19 whiteboard and take-home design challenges for UX designers - UX Design Institute (2024)

Interviewing for a UX design job is already challenging. Add to it the pressure of completing a take-home design challenge in six hours or less mid-week. Or – worse – performing in front of an entire panel during a whiteboard interview.

It doesn’t have to be so scary, though. How can you remove some of the fear? Practice. Despite what your biggest fears are telling you, UX design challenges during the interview process aren’t meant to intimidate you. They were created to help employers evaluate your approach to design problems.

The UX design challenge is all about your process. No one expects you to come up with one fantastic answer to the challenge because there is no one correct answer. They’re expecting you to show your approach to the problem.

Design challenges during the interview process are created for a reason. The challenge will be written in a way that helps hiring managers understand how you’d approach a problem you’re unfamiliar with, see your process and check your cultural fit within the organisation. Design challenges are a simulation of the work you would do within the company you’re applying to.

Are you ready to practice? First, let’s talk about what you’ll face in a challenge. Then, we’ll cover some examples so you can prepare for your big challenge day.

What is a whiteboard UX design challenge?

Whiteboard challenges are usually limited to 30 minutes. Sometimes, you’ll get one hour to complete your challenge. These are done in front of the interview team. During a whiteboard challenge, your interviewers will give you a brief prompt. Then you’ll give them insight into your process.

Whiteboard interviews allow you to collaborate with the interview team, which will often also be your co-workers if you’re hired. Plus, they can see your approach to design happening in real-time.

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What is a take-home UX design challenge?

A take-home UX design challenge is usually done at home – hence “take-home.” Employers will give take-home design challenges to give you more time to dive deeper into the problem and devise a solution end-to-end.

Your interviewer will give you a brief assignment. Usually, you’ll get about a week to finish a take-home assignment. Most employers will give you an estimated time to complete the challenge. It can take three to six hours to finish your take-home assessment. Often, though, a take-home challenge can take longer than the company estimated.

UX design whiteboard challenge examples

1. Speed Costco checkout

“We want to improve the Costco customer experience by eliminating the long lines at checkout. We’ve decided a self-checkout process is our solution but we want to do better than the typical self-checkout at grocery stores. Our research has shown they’re even slower than the usual checkout lanes.”

Find the entire prompt on 100 Days of Design

2. Bank chatbot

“You are a design director for a large national bank. Your bank wants to be ready to launch an app that will allow your customers to access their account information via a chatbot. How do you approach the challenge of providing information via a series of requests?”

Find the entire prompt on 100 Days of Design

3. Jeans

“Shopping for jeans and other form-fitting apparel online could be time-consuming and frustrating. It’s hard to compare different styles and it’s hard to know for sure how they will fit. It’s a disappointing experience when you have to return an item that doesn’t fit quite right. How can you help customers select the style of jeans that they’re looking for in the right size?”

Find the entire prompt on UX Challenge

4. Elevator lobby

“Our elevators work great, however, with over 2500 people using our elevators every day, we need a better system to get everyone to the right one.”

Find the entire prompt on 100 Days of Design

5. Subscription fees

“It’s hard to keep track of all the products and services that we have subscribed to every month. All we see is money deducting from our accounts, sometimes from services that we don’t need anymore. How can you design a product which helps manage subscriptions?”

Find the entire prompt on UX Challenge

6. Time machine

“We’ve invented an app that is easy to download onto your smartphone or smartwatch. It allows you to travel to any time in the past or future. But we’re having trouble designing the interface.”

Find the entire prompt on 100 Days of Design

7. Pet watch

“No matter how much we love our pets, we still need to leave home to go to work, travel, run errands… leaving our pets home alone and sad. How can you enable pet owners to interact with their pets when they’re not at home?”

Find the entire prompt on UX Challenge

8. App for kids

“We run a bespoke toy company and want to build an app for kids to design their own toys (which we will build).”

Find the entire prompt on 100 Days of Design

9. Invoices

“Managing multiple clients and projects is a part of running a business as a freelancer. However, sometimes clients don’t pay on time. How do you help freelance business owners keep track of payments from their clients and make sure that they receive payments from clients promptly for every project?”

Find the entire prompt on UX Challenge

10. Car locator

“We have over 15,000 employees and all of their cars on our main campus. Employees have been ‘losing’ their cars in the lot. They forget which of the 5 giant parking lots they parked in and are wandering around clicking their door alarms to find their cars. The noise pollution at the end of the day is terrible. We already have a company app. We want to add a feature to help employees find their cars.”

Find the entire prompt on 100 Days of Design

19 whiteboard and take-home design challenges for UX designers - UX Design Institute (1)

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UX design take-home challenge examples

1. Janitors app

“We developed an app to help janitors stay on top of their job. It includes a way to inventory their supplies, recipes for cleaning solutions, an interactive space to upload a floorplan map to keep track of their workspace and a chart to keep track of their cleaning rotations. Your task is to design a single detail view for the map section of the app.”

