of water needed for rehydration, and the salinity and aw of the resulting brine were measured. For deliquescent rehydration, dried sample cups were incubated in sealed chambers and thus wetted by exposure to the humidity produced in the headspace by the corresponding brine reservoir. Typically, desiccation takes place in ∼4–6 h, while deliquescent rehydration requires 12–18 h, so that each full cycle was approximately 24 h. The cell density of rehydrated cultures was determined by taking aliquots (5 μL) for serial dilution and standard plate counts on SP medium supplemented with 10% NaCl. Momentarily opening the chambers to take samples for growth curves only briefly disturbed headspace conditions.

2.4. Physicochemical measurements

A salinity refractometer (with automatic temperature compensation; Fisher) was used to measure the concentration of brines as percent salinity. Since the instrument is calibrated for NaCl solutions, standard curves were made to convert salinometer readings in the linear range to concentrations of MgSO4 and NaClO3. The water activity of each medium and brine was measured with an AqualLab Series 3 water activity meter (Decagon Devices, Pullman, WA). The instrument was calibrated with standard NaCl solutions and pure water and operated at room temperature. The RH in sealed chambers was measured by fitting the lid with the humidity/temperature probe of a 3-point NIST traceable HUMICAP HMT130 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter (Vaisala, Vantaa, Finland; accuracies at 25°C of ±0.2°C and ±1.5% RH at 90% RH). In every case, RH in the sealed chambers remained steady throughout incubation periods spanning weeks, at the level expected based on the aw of the brine used for the reservoir.

Time-lapse videos (60 fps, 1080p) and still images were taken of brine droplets during rehydration and subsequent deliquescent rehydration with an iPhone 6 (Apple), SkyFlow software (KageDev), and a 20 × Macro lens (Anker, Guangdong, China). Observations of cells within crystal inclusions and on crystal surfaces were performed at 400 to 1000 × , after mounting ∼1 mm crystals under a cover slip in NVH high-viscosity immersion oil (Cargille Labs, Cedar Grove, NJ), using a Nikon ECLIPSE E800 microscope, fitted with CFI Apochromat objectives and a DS-Fi1 high-definition color camera head.

3. Results

3.1. Deliquescent brines in the laboratory

The rate and extent of dehydration and rehydration of microbial cultures can affect cellular responses. We chose to dry small volumes of culture (50 μL) in a vacuum desiccator over Drierite. This avoided having to freeze cultures for lyophilization, potentially damaging cells. Further, desiccation was faster than drying in a Speed-Vac under conditions where cultures did not freeze. The evaporite minerals formed can be exsiccated more fully than done here, perhaps to kieserite, and this may affect cellular responses. Time-lapse video of the dehydration of salt droplets showed the expected formation of floating hopper crystals at the surface (Fig. 2) and subsequent settling and growth of crystals as the brine dried. Primary cubic halite crystals can form in the center of a ring of primary and secondary evaporites when dried (Fig. 3right). Desiccation of MgSO4 (as epsomite) brine at room temperature under the same regime typically did not form the characteristic discrete spindly monoclinic crystals (Fig. 3left) observed after crystallization of supersaturated MgSO4 solutions at lower temperatures (4°C). It is interesting to note that it was common for drops of MgSO4 or NaClO3 brine to instead form hemispheroids (Fig. 3center) before further crystallizing during desiccation, comparable to structures observed previously for perchlorate salts (Fischer et al.,2016). Aqueous solution was retained in the slushy center of the salt hemispheroids for days to weeks when exposed to room humidity (outside of a desiccator). Hygroscopic salts in the environment that retain moisture in hemispheroids would temporally extend conditions permissive for microbial survival and growth. During dehydration in the laboratory, cells within salt evaporite minerals could be entrapped within fluid inclusions in the salt crystals, in fissures and crevices in the crystals, more broadly between crystals in voids, and on crystals within the deposits.

Bacterial Growth in Brines Formed by the Deliquescence of Salts Relevant to Cold Arid Worlds (3)

Micrograph (at 20 × ) of hopper crystals formed at the surface of a saturated NaCl brine droplet (50 μL) as it dehydrates and begins crystallization at room temperature on a polypropylene surface.

