5 Different Ways to Use Oat Milk (that isn't just in your coffee) (2024)

5 Different Ways to Use Oat Milk (that isn't just in your coffee) (5)

At H!P, it will come as no surprise that we're obsessed with oat milk, and we want you to be too. There's more to oat milk than coffee and chocolate (although they are, admittedly, our favourite uses).

1. Baking: we know we say it a lot, but oat milk really is the best milk alternative, and it can be swapped as a 1:1 replacement for dairy in any baking recipe. We recommend oat milk pancakes.

2. In a Hot (or Iced) Chocolate: keep your chocolatey drinks thick, creamy and vegan. Feeling extra? Use some barista oat milk and froth it up a bit. You can thank us later.

3. Cooking: make your soups, curries and stews creamy and smooth with a little bit of unsweetened oat milk. This also works great in mashed potatoes.

4. For Instagram-worthy Smoothie Bowls: oat milk's consistency lends itself perfectly to thick, wholesome smoothies. It's the perfect base for your beautifully-designed green smoothie bowl, making it taste as delicious as it looks.

5. Drink Straight: it's better (and way less weird) than drinking a cup of plain dairy milk. It's sweeter, creamier and didn't come from an udder. You can even make your own by whizzing together oats and water (add some vanilla or maple syrup if you're as sweet-toothed as we are) in a high-speed blender.

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5 Different Ways to Use Oat Milk (that isn't just in your coffee) (2024)


5 Different Ways to Use Oat Milk (that isn't just in your coffee)? ›

I like to chill it and drink it with ice, add it to coffee, or use it to make a matcha latte. It would also be great in breakfast/brunch oat-y recipes like oatmeal, baked oatmeal, overnight oats, or no bake cookies.

What are different ways to use oat milk? ›

I like to chill it and drink it with ice, add it to coffee, or use it to make a matcha latte. It would also be great in breakfast/brunch oat-y recipes like oatmeal, baked oatmeal, overnight oats, or no bake cookies.

What is oat milk best for? ›

Oat milk is a popular plant-based drink made with oats, water, and sometimes a few other ingredients. You can make your own oat milk as well as buy it in the store. You can drink it on its own or add it to smoothies, tea, or coffee. Its creaminess makes it a good nondairy choice for foamy drinks like lattes.

Is it okay to drink oat milk every day? ›

Drinking oat milk is probably fine for your body unless you're drinking large quantities of it, already loading your diet with carbs, and/or diabetic. If most of your day's liquid is coming from any milk, plant-based or not, that's probably not great. Moderation is key.

Does oat milk spike your blood sugar? ›

To summarise, if you're consuming a large quantity of oat milk without any fibre, fat or protein to combat it, then it will likely raise blood sugar. “People are too obsessed with spiking blood sugar levels,” says Shah. “Food is meant to spike blood sugar levels,” she continues.

What does oat milk taste good with? ›

Enjoy as a Creamer: Add to savory soups or curries. Use in Your Healthy Baked Goods: Swap oat milk as a 1:1 replacement for dairy in any baked goods recipe. Enjoy Over Cereal: Enjoy it just as you would dairy milk in your bowl of breakfast cereal or granola.

What are the pros and cons of oat milk? ›

Need to know
  • Oat milk is a tasty and versatile plant-based milk alternative.
  • It's dairy-free, so it's an option for people who are vegan, allergic to milk or lactose-intolerant.
  • It's not as nutritious as cow's milk, and isn't suitable as a complete cow's milk substitute for children under five years of age.
Jan 13, 2022

Is oat milk anti-inflammatory? ›

Oat milk is rich in carbohydrates and B vitamins, a great energy source to get you through the day. It's a high source of fiber, promoting healthy digestion and happy gut bacteria, reducing inflammation and therefore the chances of getting inflammation-linked diseases such as arthritis or ulcerative colitis.

What does oat milk do to your body? ›

Oat milk contains a good quantity of fatty acids, protein, minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, and a variety of micronutrients and provides several health benefits, as it reduces blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, and prevents cancer (Jeske et al., 2018).

How long does oat milk last once opened? ›

Much like cow's milk, an opened carton of oat milk can typically remain fresh in the fridge for a week or up to 10 days.

What is the healthiest milk to drink? ›

Low-fat, skim or 1% cow's milk are healthier options compared to 2% or whole milk. They contain less fat. “If you can't have cow's milk, soy milk and rice milk are often the healthiest milk for gut health – especially for people with celiac disease, an autoimmune disease that can cause inflammation,” Park said.

Is oat milk healthier than almond milk? ›

Depends. If you're aiming to lose weight or are diabetic, almond milk with its lower sugar and calorie content might be right for you. On the other side, oat milk is high in fiber and nutrients, which boosts heart health and immunity, and helps muscle grow.

Is oat milk good for the liver? ›

Oat milk contains 45% of your daily recommended intake of riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2. Riboflavin helps the body to convert food into fuel and is necessary for a healthy liver, hair, skin, and eyes. Dietary fiber. Oat milk contains 3 grams of fiber, which helps with digestion and prevents constipation.

Is oat milk bad for your gut? ›

Beta-glucan fiber in oat milk provides prebiotics too, which fuel your body's probiotics and help these friendly cultures of bacteria survive and thrive in the long run. Over time, consuming foods like oat milk that beta-glucan has also been connected to enhanced gut health and immunity.

Which is the healthiest oat milk? ›

Best Overall: Willa's Unsweetened Original Oat Milk

It's the highest protein option without any added protein because Willa's uses the whole oat grain—bran and germ included—which is also why you'll get an impressive 2 grams of fiber per cup.

Is oat milk good for weight loss? ›

One of the reasons that oat milk can be good for weight loss is due to the low number of calories that it contains. For every one cup of oat milk, you are going to be looking at around 130 calories. It is also low in sugar and fat, while being high in protein and fiber, two of the most important parts of your diet.

Is oat milk healthier for you than regular milk? ›

Oat milk contains a good quantity of fatty acids, protein, minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, and a variety of micronutrients and provides several health benefits, as it reduces blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, and prevents cancer (Jeske et al., 2018). Therefore, oats are a promising alternative to traditional milk.

What happens when you switch to oat milk? ›

Whole oats are renowned for being a nutritionally dense breakfast choice, and the nutritional profile of oat milk is no less potent. There's no decrease in vitamin or mineral intake when you swap cow's milk for oat milk, as most cartons of commercial oat milk are fortified with A, D, B2, and B12 vitamins.

Can oat milk replace regular milk in recipes? ›

Oat milk is a good substitute for cow's milk in both sweet and savory dishes. In addition to drinking it straight from the glass, oat milk is recommended for your morning cereal; smoothies; baked goods; curries; lighter cream soups and sauces; and mashed potatoes.

What products can be made from oat milk? ›

Shoppers' favorite new milks, coffee creamers, ice creams, yogurts, and more are made from the world's favorite nondairy product: oat milk!

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