Find the entire prompt on Designercize

2. Roommates

“Design a mobile product experience that appeals to millennials that makes it safe to find the ideal roommate in New York City. Design the experience from the perspective of a person who is looking for a roommate as well as the one who is looking for an apartment. Once the ideal roommate is found, what else can this product do to make the roommate experience better?

We are looking for you to identify pain points in the “finding/keeping a good roommate” journey and to find ways to solve those pain points.

Constraint: Stick to existing mobile capabilities of iOS and Android.”

Find the entire prompt on Prototypr

3. Gym class checkout

“We built a gym class discovery app. Currently, users can only discover gym classes – they can’t purchase them. To make our app profitable, we want to add a feature where users can purchase the classes they’re interested in through our app. Please design a full checkout process for our gym class discovery app.”

Find the entire prompt on Designercize

4. SmartHome Voice Assistance

“Imagine the Voice Assistance wants to understand how caregivers interact with the SmartHome devices to keep in touch with and help their clients. So far, the research has only been on the device owner’s side rather than the experience caregivers have. The team would like to present the results in six weeks.”

Find the entire prompt on DScout5. Homepage

“Our drop shipping company created an A/I powered shipping and logistics app to help podcast creators earn passive income through the merchandise that promotes their show. Your task is to design the homepage of a website for our A/I powered shipping and logistics app for podcast creators.”

Find the entire prompt on Designercize

6. GoPro

“GoPro’s current mobile app is only good for three things — to look at photos people have taken on their own cams, to edit those photos and to look at photos other people have taken around the world. For a camera that’s changing the world, this app is admittedly dull and doesn’t push the envelope.

GoPro Corp. has put you in charge of delivering a new mobile app, one that stands out from the photo environment today (Instagram. VSCO, and Snapchat), one that will appeal to Gen-Z. What does the perfect GoPro app do that’s new and groundbreaking?

Constraint: This is an iOS app, all suggested technologies need to be available on the market today or within the next 12 months.”

Find the entire prompt on Prototypr

7. Price comparison site for teachers

“We created a price comparison site to help teachers save money on classroom supplies. It’s unfair that they have to spend their own money on supplies for their classrooms, so we want to help them at least find the best deals. Your job is to design a sortable list view for our site.”

Find the entire prompt on Designercize

8. Restaurant recommendations app

“We’re redesigning the settings options for our restaurant recommendations app. Users have complained that they’re receiving too many notifications, they can’t customise their recommendations enough, and that the settings are hard to change. Please create a settings view for our app to help foodies find restaurants they’ll love. You must include location, notification, international cuisine options, and dietary restrictions.”

Find the entire prompt on Designercize

9. Google

“You are consulting Google on an important strategic decision for their enterprise offerings; they want to know whether it’s worth introducing a sales funnel management tool onto their Enterprise Gmail interface. Google believes that because a majority of their enterprise users discuss business on their email platform and because they are the lexicon of most people’s business contacts, they are in a position to both make the sales process more efficient and make the likelihood of closing business higher.

26% of Google’s Enterprise users engage in sales weekly, 40% engage in some sort of funnel management (whether sales, hiring, or some other decision funnel).

A typical sales funnel includes Leads, Inquiries, Prospects, Quotes and a new customer.

Recommend a funnel management flow to Google. Ensure the flow accounts for a user making initial contact with a lead from within Gmail and then managing that lead through the entire funnel. What else can Gmail do to put the odds of closing business in favour of their user?”

Find the entire prompt on Prototypr

Where can I find practice tasks for UX take-home design and whiteboard challenges?

Example tasks for take-home and whiteboard challenges can be hard to find Here are four great places to get free practice tasks. We reference these sources in this blog post. But if you want more detailed, in-depth challenge examples – head to these sources:

Now, go practice

Now that you have some prompts, it’s time to practice! Try creating a template framework that you’ll use for all of your challenges and speaking out loud as you practice. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and say everything you’re thinking.

Most design challenges will be about the organisation that you’re applying to. They may be real problems that UX designers within the company faced or something inspired by their current projects. They were created to help employers evaluate your approach to design problems.

Whiteboard and take-home design challenges help employers see that you can perform well in five significant areas. They want to know that you can communicate effectively with their team. This means they’re looking to see you think critically and ask questions. Your interview panel is also checking to see if you’ll be able to collaborate well with the team they already have.

Then they’ll test your character. Your potential employers are also going to give you constructive criticism to make sure you can handle feedback. They’re testing how well you can perform on a deadline while working on a new problem. If you practice, you’ll ace your interviews.

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19 whiteboard and take-home design challenges for UX designers - UX Design Institute (2024)


What is a whiteboard challenge UX design? ›

According to Elizé, a whiteboard challenge is a design challenge that you complete in front of an interview team or hiring manager. This is a very common stage in the interview process for UX design roles, so it's important to understand what elements are at play (and how to prepare for them).