Bacterial Growth in Brines Formed by the Deliquescence of Salts Relevant to Cold Arid Worlds (4)

Laboratory-grown evaporites of MgSO4 and NaCl formed by dehydrating brine droplets (50 μL) on a polypropylene surface. Left: Monoclinic crystals of MgSO4 formed by rapid cooling to 4°C of a warm supersaturated brine and air-drying. Center: Hemispheroid dome formed by air-drying saturated MgSO4 brine at room temperature. Right: Primary cubic crystals and secondary crystal ring of NaCl formed during air-drying of saturated brine.

When brine evaporites were exposed to sufficient humidity, the salts rehydrated, at first forming a slurry and then a supersaturated solution. Over a period of several days, deliquescent brines approached the initial salt concentration of the medium. The humidity in the chambers during rehydration, and hence the equilibrium concentration of the deliquescent brines formed, was controlled by using reservoirs of the medium in which the cells were grown and which was dehydrated to deposit evaporite minerals. Supersaturation was more prevalent and longer lasting with MgSO4 than with NaCl, while NaClO3 was the most hygroscopic and deliquesced most rapidly. During rehydration at room temperature, evaporites typically deliquesced fully to liquid within 12–24 h. When held at their eutectic temperature of -4°C, MgSO4 evaporites did not deliquesce to liquid over a period of 14 days, while NaClO3 at -4°C deliquesced to liquid within a few days. For the current study, aliquots for growth measurements were taken once the dried salt was observed to have deliquesced entirely to liquid, even if still (super)saturated and not yet at its equilibrium salinity.

3.2. Microbial growth in deliquescent MgSO4 brine

Halomonas sp. str. HL12 was grown to mid-log phase in SP medium supplemented with 50% MgSO4 (aw = 0.94), and aliquots of culture were dried in a vacuum desiccator. In one experiment, desiccated cultures were rehydrated by the manual addition of water to reconstitute the salinity (to 50% MgSO4) of the initial medium, and the density of the resulting cultures was followed over time by using standard plate counts (Fig. 4). The cultures were mid-log phase when dehydrated, and once rehydrated, exponential growth resumed. Maximum culture density (stationary phase) was reached in about 24 h. Note that during the single cycle of dehydration and rehydration at the start of this experiment viable cell numbers were modestly reduced by less than half.

Bacterial Growth in Brines Formed by the Deliquescence of Salts Relevant to Cold Arid Worlds (5)

Growth of Halomonas sp. str. HL12 after desiccation of cultures in SP medium supplemented with 50% (w/v) MgSO4, followed by rehydration through manual addition of water or deliquescence by humidity. Means of triplicates ± SD. Note that deliquescent rehydration needed to proceed for 24 h before samples could be taken for plate counts.

In a second experiment, desiccated cultures were rehydrated by using humidity alone to create deliquescent brines overnight (Fig. 4). Once the deliquescent liquid was formed, cells proliferated and grew rapidly, reaching maximum density in about 24 h. Cells grown in deliquescent liquids were morphologically similar at 1000 × to cells grown in dense brines. The loss of viability due to the initial dehydration-rehydration cycle could not be measured directly during deliquescence, since growth can begin in the salt slurry before the salts are fully rehydrated to a liquid that could be accurately sampled volumetrically. Growth responses similar to those of Halomonas sp. str. HL12 were obtained by using Bacillus sp. str. GSP63 and Marinococcus sp. str. HL54 (data not shown).

Not all salinotolerant microbes survived and proliferated as well as Halomonas sp. str. HL12 under deliquescent conditions. A representative and contrasting pattern is presented for Halomonas sp. str. BLE7 (Fig. 5). A similar pattern was observed for Halomonas sp. str. HL51 (data not shown). Desiccated cultures of Halomonas sp. str. BLE7 rehydrated through deliquescence did not proliferate robustly as Halomonas sp. str. HL12 had (Fig. 5). Instead, culture density remained relatively constant for days before declining. Thus, for Halomonas sp. str. HL51 and BLE7, survival was clear, but growth was not observed in the deliquescent liquid formed from MgSO4 evaporites. Culture density fell relatively consistently after a few days.

