Are there any risks associated with consuming nutritional yeast? (2024)

As a matter of fact, you know how power-packed nutritional yeast is. It contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients in bountiful quantities. But, is there likely a problem when you get an overdose of nutrition?

Well, as long as you, don’t pile up a mountain of nutritional flakes for every single meal, there isn’t going to be health-based concerns for you as such. In this online guide, you will be learning, about potential health-risks you may encounter, when you consume this product in excess. You would also be learning reasons on why some people should be avoiding nutritional yeast. Again, there are a couple of myths concerning the product. The misnomers or myths, connected with consuming the product, will be busted for you one by one.

Health risks connected with consuming excess of nutritional yeast

Do you have the habit of adding nutritional yeast for every dish you make at the kitchen? If yes, then you must be aware of the side-effects too. This form of yeast contains an excess of riboflavin or Vitamin B2. This can cause the color of your urine change to neon yellow. Nutritional yeast almost contains 160% of the Daily Value or DV of water-soluble Vitamin B2. When you consume foods that are highly rich in this form of yeast, your body can excrete even when it doesn’t have to. The effect can put an additional burden on your kidneys. Therefore, vitamin B rich urine becomes yellower than normal. This is something you must keep a track of. Adding nutritional yeast in moderation to the recipes you dole out can be far more beneficial over exceeding the recommended limits. The rule applies when you consume any type of food. Not just nutritional yeast!

Why should some people avoid consuming foods that are rich in nutritional yeast?

You should particularly be avoiding nutritional yeast if you are diagnosed with yeast allergy. Similarly, for those of you, who have gluten intolerance or diagnosed with a celiac disease, then you should be careful about consuming food products that are rich in nutritional yeast. Why do you think gluten-intolerance people avoid foods rich in this form of yeast? Well, the answer is this plain and simple. Nutritional yeast is grown or cultivated via a medium that contains grains. Hence cross-contamination of gluten can occur. If you want to beat this concern, you can go for a certified label that is gluten free.

Patients with Crohn’s disease must particularly avoid consuming foods that are rich in nutritional yeast. There was this study that was conducted in the year 1988. The findings revealed that consuming foods rich in nutritional yeast can lead to a significant re-occurrence of symptoms. Hence Crohn’s patients were put on a yeast free diet. Lastly, patients who have an impaired folic acid metabolism or MTHFR which is a genetic mutation, can particularly avoid foods that are rich in nutritional yeast. Fortified versions of this yeast contain synthesized vitamin B9 which is a rich source of folic acid. Hence, these patients cannot add yeast to their diet.

Some of the myths connected with nutritional yeast are busted in the last part of this segment. Here we go with the same!

Myth # 1: Does nutritional yeast contain MSG?

Answer: If you take MSG, it stands for monosodium glutamate. MSG is linked with causing migraines or severe headaches. This is an excitotoxin that can eventually lead to brain damage. However, quite a lot of food manufacturing companies add MSG as flavor enhancers.

If you take nutritional yeast, the good news is, it doesn’t contain traces of MSG. The cooking yeast has a natural umami flavor. However, look at packaged ingredients to know what are added, to preserve the shelf life of the product. Premium varieties of nutritional yeast would not contain MSG.

Myth # 2 Can consumption of the product lead to overgrowth of yeast in one’s body?

Answer: The answer is a no here. It is a dried and inactive form of yeast. In other words, the active yeast cells are deactivated while nutritional yeast is being cultivated. Hence adding a tablespoon or too of this yeast would not lead to overgrowth of yeast cells in your body.


You have seen an end to end overview on potential health risks one may encounter on consuming too much of nutritional yeast. You have also seen categories of people who should completely avoid consuming the product. Plus, you have some of the common myths surrounding nutritional yeast, thoroughly busted. With this, the online segment comes to an end!

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Are there any risks associated with consuming nutritional yeast? (2024)
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