What is a take-home design challenge? ›

Most take-home challenges are intended to see a brief idea of what you're able to deliver, how you work, and what questions you ask/how you present the work. It's not a serious design challenge (as there are no constraints/doesn't sound like they're trying to "solve a problem") and it doesn't need hours of work.

How long are whiteboard challenges? ›

This is a design challenge where you walk through your design process using a whiteboard and marker. The whiteboard challenge allows your interviewer to evaluate your design thinking and ability to collaborate in a short amount of time, usually 30 minutes to an hour.

How do you complete the UX design challenge? ›

Mastering UX design challenges in interviews
  1. Step 1: Understand your problems and set goals.
  2. Step 2: Define the audience.
  3. Step 3: Ideation and brainstorming.
  4. Step 4: Solve.
  5. Step 5: Measure success.
  6. Step 6: Present the solution.
Oct 4, 2023

What is the biggest challenge in UX design? ›

UX Design Challenges: Overview
A/B Testing ErrorsConduct proper tests to avoid misleading results.
Inaccessible DesignFollow inclusive design principles.
Data PrivacyAdopt permissive marketing practices
Maintaining consistencyCreate design systems for uniform user experience across platforms.
6 more rows
Feb 14, 2024

What is a whiteboard design? ›

Whiteboarding is the process of collaborating on a brainstorming session using a whiteboard — whether virtually or in person. Used by teams around the world for many years, these sessions aim to stimulate creativity as teams brainstorm new ideas or seek to solve a problem.

How to approach an UX take-home assignment? ›

With this, I came up with how I approach a research problem, from start to finish:
  1. Read (and re-read) the problem and determine:
  2. Is it viable?
  3. Create a research plan.
  4. Select a methodology.
  5. Brainstorm recruitment.
  6. Create a discussion guide.
  7. Make a schedule.
  8. Conduct the research.

How long to spend on the take-home design challenge? ›

Generally speaking, I give the candidate a week to complete the take-home assignment. This timeline means that they can use time over the weekend if strapped for time during the week. I always tell candidates to let me know if they struggle to complete the task in time.

What is a design challenge example? ›

For example: 'How might we connect employees with each other in a way that replicates the spontaneous and authentic interactions that they used to have? ' This final, refined question is your framed design challenge.

How to ace a whiteboard interview? ›

5 Whiteboard Coding Tips for Interviews
  1. Write down the question. Write down the problem in its entirety and read it aloud. ...
  2. Write down examples. ...
  3. Take time to write clearly. ...
  4. Use double-spaced lines. ...
  5. Use the space provided efficiently.

How do you do a whiteboard strategy? ›

Best practices for more productive whiteboarding sessions
  1. Define goals. Shared goals bring focus to your ideation session. ...
  2. Set an agenda. ...
  3. Prepare your board. ...
  4. Welcome participants. ...
  5. Make it fun. ...
  6. Gather and organize ideas. ...
  7. Preserve future work. ...
  8. Discuss next steps.

How to do whiteboarding? ›

Seven whiteboard strategy best practices
  1. Set goals. Without goals, a session can quickly spiral out of control. ...
  2. Stay organized with an agenda. ...
  3. Manage your whiteboard. ...
  4. Encourage creative and fun ideas. ...
  5. Consolidate ideas for the future. ...
  6. Summarize the whiteboarding session. ...
  7. Discuss next steps.

What is the whiteboard challenge? ›

Whiteboard challenges are a popular format for assessing design skills in tech interviews because they give your interviewer the chance to observe your design process, communication, and collaboration skills live. Typically, you and your interviewer(s) are together in a room in front of a whiteboard.

How do I break into UX with no experience? ›

How to Get a UX Job with No Professional UX Experience
  1. Take at least one UX course. There's a ton of UX courses to explore. ...
  2. Shape your existing experience. Most UXBs come into this field thinking they have absolutely no UX experience. ...
  3. Fill in the Gaps. ...
  4. Gain UX experience. ...
  5. Finish your UX Portfolio and Apply.

How do I practice UX design daily? ›

Set Tasks for Yourself

Think of what projects you'd like to be involved in, set several tasks for yourself and create UX/UI design as if you were doing this at work. Can't come up with the right task?

What is whiteboard coding challenge? ›

Whiteboard coding is a standard part of technical interviews these days. Candidates focus on preparing for questions and forget to practice delivering their responses. Interviewers use whiteboard coding problems to evaluate how a quickly, clearly, and concisely candidates articulate their designs.

What is whiteboard activity? ›

Whiteboard Activities allow you to engage every student in your classroom! This module assists teachers in easily developing and presenting content to their entire class for an interactive, whole-class experience. MobyMax's Whiteboard Activities foster active classroom learning and encourage group participation.

What is whiteboarding in Agile? ›

What is Whiteboard in Agile? In Agile Development, a whiteboard is a crucial tool used for visualizing work, tracking progress, and fostering collaboration among team members. It's often used in conjunction with sticky notes or cards to create what's known as a Scrum Board or Kanban Board.

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.