Bacterial Growth in Brines Formed by the Deliquescence of Salts Relevant to Cold Arid Worlds (6)

Growth of Halomonas sp. str. HL12 and BLE7 after desiccation of cultures in SP medium supplemented with 50% (w/v) MgSO4, followed by rehydration through deliquescence. Means of triplicates ± SD. Note that deliquescent rehydration needed to proceed for 24 h before samples could be taken for plate counts.

3.3. Microbial growth in deliquescent brines of NaCl and NaClO3

Deliquescence experiments were performed with NaCl and NaClO3 using Halomonas sp. str. HL12. When cultures grown in SP medium supplemented with 10% NaCl (aw = 0.92) were dried by vacuum desiccation and rehydrated by deliquescence, cells revived and began to grow, until near-maximum density (near-stationary phase) was reached in a few days (Fig. 6). When the salt concentration was increased to 20% NaCl, the deliquescent cultures did not resume growth, and cell numbers remained essentially unchanged (data not shown). Note that 20% NaCl has the lowest water activity (aw = 0.85) of the brines tested in the current study. Cultures grown in SP medium supplemented with 20% NaClO3 (aw = 0.91), then desiccated and subsequently rehydrated by deliquescence, resumed rapid growth, reaching high density in a few days (Fig. 6). This is a particularly important observation, since (per)chlorate salts have the greatest potential for deliquescence on Mars. Sodium chlorate has the lowest eutectic temperature (-23°C) of the salts demonstrated here to support bacterial growth after deliquescent rehydration. Neither growth nor survival were observed in deliquescent liquids formed by perchlorate salt evaporites, which have even lower eutectic temperatures than NaClO3.

Bacterial Growth in Brines Formed by the Deliquescence of Salts Relevant to Cold Arid Worlds (7)

Growth of Halomonas sp. str. HL12 after desiccation of cultures in SP medium supplemented with 50% (w/v) MgSO4, 10% NaCl, or 20% NaClO3, followed by rehydration through deliquescence. Means of triplicates ± SD. Note that deliquescent rehydration needed to proceed for 24 h before samples could be taken for plate counts.

3.4. Multiple cycles of dehydration and deliquescent rehydration

We previously demonstrated that our salinotolerant bacteria could survive several cycles of drying and rewetting, with a modest concomitant loss of viability with each cycle (Crisler et al.,2012). The current study demonstrated that Halomonas sp. str. HL12 cells survived and proliferated after several cycles of dehydration and rehydration, whether rehydration was through manual addition of water or deliquescence (Fig. 7). Cell survival was high after nine cycles of dehydration and manual rehydration. We have demonstrated here the survival and proliferation of bacteria through six cycles of desiccation and subsequent rehydration by deliquescence, with persistence through several additional cycles likely to occur if sufficient culture volume had remained in the cups for further sampling (Fig. 7). It must be noted that once rehydrated by deliquescence, cells will proliferate during the next dehydration phase. In certain experiments, growth was more pronounced and was particularly noticeable in those cultures rehydrated by deliquescence, since there is not a precise moment when the cultures were deemed rehydrated. Hence, there was an indeterminate period when growth could occur in the nascent deliquescent liquid (salt slurry) before the next cycle of desiccation.

Bacterial Growth in Brines Formed by the Deliquescence of Salts Relevant to Cold Arid Worlds (8)

Growth of Halomonas sp. str. HL12 cultures in SP medium supplemented with 50% (w/v) MgSO4 through several cycles of desiccation and rehydration through manual addition of water or deliquescence by humidity. Means of triplicates ± SD. Note that deliquescent rehydration needed to proceed for 24 h before samples could be taken for plate counts.

4. Discussion

The near-surface environment of Mars presents environmental conditions that can be extremely challenging for life. While intense UV irradiation may be avoided in the shadows or just below the regolith surface, extremely low temperatures could limit the persistence of liquid water to brines with high salinity. Here we continue our studies of microbial responses to dense brines, extending our observations to brines formed by deliquescence. The salinotolerant microbes used for the current study have been shown to survive and grow in dense brines of salts relevant to Mars. We previously have demonstrated robust bacterial growth in saturated solutions of MgSO4 (∼67% w/v as heptahydrate) and NaCl (Caton et al.,2004; Litzner et al.,2006; Crisler et al.,2012, 2019; Wilks et al.,2019). Our collection of salinotolerant microorganisms (including Bacillus, Halomonas, Marinococcus, Nesterenkonia, and Planococcus) has been gathered from epsomic lakes (Hot Lake, WA, and Basque Lake, BC), haline salt flats (Great Salt Plains, OK), and directly from SAFs at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Wilks et al.,2019). Growth of several isolates was observed even at the eutectic points of MgSO4 (43% salt at -4°C) and KClO3 (3% salt at -4°C) (Wilks et al.,2019). Low temperature slowed growth such that stationary phase was not reached for months, rather than the few days typical for cultures grown at room temperature. In addition, these salinotolerant microbes were shown to grow at high concentrations (>25%) of (per)chlorate salts, despite the harsh oxidizing nature of these anions (Al Soudi et al.,2017). Only the K salt of chlorate has a eutectic point that seems warm enough for the growth of known terrestrial microbes. Other (per)chlorate eutectic points are at concentrations and temperatures thus far nonpermissible for microbial proliferation in the laboratory.

The current research sought to demonstrate that microbes could survive and grow under the extreme chemical conditions of potential martian brines, those formed by deliquescence of hygroscopic salts. We previously demonstrated that the salinotolerant microbes used in the current study survive to a high degree through repeated cycles of dehydration and rehydration of brines and their evaporites (Crisler et al.,2012). Here, we demonstrate this ability using humidity alone to rehydrate laboratory-grown salt evaporites. We then followed microbial recovery and growth through several cycles of dehydration and deliquescent rehydration. Mars is a cold world, and microbes near the surface would be subjected to cycles of freezing and thawing, or at the least wide cycles of frigid temperatures (without freezing or thawing) (Fischer et al.,2014; Nuding et al.,2014; Rummel et al.,2014; Rivera-Valentín et al.,2018, 2020). Previously we have shown that the microbial isolates used in the current study are tolerant to several freeze-thaw cycles, without decimal reductions in viable cell counts (Crisler et al.,2012). The current trials were performed at room temperature and under aerobic heterotrophic conditions, which does not mimic the anaerobic near-surface of Mars. However, the microbes used here are facultative and can ferment anaerobically, and further, salinotolerant bacteria in our collections can perform anaerobic respiration (nitrate reduction) (Caton et al.,2004; Litzner et al.,2006; Kilmer et al.,2014). The martian environments examined to date by landers have proven to be oligotrophic, with scant organic compounds (Eigenbrode et al.,2018). However, it is certainly possible that hot spots enriched in organic materials from established microbial communities could be as replete in nutrients as the SP medium used for the trials here.

The main response of cells to high salinity, the accumulation of compatible solutes, not only protects cells against hyperosmotic conditions but also may extend the range of temperatures where life might proliferate. Cells that are cooled below a critical temperature vitrify, thereby avoiding cellular damage from the ice crystals associated with more rapid freezing (Sakai and Engelmann, 2007; Clarke et al.,2013; Fonseca et al.,2016). Low temperatures slow cellular processes, and it may be the ribosome that limits proliferation at the lowest permissible temperatures (Price and Sowers, 2004; Bakermans, 2012). While cell division has not been observed (yet) below -20°C, there is no fundamental reason why this should be the lower limit for canonical living systems (Collins and Buick, 1989; Johnston and Vestal, 1991; Rivkina et al.,2000; Junge et al.,2006). Growth may be very much slowed and difficult to follow, since it could be below the detection limit of the laboratory techniques commonly used to observe survival and growth. For instance, Halomonas sp. str. BLE7 grown in saturated MgSO4 medium (67% w/v, as epsomite) reaches stationary phase in a few days at 25°C. When cultured at -4°C and at the eutectic concentration for MgSO4 (43%), Halomonas sp. str. BLE7 took 8 months to reach stationary phase (Wilks et al.,2019). At even lower temperatures and in the presence of harsher salts, cellular processes would be further slowed, but it is not clear when these polyextreme conditions might become nonpermissive, preventing even extraordinarily slow proliferation or protracted survival by known or agnostic life.

It should be noted that the freezing point of glycerol, a common compatible solute, is near -45°C (at 66 wt %; Lane, 1925). Long-chain biopolymers such as ethylene glycol can lower freezing points to -53°C (at 60% v/v; Rebsdat and Mayer, 2012). Further freezing point depression is observed in concentrated solutions of ammonia, widespread throughout the Solar System, which remain liquid to -100°C (at 33 wt % NH3; Rollet and Vuillard, 1956). Cells adapted to cold arid worlds could conceivably use these solutes to depress freezing points further than currently recorded for life. However, for these cryoprotectants to so greatly increase the range of cytoplasmic liquidity, their concentrations would be high enough that the cells may be insufficiently solvated by water to be considered canonical life-forms, and hence might be considered agnostic life-forms.

Brines of (per)chlorate salts are expected to have the lowest freezing points of water near the surface of Mars. However, life has not yet been shown to proliferate or survive in the most extreme of these saturated perchlorate brines (Al Soudi et al.,2017; Heinz et al.,2018). We have previously demonstrated growth of Halomonas sp. str. HL12 and other salinotolerant bacteria at high concentrations of perchlorate (to ∼0.5 M) and chlorate (to ∼3 M) (Al Soudi et al.,2017). Initial evidence suggests that our salinotolerant isolates can survive in saturated NaClO3 and Mg(ClO3)2, even at -35°C, but survival was absent (or very limited) in the corresponding perchlorate salts, regardless of temperature (Zbeeb et al.,2020). Iron sulfate brines have been suggested as potential persistent sources of liquid water on Mars based on physicochemical qualities (Wang et al.,2012; Toner et al.,2014; Fox-Powell and co*ckell, 2018). However, while trace concentrations of transition metals are central to cellular energy transduction, Fe at even modest concentrations (<0.1 M) appears toxic to our isolates, likely due to its reactivity, and toxic to all but the most specialized microbes (Marnocha et al.,2011; Amils, 2016; Fox-Powell and co*ckell, 2018; Zbeeb et al.,2020).

The current report describes a laboratory demonstration of microbial growth in dense brines formed by deliquescence. A natural system of microbial growth in deliquescent liquids has been described for Halomonads that live on the leaves of salt cedars (Qvit-Raz et al.,2008; Finkel et al.,2011). Growth was observed in brine droplets when Halomonas variabilis str. Tx42 cultures were exogenously applied to salt cedar (Tamarix aphylla) leaves, where NaCl (sugars and other salts) excreted by the plant subsequently dries and later deliquesces when exposed to high humidity (Burch et al.,2013). Studies at the hyperarid Atacama Desert suggest that cryptoendolithic microbes survive on deliquescent brines formed during periods of increased humidity (Wierzchos et al.,2012; Davila et al.,2013). In another natural system, dried natural cyanobacterial mat patches (mainly Nostoc commune) deliquesce, a process that was enhanced by the presence of hygroscopic halite or smectite Ca-montmorillonite clay (Jänchen et al.,2016).

A modest degree of matric drying (aridity) typically suppresses microbial growth, in part due to limited connectivity for diffusion of biomolecules (Hansen-Goos et al.,2014). Thin films of liquid water (∼15 nm or less), far smaller than common bacterial cells (∼1 micron), can arise on surfaces through pre-deliquescence and deliquescence, exhibiting low aw and solute diffusion rates relative to bulk solutions. It is not clear whether known microbes can survive and proliferate when provided only a thin film of water. Taken a step further, there is no evidence yet of microbial proliferation when water is provided only in the vapor phase (Pointing and Belnap, 2012). Metabolic activity was observed for lichens that were rehydrated with humidity alone, but cell division was not observed (Lange, 1969; Nash et al.,1990; Palmer and Friedmann, 1990). The deliquescence of salts may have played a role in rewetting the biomass, but further study was needed. There appears to be no fundamental reason why cells could not absorb enough water from humidity to become sufficiently rehydrated for survival and proliferation, although this has not yet been demonstrated.

While the main relevance of our current work is the near-surface environment of Mars, deliquescence of evaporite minerals and sequestration of cells within salt crystals have relevance to other locales on Mars and on other celestial bodies. Evaporite drying and deliquescence may influence the survival of life on any cold arid world, including exoplanets and exomoons, where refugia within evaporite minerals may perpetuate life at the edge of habitability. Scavenging scant water with hygroscopic salts could be important in any cold arid environment, whether it is in the subsurface, in a cave, or in sublimation lag. Evaporite mineral deposits from an ancient ocean appear to be present on Venus, as evidenced in part by the buried evaporites observed on tessera terrain (Way et al.,2016; Gilmore et al.,2017; Cofrade et al.,2019). Microorganisms from past eras of habitability may have taken refuge in subsurface rock salt deposits. Further, it is possible that aerosols on cloudy worlds contain particles of salt inhabited by microbes. Hygroscopic salt crystals high in Earth's atmosphere can carry microbes and seed brine droplets (Dimmick et al.,1977; Smith et al.,2013; Cuthbertson and Pearce, 2017). Conceivably, fluid inclusions or the deliquescence of particles can maintain liquid water (or aqueous mixtures) in the atmospheres of Titan, Venus, and the gas giants (Schulze-Makuch and Irwin, 2002; Wickramasinghe and Wickramasinghe, 2008; Limaye et al.,2018; Seager et al.,2021).

We have demonstrated here that bacteria can grow in the harsh chemical environment of brines formed by the deliquescence of evaporite minerals of MgSO4, NaClO3, and NaCl. Bacteria from epsomic lakes survived and proliferated through several cycles of desiccation and deliquescent rehydration. Perhaps the most extreme demonstration of tolerance was the growth of Halomonas sp. str. HL12 in deliquescent NaClO3, which has the lowest eutectic temperature of the salts examined, at -23°C (and 39 wt %). While we have observed bacterial survival near the NaClO3 eutectic conditions (35 wt % at -35°C) in separate studies, none of the salts examined here have been predicted to form deliquescent brines at the surface or near-surface of Mars today (Zbeeb et al.,2020). The extreme chemical conditions of the perchlorate and iron sulfate brines predicted to occur on Mars today have thus far proven to be too harsh for the salinotolerant microbes in our collections. However, given a modest heat source, perhaps in a cave or subsurface environment, enough humidity could collect to support the deliquescence of the evaporite minerals tested here, which appear to be common on Mars. Exogenous heat sources from spacecraft or human activities increase the range of environments suitable for deliquescence of these salts near the surface of Mars. The current work suggests that microbes carried by Mars landers may survive in evaporite minerals and the brines they would form given sufficient heat and humidity. Recognize that bacterial isolates from SAFs at Jet Propulsion Laboratory grew at the MgSO4 and KClO3 eutectics (Wilks et al.,2019).

The resilience shown by cells surviving desiccation in supersaturated brines, even in the presence of oxidants like chlorate, strengthens the argument for evaporite minerals as prime targets for life-detection missions to Mars (Carrier et al.,2020). Entrapment in evaporites and brine inclusions may preserve life for eons and provide a safe vessel for dispersal in the wind. Evaporites are common in caves and their efflorescences, while in the subsurface, rock salt weeps with brine when freshly cut. Should water ices dry over time on an arid world, their brine veins will form salt evaporites and sublimation lag that may deliquesce as conditions change. Salt evaporites may be the last refugia for life, some of the last steadfast habitable water on cold arid worlds, and the first habitable water to form when prevailing conditions become more favorable for life.


The authors appreciate the technical support of Meris Carte, J. Alden Consolver, Robert Goldstein (University of Kansas), William Hendry, Tyler Nolan, Alexander Ratcliffe, Nayan Shrestha, and Hassan Zbeeb. We thank Andrew Swindle (Wichita State University) for performing X-ray diffraction spectroscopy and Fadi Aramouni (Kansas State University) for measuring water activities. Preliminary accounts of this work have been presented previously and abstracted (Cesur et al.,2019, 2021). This work was supported by awards from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES), Planetary Protection Research (09-PPR09-0004 and 14-PPR14-2-0002). Part of the research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004). Additional student and equipment support was from Kansas Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (KINBRE) of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (P20 GM103418).

Abbreviations Used

awwater activity
RHrelative humidity
SAFsspacecraft assembly facilities


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Bacterial Growth in Brines Formed by the Deliquescence of Salts Relevant to Cold Arid Worlds (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.